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Multiple Settings Angsty's RP master thread


New Member
Hi I'm AngstyAnarchist, you can call me/think of me by any name but I go by Moss or Rain most of the time irl.

A quick about me:

*I'm 24 (18+ please! Just makes me feel more comfortable! c: )
*I'm a full time student- this means I don't have heaps of free time. I'll try to reply once a day but I'm pretty much on all day weekends.
*I'm in GMT+13 (Kia Ora from Aotearoa, New Zealand)
*Ghost friendly- I've been known to walk away from RP's I just can't maintain- be it from having my character/s misgendered aggressively, or feeling uncomfortable for various reasons. I try to talk it out if I'm feeling like bailing though.
*I use third person/past tense- you don't have to, but it's how I write.
*I tend to average 4/5 sentence - 2para, I can do more and try to match my partners length, but I like a minimum of a few sentences to keep me invested.
*Not really a fan of MxF, but I can be tempted.

I'm open to most ideas, run something by me if you have a particular craving and we'll see.
I'm not so much feeling fandom stuff atm, but ask me anyway and I might be interested.

That said things I'm particularly looking for atm include:

(Bold indicates role I'd prefer(I'm indifferent if it's not bolded.
* to indicate overall interest)

Zombie apocalypse***
Royalty x Assassin***
Royalty x Bodyguard**
Witch x familiar*
Cop x Criminal*
Soldier x enemy soldier*
Superhero x Supervilian
Angel x Demon**
Supernatural(not the show)**
Captive x Pirate
Angst/dark themes***

If any of that sounds like you feel free to reply, or shoot me a PM, I have a range of characters and can come up with more if needed. :)

*Edited to include a couple plot ideas and possible genres that might go with them*

The Kingdom awaits:
(Semi -futuristic, robots/AI, theme-park, romance, platonic)

Set in the near future, climate crisis has caused disruption to many of the species that inhabit our planet. Luckily for you, the Kingdom- using cutting edge virtual intelligence! -you can still watch a pride of Lions roam the plains in the Safari zone, or watch a show with dolphins in the Aquatic arena!
But that's not all! Whether you're taking a dive on the 20 story high Fear fall, or enjoying a fairy picnic with one of the parks Virtual Intelligence Princes or Princesses, there's something for all ages in the Kingdom!*

(*Upon park entry all guests must sign a waver, consenting that any injury or loss obtained in the Kingdom is the guests own responsibility. In the event of an emergency, our staff will be quick to assist.)

Muse A would be one of the parks VI royalty (Think Disney princess) confined to the grounds of the park by the electromagnetic barrier that spans the perimeter- a measure to protect the models from being stolen, of course. However a virus that has been affecting some of the older models is causing concern, and Muse A can't help but notice that security and monitoring of the models is increasing- or that they're noticing/thinking things that shouldn't be in their programming.
Muse B, an employee of the park, is a member of the 'maintenance' team tasked with ensuring that what happened with the last malfunctioning princess doesn't happen again. (How she escaped the tower, or the sleep mode program, is a concern- after all if the models malfunction, or worse put guests at risk, park revenue would suffer!) When security notices irregularities in Muse A, Muse B is tasked to investigate just how this glitch works, and what's caused it. (Of course if Muse A goes the way of the last model, they can be bought offline and decommissioned. )

Welcome to Paradise
(Sci-fi/futuristic, space, platonic, romance.)

When Earth became no longer able to sustain life, the Paradise program was the answer. Combining the last of the global resources a ship was crafted, capable of carrying humanities brightest into the stars, in search of a new home. Centuries later, no inhabitable planet has been found, and Earth remains uninhabitable. A ship that was only meant to sustain life for a couple of centuries at most is starting to show the wear of time, and answers need to be found.

Muse A and Muse B live on the Paradise, descendants of some of earths greatest scientific minds, they fulfill their respective roles on the ship, as the crew of 50, 000 does their best to carve a life out in the dark expanse of space, and the council tries to hide just how dire things may be getting.
In terms of what roles our charas might take this is open to heaps of possibilities! From engineering, to agriculture. Scientific development, to the security detail, Paradise has no shortage of jobs that need doing.

The Register
Modern, Supernatural/Mythological, action, romance, platonic, dystopia)

In a world where humanity lived in harmony with all manner of races- from fairies to werewolves -technological advancement has required them to rely less on the magic of other races, as they had in the past. As the forest are carved back to fuel development, and the seas are poisoned, tensions are rising. Out of fear the Register is formed and legislated, requiring all risk category three and four species/Mutations to be logged and monitored. The travel restrictions and bans were quick to follow...

Muse A is a supernatural/mythical creature who is unregistered and they hope to remain that way, after- all, it's getting harder to find work for the registered, and the H.U.N.T.E.Rs ( Human Uniformed Neutralization of Threat and Emergency Reconnaissance taskforce.) are patrolling the streets more and more frequently. Muse B is a H.U.N.T.E.R, who just wants to keep the city safe- a werewolf attacked a girl in the city park last week, and it wasn't even a full moon!
Muse B is a supernatural/Mythical creature (registered, or not) who is part of a hushed group, talking about how they're going to take action and free their peoples from the oppression of humanity.

Something to live for.
(Apocalyptic, virus(Zombie), platonic, romance, found family, survival)

Four years ago a virus was released that caused those infected to lose their higher brain function, boosting their adrenaline, aggression and extreme violence. Transmitted through blood or saliva, the virus spread fast devastating the world. Now, the remaining survivors fight to carve out a place for themselves in a world that has lost all semblance of what it once was.

Classic zombie apocalypse setting, I have an idea both for a survivor/group of survivors your chara/charas could come across, or for a community that rules over its residents harshly, providing safety, security, and all of lifes necessities, in return for obedience.

Step right up!
(Dark, supernatural/demonic, cursed carnival, romance, platonic, modern, historical, horror, mystery.)

A carnival that comes to town once ever couple of years, known for its bright lights, and excellent shows- even if the fun house is beyond creepy -just be sure to be away from the place before it gets too late.. There's been rumours of people losing some of the games after the sun goes down disappearing, and well... It's better not to risk your soul.

Muse A came to the carnival for a fun night with a group of friends, however as the sun sets, and night sets in, they realise they can't find one of their friends. The park seems to twist, and grow as they search- they could have sworn they just passed that knife juggler around the corner back there.. -As time passes and another one of their friends disappears, they have to find an answer, or at least where the exit is... Even if it keeps seeming to shift..
Muse B is one of the workers at the carnival, whether out of enjoyment, or because they're bound there by a power greater than them, they've worked at the carnival for... Well, they cant quite remember, or what their life was like in the time before... Once again, the time of reaping is here, and the carnival must return to earth to harvest souls. Oh well, it was all there in the fine print, after all..

I can play one main chara, or multiple and am happy with either. :)
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Hello I'm interested! Interested in revolution, royalty x assassin, captive x pirate, sci-fi, and angst/dark themes, possibly with some fluff sprinkled in :)
Hey! Do your plots have to involve romance?
Because I would be interested in si-fi or zombie/post-apocalyptic, but I don't do romance. No worries if thats an issue I totally understand.
Hey! Do your plots have to involve romance?
Because I would be interested in si-fi or zombie/post-apocalyptic, but I don't do romance. No worries if thats an issue I totally understand.

I would love to do a Zombie apocalypse or post apocalypse non romantic RP with you! I have a couple of character who fit that setting nicely, shoot me a PM? :)

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