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Multiple Settings And thus the search began! And it's still open! Let's write ;^)


Ironically pretentious



And thank you for clicking on my thread! Apologies in advance for the horrible layout. I swear I won't BBcode in my RP entries. But now I have your attention!

The part you can skip (but shouldn't):
I am a woman from the European part of the globe. Roleplay has been a part of my life for more than ten years, and I have improved a LOT since then. My daily life isn't too busy. I'm studying and doing art to earn money on the side. I have a bunch of hobbies and interests too and it's only a small part of them, which are roleplay-related. I am friendly by nature, with a pinch of sarcasm and a really bad sense of humor. Anything can make me laugh, which is both a blessing and a curse. With that said, I can be serious too. I love discussing larger topics and debating, also when I end up being wrong. That's an experience.

While I desperately try to keep it at a minimum in my introduction here, I swear a lot. I also send memes, make bad puns and joke about, when I get comfortable with you. Honestly, how comfortable I am with being friendly with you, depends a lot on how comfortable you are with me, so go nuts! Having a partner I can get along with OOC and communicate with, is a big priority! I want to joke around, hear what you're up to, what you like and hype over our characters, while waiting for the next reply

The important part(which you need to read):
As I live in Europe, it reflects on my time zone. Nocturnal by nature, but not during weekdays sadly!

My first language isn't english, though I have a fairly good grasp on the language. I do make mistakes now and then, but I know my "there" "their" "they're" and so on.
I write anything between 2 and 20 paragraphs, depending on the scene we're currently writing. Quality over quantity, though I always make sure to give something my partner can work with. I am pretty wordy, so I often drop a lot of text.

Response-time varies. If it takes more than a week, I'll be sure to give a heads-up. Same goes if anything gets in the way and I won't be available for x amount of time. Usually, I respond every 1 or 2 days, and can drop multiple replies in a day, depending on the length of my entries, the pacing of my partner AND how many RPs I'm currently juggling.

And when it comes to my writing style! I write third-person, past-tense. I like describing body language and facial expressions and express what my characters feel through that (if they don't straight up say it). There is a little bit of describing what they're thinking, but only if it's something that would be visible. Show, don't tell. It's my mantra.

Darker themes is something I love roleplaying, and I am not squeamish at all, though I do like there being some more lighthearted stuff now and then to break from it so it doesn't get all angsty and repetitive. I don't really have any triggers either. With that said I DO require the rules of the page to be followed.

PM is my weapon of choice. I can't figure the thread-RP thing out, and I don't really care to either. Maybe if my partner have a very strong preference, but other than that, I'd like to keep it in PM.

I'm not really much for plots that are heavily scripted out or any kind of forced relationship between characters. My preferred way to start a roleplay, is to decide on the setting, the overall theme, which characters to use and then how they meet and what their common goal is (or why they stick together). I have just found the roleplays to flow better that way. And then along the way, the characters develop some kind of relationship, whether that's romantic, platonic or hate or something else. I am a sucker for complex relationships of all kinds, so that could be anything. It all depends on their chemistry. On that note, I can do both straight and gay couples, no matter the gender!

I use multiple characters! How many depends on the plot and how it fits in with what's going on. I also discard characters (either by writing them out or killing them) if there's a good reason to, so now you're warned. Nothing is safe!

And that's about it! ... Or not, but you're welcome to ask!


The sad part (which you absolutely HAVE to read):

Okay, hopefully not sad, but just like you (hopefully), I have some expectations to the people I start roleplay with and while I'm pretty lax about most, I still prefer roleplaying with people who can live up to them.

1. Be 18+! This is very important. As a general rule, I don't roleplay with people younger. I'm no stranger to both mature and heavy subjects (within the forum rules), and I would prefer a partner who is down with that, both personally and legally.

2. While I believe you can write however much (or little) you see fit, I really need something to work with. If I don't get anything to work with, figuring out what to write gets really hard, and then I take a really long time replying. That being said, I don't want one-liners. I would never put YOU through it myself :^(

3. Transparency and communication is something I value a lot. If you want to take the plot in a particular direction, hit me up! If you want to add/remove something to/from the roleplay, the world, anything, hit me up! If you just want to chat about anything and nothing or discuss (or laugh about) our characters, hit me up! Even with the less happy things like if you want me to change something in my entry, want to work on an ending for the plot, or drop the roleplay entirely due to a loss of interest or real life issues, hit me up! I hate being ghosted... And I would never put YOU through it! :^(

4. Contribute to the plot. This speaks for itself, I want equal contribution. I don't mind if the focus switches a little. You control the plot you add and I do the same and the focus doesn't have to be equally distributed, but you need two for a tango, and if I wanted to take charge of it all, I'd write another book.

5. No metagaming, god-modding, power-gaming, et cetera. And please, no Mary Sue characters.

6. When you have read this, shoot me a PM with some words about yourself, what you're interested in roleplaying and anything else you would want to add! You can bump my thread too, but I won't promise I'll respond to inquiries in here so if you want me to answer, PM is the way!

The no-go's (which you should also read, it would be pretty nice):

There are few but still some things I don't want to roleplay -

- Fandom/canon characters. Don't mind using the universe/setting, won't use the characters.
- High-school settings or any school-setting at all. That's Hogwarts too. It just doesn't appeal to me. High-school aged characters are fine though, but the setting is boring.
- Anime. I like SOME anime, but I don't want to roleplay it, and anime-themed characters is a bit of a turn-off too.
- Fully romantically centered plots. This could work if it's something VERY interesting, but then it really has to stand out. And I mean REALLY.
- This might sound a bit off, but I am not really that much for heavy world-building. Tweaking worlds from other media or getting inspiration from it to create something new is something I can definitely be in on, but spending weeks and weeks creating a world from nothing is not something I have the patience for. I would rather focus on the overall plot and characters. ON THAT NOTE! If you have created/want to create something, I am all in on using it!

No offense to those who like any of these things! It just isn't my cup of tea.


Now I've said a lot about what I don't want to roleplay, so what DO I want to roleplay?
Well, you see...

- Modern Fantasy, such as World of Darkness, AHS, anything which mix the mundane and the magic
- Post Apocalyptic, such as Metro, zombie settings, post-war, natural disaster, Fallout, you know it
- Horror, such as Lovecraft, the Forest, basically anything scary
- High Fantasy, such as Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings, the classical fantasy with magic in a medieval world

Other than that, I am rather flexible. Introduce an interesting idea, and there's a high chance I'll jump on the wagon. I also have a bunch of plot-ideas myself, but tell me which theme/setting you're interested in, and we'll discuss further -

And thank you for reading this far! You deserve a medal! Hope to see you in my inbox soon

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Hey! Neither can I, this account is fairly new, after a long hiatus :^(

But if we keep bumping this thread, I'm sure at least 50% of us will be able to PM sooner or later
I've honestly had this account for a few months now... I just haven't really posted more than I needed to, to get a new rp when an older one fizzled out... kinda like now
I've honestly had this account for a few months now... I just haven't really posted more than I needed to, to get a new rp when an older one fizzled out... kinda like now

I noticed! Your account is from October, that is very impressive! I shitpost on day 1 to just get it over with, it worked with my old account.
Quick question... how do you feel about A/B/O stuff most of the ideas I want to try involve that at least a little
Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. They are secondary genders most notable for allowing women to sire children and men to become pregnant (depending on their secondary gender). Originally a way to describe the hierarchy in a wolf pack somewhere down the line it became a popular fanfiction theme among other things... that's how I found out about it anyway.
Hiii, I'm new too and looking for a partner. I usually write stories based off my experiences, so stuff here and now, but I like the idea of mixing in magic and fantasy bc our world is crazy. So... if that sounds interesting and if you can pm now, message me.
I have replied to most of the messages I got, and would just bump the thread to make people aware that I'm still looking!

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