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Realistic or Modern and we all fall down - characters


◌ 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝘀 ◌
and we all fall d o w n
interest check . characters . ic . ooc

character sheet

*note: a like means that you've been accepted.

nickname: (optional)
age: (17 - 18)

body shape:

mbti: test here (optional, but appreciated)
personality: (must be either 5 vices and virtues or 2+ paragraphs)

moodboard: (optional)
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  • ❁ nora van rompaey ❁
    ❝ the diana ❞

coding by: diaphanous
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Name: Cheyanne Rae Simpson
nickname: Chey (pronounced 'shy')
age: 18
dob: August 21
pob: California
ethnicity: Caucasian
gender: Female
orientation: Bisexual, male preference
role: The Mary

about her
faceclaim: Leighton Meester
voiceclaim: Leighton Meester
height: 5'3
weight: 125lbs
body shape: slim
hair: brown
eyes: hazel

mbti: test here (optional, but appreciated)

personality: Cheyanne can be a devious little person. She's short and small, but she's a firecracker you don't want to mess with. She used to get her siblings in trouble with their parents; you're nothing to her if you get on her bad side. On her good side, she's honest and loyal and genuinely fun to be around. She loves laughing and making other people smile, but she can flip that switch like nobody's business. Going on the honesty thing, she is brutally honest, and might not care that she hurt your feelings doing so. She's got no problem telling someone how it really is, whether they want to hear it or not. Oh, and don't tell her you think someone is cute.

Cheyanne feels as though she deserves the best, and that's what she's going to get. It's what her parents have done for her her whole life, so it's something that she expects from others as well. When things don't go her way, she's been known to throw a fit, and that can include anything from throwing things to just making your life a living hell. All until she gets what she wants. She's got an older sister and two older brothers, so she knows how to get down and dirty both physically and mentally, though when it comes to fighting, she's definitely a scrapper.

hobbies/interests: singing; shopping; boys; gossip; wants to work with animals, because she hates children and adults are no fun

secret(s): 1. She struggles with insecurity, but never lets it show.
2. Emelia intimidated her.
3. She had a pregnancy scare... or was it a scare? Is there a reason she's found in the bathroom some mornings, puking her guts up? (Can be changed; thought it would be interesting.)

Cheyanne is not an only child, but you could say she's spoiled, and you would be right. She's the youngest out of four, having an older sister and two older brothers. All three of them went to very prestigious schools and made something out of themselves, and now it's her turn. Growing up, however, she can't deny she was the smartest of them all. Or at least the most devious. She was the type of sibling to break a lamp in an argument, cry and blame you, and suddenly you had broken the lamp. She had mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger, and she still does.

Her oldest brother is a dietician, her sister is a nurse on her way to becoming a doctor, and her next brother is finishing up law school. Her parents were thrilled to know that she wanted to follow in their academic footsteps and attend East Hills Academy. She wants to work with animals, because she hates children and thinks adults are boring. But she also has a passion for singing, and attends voice lessons as well as being in the school chorus.

Despite the fact that she had everything almost handed to her in her life, everything isn't perfect, and it never really was. The amount of pressure she is under, despite just being in high school, is overwhelming. She struggles with deep insecurities, stemming from her perfect siblings and snide comments from her mother. Her father tries to buy her love, and though it's a classic story, its her life and she hates that he's gone.

Code by apolla apolla
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Adelaide Fleur Monet


-The Artist-Work in Progress

name: Adelaide Fleur Monet
nickname: Addy
age: (17 - 18) 17
dob: July 3rd
ethnicity: caucasian
gender: female
orientation: hetero
role: the artist

face claim:Emmy Rossum
voice claim: same as FC
height: 5'7
body shape:

personality: (must be either 5 vices and virtues or 2+ paragraphs)
The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As members of the Diplomat Role group, Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.Advocates tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all. To Advocates, the world is a place full of inequity – but it doesn’t have to be. No other personality type is better suited to create a movement to right a wrong, no matter how big or small. Advocates just need to remember that while they’re busy taking care of the world, they need to take care of themselves, too. Since Addy is of this personality, she is soft spoken but fights for what she believes in and will help those in need.
Inspiring and Convincing
Determined and Passionate
Extremely Private
Always Need to Have a Cause
Can Burn Out Easily
Painting, drawing, sculpting, reading, writing. Helping others, giving back to the community.
Being called strange, having her private life made public, things that are not organized, rude people.
Never reaching her goals, failing as an artist, letting her family down.
Painting, drawing, sculpting.
secret(s): Lives in foster care and is only at this school on a scholarship.

biography: tbd

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lorem ipsum

we don't believe everything told
we just wanna love,
we just wanna be loved
we're still young
but we got older

NAME: lorem
AGE: lorem
GENDER: ipsum
ZODIAC: lorem
ROLE: lorem

HEIGHT: lorem
WEIGHT: ipsum
BMI: lorem
EYE COLOR: ipsum

+ TRAITS: lorem
- TRAITS: ipsum
MBTI: lorem
LIKES: ipsum
PHOBIAS: ipsum
EXTRA: lorem

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis pericula quaerendum ullamcorper et. Usu ne probo commune elaboraret. At vix fierent nominavi scripserit, ex nostrum tractatos duo, vis persius suavitate reprehendunt an. Usu ei quot dolor, vero wisi cu cum, pro accusam epicuri pertinax ne. Prompta sadipscing usu ad, ea viderer assentior vix, eum accusamus reprehendunt at. Solet consulatu te cum, pro viderer iudicabit ea. Cu est assum invenire, at adipisci repudiandae his, ipsum ignota inimicus sea ne.

Est justo maluisset ad. No diam patrioque sea, at verear vivendo molestiae usu. Eu eos oporteat assentior, vix id libris tacimates, has natum doctus indoctum in. Putent albucius urbanitas et pri, cum at aeterno qualisque, no sit eloquentiam theophrastus. Eam viderer tibique appetere no, usu noster essent suscipiantur ea, eu moderatius omittantur pro.

Cu his soluta viderer ponderum, pri ex aperiam omittantur adversarium. Affert eligendi percipit eum an, omnis vitae posidonium eu mel. Mel te fastidii similique, habemus recusabo expetenda ei eos. Prima putant democritum an est, at mucius maluisset scriptorem vis, per ad vitae postulant.
❝A smile and some charm
♦ Name: Theodore Isaac Bennett III
♦ Nickname: Theo
♦ Age: 18
♦ DOB: August 12th
♦ POB: Madrid, Spain
♦ Ethnicity: Caucasian
♦ Gender: Male
♦ Orientation: Straight
♦ Role: The James

♦ Face Claim: Vladimir Ivanov
♦ Voice Claim:
♦ Height: 6ft
♦ Weight: 160lbs
♦ Body Shape: Athletic
♦ Hair: Light Brown
♦ Eyes: Blue
♦ Personality: Theo is charismatic, charming, funny, and generally a pleasant person to be around. He always puts on a good face in front of people, seeming positive and carefree even when he isn’t having a good day or in a good mood. He doesn’t really like to spend a lot of time alone, he loves socializing and being around people. He thrives when the focus is on him, but he has no problem with it being on others.

Theo was taught that what you say and how you say it can make or break you, so he always chooses his words carefully. This often leads to him deceiving and misleading others, whether they know it or not. While he is very comfortable speaking to people, he doesn’t always speak his mind or speak up for himself, often letting others speak and make decisions for him. Because he doesn’t always express himself, after a while of holding things in his aggression's get the better of him, leading to occasions of rage that result in physical altercations.
♦ Likes: Just about any sport involving a ball, girls, parties, movies/theater, shopping (although he won’t admit it)
♦ Dislikes: Being ignored, being alone, expectations, flip flops (because men shouldn’t wear them), old people
♦ Fears: Upsetting/letting down his father, letting people know what/how he really thinks, being perceived as weak, not being liked/accepted
♦ Hobbies/interests: Sports (basketball and baseball mostly), acting, fashion
♦ Secret(s):
-Theo uses his charm to get people to either do what he wants or to get information and secrets out of them, so he can blackmail them into doing what he wants.

-Theo is not interested in going into politics and he is afraid to tell his father that, not only because of what it means to his family, but also because it is the only thing that has ever made his father pay attention to him. He has always thought that he would like to try acting as a career.

-Theo had a friendship with Emilia before she died, even though he wanted it to be more. She had convinced him that he should not let others make decisions for him (ie. His father, his girlfriend), and to think more for himself. He kissed her the day before she was found dead.

Theo was born in Madrid, Spain during his father’s time serving as the US ambassador to the country. The Bennett family has long been active in US politics, with Theo’s father being the most successful. From the moment Theo was born, it was expected that he would continue his family’s political legacy.

Theo is an only child, and as soon as he could walk and talk he began being groomed to fulfill he predetermined life path. He attended only private schools, had multiple tutors, and attended any and all social events that his parents attended. He didn’t see or spend much time with his parents, his father’s work schedule kept him busy and out of town a lot, and his mother was a true socialite who never really had the maternal instinct, thus he was looked after by hired nannies. He always looked up to his father and tried to get his attention and impress him.

When Theo turned ten, his father decided it was time for him to start learning the ins and outs of the political world and started taking more of an interest in him. He started taking Theo to meetings and even on business trips. Theo enjoyed getting to know his father and learned a lot from him. His father taught him how to use charm to get what he wants out of people. But the more time Theo spent with his father, the more pressure and expectations were put on him.

When it came time for Theo to start high school, he just wanted a break from the pressure that his father put on him, so he decided to look for a way to out from under his father and his expectations. He found out about East Hills Academy, which was not only far enough away from his father in DC, but also prestigious enough for his father to agree to his attendance. He decided he would use his four years of high school in California to have fun and enjoy himself before getting serious about his future and having to answer to his father again.

Once at East Hills, it didn’t take long for Theo to gain popularity. And once he started dating the most popular girl at school, he joined the school’s elite group, the royals. He loves being a part of the ruling class of East Hills and will do whatever it takes to stay in it.

❝What more could you want❞
The James
a code by moiety moiety

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