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And then we were not


New Member
~~~~~"The stone reads"~~~~~

When is the start

Where is the end

No soul was here

When it began

Here you must sleep

Here you must stay

If you want to live

Then here you remain


ask to join and provide a character description and all other standard rules apply. The only killing you can do is yourself. If you don't want to be in this rp anymore then you can jump off the island never to be seen again

my character is:

name:Chad Tobin

age: 23

height: 6'1"

weight: 170lbs

race: caucasian human

gender: male

appearance: wearing a black wifebeater and a pair of green gym shorts.

Chad awoke slowly with pain in his lower back. he was on hard ground and when a slight wind blew over him he rose with a start. "How did I get outside?!?" he asked aloud. there was no reply, he looked around, surveying the area and he realized he didn't recognize where he was. he jumped to his feet and called out to anyone listening, "HELLO? IS THERE ANYBODY HERE?"
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name: Arlandria Reiley

age: 22.

height: 5'9"

weight: 112 lbs.

race: Caucasion human.

gender: Female.

appearance: Long, dark brown hair, reaching to her lower back, green eyes. Dark red T-shirt with the words "The Dust Will Choke You Blind, The Lust Will Choke Your Mind" printed on the front in silver cursive lettering. Black tight jeans, and brown leather sandles, flip-flop style.

How's that?
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[QUOTE="Kaoru Asuna]name: Arlandria Reiley
age: 22.

height: 5'9"

weight: 112 lbs.

race: Caucasion human.

gender: Female.

appearance: Dark red T-shirt with the words "The Dust Will Choke You Blind, The Lust Will Choke Your Mind" printed on the front in silver cursive lettering. Black tight jeans, and brown leather sandles, flip-flop style.

How's that?

(so i guess just start however you want. I already started up in my character sheet)

Arlandria woke to the sound of birds chirping.

"Quiet birds. I'm trying to sleep, I've told you this a thousand times," she whispered, and rolled over--only to find sand in her face.

"Blegh! What the hell...!"

And then she opened her eyes, ans found she wasn't in her little apartment anymore, not in bed, not, in fact, anywhere she ever remembered going. So she did the only logical thing anyone would do in a situation like this: She screamed.


(Oh, I'm going to add a few more details to my character sheet.)
Chad snapped his head around as he heard a scream come from his 3:00. he ran in the direction of the scream. he came upon a girl in a panic. "excuse me!" he asked "do you know where we are?" he had more fear in his voice than he'd like, betraying his own fear at the situation at hand. he offered her a hand to help her to her feet.
Arlandria smacked the guy's hand away from her.

"Who are you? And where the hell am I?" she yelled, scuttling away from him on the sand.

He didn't say anything for a second, and when she looked at him a little closer, she noticed he looked scared.
Chad retreated a few steps at her hostility. he was so caught up in his own situation he hadn't even realized that he had approached a screaming girl. chad sat down in the sand opposite her and succesfully composed himself after a few deep breaths. he said "I'm chad. I have no idea how I got here, or even where HERE is. I went to sleep in my bed last night and woke up over there." he said pointing to the left. "and I take it you didn't expect to be here either?" he asked
(Hey, I'm really sorry, but I have to get offline now. I might be back on tomorrow, alright.)
(Hey, this might be the only post I make today. So if I don't respond to your reply to this after like half an hour, I'm probably offline.)

Arlandria ran a shakey hand through her hair.

I have to be dreaming, she thought.

"I must be dreaming," she said, turning to the guy. "Because there is no way I fell asleep last night in the hammock on my back porch in California, and was somehow transported here, all while I was still asleep! Because that's insane!"

She stood quickly and began pacing back and forth in the white sand. Then she stopped herself, and made herself sit back down.

"I-I don't have any idea what's going on. My name is Arlandria Reiley. I'm sorry I yelled at you a second ago. I was feaking out." She held out her trembling hand in appology.
Chad took her hand firmly in his and held it for a moment to steady it before helping her to her feet. "We need to find out where we are. There might be others. And dont worry about yelling at me, i deserved it. Well arlandria its nice to meet you. Again my name is chad." He realized that hed said the whole thing without letting go of her hand and upon realizing quickly let go and his face turned pink. " we should look around" he said hurriedly as he turned to hide his embarassment. What was wrong with him, he thought, he was acting like hed never seen a pretty girl before

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Chad looked about trying to get a grip on his surroundings. There was an unnaturally big tree at the center with several opening leading into the tree and also there were all manner of foods growing from the branches. There were fruits and vegies. There were nuts and even meat products. He thought he saw a burger and a chicken drumstick. There was a spring where water bubbled up and spilled over a ledge. Talking on the ledge, it seemed to go around the entierty of what he started thinking was an island. But what kind of island has no water around it? There are so many unanswered questions. Hopefully theyll be answered in time

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When Chad let her hand go, she stuffed her hand in her pocket, looking at his red face, feeling her's change colour.

Hmm...he's cuter than I thought... Arlandria shook her head, clearing it. That is not what I need to be thinking about right now. We need to figure out what's going on!

She began really looking around for the first time.

"Wow! Look at that!" she said to Chad, pointing toward a small tree, weighed down by tons of large objects, that kind of looked like--

"Oreos! There are Oreo cookies
growing on that tree!"

She walked over, and pulled one off, the branch snapping back.

"Do you think these are okay to eat?" Arlandria asked Chad, but she took a bite before he really had a chance to answer.

"Wow! Their real!" She grabbed a few more, and walked back to Chad, and handed him one.

"So, what do you think we should do?"
Chad took a bite of the cookie and gave a little smirk. " well, ill be damned." He said tossing the rest of the cookie somewhere behind him. He brought his knuckle to his chin, thinking momentarily. "We should see if there is anything inside. He finally said and made his way over to a wooden door in the side of the tree. "Cummon" he said over his shoulder "Dont worry, I'LL PROTECT YOU!" He said putting his fists on his hips, trying to mimic some sort of super hero or something. He chuckled a bit at his own cheesiness. Before lifting the latch on the door.

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(Happy 4th of July!)

Arlandria smiled when Chad did the goofy Superman pose, but hid it so he wouldn't see, and was right behind him when he opened the door.

"Oh my...holy shit! It's a building!"

The inside of the tree looked like a expensive hotel, gold gilt on every wall, white marble floors, red velvet loveseats and sofas arranged in little seating areas. The only thing missing was the Check-In desk.

And, in the center of the room, reaching up, was a golden spiral staircase, with entrance/exits to the many, many other floors.

"If this is in fact a dream, I hope I never wake up. Especially if I get to live here," Arlandria said, looking up, and realizing she couldn't make out a top, a highest floor, anywhere up there.

"Come on, Chad. I'll race you to the top," she said, grinning. "Come on
Superman, or are you chicken?"

She lined up at the bottom of the stairs, waiting patiently for Chad.
Chad stared in shock, taking in the room. It truely was amazing he'd never even been in one of those fancy hotels nevermind something so beautiful. The tree combined the best things nature and humanity had to offer. Chad smiled fully as Arlandria challenged him and took off up the stairs. Chad gave chase, finding that his long legs helped him catch up to her quickly. "How am i suppose to win if i cant pass you?" He said with a whiney tone. He laghed heartilly and forgot about there situation a a moment. Actually hed forgotten the moment he saw the trees interior. Chad became deathly serious once reality came crashing back. They didnt know where they were, or how they got there. Who made this tree or what happened to them. They didnt even know what was at the top of this staircase. Then they reached the top. The summit of this huge tree was even more fantastic than what theyd seen thus far. Leaving the staircase left the gold of floors past and what laid out before them was an octagonal room completely transparent with fine wooden furniture. Chad bent down and put his hand on the cold clear floor. He rapped a knuckle on the smooth surface and said without any distinguishable tone "its crystal". He walked slowly into the center of the room where a beautiful mahogany bed was . He touched the comforter and pulled his hand back. Hed never felt fabric so soft before. He paused a moment before jumping high into the air and landing back first across the middle of the bed. "Wow look at this view." He said looking through the clear ceiling. A few tree branches came up over it and moved slightly from a beeze they could not see or hear. Beyond the leaves of the tree above them was an almost mystical sunrise second only to one sunset hed ever seen in his life. He smiled and closed his eyes before sitting up and shooting arlandria a huge smile

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and happy 4th to you too :wink:

Arlandria walked over to the bed and sat next to Chad, but she flopped onto her back once she looked up to the sky.

"Wow. I don't think I've seen a sunset so beautiful..." She smiled over at Chad. "Could you imagine sleeping here? Under this sky every night, under the stars, the moon, the sun shining in in the morning?" She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the last sunrays on her face.
"Ya" chad said absently, absorbed in the moment. Then his face turned beet-red and he got nervous at the prospect. "Its settled then, you sleep here and ill take one of the beds farther down. This rooms built for a princess anyway." He smiled at her and got to his feet and stretched his arms skyward and let out a tiny groan. "Wanna help me find a room? " He asked

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Arlandria snorted at his princess comment.

"Ha! I'm the least princess-like person I know. I hunt, I fish, and I read manga, something writen almost exclusively for guys. I'm a tomboy to the core.

But, yeah, let's go find you a room. And maybe one for me--this one might be a little too plushey."

She stood and lead the way out the door and downstairs to the next floor.

"There's more than one room on this floor. Why don't you take the ones on the left, and I'll take a gander at the ones on the right side." Arlandria started toward the frist room on her side. "Just shout out if you see one you like."
Chad smiled. "I like a girl who knows whats important in life. Before i ended up here i just moved to florida cuz i wanted to be somewhere i'd be able to find food all year round if society hit the fan. I hunt but fishing is more of a passion. I never got into manga but then again i mever really cared for comic books either. Now anime on the other hand, its all i really watch. What are your favorites? "He asked as they made their way down the spiral stairs to the floor below.

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"Blue Exorcist, Sword Art Online, Say "I Love You", and even though I've only seen one episode: Upotte!. I'm reading the Bleach and One Piece manga, and once I get caught up on those I'll start watching the anime of them."
" i had just watched the last episode of sword art online before i went to sleep last night." He said "i loved it. Gave me warm fuzzys." He chuckled "though i think they could have skipped the entire second half and..." He paused for a moment after opening the door to a room. "Arlandria!....youre gonna want to see this" he said in a sobering tone. Chad had opened the door to find a room with nothing but a fireplace on the right wall, a large apolstered chair opposite it, a small table next to the chair, large bookcases covering all available wall space, and in the chair, a skeleton with pieces of human leather sticking to the bones in places. " i think we found the last occupant of the island."

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When she heard his tone, she wasn't sure she did. But she made her feet take her to the door, up behind Chad. And when she looked over his shoulder, her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh my god...oh god..." Arlandria leaned against the doorframe, closing her eyes.

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