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Realistic or Modern And We All Looked Up (CS) [Closed]


Baddest Bitch in Herstory



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And We All Looked Up

In Follansbee, West Virginia, everyone is defined by a label. This is especially true at the local highschool. Every student there is viewed by their peers as a label, a few words that become their entire being. On top are The Jocks, Mean Girls, Queen Bees, and Beauty Queens. Below them are the The Creators and The Theater Kids. On the very bottom of the social chain are The Sluts, The Nerds, The Stoners, and The Misfits. For as long as Follansbee Highschool had been founded the teenagers lived in their labels. But then, everyone was forced to look up.

A blue comet danced overhead, visible at all times during the day. Experts said it would hit Earth in two months, completely destroying humanity. That gave the teenagers at Fallansbee High two months to leave their labels behind, two months to become something bigger. It would be two months to really live.

This will be a roleplay where society crumbles as humans are forced to live without purpose. Crime rates soar; the world is unsafe. Characters will have to face impending death and figure out what to do with the time remaining.
(This roleplay is inspired by We All Looked Up written by Tommy Wallach.)
This sign-up thread will be open for a while. I will not accept or decline any forms until I find seven that I like. If someone has already submitted a form for a role you desire, please don't shy away from submitting your own form! This is not first-come-first-serve. I will pick which role to snag for myself after the majority of forms are in.

- Each character roles has designated friends and romantic interests. Please follow these guidelines while roleplaying. If the roleplay gets boring I may eventually allow characters to break these interests, but for the most part please follow the description given.
- If you sign up for this thread you are committing to this roleplay. Two months in-character can span fairly long out-of-character. I would like this roleplay to last a while.
- I expect in-depth character sheets and one paragraph at least in-character.
- Anything below the belt should fade to black.
- Please post your form in a spoiler. It just makes the thread a lot neater : )
Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
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The Jock. The Jock is charming and cocky; he's the sharp smell of the a frosty morning, the sound of a crowd roaring with excitement, and the pride filling your chest as you win a game. He's popular and well-known among his peers. He plays nearly every sport offered by the small high-school and succeeds in all of them. He's attractive, confident, and arrogant.His future is planned out for him since he has multiple scholarships to prestigious colleges. However, when he's forced to look death in the eye, he begins to wonder if his future is really worth it. He's dating The Beauty Queen, is friends with The Outsider, and enemies with The Misfit and The Nerd. He eventually develops feelings for The Creator, which leads to problems. [/SIZE]

The Slut. The Slut is a walking contradiction; she's the gentle sound of flipping pages in a book but also the pulsing bass that pounds into your temples at a club. Outwardly, she appears friendly, sweet, and shy. And for a while, she was. But when a rumor went around saying that she fucked The Jock, everyone labeled her as The Slut. For a while, her life was miserable as people verbally attacked her. Eventually, she came to embrace her given label. Now, she can be found at the local club and is constantly taking guys home. Despite this, she yearns for a real relationship. She has a crush on either The Jock or The Outsider (writer decides), is friends with The Misfit, and is enemies with The Beauty Queen.

The Overachiever. The Overachiever is intelligent and quick-thinking; she's the sound of led on paper, the smell of new books, and the accomplished feeling of getting an A+ on a test. She's quiet, insightful, and silly. She's known for getting all As and for having over a 4.0 gpa. She's studious and has never missed a day of school. However, this is mostly prompted by her parents' wishes. Her parents yearn for her to go to Princeton and become a doctor or lawyer. Inwardly, the girl wishes to choose her own career. She has a crush on The Creator, is friends with The Nerd, and is enemies with The Misfit.

The Nerd. The Nerd is charmingly awkward; he's the sound of rain pattering on a sidewalk, the simple quietness of a library, and the warm feeling of holding someone else's hand. He's a little socially awkward but that's okay. He doesn't really know how to talk to people but tries his best; he's friendly, lovable, and nerdy. He gets fairly good grades and can constantly be found in library. He loves reading and also enjoys comics and videogames. He's introverted and always speaks in a soft voice. He has a crush on The Beauty Queen, is friends with The Overachiever, and enemies with The Jock.

The Misfit. The Misfit doesn't fit in; he's the sound of a skateboard hitting pavement, the distinct smell of leather, and the feeling of defying all odds. His appearance is full of tattoos and piercings. He slacks off in school and prefers to do his own thing. He rarely listens to authority and can often times be found playing videogames or drinking at the local bar. He's odd and quirky but fun to be around. He has a crush on The Overachiever or The Outsider (writer decides), is friends with The Slut, and enemies with The Jock and Overachiever.

The Beauty Queen. The Beauty Queen is gorgeous and confident; she's the sound of heels clicking on tile, the smell of floral perfume, and the feeling of lips trailing across skin. If pain was beauty, she'd be the prettiest. She puts indescribable effort into being pretty. That said, much of her beauty isn't natural. She's bitchy, unapologetic, and in control. She's the girl who runs the school. Despite this, inwardly she struggles with her own fears and insecurities. This has become especially true after a rumor emerged that her boyfriend cheated on her with The Slut. She is dating The Jock, is friends with The Outsider, and enemies with The Slut and The Creator.

The Creator. The Creator is artsy and creative; she's the feeling of paint-covered fingers, the gentle strum of a guitar string, and the feeling of finally finishing an art-piece. She spends her time painting, drawing, singing, and writing. She has a vast imagination and uses this in many of her hobbies. It isn't uncommon to find the girl staring of to space, lost in her daydreams. She isn't well known in the school but prefers it that way. She's slightly judgemental towards The Jocks and Beauty Queens, but otherwise friendly and personable. She has a crush on The Nerd, is friends with The Overachiever, and enemies with The Beauty Queen.

The Outsider. This boy just moved to Follansbee and thus hasn't been given a label other than The Outsider. He's mysterious and interesting; he's the dancing flame of a lighter, a fading map laid across a desk, and the warm smell of pineneedles. He was taken under the wing of The Jocks and The Beauty Queens, but just about everyone is interested in him. However, he's ignorant to how the town works and to the labels that define the high school. He has a budding crush on The Slut, is friends with The Jock and The Beauty Queen, and hasn't made any enemies yet.

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Jasper Barrett

Jasper prefer's the company of few over many, tending to stick to himself or small groups of trusted friends. Though he is a familiar face at the bars his fake id sneaks him into, putting down bets and taking part in fights to release stress. He rarely stays past an hour and always leaves alone. He likes few of the traits intoxicated people display. At school he is a B plus student despite putting minimal effort into most of his elective classes. As he does great in his core classes and language classes which would surprise many as most see him as a slacker for his habit of skipping school. It s just hard to keep his interest for long and he has little ideas of what he wants to do in the future.

His odd quirks and habits along with his free spirit has created a bad boy shadow around him. Many rumors surround him and he allows it as it makes finding true friends easier. He isn't quick to judge others but finds others aren't so nice. He keeps most of his negative emotions bottled away to be released in the odd fight or manual chore so displays a devil may care attitude. Usually rolling with the punches.
Playing pool
Riding his motorcycle
losing bets
waking up early
Jasper is an army brat. Lifted from place to place as his fathers job commanded he has traveled all over the world. His father was strict but rarely home allowing Jasper to get away with a lot. He often got into trouble in school for causing fights. Kids picked on him for his strange accent or because of the odd habits he had picked up. He didn't let it get to him though and it taught him how to pick good friends from bad ones. He loved learning as a child, rather it be languages or about different cultures so traveling was fun for him. Though it was hard on his mom.
She hated being uplifted from place to place so left him and his father. She eventually married another man and had more children. Jasper rarely saw her after that. Jasper's life went down hill after that. His father sent Jasper to live with his uncle unable to care for the child. Jasper lost his father along with his mother.
After that he only saw him around the holidays and the man was always drunk or stand offish. Jasper's uncle was a retired Sargent and his stern commanding nature often clashed with Jasper's free spirited one. Leading to Jasper spending more timeout of the house then within. He often stays with friends and picks up odd jobs around town. He hasn't lost his love of travel though and in the summertime he usually runs away. Packing only the necessities and traveling.
Turn Ons:
Fit, likes those who care for their bodies
Deep conversation
Turn Offs:
Bad breath
Shallow people
Players or easy girls​
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Role: The Creator
Name: Juliet Painton
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious

Appearance: Juliet has fair skin, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. She stands at 5'5" tall and has a slender build, appearing like a flower that can blow away at any moment. She has a German accent with a mezzo-soprano vox and tends to wear coconut oil in her hair. She isn't into a lot of makeup though she will get henna designs done. Juliet is soft spoken in speech and usually quiet. She enjoys wearing colorful dresses, neutral and earth tone shirts and blue jeans with knee length black boots.

Personality: Juliet is a dreamer and artist. She is always getting lost in her thoughts and daydreaming which makes it hard for people to get her attention when her mind wanders. Usually, people must tap her on the shoulder or say her name a few times before bringing her back to the present. She loves to sing and plays the guitar as well as always being in the library or in the furtherest corner of the classroom working on something. Juliet loves watching anime and writing her own songs, one day dreaming to be on The Voice or American Idol and getting her own record label. Juliet is a quiet person but she prefers it that way and truthfully, she doesn't have a lot of social skills. She's had a crush on The Nerd since middle school but is too shy to tell him her feelings, afraid that she will be turned down.

Juliet often isn't noticed in school but she has a knack for gardening and is a quiet individual. She is friendly and cheerful to almost everyone, nor will she hesitate to speak up if she sees someone being picked on and will rush to their defense though she doesn't like fighting. Juliet isn't a party girl, she prefers being curled up by a nice fire, touring an art gallery or going to the library to work on songs or write. She can be a loyal friend to those she trusts and always tries to get through life with a smile, knowing that there are people who are less fortunate than herself. She might look delicate and girly but she loves adventure and can be a daredevil, she wants to explore and have adventures.

  • The Arts (Music-Rennisance, Baroque, Classical and Romantiscm; Art, Literature, Theater)
  • Being Outdoors
  • Drawing/Painting
  • Cooking
  • Hanging out with her friends at the local pizza joint
  • Italian Food
  • Bullies/Confrontations
  • Parties
  • Spoiled people who can't think outside the box and think they're the only ones that matter.
  • Shopping
History: Named for the female lead in the play Romeo and Juliet, the name was given to her by her mother Helen who enjoyed Shakespear. Her father was in the military so they ofted moved around as a child, leading to Juliet's love of adventure and travel. Until she was fourteen and her father died during battle, then they moved back to the local town where her mother took a job as a waitress so Juliet was often left to her own devices. Even though her mother can't spend as much time with her as when she was a child, Juliet knows her mother loves her. Moving around did have the disadvantage of making her the new kid all the time, every two to three years she was in a new school with new faces that she wouldn't remember so it made it difficult for her to make friends. She turned to books and the arts instead, keeping journals full of songs, poems and recording her daily life; her room is stacked full of boxes of little journals.
Turn Ons:
  • Sense of Humor
  • Intelligence
  • Fit, doesn't have to be an athelete but must stay in shape
  • No vices
  • Someone who treats her like a princess
Turn Offs:
  • Bad Teeth
  • Fat
  • Someone who talks without listening or talks over her
  • Laziness
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name: devin rugley
age: seventeen
gender: male
sexuality: no preference

dark, sometimes greasy dark brown hair that appears more black than brown in color frames an eclectically featured face of pale almond. His skin is blemished with a couple of freckles - the result of countless hours spent in the sun as well as genetics, although not a pimple or pore more.

more often then not, Devin can be found with his lips lifted in evident good humor, a pleased flush darkening his cheeks. In spite of the cheerfulness he exudes, he's remarkably quiet and consequently finds it difficult to adjust to new faces. However, get him warmed about by for example - talking about something he's passionate about - and he's suddenly abuzz with conversation.

his eyes read like the pages of a book, revealing his every emotion despite his usually best efforts at disguising. It's something he's always disliked about himself yet coincidentally also the thing that has contributed to one of his best qualities - the honesty.

honesty comes with it's flaws however, like for instance Dev simply can't bring himself too tell his friend "No, you don't look fat in that dress," or "it's not that you suck, it's the teacher not you,".

- cats
- video games
- learning new things
- blatant disrespect
- bugs (eck)
- making lists

in his past life - as Dev would "lovingly" deem it - nerd was the highest up the social ladder where he could be realistically classified. But he was proud of it, had been proud of it. His friends were among the most intelligent of the high school populace, there days were spent surfing the library for study material, and parties were the least of their concern, considering they were rarely if ever invited to take part in the in-crowd's widely tweeted about excursions.

none of them had camera ready faces, considering their relatively short heights and the acne that was the bane of most of their middle-school existences. But when bullying came into play they found solace in the strength of their friendship.

his family life was relatively normal - Devin had long since learned to tolerate the quiet disappointment with which his past lacrosse-player father viewed him for not living up to his legacy due to his lack of interest and physical ability. Dodging his father's wrath meant enlisting himself in the occasional lacrosse tournament (as team manager of course) and playing frisbee in the yard - but Devin was more than willing to accommodate himself if it meant keeping his father happy.

of course shit hit the fan the summer before freshman year. He supposed his father finally had enough of the computer obsessed, mother-less boy he'd raised. That summer Dev found himself sent off to his uncle Gabes farm to assist with the droughts harvest. On that farm Devin engaged in a series of life-altering physical and mental tasks that changed the way he viewed the word about him.

unluckily (or perhaps luckily) enough, it also altered his physical appearance.

it was a summer of transformations for all of his friends, although Devlin's was the most profound as he now stood at 5"11 and had finally grown into his eclectic mix of features. Of course his physical appearance would never alter how Devlin felt about his friends. It's too bad they didn't feel the same.

wide eyes, gaping mouths - those are the reactions that greeted Dev the first day of the semester. Of course, it was much better then the way his friends eyes had first flitted over him as if he were a stranger. And perhaps he was. Sure, a couple of mustaches were visible, maybe even Riley's new glasses were a particularly important change. But it seemed Dev's was the most profound and obviously one none of them could properly acclimate too.

His father's new job and there families eventual move provided the proper backdrop for all of these changes, so albeit reluctantly, Dev headed down to his new life.

Turn Ons
smiles, honesty, passion, easy conversation.
Turn Offs
fast judgments, circular conversations, needless violence.
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Role: The beauty queen
Name: Amelia Renee Jenkins
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Role: The Overachiever
Name: Victoria Mencken
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Victoria has light skin, dirty blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. Her 5'7" frame is rather soft, without much definition due to a lack of serious exercise, outside of what is required for PE. During the school day she always dresses professionally, usually sticking to skirts and stockings with either a sensible blouse or sweater depending on the weather, with her hair carefully straightened. At home however, she tends to go casual, making do with old t-shirts and sweatpants while pulling her hair into a lazy ponytail. Victoria has worn glasses since the sixth grade, never having bothered to make the switch to contacts.

Personality: Victoria is a perfectionist who has a strong sense of responsibility and refuses to accept things for the way they are. Like her previous She takes great pride in being intelligent, honest and very hardworking. Her drive to succeed in all things academic comes from her parents, who she is terrified of disappointing. She isn't only worried about herself however, in truth, she is a very compassionate and understanding young lady who wants to make sure that everyone is accounted for. While Victoria isn't shy around her fellow classmates, she also only has a few friends due to the workload she has created for herself. Those who are close to her know that she's quick with a smile and loves cracking little jokes or making goofy puns.

Despite her immensely serious and mature nature, Victoria isn't a complete stick-in-the-mud. She adores old movies almost as much as she loves reading. In her limited free time she also practices dancing by watching EDM videos on YouTube, and she isn't half bad at it, not that she'd show anyone. If it weren't for her parent's high expectations, she might even want to pursue one of these hobbies, but she knows that that is just a pipe dream.

  • Doing well in school
  • Classic Cinema
  • Victorian Literature (especially Oscar Wilde)
  • Dancing and EDM
  • Her pet Newfounland, Gypsy
  • Sweets
  • Disappointing her parents
  • Failing
  • Salty foods
  • PE class
  • Burnouts
  • Drugs
History: Jack and Alice Mencken moved to Follansbee, West Virginia just one year after Victoria was born, so that Jack could get a job with the local natural gas company, while Alice does web design. Her parents realized from an early age that Victoria was specially, and even had her tested so that she could start school a year early. Since then they have pushed her to succeed, certain that she was destined to do great things, and more importantly that she'd never have to worry about living paycheck-to-paycheck. And Victoria didn't have a problem with this at first, after all, she enjoyed learning new things and had no problem with working hard. But by the time she had reached highschool it seemed like her parents had planned out the rest of her life, at least until she was supposed to graduate Harvard Law School summa cum laude. Still, she couldn't bring herself to tell them that she wanted to do something else with her life, not with how proud they were of their little girl. Instead she keeps these thoughts to herself and continues to do the best she can to keep making them happy.

Turn Ons:

  • Light-hearted sarcasm
  • Passion and conviction
  • Getting compliments (especially about how hard she works)
  • Mystery
  • A fit body
Turn Offs:
  • Drugs or Tobacco use
  • Being overly competitive
  • Being overly dramatic
  • Lacking ambition
Name: Mason Parker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Mason at first look is a very relaxed and nonchalant individual. He usually has little to say about a matter but is always armed with witty remarks. He seeks a smile on the face of anyone he meets though this is overlooked due to the general perception of the Fullansbee jocks.

Unlike most of the other "popular" teenagers of Follansbee High, Mason doesn't see himself above anyone else. He's very modest and often apologizes in place of his friends, the jocks. Taking the blame for what his friends do or even doing everything in his power to assure their names are cleared is something the jocks underlook.

Concerning his sports, Mason hopes to one day go into basketball or football and looks up to athletes such as Steve Nash and Peyton Manning. He takes sports very seriously and pushes himself over the edge to guarantee scholarships. His coach has berated Mason on countless occasions for pushing through injuries on the court.

Though he does keep up the sweet boy act, Mason does not refrain from womanizing. He sleeps with the girls of Fullansbee High for the sexual pleasure and disposes them whenever he pleases (before his girlfriend). This has confused him on countless occasions concerning him advancing his relationship with Amelia.

  • Steve Nash
  • Peyton Manning
  • #13 Jersey number
  • Sports Practise
  • The Jocks
  • Long Runs
  • Making people laugh
  • Music (especially Rap)
  • Sitting around
  • Dull situations
  • Making fun of the other cliques
  • Disappointing coach/himself
  • Tiredness
  • Drugs
Mason's mother and father were not even married when they had Mason. His mother, Genevieve Parker was only nineteen at the time of his birth. Her spouse, Felix Monroe was an American Football All-Star, playing quarterback as a twenty-two year old. He had no time for Genevieve and Mason as he carried the Fullansbee Wildcats (if that could be the name of the city's football team Mandalay Mandalay ).

As a cause of this, Mason grew up without a father though his mother drifted from boyfriend to boyfriend. She still acquired a great job as a manager for various athletes due to her relationship with Mason's father, Felix. Felix still did pay child support and often came over as one of Mason's mother's clients, the secret of him being a father never opened.

It was early on in Mason's life that he discovered he was destined for sports. He was just always adept at any sport he played, even so that at the age of nine he was heard of all around the city and eventually around the world. Mason developped various contacts such as his coach Jefferson who is still a family friend and father-figure he'd met in the third grade.

Mason has now become a great athlete, playing in rookie teams all over the city (as in extracurricular games for prospects) as well as border cities on countless occasions for american football and basketball. He's received plenty of press over time and constantly has to find ways around fans and paparazzi.

Turn Ons:
  • Brunettes
  • Honesty
  • Loyalty
  • Humility
  • Confidence
  • Fairplay
Turn Offs:
  • Cockiness
  • Lying
  • Drunkards
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Keegan Booker Stillman

Role: The Nerd
Name: Keegan Booker Stillman
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen years old
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Likes: the quiet, being alone, rain, warm weather, storms, doodling, books, getting good grades, sweet food, dogs, reading, video games, comic books, movies,
Dislikes: large crowds, loud noises, cold weather, spicy food, exercising, cooking, sports,
Turn Ons: green or hazel eyes, funny, confident, intelligent, curly hair, easygoing, laidback, vulnerable, loyal,
Turn Offs: loud, rude, bad hygiene, excessive piercings, younger than him
Theme Song: "Riptide" by Vance Joy
Faceclaim: Austin Mahone

Keegan is rather short for his age-- the male only stands at 5'7". Despite this, his presence is mysterious, energetic, and powerful. Keegan's like the shadows slipping through an alleyway, the color of the sun sinking behind the trees, and the feeling of excitement at reading a new book. Dark brown hair rests on top of the boy's head. His hair is long, messy, and all over the place. On most days, his hair is styled to rest above is forehead, but can occasionally be seen slicked back. He has a square-shaped face with brown eyes and a rounded nose. On the average day he can be seen wearing a simple T-shirt paired with jeans and vans. For colder weather he'll throw on a light jacket. For special occasions Keegan will sport a button-up shirt paired with dress-pants.

Keegan is a quiet and withdrawn soul. He's the hushed city after dark, the sound of rain pittering on a sidewalk, and the smell of a new book. He speaks in a soft voice and prefers listening and watching others than talking or getting involved. Despite this, he has a powerful presence. Keegan doesn't blend into the background. While talking about things he is passionate about he appears to be a completely different person; he's loud, commanding, and piercing. His quiet demeanor slips away and he proudly shows off his knowledge of comic books or video games.

The male rarely initiates friendships-- he doesn't mind being alone. However, he enjoys learning about new people and takes interest in the other students his age. To the friends he does have, Keegan helps and supports. Often times, he'll pry and ask questions to the point of annoyance of others. This way, he's able to listen more than talk in conversation. However, this habit makes it hard for the boy to open up to friends. He doesn't like sharing his personal struggles which can lead to negative consequences that harm him and his relationships.
Keegan was born in Follansbee, West Virginia-- a small town with a population of roughly 3,000. His childhood consisted of playing tag with his older brother, reading with his mother in a wooden rocking-chair, and admiring comicbooks and videogames locked in glass cases at the store. His childhood was relatively normal until highschool. Freshman year, fourteen years old, Keegan discovered that his older brother, Tristan, committed suicide. Weeks earlier Tristan had briefly mentioned the idea to Keegan, but the younger boy had brushed it off. Now, he feels guilty that he didn't stop it from happening.

Keegan turns to reading and videogames as a method of coping with his brother's death. Some may call it running away, but he calls it "taking care of himself". He finds himself spending the most time with Victoria and has a small crush on Bella. He can't stand being around Mason.

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Bella Elizabeth Decha

Role: The Beauty Queen
Name: Bella Elizabeth Decha
Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen years old
Sexuality: Heterosexual Bi-curious
Likes: makeup, shopping, clothing, being the center of attention, heels, perfume, sweet food, warm weather, parties, crop tops, flowers, nail polish, music,
Dislikes: being alone, acne, fat, spicy food, hot weather, physical activity, sports, sweating, reading, silence,
Turn Ons: muscular, funny, easygoing, confident, understanding, loyal, blue eyes,
Turn Offs: bad breath, bad hygiene, excessive tattoos, excessive piercings, shorter than her, quiet,
Theme Song: "Primadonna" by Marina and the Diamonds
Faceclaim: Tinashe

Bella stands at 5'5" and weighs roughly 130 pounds. Her body's built with a lean physique. The girl doesn't have much muscle or strength and struggles with anything that requires athletics. She has thin arms, long legs, and prominent breasts. Her skin is a light caramel color that is a result of her Zimbabwean and Norwegian origins. Dark brown-nearly black- hair rests on top of her head and reaches her lower back. Her hair with occasionally gain brown highlights during the summer due to the sun. Bella's hair is naturally wavy and can be seen worn down, in a high ponytail, or in a loose fishtail braid. For special occasions, it's styled in a bun, straightened, or curled. She has a heart-shaped face with a strong jawline and well-proportioned features. The girl has a medium-sized nose and plump lips. Her eyes hold a sharp black color and are usually framed with eyeliner and mascara.

On the average day, Bella can be found wearing either a croptop or sports bra paired with jeans or a loose shirt with leggings--depending on her mood. For special occasions she'll sport a short dress and heels.

Bella's bitchy and in control. She makes this apparent to anyone who crosses her path; she doesn't take no for an answer. Somehow, Bella seems to know every secret to Fallansbee Highschool and can ruin the reputation of a student with the snap of her fingers. She's bold, confident, and controlling. Her head is always held up high, her eyes framed with perfectly matching sharp black eyeliner. The girl doesn't have patience for those "under her" in the high school hierarchy. She isn't afraid to push or insult the "nobodies" if they annoy or get in her way. Bella is swift with getting what she wants and accomplishing her goals.

Behind the arrogant and self-absorbed exterior, Bella is inwardly insecure. Although, she would never tell anybody this. She's afraid she'll someday loose her power, loose her beauty--that someday her boyfriend and family will hate her. These concerns have become even more prominent since a rumor spread that her boyfriend slept with Skylar. Bella's secretly worried that maybe her boyfriend doesn't love her anymore and is afraid that she'll find herself with nobody by her side.
Bella was initially born in Frankfort, Kentucky, but moved to Fallansbee with her family when she was seven. Her mother worked as a surgeon and her father as a lawyer. The moved to the small town due to a sick relative that her mother wanted to care for. The Decha's lived on the higher-end part of Fallansbee. Eventually, Bella's mother quit her job to attend to her family and was at home more often. Her father, however, was constantly locked in his office or away for work. Because of this, Bella has grown to resent her always-distant father.

Bella has ruled Fallansbee since she first stepped foot in the small town. She's at the top of the hierarchy and controls the local highschool. Girls admire her and boys want to date her. The teenager is currently dating Mason Parker and is best friends with Devin Rugley. However, last summer a rumor circulated that Skylar Hale slept with her boyfriend. Since then, Bella's been on edge. She hasn't been able to confront her boyfriend about the matter.

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[size= 100px] Kai Hobbs [/size]

Role: Misfit
Name: Kai James Hobbs
Age: 17
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Crush: The Outsider

Height - 5'5''. Considered short by most boys.
Weight - 112lbs. Eats right so this doesn't really matter.
Body Type - Thin. He doesn't look that bad being that short.
Complexion - Fair White
Hair - Long, Brown and Wavy.
Eyes - A deep deep dark brown, almost black
Facial Hair - He sometimes has stubble but mostly shaves it off.
Tattoos - X X X X
Piercings - ~ ~ ~ ~
Distinguishing Features - Tattoos, Piercings and Long Hair

Rebellious is the best word to describe Kai. His appearance alone heavily amplifies his rebel side and when talking to him that doesn't change. He's energetic and wild during parties but more down to earth when sober. For a Misfit he's pretty passive, not starting fights and only finishing them. He does have a bit of a temper though but he has learned to control it at school. He rarely shows his real and true self but maybe that can change with the Earth ending.
Likes: Night Time, Skateboards, Rock Music, Drinking, Dogs
Dislikes: Early Mornings, Clowns, Religion, Cigarettes, Cats

Everyone knows who Kai Hobbs is. The rebel; The misfit; The weirdo; just few of the words he's been called but before that he was actually a good kid with good and fairly rich parents. He'd go to church on Sunday's with his Mom, Izzy, where his father, Christopher, would give a sermon, he had top of the class grades and was an avid piano player whilst being fairly popular in his elementary school.

So what went wrong in his life? Three words; his mom's death. The death of Isabelle Hobbs was not an expected one. He was 12 when it happened. The car came out of no where hitting his mother's side of the car. Kai watched his mom die right in front of him. They were both rushed to hospital, Kai recieving a concussion and his mother having heavy internal bleeding. His father and Kai prayed but it was no use. She was dead.

The community mourned heavily for the death of the pastor's wife. Kai also mourned for a few months. He hardly turned up to school and when he did he'd just receive the worst looks from people. He was becoming a misfit and he accepted it. He accepted the stereotype. He wore liquid eyeliner and fake ear piercings along with the stereotypical outfit. He threw out piano and learned bass and taught himself hour to skateboard. He eventually got real tattoos and piercings after realising he was gay. He hasn't come out yet but being gay was what fully pushed him away from religion. You couldn't be gay and a Christian. It was practically unheard.

Turn Ons: Loyalty, Kindness, Innocence, Musicians
Turn Offs: Assholes, Mega Flirts, Stuck up Jocks, Girls,
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