And then there were none (Actual RP)


New Member
Its the year 2015 the United States have been creating deadly viruses since the 190o's Aids, Mad Cow Disease, and all for one reason... Population Control. Recently a new virus has swept the European continent, this time its not made by humans where did it come from? after sending the united states samples a anti-virus starts to take place. after a year the virus has infected millions in the UK the virus eats away the brain much like a parisite. after the two years the U.S comes up with a anti-virus

sending samples to the UK. when a vaccine takes place somthing goes terribly wrong instead of destroying the virus it ivolves it... after a year the what is now called "zombie pandemic" spreads throughout the globe all countrys go under full lockdown and only one country is so called safe a no Zombie Zone... Isreal

Can you make it to isreal?

Will isreal always be safe?

Will there ever be a cure?

And will the human race "Live On"


!Sign up sheet is in the link below!
Matthew stumbled around the dirt ground. It had been a year since the horrid event had started. It had also been three days since he had a proper meal. Nowadays, a proper meal would be a small banana and maybe a little bit of rice. Meat was dangerous to eat, since you wouldn't know if it was infected or not.

Brushing his messy brown hair out of his face, Matthew leaned against a small fragile fence, that looked like it used to be white. Using the fence as a stable object, Matthew began to limp off towards a small water hole. After a few agonizing minutes to walking stumbling towards the petite water hole, Matthew bent down to see that it was contaminated with blood from a dead zombie that had it's head cracked open.

Not being able to handle the sight, Matthew spilled his dinner from three days ago out of his mouth, getting some of the vomit onto his already bloodied shirt. Wiping his mouth, Matthew groaned, the little hope he had that there was water in this hole was thrown into a furnace and incinerated into nothing.

Collapsing on the ground, Matthew wiped the sweat from his forehead and drank it, it wasn't refreshing as actual water, but it'll do for now. Too tired to get up again, Matthew lay next to the hopeless water hole, the sun beating down on his already fatigued body.
Yuiki was woken up by a jolt. As her eyes shot open they were greeted by the sun beating down at her temporary home. "Crap!" she yelled in a whisper to herself. How long have I been asleep?! she thought. The jolt woke her up though so that meant her motion sensor went off. She looked over at the control panel for the motion sensors around the premises. "Water hole..?" she said out loud. She knew the monsters didn't need water to function, they didn't even need to eat people, so she probably had a human. A grin started to make its way across Yuiki's face as she grabbed her pack of weapons and jumped down the stairs she had destroyed the night before to meet the unlucky fool that got caught by the motion sensors. She held her machete tightly in her hand as even though the motion sensors would tell her if the creatures were close she didn't want to risk her luck. She eventually made her way to the watering hole and saw the sad excuse for a man lying next to it in horrible condition. "You're a disappointment," Yuiki said, "Do you have bullets or a knife? At least tell me you have food." She would hate to waste time on an idiot that was just about to die anyways. His build was good but it was clear he hadn't had a decent meal in awhile. "Baka.." she insulted as she began to turn around.

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