Anima: Core Exxtet (rule update)


Have Towel - Will travel
Core Exxet rules changes

  • Revisions to Character Creation:
    Upon receiving any level, the character has a choice of a "natural bonus" that can be applied to several skills.
    In Core Exxet they have the choice of where to distribute +10 to five different skills (similar to the freelancer class ability) as part of their natural bonus. This counts as a special bonus, and cannot exceed 100 in any skill (such that if one character should choose athleticism each level for 11 levels, the 11th bonus would not apply).
  • Additionally, the character has the ability to chose 1 physical skill (based on STR, DEX, AGI, or CON) and 1 mental skill (based on POW,WP,INT,or PER) to add their characteristic bonus again to that skill. This counts as a special bonus and cannot exceed 100 in any skill in combination with the other part of natural bonus.

EX: Pasuzu has 10 in WP and chooses withstand pain as his skill for both parts of his natural bonus this level, and has a +80 in the bonus column for that skill already. He applies the +10 from the first part of a natural bonus, making it +90. Then he applies the characteristic bonus from WP (+15), making the total 105. Since it may not exceed 100, the extra 5 points are dropped.

  • Changes to Secondary abilities
    Several secondary abilities have had their use refined, and tables with their successful use are provided.

    ResultMovement BonusRunning DurationMax Move Duration
    <40No bonus1 min.1 Turn
    40No bonus5 min.2 Turns
    80No bonus5 min.5 Turns
    120No bonus10 min.10 Turns
    140No bonus40 min.15 Turns
    180+11 hour1 minute
    240+12 hours2 minutes
    280+25 hours3 minutes
    320+21 day5 minutes

The movement bonus column applies directly to your movement value, while the other two columns indicate how long one can go without losing fatigue points from different movement types.

  • Swim
    ResultDifficultyMovement Value
    140Very Difficult-3
    240Almost Impossible-2

For Swim, the movement value column applies directly to the movement value of the character during a swim check for the purposes of determining speed.

  • Jump
    ResultDifficultyMovement Value
    140Very Difficult+1
    240Almost Impossible+2

When jumping, the character can initially achieve 1/5 of their movement value when jumping with a running start. The movement value column of the above table helps improve that.

  • Feats of Strength
    ResultDifficultySTR modifier
    140Very Difficult+1
    240Almost Impossible+3

The strength bonus that is listed in the third column is to be used outside of combat purposes, such as breaking a wall, or lifting a mountain. Using feats of strength to increase one's capabilities within the range covered by Inhuman or Zen still requires those abilities.

Note that several of these tables have no value listed for Zen or Inhuman, as this is within the boundaries of the GM to decide. Several discussions have been posted elsewhere, with arguments both for and against simply adding another line to the table for easy use.

[*]Revisions to Magic:

In Core Exxet, the spell system was greatly reworked. Magicians still use Path magic and zeon as well as accumulation to cast their spells, but use degrees instead of added effects to power up their spells. Casters working with the new system will find their intelligence much more integral to casting powerful spells, while accumulation and innate magic not as much.

Others on the forum have graciously made a tabular translation of the spells and their effects at the following

It is good to note that there are many advantages and disadvantages to each magic system, and neither is "more correct" at the time of this posting, as arcana exxet uses both in various places.

  • Revisions to Combat:
    The combat section of Arcana Exxet details more formally the way to calculate the damage done to any combatant. The formula is as follows:
    (Attacker's total(after modifiers) - Defender's Total (after modifiers) -20 for absorption -10* AT of the defender of the attack type) /100 (making a percentage) * the final damage of the attacker's weapon.
    Shorthand: ( A-D-a-10*AT )/100 *fd
  • If the Defender's Total is higher than the Attacker's Total, The counterattack bonus is 1/2 of the difference between the two combatants' totals, rounded down to the nearest group of 5.

It should be noted that both the Attacker's Total and the Defender's Total cannot become negative. If appropriate modifiers would result in negative values, they are simply floored at 0.

  • Creatures with Damage Resistance now supply only their base value as their defensive total before modifiers.

  • Multiple attacks with weapons was changed to be more dependent on the size category of the weapon.
    SizePenalty per add. attack
    Enormous? PM or thread response please.
  • Gaining surprise on your enemy, either through initiative or surprise round, denies the attacked opponent and others you have surprise on from counterattacking you that round.
  • Using stealth as a combat maneuver grants you special bonuses. If while in stealth you successfully reach your adversary for an attack, you gain a +170 bonus on your attack, and they receive no penalties. If using stealth to remove yourself from combat, a complete active action is required at a -200 (or -250? clarify please) penalty. Creating a suitable distraction or cover for your escape halves the penalty.

  • Revisions to Psychics:
    The maximum amount of psychic points that can be spent to improve the potential of a single psychic power is corrected to be 10, instead of 5. The maximum amount that a psychic power can be improved by is still 100. Therefore one can achieve +100 potential on a psychic power by spending 10 pp, or the same with only 5pp if they have the appropriate advantage.

[*]General Revisions:

  • Characteristics checks now are reworked to use a "roll over" system instead of the "roll under" system described in the book. One now rolls 1d10 and adds their characteristic score (not their bonus) to the roll. The rule of 10 and 1 described in the core book still applies. In opposed checks, every point above 4 that one character has over the other will count as 2 points for determining check results.

EX: Zheng and Koga are grappling over a sword on a battlefield. Zheng has a STR of 6 while Koga has a STR of 12. Zheng rolls 1d10 and adds 6 to his score. Koga, having such high strength, rolls 1d10 and adds 14 to his score (his points for 11 and 12 being doubled). If either rolls a 10, they add an additional 3 to their score, while if either rolls 1, they subtract 3 from their score.

Copied from ilovecheese1 posted on cypher-studios forum.

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