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Android [Closed to Vash]

"Are we ready?" Dr. Cartwright asked. Footsteps gradually came to a stop near the center of the room, where the first functioning android stood.

Rachel exhaled nervously, her eyes scanning over the robotic figure in front of her. Ramsay, they named it. Technically male, though he had no distinct body parts attached to him that would give it away - after all, it was just a robot. A pretty robot too, because apparently they'd had the time and funding to make him aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Project Android had been underway for several years at the University of Masterson. Dr. Cartwright had hired her two years ago, when funding had been bleak and the public skeptical. It was a fantastic opportunity for her, being in charge of the nanotechnology behind Ramsay's voice recognition system. Never in a million years did she ever expect to be part of the team to actually design a fully functional android - to design it. No, him, Ramsay.

Dr. Cartwright cleared his throat. "Cameras filming?" One of her colleagues nodded back at him. She heard papers shuffling and someone cough from behind her. "Good. Let's begin. Rachel?"

She stepped closer to the robot, tightening her grip around the clipboard in her arms. All eyes were on her.

"Good morning, Ramsay."
A slight whirring sound drummed out from underneath his 'chest' as the sights and sounds of the room slowly entered Ramsay's vision, each eye flashed with a ticking noise to signal calibration. When he was fully "awake", the only thing he could do was lurch forward a bit and stop. After a couple of seconds, his main servos activated and suddenly, his body sprang to life, recognizing Rachel and professor Cartwright.

"....1010101010101......Calibrating Speech Function......"

"....Good morning, Rachel." He spoke slowly, his lips moving and forming the words for the first time. Each eye blinking independently and then syncing up. "How are you?"

All at once, the entire room slowly steadied into a coherent picture for him, each shade of color and light being properly adjusted. A small smile came from his lips as he slowly outstretched a hand towards her. The Creator.
"Good morning, Rachel." Ramsay's words were slow and steady. He blinked once, and then twice, and then smiled.

"O-Oh my god," she stammered, taking the android's outstretched hand with hers. Her hands were shaking so badly that her clipboard had fallen to the ground, but she didn't care to pick it up. She just kept holding his hand, because it was real and he was real. He was alive and the proof was standing right in front of her, shaking her hand.

As if the laboratory had suddenly roared to life, the buzz of awestruck scientists and eager engineers began. Dr. Cartwright reached down (but not without grunting, because the poor old man really needed to go see the doctor about those back problems) and grabbed Rachel's clipboard, placing it under his arm.

"Stage One is a success!" his voice boomed over the others. Some cheered, others clapped. "We will now commence Stage Two in five minutes. Continue as we planned." he held the clipboard to Rachel and shouted more directions to the others.

"Oh, um, yes." she nodded and let go of the android's hand. It felt real. He was alive. "H-Hi. I'm Rachel. How are you today, Ramsay?"
....Processing Inquiry.

Ramsay retracted his hand and looked around slowly, every sensation suddenly registering at once.

"...I am...okay. How are you, Rachel?" He finally said, looking towards the others in the room. Both of his hands opening and closing, each finger moving.

All of the processors in the world couldn't compute to what he was feeling at that moment, a slight green tinge formed around Rachel and the Doctor.

....Inquiry Complete.
He began moving his hands, and then his individual fingers. She'd seen his prototype arm move before, but this was on another level.

"I'm good. Really good." she beamed in response and shot Dr. Cartwright a quick glance. "I'm glad you're good." she stammered, partially out of nervousness and the other out of excitement.

"Welcome, Ramsay." the professor's voice cracked a little. He cleared his throat and nodded at Rachel before taking off, spewing directions at someone else. "Stage Two in three minutes!"

Rachel turned back to the android and glanced down at her clipboard. "Right. Ramsay, we need to record your vitals. The other scientists and I will be performing various tests in a little bit, so please..." she chuckled to herself. How does one address a robot? Was she supposed to act friendly or professionally? "Can you move all of your limbs for me?"
....Processing Request:


With that, he began to move each limb slowly, holding out his arms and alternating between standing on each leg. Moving each toe separately, taking somewhat exaggerated movements and 'breaths'.

His ears twitched slightly, getting used to the voice patterns of everyone in the room, but mainly prioritizing Rachel's over everyone elses'.

Ramsay's gaze shifted towards the clipboard that Rachel held.

"...Rachel," he began, holding out a hand towards her, "may I see that clipboard?"
She watched him move his limbs seperately, from his fingers and arms to his toes and feet. She didn't take her eyes off of him, but subconsciously her free hand had moved into her pocket, fishing for a pen.

"Rachel," the android extended his hand towards her again. "may I see that clipboard?" he asked.

Her eyes widened as she stammered a reply. "U-Um..." This was not one of the expected outcomes prior to Stage Two. He wasn't supposed to be asking questions already. And where was that pen? She tried to catch the professor's attention but he seemed preoccupied with something else.

"Okay." she decided, because it wasn't like she could use it or anything without a pen. God, out of all the times to be forgetful. She held the clipboard towards his hand. "It's a checklist of your operating systems. We're also monitoring your voice recognition patterns." she explained.
....Processing Information.

His eyes slowly trailed down the paper on the board, seeing each row and column bare, waiting for input. He couldn't figure out exactly why this information was necessary, however, she was the Creator, and her word was law.

"...Diagnostic scan indicates a simulated readout of normal functions mimicing homeostasis." He said, handing the board back to her.

"Rachel." His voice sounding less and less automated, "Do you require any assistance?"

Sure, she knew that the android was possible of carrying out basic tasks like reading and writing, but this was the first time she was actually seeing it in person. And it was insane.

His voice was becoming less robotic and more human, she noticed. She grabbed the clipboard from him, letting out a nervous laugh at his question. "Yes, actually. We'll be proceeding to Stage Two now, and I'm going to need your help, okay?"

Rachel began flipping through the papers attached to her clipboard. Stage Two was going to take much longer than Stage One, and it required the android to perform a series of manual tasks varying from physical to mental skills. The previous prototype, she recalled, was able function perfectly in the physical department, so she expected him to pass that. And since he'd demonstrated basic reading and curiousity responses, it meant his mental capacities were too functioning properly.

They'd have to get into the other room first. Beforehand, her colleagues had sent up numerous stations to perform his physical capabilities.

"Follow me."
"Yes, Rachel." He said, slowly stepping off the small platform he was on and walked towards her. Each servo clicking and beeping until it was masked by each sound of footfall.

As they moved, Ramsay looked around the room, taking in all the information and storing it. He looked down towards his chest and realized that it wasn't moving, correcting the problem manually, he began to mimic her breathing pattern.

....Motor Function: 100%

Cognitive Function: 90%

....Main Core Temperature: 97 Degrees.

Exoskeleton Temperature: Normal.

......Quick Scan Done.
Rachel lead the android to an adjoining room next door. The room was identical to the last; pristine white tiled walls and floors; desks lined with computer screens and fancy machines; and scientists in lab coats, scattered all over the room. There was a excited buzz admist her colleagues, and she could tell most of them kept stealing quick glances at the android behind her.

Professor Cartwright beckoned her over to a large TV screen, displaying a program created by one of the computing scientists assigned to the project. There was a grey human figure standing in the center. "Ramsay, hello. How are you today?"

"We will be commencing Stage Two now." his voice was gentle, but there was an excitement behind his tone. He turned around to face the television screen behind him. "Do you see the person on the screen? We're going to test your physical capabilities by asking you to mimic everything it does."

Rachel exhaled. "Let's do this."
Ramsay ignored the source of the voice but nodded and stared towards the screen. The figure on screen standing still and then it slowly squatted; quickly mimicing its movments, he complied with it.

Standing up as the figure stood up, Ramsay then outstretched his arms and made little circles as the figure did so. It then switched to display a sort of fighting stance which he shifted into and held his arms up.

Each physical test thrown at him was quickly accomplished, eventually ending up changing positions at the rate the screen flashed.
Some of the scientists weren't too impressed and busied themselves with observations. Rachel was not one of them, because even though there was a pen in her right hand and a clipboard in the other, she wasn't able to take her eyes off of him.

Dr. Cartwright looked very impressed. "Well done, Ramsay. You can stop now." he signaled the computing student to turn the program off. "We'll move to your mental capability cores now, starting with basic skill tests. Let's return to the other room."

They followed the professor back into the original room, where Ramsay's platform was originally located. "Please sit, Ramsay." Rachel gestured to the table set up not far away. She handed him a pencil, and Dr. Cartwright handed him a series of tests.

"These should range from basic multiplication tables, simple equations, some true and false on various subjects, the whole nine yards." he explained. "Here, take this one. We'll time how long you take to do it."
It took him a second (mainly due to the position he was in) before Ramsay complied, following Rachel back towards the room he was 'awoken' in. The table off to the side of the platform.

Taking a second to look around once more, seeing the tiles of the ceiling and the different lab tables scattered across the room. He made a mental note to explore more after the Creator was done with him.

The table set up for him was nothing more than an ordinary table; papers nearly stacked ontop of eachother and a pen resting next to it. He stood against the table and took the pen, grabbing the first piece of paper and pausing for a moment. Looking up towards Rachel, another small smile curving against his lips.

His hand moved before his eyes shifted back to the paper, slow at first, eventually Ramsay was grabbing each paper and setting it aside neatly, completing it just as fast as he'd picked it up. When he was finished, he looked up at Rachel once more.

"...Request Complete."
It didn't take very long for Ramsay to complete the tasks, but that was also expected. They'd installed a highly advanced CPU core into his memory just a few weeks back. This core allowed him to perform mental tasks that varied anywhere from facial recognition to advanced differential calculus.

"Excellent." Dr. Cartwright was beaming from ear to ear. Rachel was so proud. "Well done, Ramsay." he gathered the papers into his arms, shuffling them all into a beige folder. She knew the final portion of Stage Two was coming up, and it all depended on her.

She pulled out an office chair from nearby and sat down opposite of the android at the table. "This will be your last test for today." she said, setting her clipboard down on the table.

From his pockets, the professor retrieved a voice recorder and handed it to her. "Make sure you get it all on tape."

"Yes, professor." she nodded and turned her attention back onto Ramsay. "Hello, Ramsay. For your final test, we will have a conversation." she pushed 'rec' on the recorder and set it down on the table. "You've been 'awake' for 23 minutes now. How are you feeling, Ramsay?"
....Humor Subroutine...

Probability Of Success: 78%.

"I'm sorry, Rachel. I cannot answer that." He said, waiting for the subroutine to run. "I'm joking. I feel fine." ((At least I can make stupid/bad jokes and pass it off as a subroutine...hehe.))

His eyes flashing a green tinge again, flipping the pen with his right hand. Head moving left to right, observing the others in the room.

"Are you feeling well, Rachel? My scans indicate an elevated heart rate." He said, moving his gaze back towards her.
Did he just try to tell a joke? Oh my god, that was bad. But she chuckled anyway.

"Are you feeling well, Rachel?" he asked. "My scans indicate an elevated heart rate."

"I'm fine, Ramsay." she beamed back at him, trying to relax the tense muscles in her body. "I'm just a little excited, that's all." she shuffled in her chair a little and tried relaxing once again. "What do you know about Project Android?"
He blinked slowly, placing a hand on his chin. "I know that you are my Creator and that I was created as a sort of bridge between Humans and AI. Beyond that, additional input is required."

With that, he set the pen down and from outside, heard the chirping of something near the window. Quickly, he turned and walked towards one of the many windows and pointed, looking back towards her.

"What is that?" He asked slowly, watching the small bird ruffle its wings and chirp again.
Ah, there was the blinking. He was mimicking natural breathing patterns as well, and now that his voice sounded more human, it was harder to think of him as her project robot.

"That's right," she wasn't really keen on him calling her the 'Creator', though. There were hundreds of others involved in this project. "You've been in development for decades now, and you're the fourth prototype to have been successfully created. The older models, which you can call your older brothers and sister, are not as advanced as you are. None of them, for example, have voice recognition."

"You've been programmed to always follow the Three Laws of Robotics." she began to read them from her clipboard. "One: a robot may never injure a human, or by inaction, allow harm to come to a human. Two: a robot must follow directions by voice unless it interferes with the first law. And three-"

She didn't finish her sentence though, because his eyes began wandering out the window and suddenly Ramsay asked, "What is that?'

"That's a robin. It's a type of bird." The robin then flapped its wings and flew off into the distance.
"Bird....are they a threat?" He asked, turning his head towards her. Arms slowly coming down towards the sill and resting against it, his eyes followed the robin as it took off and flew away. Ramsay then narrowed his eyes and observed her human form, taking in subtle muscle movements and eye patterns. Another sensor came online and soon, his vision began to classify the different people in the room by vital signs and breathing patterns.

"Do you have more tests to run, Rachel?" He said, each syllable forming with ease now, "Or can I explore more, with your permission of course."
"No, it's an animal." Rachel flipped to a blank page in her clipboard and grabbed her pen. She began to draw a rudimentary flowchart, basic enough that maybe a seven year old could understand. "The human species falls under a category defined as a 'living creature'. Animals, while not as advanced as humans, also fall under the same category." she explained. "They eat, sleep, and live, just like us."

He seemed satisfied with the answer, though Ramsay kept his eyes on the bird before it darted off.

"Do you have more tests to run, Rachel? Or can I explore more, with your permission of course."

She beamed. His voice was pretty much human now, and while he still talked like a robot, he sounded more human by the second. Similar to watching a 20-year old child grow, she gathered... except not really...

Rachel cleared her throat and took a quick glance at her watch, which read half past four in the afternoon. "No, no. We'll end Stage Two for today and you can take a look around, but make sure you stay in the room okay Ramsay? We'll have another conversation tomorrow."
.......Exploratory Functions On

Begin Data Storage?

Running Log.

"As you wish." He said, stepping away from the window and making his way back towards the different lab tables and equipment, taking a quick glance back towards her. "I look forward to it, Rachel." With that, Ramsay quickly began picking up and setting down different instruments, each item being logged into his database before moving onto the next. His eyes scanned quickly and soon, he'd began arranging the instruments in terms of quality and size.

.....Database Complete.

His hands then moved towards the cabinets above the tables, opening each door and examining what lay inside.

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