Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting]


그녀 는 여왕 폐하

Available Roles:

Ả ἠ ḡ ể ḻṜ ỏ ỷ ả ḻ ṭ ỷ:

Queen- RiahB

king- Guilded clover

Princess [Eldest 18-25]- Silver Raven

Princess [middle 13-17]- Bambie

Princess [youngest 6-12]- RiahB

Prince [Eldest 19-26]- Weaboo Trash

Prince [Youngest 6-13]- Kurt

D ể m ō ἠ Ṝ ỏ ỷ ả ḻ ṭ ỷ:

Queen XXX

King- gogojojo331

Princess [eldest 20-25]- Bambie

Princess [eldest twin 16-23]- WeirdPrincess

Princess [youngest twin 16-23]- Abana

Prince [Eldest 21-28]-Seraph Darkfire

Prince [Middle 19-22]- Moonstruck

Prince [Middle 19-21]-XX

Prince [Middle 15-17]-Cojemo

Prince [Youngest 5-13]-Water Pandas

Ả ἠ ḡ ể ḻṜ ỏ ḻ ể ś





D ể m ō ἠ Ṝ ỏ ḻ ē š:





Note--The age groups that i post next to the character's do not technically mean that they are actually that age,they are all ageless,but there appearances are what I'm looking for when i ask you to post an age. Also,all of the princes and princesses do not need to be brother and sister,I actually prefer some of them not to be. There are no limits to the normal roles(healer,servant,warrior,etc..). You do NOT need to reserve these roles. Lastly, DO NOT reserve a royal spot and never post a profile or "forget". If you aren't serious about the RP then please don't waist your time and mine. Thank you.
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Angel Skeleton Key

(img)Anime only(img)

F i r s t Middle Last

Greetings! My name is...[insert full name here.]

But feel free to call me...[Nickname(s)]

I am known as the...[your role. Prince,princess,queen,king etc]

I stopped aging at...[place your "age" here]


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...[Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, Pan-sexual,etc.]

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...[Your characters history. 1 paragraph minimum.]


I have special ability's...[three special ability's max]

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here]

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-[Who you are interested in]

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]


Say hello to my puppet master..[Your username here]


Demon Skeleton Key

(img)Anime only(img)

F i r s t Middle Last

Remember the name...[insert full name here.]

Just call me...[Nickname(s)]

I am known as the...[your role.Prince,princess,queen,or king]

I stopped aging at...[place your "age" here]



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...[Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, Pan-sexual,etc.]

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...[Your characters history. 1 paragraph minimum.]



What can I do?you wanna find out?...[three special ability's max]

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here]

You better not tell...

❤ Crush-[Who you are interested in]

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]

You'll need to know...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]



Say hello to my puppet master.. [Your username here]


Accepted Profiles


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.fa6d6f88ef87c9aabd1f8dd637abd8f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/amam.jpg.fa6d6f88ef87c9aabd1f8dd637abd8f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Greetings! My name is...A'Merie Meno Kortsy

But feel free to call me...Merie

I am known as the...Middle Princess

I stopped aging at...Sixteen


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told... A'Merie couldn't have been born at a better time. The heavens had been going through a deep depression, grieving over the loss of there most beloved warrior Michael Gizmo. Michael had been killed protecting the queen from a rebelled angel by the name of Eirris Mayhorn. Eirris had been a warrior angel in service to the king and queen for generations but there was a secret dwelling inside of Eirris; he was in love with the queen. Eirris had tried everything to grasp the attention of the queen in hopes of her returning his love. But one day Eirris went to far and tried to kiss the queen. Caught in the act by the king, he grew furious and ordered his warriors to kill Eirris. Erris tried to take the queen hostage, but Michael had arrived in the nick of time and fought bravely against Eirris. The ending result was a draw. The two warriors killed one another. Approximately one day after the incident within the castle occurred, the queen gave birth to her baby girl. Though the heavens mourned the death of there greatest angelic warrior that ever lived, they celebrated the life of there new princess, A'Merie. The child grew up as any normal angel should. She loved her sisters and brother's, her mother and father,and most certainly her people. She cared for all with no discrimination and that was both her greatest attribute, and her worst.


I have special ability's...

- Healer (and a very good one at that).

- Elemental (can control earth,water,fire,air,and spirit [though she never uses the element fire.])

- Sirens song (Hypnotizing/soothing singing voice)

It's what is said about me...The nicest person both the heavens and the earth had ever hoped could exist. Though as nice as she is, she is also rather timid and only opens up to certain people. When nervous, she usually chews her lip or fiddles with her fingers and may even stutter at times. A'Merie can be very naive, always refusing to see the bad in people, she never judges a person by there appearances but looks deep inside of them, right down to the soul. She also has the distinct habit to wonder, she is very adventurous and hates to stay in one place.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush- Asaolle

❤ Likes

-Boys (though she's always to shy to act on her feelings)


-Music (singing)


Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes

-Hates that she's so shy





Say hello to my puppet master...Bambie

E l e c t r a Hayden Elstife

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_lx03oe96k41r92n6uo1_500.jpg.8865df470471120812df69d4f2ec145d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/tumblr_lx03oe96k41r92n6uo1_500.jpg.8865df470471120812df69d4f2ec145d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name...Electra Hayden Elstife

Just call me... Haydie

I am known as the...Eldest Princess

I stopped aging at...Twenty-two



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Bisexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...Unlike most other demons that were sent to the depths of hell, Electra was born there. A pure bread. She was the king and queens second to last child and that day couldn't have been more glorious. Electra was a natural born demon; cruel, controlling and a pro at the art of ruling just like her mother and father. Everything she desired was at her feet, not to mention everyone. Growing up she loved to mess with people's minds and emotions no matter the relation to her. "you will make a magnificent ruler of the underworld" her father always said and that's what she counted on. But she wouldn't stop there. Soon...she would take over the universe. Soon..everyone would be on there hands and knees before her.



What can I do? You wanna find out?....

- Shape shifting (can shift into anything. Animal, mortal or immortal being. She can use their powers, but are very strict limits and consequences to using someone els's power.)

- Pain illusion (Can take one look at a person and make them have excruciating physical pain[kind of like Jane in twilight])

I'm limiting my ability's to two because of the shifting and ability to temporarily use others ability's. Just to be fair ^^]

It's what is said about think demons are mean? Hah, you have no idea. Electra is known for her cruelty and manipulation, not only towards angels, but her own kind as well. Although Electra may be mean and quite cruel, she can be one of the most seemingly mellow demons you could ever meet, in other words she's the silent but deadly type.

You better not tell...

❤ Crush-[to be edited]

❤ Likes

- Messing with people's emotions



- Being served and fawned over

You'll need to know...

✖ Dislikes

- Not getting her way

-The sun light





Say hello to my puppet master..Bambie



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Cuppy Cakes!

Greetings! My name is...Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy

But feel free to call me...Ayra

I am known as the...youngest princess

I stopped aging at...nine years old


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...Ayrabelle is only half royal. Her mother was a simple woman whom the king fell in love with for a short amount of time. She stayed with her mother outside the castle for five years. During that time, she didn't know that she was half royal. Her mother had explained to her that her father had offered to take her in, but her mother refused because she knew that she has a short amount of time to live. When her mother passed away, her father had took her in and loved her. She was happy and her love for books grew after she discover the library. Being only half royal, she felt a little uncomfortable being around her half siblings, and she tries the hardest not to bother them.


I have special ability's...

+ Telekinesis: User can influence/manipulate/move matter with their mind.

+ Teleportation: The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.

+ Telepathy: User can read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts.

It's what is said about me...Ayrabelle is a very intelligent young angel. She have the habit of reading in her free time, and she gets very annoyed when someone interrupt her while she's reading. She's kind and caring towards others, no matter who or what rank they are. She is cheerful and calm most of the time. Her love for adventures always lead her to the wrong places, at the wrong time too. Her angel nature makes her have soft spot for people who are in pain. She likes to help as many people as she can.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-none at the moment

❤ Likes-

+ Animals

+ Peace and quietness

+ Reading

+ Exploring

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-

- Violence

- Loud noises

- Rules

- Small space


Say hello to my puppet master...Chiryoshi

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27dbdf10_97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf(1).jpg.7a4c588e81d82b61cba502d73d4ae604.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27dbdf10_97480d73bf5bf18d4a47e7cccc028caf(1).jpg.7a4c588e81d82b61cba502d73d4ae604.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name...Asaolle Clouse Valince

Just call me...Clouse

I am known as the...Middle Prince

I stopped aging at...19



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...Asaolle lived a life of abuse in his human years he was never emotionally stable since his sixth birthday and was known to go into fits of rage at school and at his daycare. The daycare removed him from the school for being to violent and the school expelled him for getting into frequent fights. This only seemed to add fuel to the flame, and his parents brutality was amplified at the moment they heard about his removal from the daycare and the school. His mental stability waspast its limit when he was ten and after his dad physically abused to the point were he broke and went into blinding rage. When the boy came to he found himself holding a knife covered in blood and the bodies of his father, mother, sister, and brother all dead. When the police arrived on seen after the neighbors complained about not seeing the family leave the house for a week or two. The boy was sent to a mental asylum where he was put through brutal therapies. After years of this torture he was finally set free when he took his own life. When he came to he was reborn a demon and was surprised to be accepted by a family of demons.



What can I do? You wanna find out?...

-Umbrakinetic Combat (can fuse manipulation of darkness with physical combat to create a devastating martial arts. They can use both direct and indirect attacks, utilizing every patch of darkness or shadow available or create tools and weapons as needed.)

-Fear Inducement (can evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals.)


Newly added

Has discovered he can make living creations out of his shadows and uses the shadows to produce massive hordes of monster like shadow walkers.

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here] Asaolle is known for being shy and timid around people he doesn't know, but that really isn't true, he just hates to talk to anybody he doesn't find attractive be it their face or personality. He can be very choosy about who he associates with, and it could take for ever for him to ever talk to you. One way to know you've earned his trust is if he's spatting out sarcasm to you. When he's with his friends and family he's rather polite and sweet and isn't disrespectful in the slightest. One it come to someone he has a crush on he'll make them feel as if their the only girl in the world and he does a pretty good job doing that.

You better not tell...

❤ Crush-[To be edited]

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]


-Reading and Writing


-Girls (Likes the Goody Goodies though, and he wouldn't admit it to his family that he'd rather date an angel then a demon.)

-Playing the Violin

You'll need to know...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]

-Losing Fights

-Dancing in front of others

-Crappy Music

-Cocky People



Say hello to my puppet master...The Akolite​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/anime_angel_warrior_girl_4_by_baka_winnonah0824-d7w1o73.jpg.29e20628a523fa7e60d80b3d0d1397ad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/anime_angel_warrior_girl_4_by_baka_winnonah0824-d7w1o73.jpg.29e20628a523fa7e60d80b3d0d1397ad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ariel "Light" Verashoth

Greetings! My name is... Ariel Verashoth.

But feel free to call me... Light.

I am known as the... Appointed guardian of the royal family Kortsy.

I stopped aging at... 21.


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... I was trained to feel no emotion. This question is meaningless. (Asexual.)

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told... She wasn't born, like other angels, she was molded. A defensive unit, one who was taken from an infant and transformed. This order was carried out by the king, father of the beloved princess A'Merie. Just after the incident had occurred, her father had set up a certain desperate last cry for assistance, asking anyone if they'd be willing to donate their child for that of a noble cause. Naturally, no winged figure was willing to give into such a thing. However, on a leisurely stroll one afternoon, a starved child on the brink of death let out one near final cry beside the bed of a river. Out of his kindness, he went to investigate. What he found was the answer to his prayers, the perfect vessel. He summoned the greatest magicians and infused her with power, power of the divines to protect, dangerous power that should have been long forgotten.

She was later raised as a warrior, not a girl. Trained in not only normal combat, but that of the aerial type. Her wings grew strong, her muscles developed a firm tone to the slim feature. She was raised by brave warriors, those that were trained to fight against the demonic forces. She received not only education, but wisdom, little to be said, her sterile heart was raised in isolation, emotion was not a part of her vocabulary. She knew only to kill, defend, and serve. With the uncapping of her powers in the later events of her life, she grew to be a proud guardian. Not near as strong as the late Michael, but she was growing, without ambition, without love, without friendship. She was a secret weapon for the family, and none aside from the king and his wife knew.


I have special ability's...

Indefatigable Willpower- She had been born and trained to protect her family. Whether she be apart of it or not. She has a certain willpower about her, one that will never stop, like a tank that mows down her opponents, she will not falter until she has laid dead on the ground.

Celestial Power- Aside from her will, she has a strength that has been growing for centuries, she has trained every day of her life, that failure may not be accepted. Ever since the infusion from birth, she has had a rather painful development, special power needs a special treatment.

The Hope For a New Tomorrow (Last Resort)- A dangerous technique that will remove all of the life from her body, in the transfer for an all out attack. It infuses her entire body with light as she becomes strong beyond measure, however, as soon as the power drains itself completely, she will not recover. This is the sort of power used to stand up to Gods, beings far stronger than she. (Yes, as it is said, she will die after using this. No going back, no secondary options, her soul will collapse on itself.)

It's what is said about me...

She's rather dull, someone who seems to be an empty shell, but she was indeed once an angel and she had a soul. One with life and joy, a potential to develop into something normal. She could have been alive, but instead, with the infusion, she had lost all power to that means, she would remain cold and desolate. Her internal voice crying against the walls that hold her.

Please don't tell anyone...

Who am I interested in? My family. I love them, they have taken care of me. I was dying and they saved me, gave me a new name, and bore me as a proud warrior. I have no need for romantics as most others do, the weakness of a heart cannot be that of a guardian's.

❤ Likes-

(Secret Likes. Something that is hidden within herself. Will mark with a "*")





-Serving her family.

-Observing humans.*


-Gaining new wisdom.

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-

-Failing in an assignment.


-People who are close to her dying.


-The diversity between angels, humans, and demons.*


Say hello to my puppet master... ChristinaXIV

By the way, Cuppy Cakes.



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Remember the name...Valien Malias Sanguine

Just call me...Malias

I am known as the...Eldest Prince

I stopped aging at...Twenty Three



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...Malias lived a human life, yet he was not fully human, born from a human Mother and a demon Father, though this information came much later. He was raised in a relatively normal household, his mother took loving care of him. As he got older, his mother began to get sick.

When he was sixteen, she collapsed and was taken to the hospital. To pay for her medical bills, Malias began working, lying about his age to get higher paying jobs. He did anything he could to keep her safe and happy.

When he turned eighteen, he was approached by a strange man. This person gave him the strangest feeling. The man told him that he could help his mother, the only thing that Malias had to do was leave with him and live as his son.

Of course, this was far to shifty for Malias and he quickly turned the strange man down. The man claimed that he would one day come to accept his proposal, then simply left, leaving Malias with a sour taste in his mouth.

On his twenty third birthday, his mother took a turn for the worse and nothing the doctors could do could help her. They gave her less than a week to live. Just as the man said, Malias began to regret his decision.

As if his mind could be read, the man showed up in the hospital room, almost as if he'd simply appeared out of thin air. Malias chose the only option that was available to him. He agreed to become the man's son.

Like magic, the man brandished a scythe, beautiful and silver, with red and black designs on it. He handed it to Malias and the second his hands touched it, Malias saw everything. He saw the true form of the man and even what made his mother sick. A thin red line attached him to his mother, every now and then a single pulse would flow from the line and into himself.

"Cut that line and you will cease to be human, refuse and your mother will die"

At least that was an easy choice. For his mother, he'd even sacrifice his life. With surprising ease, he twisted the Scythe around and cut through the line, severing his connection with his mother. Then everything went black.

When he awoke, he was somewhere else and he had changed, a feeling deep in his own soul. Looking in the mirror in the room revealed that his eyes glowed blue with an otherworldly light, as if they burned with the blue fires of hell.

He learned that he was a Demon, born to be a dark being and while being the strongest of his siblings, he was also the most disliked. He wasn't evil and held a kind heart. Because of this, his sister Electra was far more favored.

Malias didn't hate demons though, there were the few who shared his temperament so he continues to train his skills, doing his best to never let his sister get above him. He knew what she wanted and as long as he was strong enough to stop her, she would never get it.

Malias is most proficient with his Scythe. Despite being a gift from his demon father, it was also a reminder of what saved his mother, because of that, he has worked to master the weapon.



What can I do?you wanna find out?...

Ties: The ability to bind his soul with another being and drain their life force. It was what was killing his mother and his least favored ability. However, it is effective in healing wounds dealt to him by his enemies.

It forms a parasitic bond with his opponent, draining their life and causing them to share in his pain. As a human it simply kept him healthy and weakened his mother. As a demon, it is far more potent. The link can be broken by magical blades such as his Scythe.

Burn: Blue flames from within his soul cover his blade and anything it touches immediately bursts into flames of equal intensity. Despite their heat, his flames never harm him.

Breath: With a single breath, Malias can take a person's pain and make it his own. It cannot heal wounds, but it can make someone who's suffering feel better.

It's what is said about me...Malias is disliked by many, including his own father. Despite his dislike for his sister, it is unknown how his siblings feel about him. His good nature is hidden by his dark clothing. The only reason he is tolerated as the eldest prince is because of his strength with a blade. In most challenges, he wins, though never finishes off his opponent, nor does he use trickery as other do.

Malias is known to always fight fairly, but is also known to defeat his opponent thoroughly. To those who don't know him, his appearance makes him seem far more sinister than he truly is.

You better not tell...

❤ Crush- (To be edited)

❤ Likes- Malias adores children, having wanted to have children when he was still human. This also means he has a weak spot for small people.

He also loves sweet foods, such as candy and chocolate.

As much as he dislikes actually fighting, he enjoys training and can be normally found practicing his Scythe art. If you can't find him anywhere, it is best to check the training grounds. Good natured sparring is alright with him.

Angels. As a child, his mother would always tell him things about heaven and angels being the kindest beings in the universe. He's always wanted to have a normal conversation with an Angel, but most think of him as an enemy.

You'll need to know...

✖ Dislikes- His sister...well, more like her personality. He wishes his sister's personality matched her outward appearance.

Fighting to the death. Malias will avoid this as much as possible, though he will also accept any challenge to fight as long as it doesn't have death rules. Even then, he'll never kill his opponent.

Malias has a deep dislike for spicy foods and always avoids eating them.

While he doesn't hate his father, he also doesn't love him. Despite being the reason he was now the prince of demons, Malias never really blamed him for anything that had happened to him or his mother, having never known the man.



Say hello to my puppet master.. Seraph Darkfire

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「Say hello to my puppet master.. 」


| Mr. Teddy


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「Say hello to my puppet master.. 」


| Mr. Teddy


Appearance without armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5a1bdf88a9bac8963544c7294d93bc0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5a1bdf88a9bac8963544c7294d93bc0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With armor:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c1866a1cca71e456501ad491e736a95d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c1866a1cca71e456501ad491e736a95d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c05079e2c920da2ac2324cca4d3c1cce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c05079e2c920da2ac2324cca4d3c1cce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: shade Vargas

Nickname: Black Death

Job/position: assassin of demonic army

Age: stopped aging at 19

Sexual orientation: straight

Crush: (to be edited)

Bio: not much is know except that he was born and raised in Tokyo and was raised by his mother he would always get in fights and joined a gang as a hit man and killed lots of people and wasn't showing any emotion when he did his mother would never get involved because she was an alchoholic and when she died one night of drinking and driving he turned into a full time hit man killing every day and night until one night he was killed on a mission killing a gang boss but some how the building collapsed and he went to the under world and turned into an assassin there and was happy being an assassin obeying any job the king and queen gave him

Special abilities: fire control, weapon master, and somehow light control, not to mention dark control.

Likes: killing, obeying mission orders, and candy

Dislikes: peace, disobedience to him, and failing.

Personality: shade is a person to where he'll come up to you and beat you for fun without a care in the world who you are, he's carefree, always follows thourgh, and dosent give up for nothing.




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Cuppy Cakes!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/20eb8bace32affd1c7a7c790e97cc167.jpg.0fe402bcb14cf2575b94d786f35179f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/20eb8bace32affd1c7a7c790e97cc167.jpg.0fe402bcb14cf2575b94d786f35179f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Greetings! My name is... Lavina Ayil Adellum

But feel free to call me... 'Lavi', 'Seraph'

I am known as the... Servant

I stopped aging at... 20


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Pansexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...

Lavina was a servant to the royal family for as long as she could remember. She was created specifically to serve whoever wanted and had her, but was still able to have and express feelings. She is the possibly the only servant who is involved with the royal family personally and knows some secrets, but she knows not to tell. She is loyal to every master who had her. All of her masters were important to her and she wasn't afraid to lay her life down to protect her masters. She hasn't spent too much time outside the castle walls and wishes to explore new lands.


I have special ability's...

  1. Minor Healing- Lavina is able to heal minor cuts and bruises and sometimes broken bones, but nothing severe.
  2. Comforting Voice- Her voice is capable of soothing nearly anyone, except demons.
  3. Enhanced Speed- She was created with the ability to run and fly at incredible speeds. It is still slower than a fully trained warrior though.

It's what is said about me...

Lavina is very loyal to anyone who treats her well. After some time, she could even sacrifice herself for them if they treated her right. Due to how she was created, her loyalty can be to anyone, no matter what rank or race. She does get a little clingy and tends to overreact to minor situations. She is quiet and kind and obedient, a one of a kind Angel.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush- (is to be edited as this goes on)

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]

  • Animals
  • Good Food
  • Making the royal family happy
  • Observing
  • Silence

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]

  • Fighting
  • Messing up
  • Dying
  • Excessive acts of violence


Say hello to my puppet master.. Guilded Clover



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Remember the name...Elicia Valoua Nase

Just call me...Elicia

I am known as the...Servant

I stopped aging at...15



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Homosexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...Elicia's story is a very common one. She was born into a lesser demon family that already had four children. As it was, her family was already poor. In the Demon World, many demons are sold into servitude for higher ranking demons.

Elicia, being the youngest of her family, was sold off to the royal family as that gave more money than anything else.

As anyone would be, she was unhappy to be simply abandoned by her family and sold into a life of servitude. It was here that she was made the personal servant to the eldest Prince Valien Malias Sanguine. Her first day as his servant was very unusual. He was nothing like the demon's she'd encountered before.

Because of his strange attitude, they became fast friends, getting to the point that she treated him in a familiar nature and even scolded him when he did something stupid. As his personal servant, no one else in the family could punish her for this either.

However she did maintain a servants attitude towards the other members of the family as they could still punish her for an attitude towards them.

As Malias' servant she only has to follow his commands and the commands of the King and Queen. Malias protects her and she serves him faithfully.



What can I do?you wanna find out?...

Elicia has a rare gift, known only to Malias. She has the ability to open a gateway from Hell to Earth anywhere she chooses. This ability causes mild discomfort in Elicia and prolonged usage can knock her out. To protect her, she and Malias have sworn to keep this a secret from everyone else.

Elicia can also grow her fingernails into sharp claws. In this form, her nails secrete a poison that causes intense pain in the victim. The poison isn't deadly and will wear off after about ten minutes.

It's what is said about me...To most people Elicia is calm, collected, and very polite. Towards Malias she is much more snarky and relaxed, able to be herself and normal around him. She still does her servant duties as she is required, but will tend to give Malias crap for anything he could have done himself.

She also worries about Malias and isn't shy about saying it. He is her closest and only friend and she is determined to keep him safe, even if he is much more powerful than she is. Despite being much younger than him, she is actually very smart and Malias will occasionally differ to her when making difficult decisions.

Even when she is afraid, she'll keep up her tough act and is surprisingly strong willed.

You better not tell...

? Crush- (To be edited)

? Likes- Elicia shares the same love for sweets that Malias does and actively shares any sweets she gets with him and vice versa.

It goes without saying that she cares for Malias like a brother. She's told him many times that if she'd been interested in guys, he certainly would have been her first choice.

Pretty things. Elicia is not girly, she loves getting rough and dirty. When no one else is around she usually volunteers to be Malias's hand to hand combat partner, hoping some of his skill will rub off on her. But a secret pleasure of hers is cute and pretty things such as flowers, jewelry, angels, whatever catches her eye.

Elicia enjoys reading and when she isn't working or dealing with Malias, will sit down in a quiet place and flip through any book she has.

You'll need to know...

? Dislikes- She dislikes the Eldest Princess, Electra Hayden Elstife, though isn't very vocal about it. There is only so much Malias can protect her from. She especially dislikes the way she treats her servants. This dislike even extends to other members of the Royal Family who mistreat their servants.

She also dislikes her family for selling her off without any complaint. She resents them for what they did.

Contrary to belief, she doesn't dislike being a servant. She got to meet Malias that way, but she does dislike any mistreatment of her fellow servants.

She doesn't like sour foods and doesn't like the way it makes her face pucker up, claims that it is a 'very uncomfortable feeling'



Say hello to my puppet master.. Seraph Darkfire

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/505106-1.jpg.80ecba4af9b35d8472712ce7c815ed20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/505106-1.jpg.80ecba4af9b35d8472712ce7c815ed20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name... Aion "Bad Apple" Wymwood

I am known as the... Youngest Prince

I stopped aging at... 8



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Heterosexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...

He was born into royalty and he loved every second of it. He enjoyed the feeling that he was above everyone else, the life of a young prince was great basically. However there were some slight responsibilities that he had to do, he had to make sure everything was in check with the rowdy demons. Nonetheless he got over it and began to continue on with his duties but as more and more began to fall upon him he became lazy and irresponsible, he began to prank other demons some of which were extremely violent: Decapitation, Mutilation, Suicide, whatever. You name it, he did it. These pranks certainly with severe consequences but he didn't mind whatsoever, after all he was the youngest prince.



What can I do? you wanna find out?...​

  • Illusion: He can make the area around him turn into anything he wishes in the other person's mind. Such as death befalling everything or the inside of volcano. While he's doing this he's also able to control the victim in their mind. This can make them turn insane and even commit suicide if they can't handle it.
  • Resurrection: This ability let's him bring back a small army of once alive warriors. They are now in a skeletal form, they're weaker because of this. They come back with all of their weapons such as bows and arrows, hammers, etc. They can also give him weapons to use in combat.

It's what is said about me... Get ready because this one is a real nuisance, at least that's what other people say about this little prankster. This one is so caught up in his pranks that some of them even cause death to others. He's not the type of person that cares about your feelings or even your pain, he likes to see others in pain and sadness most likely because of where and how he was raised. When he does like or care about someone he usually shows it in a violent way.

You better not tell...

? Crush- (To be edited)

? Likes-





You'll need to know...

? Dislikes-







Say hello to my puppet master.. WaterPandas



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Remember the name...Maktada Zane Elstife

Just call me...Zane, though he prefers to be referred to simply by his first name.

I am known as the... Middle Prince

I stopped aging at... 17



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it...

Being the last born child of the King and Queen, Maktada's always had everything he's ever wished for. Whether it be physical objects or attention, there was never a point in his life where he didn't have something. However, always being spoiled meant that there was never anything that satisfied his ever growing need for more. This frustration led him to multiple outbursts, with his servants often being on the wrong end often resulting in them needing to be... replaced. However, as he got older he eventually saw what he wanted through the observation of his other siblings. Everything. If he controlled everything, then he'd never be dissatisfied again. So, while keeping his intentions a secret, he's bide his time until he sees an opportunity to size what is rightfully his.



What can I do? you wanna find out?...

- Enhanced strength:
Even among the strongest Maktada's strength can only be described as monstrous, being able to effortlessly throw objects five times his size around as if they were mere playthings, with solid metal folding under his strength as if it were cardboard. Of course, this also gives him enhanced speed with his leg muscles, making him both hard to avoid and someone you want to avoid at all costs.

- Dermal skin: His skin is as hard as steel and resists heat , giving him enhanced durability and nigh immunity to most slashing and piercing weapons.

It's what is said about me...

If one were to watch Maktada for long enough, they would have no doubt in his mind that he was born a demon. He carries a bloodlust and desire for more that never seems to satiate himself. If there is something he doesn't have, he will want it, and if he can't get it, then he will do everything in his power to change that fact. Still, nothing he has is good enough, and he will quickly bore of something old and seek out a new toy to play with. As for his violent streak... well, the best way to be safe around him is for him to either respect you or see you as entertaining, otherwise there is nothing stopping him from tearing you apart limb from limb. Maktada loves toying with and prolonging someones death, as he has a strange sexual attraction to extreme violence.

The strangest thing about all of that, though, is that he does it all with a carefree, child-like attitude. Everything he does is simply him trying to get the most enjoyment out of things in his own twisted way. There is also a large amount of arrogance in the way he acts, making him one to never treat things as seriously as they should be. In combat, many have tried to take advantage of this, though his confidence isn't for nothing, as even when he isn't trying Maktada has never felt the sting of an injury. All he wants is to be able to live his life however he wants, with complete and total control of everything around him.

Crush- No one at the moment


- Blood and violence

- The finest treasures

- Games of any kind

- A good challenge

- Anyone with enthusiasm, to a degree


- 'Heroes'

- Straight forward solutions

- Being one upped

- Being controlled



Say hello to my puppet master.. cojemo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432188316.053402.jpg.2d5a3a4031cfff70044228e78f58ee8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432188316.053402.jpg.2d5a3a4031cfff70044228e78f58ee8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name... Malori Vaneelia Drusilla

Just call me... Mal

I am known as the...Youngest Twin Princess

I stopped aging at...Twenty



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story, but you'll get over it... Having been the youngest daughter to the king and queen of the demons wasn't as hard as people would think. Her eldest sister was, as the humans say it, the apple of the king's eye. Malori always tried to get his attention only to fail, Electra was all he saw. So she stopped trying to get anyone's attention, instead she traveled in disguise with her servant Ziana across the demon world and even the human realm. Funny thing about Zania, she's a dragon that can shift into a human form. Malori had been on one of her walks hen she literally stumbled over a rock only to find it wasn't a rock but an egg. It hatched when Malori was reaching for it and out came a baby dragon, she named her Zania and the little dragon seemed to purr with delight. With her newfound dragon, Malori left home to travel and teach her little dragon about the demon realm. When Zania got older she began to shift into human form making Malori love her more although her dragon form remained small, about the size of a basketball but Malori didn't mind. She believed that size didn't define you, your motives did.



What can I do? You wanna find out?...

Malori wasn't born with extravagant abilities, probably why her father didn't pay much attention to her. She had small gifts like Invisibility, which Zania always told her she could be a spy for the King if he ever needed one. She could also walk through walls, again Zania tried to make her laugh by calling her the demonic ghost but it didn't work in cheering her up. She can also sense beings over great distances so nobody can ever scare her from behind.

It's what is said about me...

A very curious demon, Malori loves to observe and watch pretty much everything with a heartbeat. Unlike most demons, she freezes at the sight of blood but isn't one to withhold torturing someone for their insolent to look her in the eye. Ziana is the only one to look Malori in the eye and laugh to tell about it. She loves to follow her eldest brother, Malias around though even she didn't know why, he was a half-breed born from a human mother. But she seemed to love him the most out of all her siblings.

Zania isn't young anymore but she likes to take the form of a small demon girl. She isn't like most dragons that are huge in size, instead staying the size of a basketball.

You better not tell...

Crush- her half brother, Malias


Watching living creatures.

Following her eldest brother, Malias, around.

Her dragon servant /best friend/ pet daughter, Zania.


You'll need to know...


Excessive amounts of blood.


Bossy people

Her abilities



Say hello to my puppet master.. @Abana

Cuppy Cake

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ac8fe6ade8bd4d620922a517bf830371.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.ac8fe6ade8bd4d620922a517bf830371.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name... Luna Marta Drusilla

Just call me... Lulu or Luna

I am known as the... Eldest twin princess

I stopped aging at... 20

I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Bisexual

It's a long story,but you'll get over it... Luna was born into the royal family and she hated it. Hated every second of it. She was jealous of her older sister Electra because she had gotten so much of the Kings attention. She hated everyone and everything, except the others in the immediate family. No matter what got in her way, she would kill it. She enjoyed the screams of pain from the other demons and would torture some upon hours and hours. She only left the room if she was bored or hungry. Luna wanted to follow in her mothers footsteps because she adored her. The queen was the most beautiful person she had ever seen and in a way, loved her for that. She could capture any mans attention and Luna wanted to do that to.

When Luna was little, she had found a small egg. It interested her, so she took it home and waited for it to hatch. After what seemed like ages, a dragon had hatched out of the egg. She hesitantly pet him and he nuzzled into her hand. She loved the dragon ever since. Zechen, the dragon, was the only thing she ever truly loved as a whole. She would ride him and talk to him if there was a problem. Zechen was her best friend and if he ever got hurt, she would brutally murder them.

What can I do?you wanna find out?...

Luna can speak telepathically to animals. She knows it's not very useful so she keeps it to herself. If someone is bleeding, she can control their blood as she please. She can use it as a weapon but thinks that it's highly to messy. Luna can shapeshift or transform into anyone and anything. She once pretended to be the king for the day, but she was found out by one of the servants. She couldn't exactly act as the king properly.

It's what is said about me...

Luna likes to be left alone most of the time. Luna will also hang around her dragon and the royal family if necessary. A vary of strange men will sometimes come into her room and no one will ever see them again. Luna loves to draw aside from torturing people. The demons fear Luna because she loves to torture them. She's never easily scared and enjoys watching people squirm under her gaze.

Though it may never seem like it, Luna is a very seductive person. She enjoys flirting with others, even if it's the royal family. She will never do anything with her family, she just like to flirt. She likes to wear conservative clothes and very revealing outfits.

You better not tell...

? Crush- N/A


Being alone



Torturing other demons


You'll need to know...




Sometimes Electra

Baby Zechen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a1f6b86829fd46822989d99cedb3ca2f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.a1f6b86829fd46822989d99cedb3ca2f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adult Zechen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.44cbb0801059442365884b947fef52ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.44cbb0801059442365884b947fef52ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Say hello to my puppet master... WeirdPrincess

Cuppy cakes

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Neria Hun Valud

Greetings! My name is...Neria Valud

But feel free to call me...The Butterfly

I am known as the...Assassin

I stopped aging at...17


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is....Bisexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...[Your characters history. 1 paragraph minimum.]

Screams, the first sound the girl ever heard and the first sound she ever fell in love with. Her birth was a traumatic one. Her mother had died at the cost of her life and her father was told the child that her mother sacrificed her life for wouldn't survive. Her father sank in depression as the doctors with their advance tech tried to repair the broken child. No one but the doctors knew what was wrong with the child and that's how it would stay until she was the age of three.

When his father had found out that his daughter had survived the operation he was filled with a new hope. He became a father the day his daughter was aloud to come home with him. The man raised the child with love and compassion for the first few years of its life until they told him what happened. He was told that his daughters mind was altered to keep her alive and that it wasn't her frail body that would have killed her. Her sanity was exchanged for her life and the fathers friends tempted him to attack the child with physical abuse, but that was never something the father could do to his own child and instead he handed her to the king so she could be trained as a warrior. When the king noticed that the girls speed was greatly increased due to her weak body, he had her join a secret program were assassins were trained.

The scars that decorated her body, even though there were three, they were proof that she had suffered through a program were they could have died at any moment. She was taught how to kill at a very young age, she murdered animals and the other students when she was told and she even killed her best friend to advance in the program. Mercy was not an option she could have chosen for her friend, because both of their life would have been lost.

She now serves her beautiful kingdom and slays those she finds as a threat to the royal family and she believes that every demon is a threat to her and the family that has no clue that she exists.


I have special ability's...

-Her body is like a dove, even though her body is frail she has some how countered the disadvantage with a huge advantage. In flight the girl is a blur of color and the chance that you would hit her is nearly impossible. Even Though she can do great in open combat, she has a hard time flying through cramped and cluttered spaces

-The second power in her possession is enhanced swordsman ship. She is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword. Neria is able to wield a sword with great proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing her to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimate large objects or areas, cutting through hard materials such as steel, and even hold back their strength to deal damage to their foes without killing them.

-Animal manipulation is her final and last power. Its limited though with the types of animals she can control. From Butterflies to birds, she can use these creatures to preform devastating attacks. In her collection of animals theirs Maskral the raven, a creature that took her thousands of years just to get right. This bird has been modified to give it a 15 second long invincibility period, and has been givin the power to communicate with its mind. The second creature, or creatures are man eating butterflies. These creatures have also been modified to fit the girls needs, from carnivorous teeth and a hunger that can never be satisfied, but they have no sense of communication except when their master commands them to eat.

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here] Insane would be the one word to describe her. She has no remorse, no morals, and nothing to hold her back. She has no one to love, no one to care for and has no one that loves and adores her. She doesn't think about diplomacy as her blade tries to cut someone down to shreds. She only focuses on the fight on hand and won't think about anything else until her job is done. She's a masochist and loves to feel pain. Even though she can act like a mindless drone she still has feelings she shows to no one. Naria is a calm individual until someone lands a hit on her and she acts like a deranged beast that just wants to make the person in front of her shriek. She can be polite and lovable after you break through a wall of insanity. She still very skeptical even if you some how gained her trust and you can lose it a hundred times faster then how you got it.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-[Who you are interested in]

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]

-Killing Demons

-Testing Her Limits

-Cuaseing Chaos for anyone and any thing

-She loves pain,and it gives her a sensation that nothing else ever could, except hearing the screams of demons as their flesh and muscle are reduced to nothing but bones.

-Sugar and Sweets

-She's always dreamed about love and she eventually wants to find it, be it a boy or a girl.

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]

-Being alone

-She hates small spaces


-Sour and bitter treats


Say hello to my puppet master..The Akolite


  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432772944.340793.jpg.e0d06bd6f9ed710c9de7f55fecac882f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432772944.340793.jpg.e0d06bd6f9ed710c9de7f55fecac882f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name... Zania Xneemi Parthan

Just call me... Zania

I am known as the... Dragon servant

I stopped aging at... 16 but demon form looks 7



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Heterosexual

It's a long story, but you'll get over it...

Lady Malori found me as an egg and when I hatched I was a beautiful white baby dragon! I've been through so much with my Lady even meeting Zechen who is Lady Malori's twin sister Luna's servant dragon. He was found by Lady Luna like I was with Lady Malori but enough about Lady Luna and Zechen, this is my story!!

When I turned seven human years, I stopped growing although if I use enough power and if I'm angry enough, I can use a burst of energy to become an older demon girl of about 16 and even a large dragon. The only other way for me to get that energy is to drink Lady Malori's blood.


What can I do? You wanna find out?...

-I can FLY!!!!

-I can breath blue flames although its nothing big since I'm so small.


It's what is said about me...

I'm very chipper, always smiling and making Lady Malori laugh. Around the princes and princess, I'm quiet with much respect for them as a servant should but around Lady Luna and Zechen, I'm a little more comfortable but still show respect to them when I have to.

I get serious when Lady Malori is in danger although I don't mind when she unknowingly sends me towards the danger, as long as she's safe I'm fine with that!

You better not tell...

[emoji173] Crush- Zechen although he is more like a brother!

[emoji173] Likes-

-My Lady Malori DUH!

-Zechen *giggles*

-Lady Luna!!!

-chasing shadows


You'll need to know...

[emoji808] Dislikes-




-things that cause harm to Lady Malori



Say hello to my puppet master.. @Abana



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Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.64d5b1ea93645c6da8ab39e886d997cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.64d5b1ea93645c6da8ab39e886d997cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human/Dragon form combined

More human than dragon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.54dd074b845937d1009bb3c4188a7f54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.54dd074b845937d1009bb3c4188a7f54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Smaller version of Zechen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8b1d48e31cf43ff0c5f62cbc3067529f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.8b1d48e31cf43ff0c5f62cbc3067529f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Remember the name... Zechen Pandora (Ze-ken)

Just call me... Zen or Zechen

I am known as the... Dragon servant

I stopped aging at... 17



I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Heterosexual

It's a long story, but you'll get over it...

Princess Luna had found me along the side of the palace and decided to take me home. When I hatched I was a dark aqua shade. I follow Princess Luna everywhere unless I am with Zania, Princess Malori's servant dragon. I care for all of the very deeply.

Although I stopped aging at 17, I can will myself to turn into my younger 9 year old self. I have enough power to do so. If Princess Luna is ever in danger, I will come to her aid as her loyal servant and fight with her. Seeing her severely hurt and injured, the beast within me will break free. I keep it at bay for Princess Luna's sake.


What can I do? You wanna find out?...

•I can fly(obviously)

• Though the flame on my tail is blue, I breath a mix of purple and blue flames. It's quite big since I am older.

It's what is said about me...

I am a very quiet person around others. Around Princess Luna, I am more playful and dapper. You will either see me on Luna's shoulders or with Zania. I will be respectful to others as a servant should, but I will be more playful and open around Princess Malori and Zania.

When Princess Luna is hurt or has information for me to keep, I will be very serious. Though I am serious most of the time.

You better not tell...

Crush- Zania. She is like a little sister when she is in her normal demon form.


Princess Luna


Princess Malori

Getting chocolate for Princess Luna


You'll need to know...




Anything that gets in Princess Luna's way or physically harms her



Say hello to my puppet master... @WeirdPrincess

Cuppy cakes



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Greetings! My name is...[insert full name here.] Winter Arabella Marie

But feel free to call me...[Nickname(s)] Winter

I am known as the... Eldest Princess

I stopped aging at...[place your "age" here] 19

I must inform you that my sexual orientation is.. Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told... Restricted to a life behind walls, whether real or invisible, Winter started to take a liking toward the idea of freedom since she was young. She was royalty- she was to be kept safe; the guards would protect the castle from any threat. Not that Winter preferred fighting- but she liked to feel that she was in charge of what she did, or where she went. As she "aged", she grew in her abilities in music, which soon she was able to use to heal others. She was payed the most attention to, but she did her best to avert everyone else's attention to her two younger sisters.

I have special ability's...[three special ability's max]

Special Music Abilities: Winter, with the sound of her voice, flute, or clarinet, can do various things like heal creatures, angels, and humans and, with more effort, calm them down or soothe them.

Flight: Winter, as an angel, has wings that allow her to fly.

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here] Winter is known as polite and kind, but not very sociable. Often, she will daydream when she is weary or bored. She is very focused and a hard worker, but only on what she wants to focus on. If Winter does not wish to do what one tells her, she will nod, then go and do whatever she had been planning anyway. She likes nature and the good feeling that she gets by serving others, however she does not care to be served herself. Very independent.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-[Who you are interested in] N/A (to possibly be added)

❤ Likes-[4 minimum]





»Helping in general

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum]

»Very loud noises and places

»Being restricted



»Being waited on all of the time


Say hello to my puppet master..[Your username here]
@Silver Raven
I think I am done! Now I'm going to wait for approval! (Or disapproval...) Also, I have made some mistakes while writing certain codes... Well, I'm totally done with those mistakes! I ain't gonna fix em! Hmph. Also, I apologise for the bad art and poor writing skills... Huh.

Hael Shekinah Kortsy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28b20c23_14324496633661.jpg.8a05e46bd2a6044e4b7dc7c9985780bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28b20c23_14324496633661.jpg.8a05e46bd2a6044e4b7dc7c9985780bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Greetings! My name is Hael Shekinah Kortsy.

    But feel free to call me Shekinah or simply Hael. Shekinah symbolises Unity and Unconditional Love, while Hael - Kindness.

    I am known as the Angel Eldest Prince.

    I stopped aging at Twenty-Two.

*whisper* "...Cuppy Cakes..." *whisper*​



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Look at me! A page all to myself!




Lucifer Mephistopheles Balaam

Greetings! My name is Lucifer Mephistopheles Balaam!

But feel free to call me...Lucifer, Lou, Master L, Darkness, Beelz

I am known as the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub , Old Scratch (I don't know why, are my nails that sharp?), Son of Perdition, Owner of Fox News and the political system in itself ( OH SNAP, I WENT THERE!). You can read the others here! , But you can call me Demon King!

I stopped aging at...well, I generally never age.


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Sexual(B')(> :) ) hehee

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...I used to be the head honcho of the Celestial world, chilling up in heaven. But then one day i realized that the Big G-man was definitely not helping everyone. I mean, think about it, He makes rich people rich, poor people poor, allows kids to be killed before their life even beings! So Me and a couple of my buds tried to protest and call for reformation, and what do ya know, he just shoves us off! so then we started to get to him the only way we knew how, using the forces of a power called 'Darkness', the only thing that seems to hurt him. I become a prodigy at mastering it's power, and became the leader of the group. So me and the gang got into a bit of a scuffle with G-man, and ere banished to a place called Hell. The he blames all the bad stuff in the world on me, calling me a 'Demon'! WHAT A JERK! I decided to look at the positive, and establish a kingdom, and make strict rules. We then knew we needed to harvest more 'Darkness' to a point where we can beat the old man, and save the universe from his tyranny! We have to harnesses Darkness from the pain of others, so we made sure to choose the right people to Inflict pain upon, and who to give second chances to... We are hurting millions to save an infinite amount of people! We are the true good, fighting against the tyranny of the Light! So Join us, wont you? I promise you wont regret it!


I have special ability's...

  1. Control darkness and it's forces which can Sow 'Evil and Malcontent' in the hearts of Man...I just show them the truth of the situation!
  2. Transform! Love doing that!
  3. Summon the forces of hell to do my bedding.... and bidding (B') Just kidding!!

It's what is said about me is that I am a persuasive person. I guess that is true....I sometimes surprise myself! They say I'm mean, but the people I'm mean to are the people that deserve it! And I do love to party and have sweets. I guess I'm also a bit impatient...And I've run a bit of a tight rule with my subordinates. But I do it so that the 'Darkness' won't take over everything, and turn them into complete monsters...I'd hate to kill them. I hate to kill my own kind.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush- My Loving wife, and all people of the world! If only they understood... -_- ...and my wife didn't get so angry abut it...

❤ Likes-

  1. Cuppy Cakes!
  2. Sweets
  3. Life!
  4. Music!
  5. Fighting for what is right
  6. Parties!

Angels have there bad days to... I make sure that happens

✖ Dislikes-

  1. Senseless fighting.
  2. Pious Jerks!
  3. Sour food
  4. Complete morons


Say hello to my puppet master...gogojojo331!
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/WFWa5.png.cf0b0ea7b5df7ed222981277efc65e91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/WFWa5.png.cf0b0ea7b5df7ed222981277efc65e91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/bec6b4e2d96624f8859c35c244a01b78.png.e7e64a31b7365456450693fb2c974b0a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/bec6b4e2d96624f8859c35c244a01b78.png.e7e64a31b7365456450693fb2c974b0a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just call me...

"Deux" if ya please~

I am known as the...

One guy no one really cares about..."

I stopped aging at...

"Psh! I'm still growing... I could... Maybe... "

I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...


It's a long story,but you'll get over it...

What can I do?you wanna find out?...

"I'm practically a coward... But, I mean, I can:

-Dress field injuries.

-Fish for food.

-Climb exceptionally well.

It's what is said about me...

No one really talks fond about me...

? Crush-

"I-I couldn't say! She'd kill me otherwise... Was that a giveaway? Dammit!"

? Likes-

-Being in nature.

-NOT having to fight.

-Having a friend to talk to.

-The thought of living peacefully in heaven.

? Dislikes-[4 minimum]


-Always being protected.

-Not having his wings.

-Confusing situations.

-Talking to girls.

-Doing any sort of mass activity that requires him to use his brain.

Hello puppet master, my name is Cuppy Cakes. @ChristinaXIV

"My dark path begins eh? Well... I mean, there's not much that I really like to talk about, but I guess I'll start at the beginning. My mother and father... Well, first, I'm a half-breed. And unlike most, my demonic guardian was my mother, the human was my father. All I know is that he is Russian or something, which, in some sense, makes me half-Russian? I dunno. Never met a Russian before, bet they speak another language... That'd be cool. Erhm, I'm getting off track. After my birth and disgrace that my mother had brought upon the family name, my 'fame' quickly spread and I found myself often bullied by other full-fledged demons. Of course, I only thought 'I' had it bad. If only I knew. "

"My mother had the worse of it, always trying to keep big-wigs off of my back. Of course, it wasn't long before someone committed a hate crime that the rest of the underworld would just sit back on and cheer on. It was one evening that we were sitting down and having a pleasant meal that some thugs... They... They... She fought them off the best she could, but she couldn't win! All she could do was buy me some time to escape and I... I blame myself! I was too weak to stop them... There's no reason for me to want anything more to do with family after what had transpired there, so, I never exactly wanted to meet my dad afterwards."

"I got mixed up in a little gang, full-bred demons who took sympathy on me and protected me, though, they were the nicest folk I had ever met, they could be a bit rash at times... It was great fun, they became a new family. We stayed together for nearly a century I think... Until that damned angel... That... Damned... Angel... She... She saved me. And they had trusted her with my life, why her? It didn't make sense... Still didn't, it wasn't until she had saved my life twice in that fight with those demons that I truly understood. They wanted me to live. Now, we're fugitives, trapped in the underworld, I'm wingless, and we're forced to fight off the oncoming forces, whatever they may be."



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.a695e9f4485cf46ed39fa7446a854209.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Winner.jpg.a695e9f4485cf46ed39fa7446a854209.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Greetings! My name is Charmeine Leie Kortsy

But feel free to call me Charmeine

I am known as the The Queen of the Heavens


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told

I look relatively 26. I do not know when I came into existence, just that I have been around for a very long time. I was alive when the war began, though I was very young. Now, I am The Queen of The Heavens, ruling gently over my people and venemously over my enemies. I hold a very promienent grudge against the Demons as I had unwittedly befriended one in my youth and was betrayed coldly by this demon. He attempted to take my purity and murder me to cause havoc amongst my royal family. He overlooked my gaurd and was executed appropriately.My marriage was arranged by my parents to a handsome prince who is now my king. I love him very much, but am often confused on whether I am in love with him because of the situation in which we were wed. Without my choice.


I have special ability's which are the ability to heal, manipulate weather, and manipulate earth elements/

It's what is said about me I am maternal, gentle, and yet fair. I am level headed and distant. I am unable to truly smepathize with my poeple because the often die and disappear in the war, causing me to dissensitize. I am devoted as a queen and am often forced to relax. I appear among my people to offer solace and support and yet am mysterious in my personal life.

Please don't tell anyone I often flirt around with males to decide my feelings for my husband.

❤ Crush: (to be edited)

❤ Likes: Sunlight, singing, children, and playing the harp.

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes: Demons, death of her people, snakes, and havoc.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Say hello to my puppet master: RiahB



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Greetings! My name is... Jude Vesheriah "Vesher" Ambrose

[Vesh-shur-eye-ah Amh-bros<---rhymes with dose]

But feel free to call me... Vesheriah, the shorter and less unwieldy "Vesher", or simply Ambrose.

I am known as the... warrior. ((If they have ranks, like soldiers, he would be a private. He's quiet new))

I stopped aging at... 17


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Panromantic asexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...

Vesheriah and his older brother Ian "Kehethel" were born to an unmarried human woman and an angel. Initially their father left them (he had an angel/human superiority complex, and wanted no part in them), and they might have had a normal human upbringing, had their mother not passed away from cancer when they were very young. So, their father, a strict militant warrior, reluctantly raised them. From the time they could walk they were filled with holy purpose and a divine sense of duty. Their father refereed to them only by their angelic names and ignored their half human heritage, so that they would believe they were purely angels. He told them that their mother was killed by demons. Their destiny was to train hard in order to serve the angelic royalty. Anything else was a waste of time.

When Vesher reached the age of 13, he began to realize that he did not like fighting. He did not want to hurt anyone. Kehethel was stronger and more aggressive, excelling at being able to let loose and use his powers to their full, violent extent. Vesher preferred studying tactics and using his smarts. He kept quiet about his belief- surely, their had to be a civil way to resolve conflict other than the destruction of war. He tried to vandalize his own training, but his father only pushed him harder. It became apparent that Vesher possessed more ability than he thought (or wanted). When he tried, he was better than Kehethel, more brilliant, faster, crackling with energy... much to both of the brothers' disdain.

When Kehethel had matured (he was 5 years Vesher's senior), he left to fight, swiftly ascending ranks. When fighting a demon, Kehethel was dragged to Hell and was presumed to be dead. But years later, the half-angel was released, twisted from torture and mind control. He turned on Heaven and became an angel killing machine. He was eventually executed, but a dishonorable reputation had been cast over the Ambrose family. Vesher felt guilt for the devastation his brother had caused, and his father pressured him even harder to restore their name- you are an excellent soldier, what excuse do you have not to fight? You're selfish, you were gifted with powers, and you won't even help your own kind. So Vesher gave in, and very recently became a warrior.


I have
special abilities... Super speed- Vesher is ever the swift one. He is fast both on his feet and while flying.

Energy manipulation- Basically electricity/lightning. He is just now beginning to be able to control it usefully, he still shocks things accidentally quiet often.

Quick mind- Smart. Vesher has a capacity for learning and planning tactically.

It's what is said about me... Vesher is good in the core of his soul, but is not good at expressing emotion. He is usually quiet, shy and wary. He is incredibly loyal and resilient, and remains calm in crisis situations. He is also good at following orders, and if he is loyal to the person who gives them, will face hell or high water to carry it out. Many have taken advantage of his helpful and obedient manner. He has idealistic moral principles that he stands by, and if ever fails his own standards, he can get very depressed, guilty, and self critical. Struggles with balancing the side of him that is loyal to the angels to the point of brainwashing, and his suppressed free will that is pacifist. Nonjudgmental and empathetic, but too trusting. Determined, but pretty even-keeled outwardly, and tries to be stoic (though sometimes his heart gets in the way). He is endlessly curious, observant, and accidentally blunt. Smart, but naive and easily embarrassed. He is awkward and struggles with communication, so he doesn't always make friends easily, but he is willing to do anything to protect the ones he loves.

Physically, he is wiry, lanky, and athletic, built for running and flying. Because he is half-human, he is smaller, less quick to heal, and with less brute strength strength than most angels, and only 5"8. Vesher has a thick shock of near-black brown hair. It is curly but usually not out of control, crowning his head like a dark, fluffy halo. His face is slim and angular, with a long straight nose and high cheekbones. Unnaturally pale. He has piercing silver-blue eyes, shadowed by his deep eye sockets, so pale they appear almost colorless. His wings are long but surprisingly powerful given Vesher's slim frame. They are similar in color to his hair, a deep chocolate brown, but black at the tips. They are glossy and beautifully dagger shaped. He has a lichtenberg figure (which are typically from lightening strikes- this was caused by his own electrical powers) that spreads from the underside of his left wrist, wrapping around his arm when it reaches his elbow, covering his shoulder and fraying out across his collar bone and shoulder blade. It is medium red in color. (similar to these,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43148975,d.b2U&biw=1280&bih=681&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=vvwuUZKoJsPI2AWJkYCYBA&gws_rd=ssl#imgrc=_ )

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-
Nobody yet, and crippling shy

❤ Likes- Catching a warm thermal wind, tea, pine forests, humans, aerial tricks, singing, playing violin, reading, space

Angels have their bad days too...

✖ Dislikes-
Supremacists of any kind, war, disorganization, technology (its difficult for him to use without making the electricity go haywire)


Say hello to my puppet master.. s o l o

((Cuppy cakes!))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Angel-Warrior-Desktop-Background.jpg.31738d4f8a8125b07ce71669efcb6c66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Angel-Warrior-Desktop-Background.jpg.31738d4f8a8125b07ce71669efcb6c66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Greetings! My name is... Inias Bethor Kortsy

But feel free to call me... King Kortsy, Inias

I am known as the... King of Heaven

I stopped aging at... 30


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...

I was born to fight. I was born sometime before the war began and I had to grow up fast. Being the oldest in my royal family, I had to stay and rule while my father went off to fight. But not before getting married to my beautiful wife, Charmeine. Knowing that he would die in battle, he set up an arranged marriage with my wife's parents before leaving. After his death, I became the King of Heaven and all of its subjects.


I have special ability's...

  • Increased physical abilities (strength, speed)
  • Ability to fight with a multitude of weapons
  • Light manipulation- can turn beams of light into weapons and use them

It's what is said about me...

He is an amazing king and general, fighting many battles on his late father's behalf. This means that Inias is authoritative and a little harsh towards his soldiers. Inias is strict but loving to his children. He always expects nothing more than the very best from them and is disappointed when they mess up. He loves all of his children, but tends to be more strict of his older and middle daughters and son. He only punishes when he needs to and is hard-headed and stubborn at times. He also loves his wife very much and would do anything to protect his wife and children.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush- His wife Charmeine

❤ Likes-

  • His family
  • Heaven
  • Angels
  • Music

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-

  • Demons
  • Earth
  • His family getting hurt
  • Dragons


Say hello to my puppet master.. Guilded Clover

(Cuppy Cakes)



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