Story angelic's adventure in the human world!

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
Chapter 1: the magic mirror

Angelic was trotting around the Crystal empire castle exploring. Her tan coat, hazel eyes and red and black mane/tail seemed to glow. She was an alicorn princess. The alicorn princess of peace to be exact. Angelic made it to a room and saw a mirror, it had a mysterious aura around it.

Angelic trotted up to it adjusting her glasses. And tilted her head. "Whats this?" She placed her horn on it. It went through it! Angelic put a hoof on it and fell in. "WAHHH!!!!!" 
Chapter 2:her new body and a new world

Angelic groaned opening her eyes. "W-where am I?" she asked herself. Angelic stood and was a little wobbly. "Huh? WAH! W-WHAT AM I?!'" Seeing hands instead of hooves, skin instead of her coat, no tail or wings or her horn! And shoes!

She bit her lip and saw a satchel instead of her saddle bag. She picked it up and saw a school. "Is this where twilight went?" Blinking. She adjusted her glasses walking, still unstable on two legs, to the school.

She walked inside and looked around. Then found a bathroom and saw herself. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Angelic started to panic and pulled at her hair. Then composed herself. "M-maybe if I just find the friends twilight made here. They might help me."

She walked out and bit her lip looking around. The bell rang and students walked around. Angelic had to cover her ears. The bell hurt! Angelic bit her lip trying to dodge people and hit a wall. "Oof!" 
(Tell me what you think please) 
Heres chapter 3!

Chapter 3:angelic meets golden arrow.....again?

Angelic groaned rubbing her nose and a guy walked over to her. "Hey you ok there? " he held his hand out to her and smiled. Angelic blushed and took his hand. "I-im ok. T-thank you." He smiled and said"no problem new girl. Im golden arrow!" He had golden skin, sea green foam eyes, and saphire/turquoise hair.

He smiled and walked off. Angelic found the others and explained the situation. Rarity offered to let her stay with her for the time being. They went to lunch and sat down. Golden saw angelic and waved at her. "Hi new girl!" Walking over. He tripped over a banana peel and fell but landed on his face. 
Chapter 4:bullying and angelic's beautiful voice

Some guys laughed at golden."what a clutz!" "Idiot!" "Nerd." Angelic stood and helped golden up. "L-leave him alone." Her voice soft as a feather. "Aww look heres his girlfriend!" Angelic blushed then bit her lip.

The cafeteria was quiet everyone was watching. Golden stood up and glared at the jocks. "Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this." "Angelic get out of there!" Rarity said. Angelic shook her head no. She was scared but doesnt take bullying.

Golden growled and the bullies pushed him aside. "Weak." Angelic said"stop that right now! You big bullies!" The leader grabbed her by the collar of her shirt pulling him to his level."what was that girly?!" Angelic whimpered and golden punched the guy. "You dare put your hands on a lady like that?!"

Angelic fell and bit her lip hard. She took a breath and stood. "~peace and love thats all we need. Peace is key. Love is in our hearts. Why cant we just get along? The love we have for one another will guide us through. We have our differences but we are connected one and the same. Peace and love is what we need. Please have peace and let it be? A fight must not break out in here. For you all will be hurt and sad in the end. We all are united as friends. Friends to the end. So please no fighting, no cussing, no snarling. Peace is all we need!!!~" everyone listened to her beautiful song and voice. They were astounded! 
Chapter 5:new friends

Angelic walked around the school and saw an art class. She was a bit curious and walked inside. The teacher said"hi are you a new student?" Angelic nodded nervously and mrs. Kudo said"ok go sit at the table with arra bow. Arra raise you hand please!" She rose her hand and angelic took a seat.

Arra looked over angelic and said"so whats your name new girl?" Angelic said"i-im angelic sparkle..." arra nodded and said"nice name. So what do you draw?" Angelic took out her sketch book, there were cute anime bunnies and some chibis and a few kitties. Arra said"nice."

Angelic and arra started talking while drawing and started to be come friends. Arra said"hmm wanna hang out with my friends?" "I-im hanging out with rarity and her friends." Angelic said. Arra said"suit yourself." Standing as the bell rang.

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