And Then there Were None...


New Member
Its the year 2015 the United States have been creating deadly viruses since the 190o's Aids, Mad Cow Disease, and all for one reason... Population Control. Recently a new virus has swept the European continent, this time its not made by humans where did it come from? after sending the united states samples a anti-virus starts to take place. after a year the virus has infected millions in the UK the virus eats away the brain much like a parisite. after the two years the U.S comes up with a anti-virus

sending samples to the UK. when a vaccine takes place somthing goes terribly wrong instead of destroying the virus it ivolves it... after a year the what is now called "zombie pandemic" spreads throughout the globe all countrys go under full lockdown and only one country is so called safe a no Zombie Zone... Isreal

Can you make it to isreal?

Will isreal always be safe?

Will there ever be a cure?

And will the human race "Live On"



  1. Romance is ok, but keep it pg-13,
  2. No one liners one paragraph minimum.
  3. all RpNation rules apply
  4. OC characters are allowed
  5. you may have more than one character 3 is maximum


  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Personality
  4. weapons that your character uses
  5. background/bio
  6. what state or country does your charecter live in
  7. apperance is optional

Name: Franky "The Rex" Polleen

Age 41

Personality: Franky is a very down to earth, self centered, keep to himself kinda guy, but after the deadly virus that has swept his old personality went down the toilet now hes a very rough, protective hating kinda guy who wont take s***.

Weapons: Franky uses what ever he ccan get his hands on but his primary weapons are a handgun and a semi auto hand held machine gun and a broken crowbar rubber wraped around it with two other sharp metal things welded to it.

Background/Bio: in high school Franky was a very shy and alone kid reading hero magizens and had braces, he was what you would call now a nerd but back then he was just a peice of s***. After high school Franky registered for the national gaurd, he was later denied because of his GPA. Franky went to college and transfered to the army where he masterd in protedctive skills. he was then inducted into the Army and served for three years this is where gets the nickname Rex later he was honorably discharged for not following orders in battle risking two lifes. after being discharged he registered for the police force here he meets his wife Sidney. they have two girls and live happily ever after... When the virus broke out in europe the family didint see any major danger or consern. in just the following years when the virus spread to the world and people started changing, the family went on the run...

state or country: Bayport, Arizona

apperance: will upload later
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Name: Matthew Jenkins

Age: 29

Personality: Matthew's a smart, (usually) calm, and brave man. He can be a little commanding at times, and sometimes acts before he thinks. Most of his intellect is wasted because of how rash he can be. Matthew is an optimistic person, and tries to look on the bright side of most things.

Weapons: Mr. Jenkins uses a semi-automatic pistol with a self made silencer. His parents had made him take gunnery classes while he was growing up and he owes it to them to be able to get to Israel alive.

Background/Bio: Matthew Jenkins was a tourist from USA visiting Egypt to research some new fossils discovered in a tomb, he had heard of the unfortunate mishap on the news. Immediately Matthew packed everything he would need and left, he had tried to warn the others, but they didn't listen to him. He knew that something absolutely terrible was about to befall. Matthew used up all his money to buy non-perishable food and a bunch of bullets. When the virus had become pandemic, Israel was marked as a zombie free country, Matthew escaped into the land. The question did Matthew know what was going to happen? Mr. Matthew Jenkins was the one who created the vaccine, the same vaccine that doomed all of humanity.

Appearance: Brown hair, tan skin, average build, and black eyes. (nice and simple lol)
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Name: Yuiki Smith

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: A somewhat unemotional girl. She took the virus as exactly the opposite of the word they used to describe it. She felt that zombies were a thing of pop culture for things like movies and TV shows. She was fascinated on how quickly humanity fell apart and is vary interested in things chaos related. Closest thing to a genuis as a teenager can get.

Background: Yuiki was an immensely smart girl, especially when it came to things like chaos and destruction. Due to her strange fascination on the topic she was able to suit herself perfectly for the so called "Zombie Apocalypse" that was spreading the world. She figured attempting to make her way all the way to Israel was a far beyond bazaar attempt and that she would be able to make it on her own as long as the "zombie" proof city was going to hold. She was able to steal all the right things, be prepared in all the right fields, and have the perfect sympathy of "zero" to be able to shoot any one, loved or not, right in the head if they ever attacked her. Currently living on her own.

Weapons: Perfect condition hunting knife, common butcher knife, .45 Caliber Revolver, 50 Rounds for previous stated weapon, perfect condition crowbar, machete.

Origin: Yuiki lived in Tokyo, Japan until recently moving America.

Appearance: Yuiki has short black hair with pink highlights, her face is nearly flawless, clean of any cuts or piercings. She wears prescription coloured contacts that make her eyes appear a flawed gold shade. The rest of her body matches the same physical condition as her face. She has white skin without a single external flaw like acne, freckles, bruises, ect. except for a long scar along her right arm that looks to be caused by a blade. She is fairly fit with a fair chest, commonly wearing her hair down, a tight shirt and tight pants, boots, and leather gloves.

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