+++And Then Everything Stopped+++


((​ http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/5617-And-Then-Everything-Stopped ))

You live a peaceful, beautiful town outside of a huge, hustling city. Which is known as Kellogg. Everything was relatively calm, and it had a homey feeling. That is... until the fateful day when the crash happened. A helicopter had crashed onto the main highway. This killed dozens, if not hundreds of people.

That was a yer ago, and damage is still relevant. Families still morn the loss of loved ones, and helicopter scraps can still be found around the city.

It now the first week of summer, everyone is off of school. Kellogg is still as beautiful as ever, and summer is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty. Hopefully nothing catastrophic will happen this year.


Jordan stepped out of her home, she had thrown on an old sweatshirt, blue jean shorts, an old hat, and some Adidas slides. She yawned, and looked at the time on her phone. It was around 11 in the morning, and she had basically just woken up. She brushed her hair out of her face, and got on to her bike. She rode down the street; the smell of exhaust fuel still wavered through the air, as if it was a deadly reminder of all of the horrible events that had happened in the past few years.

Corey grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed. The sun was hitting him directly in the eyes, and he decided to respond the nature's wake up call. He slumped down the stairs as he put a tank top and athletic shorts on. He got himself a quick bowl of cereal and grabbed his long board. He took off down the streets, and finally got to his favorite hang out; the park. He long-boarded down the sidewalks, and then down the board walk. He kicked his long board up, then walked over to the railings and sat on top of them, looking at the peaceful water.
Charlotte Irene James, Yes That is her name and Yes she survived the crash that killed her entire family. How she survived? She personally had no clue. All she remember is waking up in an ambulace, two women over her. Talking as though in usion. But that was no more than a year ago, even though it hurt, she's alone now. She had gotten over the fact that she's alone.

Charlie gently sat up in her Cherry oak bed, the warm aunlight had filtered the room. The sun sailed in the sky above. She rose out of her bed, the cold floor bit into her bitter feet. Charlie solely walked over to her closet, inhaling the toxic sound of nothing. She had lerched into the isolated room, swiftly she had pulled out her favorite outfit.

A Saffhire blue, Sleeveless blouse. A pair of jeans, denim, button down jacket. And a pair of Black and blue rimmed Airwalks. It wasn't the most glamerous outfit, but it was comfy. Charlie walked into he bathroom. She brushed both her wavy red hair nd her straight white teeth. Charlie applied no make up. That wasn't her style. She walked into the empty living room.

As she walked out of the house, bookbag at hand, she remembered homwork she had not een tried to do. "Oh well" She thought to herself, continuing her journey to the dreaded place known as school.


Milye had awoken later, Her owner was gone though. She meowed to the empty house as she trouted over to her water bowl filled with milk. She began lapping up immediantly.
Corey hopped off of the railing and skated down the street on his long board again. He pulled his sunglasses over his eyes, and readjusted his old flat-billed hat and went to StarBucks. He got a cold coffee, and then went long boarding again. He loved the feeling of the sun on his back, and then wind blowing all around himself. He passed by a house that looked like no one had lived in it, ever. But he did see a blue sapphire object walk by a window. He shrugged and continued long boarding. He finished his coffee, threw it away, and then sat down on a bench in the park as he watched the glimmer from the lake shine throughout the city.

(There's no school, it's the beginning of summer :) )
Charlie trotted down the street. Her eye's fixed on a park ahead. She had a little time before School started. Charlie held her bad over her shoulders as she walked into it. A few children were here, many were gone though from the accident a year ago. She walked over to the abandon swings. They swun litly in the breeze from beyond. Charlie threw her bag aside, and swiftly sung back-and-forth onto the swing. Admiring the Crystal lake below.
Corey was so glad it was summer, no school to worry about. It was the first week of summer, and boy did he need those 2-3 months of noting but total fun and relaxation. He turned his head and saw a girl with red hair walking down the street. he wondered where she was going with a book bag, but didn't really think much of it. He turned back around and stood up, he walked over to the edge of the lake. He skipped a few rocks, and sat down on the bank, running his fingers through the water.
Auggie tore off her blankets, cringing at the bitter cold that ate away at her legs. She grudgingly stood up and unplugged her iPhone, checking for text messages or notifications. She shuffles to the bathroom, blasted her music, and stepped in to the small shower. Though she'd been living in the small apartment for almost a year, she still felt uneasy about it, as if everyday it changed, which made showering uncomfortable. She quickly washed herself and stepped out, shivering as she reached for a towel.

"Damn...." She uttered, remembering that all of her clean towels were in the living room. She sighed and slowly made her way downstairs, shivering at the wind that blew heavily against her wet body. She angrily snatched a towel and forced in around her body, gently pushing away her yipping dogs with her feet. She walked back to her room and got dressed, tossing on a thin yellow tank top with ripped jean shorts. Summer began recently, but she liked to pretend that it was July and that it was blazing outside. Auggie blow dried her hair and flat ironed it, satisfied with the result. Today she had to walk to the laundromat, walk the dogs, go grocery shopping, go to work, and visit Logan. She growled and grabbed the leashes, sighing happily as the dogs immidiantly sprung to her feet. Auggie clipped the leashes to their necks, forced on brown sandals, and stepped outside.

((I'll post for Logan after I get the laptop, it's hard doing it on my phone.))
(It's really good for being on a phone though :) )

Jordan stopped by Mc Donald's and got a caramel frappe. She got back on to her bike and pedaled down the sunny and beautiful streets on the outskirts of their town. She hummed a summer-time song as she got to her house, and put her bike back. She found her old, decently worn skateboard, and took off down the street. She let the wind blow through her hair as she wheeled down the street. She still sipped the frappe in her hand, she moved her hat to the side, then continued to skate. It had been forever since she had skateboarded.

Corey laughed as his friends came to the park. He tossed his cup away and then went down the street with his friends. Sadly they all left him, and Corey was left to go down the street. He flipped his long board up and decided to walk down the streets to get to the movie/video game store. He stopped by his house and grabbed his phone, then he went down to the store.
Melody hit the floor, grumbling. She sat up and looked around. The plush carpet seemed unusually hard today, even though she should have been used to accidentally rolling out of bed by now. When she realized how late she'd slept, she went into a frenzy. If there's one thing this girl hated, it was sleeping in and wasting half the day. She quickly dressed in some jean shorts, a pink and white tank top, and matching pink flip flops. Grabbing her messenger bag- which, knowing her, was full of all kinds of books- she decided the park sounded really nice about now. She slipped out of the house and walked the short distance to the local park, finding a nice shady tree to plop down under. She pulled out one of her favorite fantasy books and started from where she'd left off, getting lost almost immediately in her own little world.
Jordan had been boarding for a decent one when she decided that she would head to the park to relax. She turned her skateboard around, and rode in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, for Jordan, she hadn't noticed the bump in the sidewalk, so when she hit it, she lost her balance. She grumbled a few words as she got up and dusted herself off. She sighed, and looked at her knee which was now bleeding. She skated down to the park and slid on to a bench, she pulled her knee up beside her, and doused it in water. She felt her back pocket, and made sure her iPhone was alright, and she thought she had everything. But she didn't. When she had fallen, she had forgotten to look to see that she had left one of her junior school pictures behind; it was caught Ina wooden bench infront of a popular resturant.
Oh silly me, No school


Charlie carefully pulled open her bad, all there was, was really snacks and books. She liked to read, well not really. She considered and eneded up grabbing a Ham & cheese sandwich. Charlie made her way down to the water, the dusty winds pit at her skin, giving her goose bumps. It wasn't usially as cold as it has been from her point of view. But it seemed as if the temperature significantly dropped. Charlie sat at the edge of the bank.

She twirled her fingers in the cool water, as the sun blazed over head, she laid back. In the sweet grass of summer, and closed her eye's neatly.
Corey dropped the video game off at his house, he put a basketball under his arms and walked down to the basketball hoops that were in the park, fairly close to the lake. As he began to warm up, he set the baskeball down, he took his tennis shoes off, and his socks, then took his basketball shoes out. He must've put te basketball down on a slant, becase as be looked up, he saw the ball rolling into the water. In quickly thinking, he threw his shirt off, and ran down to the water. He jumped in after the ball, and swam into the freezing water. He popped up, then looked around, actually embarrassed when he saw Charlie. "Oh... Uh... Hi." He said, swimming up to the bank with his basketball under his arm.
Charlie cried ou in mercy. She was startled. Just like a dumb blonde, she asked. "Did you just come out of the water?" Charlie slowly looked down, blushing every so slightly. At the shirtless boy.

Her cheek's had turned a rosy pink shade. "I'm Charlotte, but everybody call's me Charlie. And you might be." She smiled politely. her gaze fixed on his basketball. Truthfully, she loved he sport, it was a value of intrest in her opinion.
Corey blushed, he nodded, and looked over at her. "Yeah, my basketball went into the water." He told her, chuckling softly. He could feel himself blushing with a little embarrassment as he sat there. He placed his ball on a bench, then he reached over, and grabbed his shirt. He put it on and then looked over at her again. "I'm Corey." He said to her with a small smile.
Charlie smiled, "Well nice to meet you Corey." She smiled, "It's been a while since I'd hung out with anyone." She looked ato the twinkling water's surface. "Was it cold?"
Corey laughed, "Nice meeting you Charlie." He replied, leaning against the tree that was by the bank. When she had told him about not hanging out with anyone lately, he almost instantly smiled. "Ehh, it was pretty cold." He said as he shivered and shrugged. "Do you want to hang out later on tonight?" He asked her curiously.

(Sure, go ahead Pretty :) )
August locked the door shut and frowned, looking at the weather. It was cloudy and mucky, it didn't feel like summer. She groaned and began to walk, constantly tugging and yanking at the leashes to control the over-excited dogs. She trudged to the park and put them in the field near the woods, as she always did. She sat herself down at a bench, blushing as she watched a boy tear off his shirt and wade in to the water. She quickly brushed it off and relaxed, popping ear buds in to her ear and plugging them in to her Macbook Air. She turned it on, connected to the neighbor's free Wifi, and went to her blog. She loved to blog outside in the morning, it gave her a very calm feeling, and it helped her day go by a lot faster.

Logan smacked his hand down on to his alarm clock, sat up, and stretched. Sunlight was just barely peeking through his shut curtains, making him grin and stand up. He quickly got a shower, got dressed in to jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, and made his way to the park. He knew Auggie went there every morning to let her dogs run, so he'd often try to get ready early enough to meet her there. After their parents abandoned them, she became a bit shy and secluded, so he'd try to talk to her every chance he got to keep her social. He saw her sitting on a bench and waved, not wanting to interrupt her music.

((I'll post the blog, I have to get on to my other laptop in order to get to it, though 0.0 sorry for the awkward delays.))
Jordan looked over at the girl who had just sat down on a bench next to hers. She smiled a friendly smile, and then stood up, she needed to go grab a pair of sunglasses. She hopped onto her skate board, then rode down the street. When she saw Logan, she blushed a little, not used to seeing people outside. She brushed her hair back and continued riding, she got to her own home, and grabbed her RayBands. She put them on and pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail. She grabbed her long board, then began to rode back to the park. She felt her pocket and felt everything that she had expected to find. She looked ahead and saw the sale at a small accessory store. She shrugged and rode passed the park, she had missed the turn. She grumbled and picked her longboard up, then walked her way back to the park.

((Its no problem :) Just glad your taking the time to reply :) )
Charlie smiled as her eye's twinkled. "I would love to hang out tonight." She replied, Charlie pushhed a piece of her hair out of her face and behind her ears. She blushed ever so slightly. She couldn't remember the last time, she was asked out. by a boy. Maybe a year and a half ago. She wasn't sure.
Jordan was looking down at her phone when she walked to the park. She wasn't watching where she was going, until she got hit in the head with a basketball. She looked up at Ezra and blushed, not expecting to find a shirtless guy when she looked up. "Sorry." She said softly, as she tucked her phone away and propped her long board into the crook of her arm. She then began to walk to the far benches by the sidewalks.

Corey smiled, "Awesome!!" He said excitedly, he looked back at the courts and then back at Charlie. He wondered if he was keeping her back from anything. "So uh..... You want to go get a bite at Panera?" He asked her nervously. He had no idea where he was getting all of his courage from, but he liked it.
Ezra looked down at her and smiled. "It's fine. i'm sorry for hitting you." He turned back around and started walking again.

Austyn went down to the lake in a red bikini top and shorts.
Jordan shook her head, "Hey, it's not your fault." She told him, as she walked over to the benches. She sighed and pulled her phone out again, she pulled her hair out of her face. She looked over her shoulder and then saw that an arcade was open. Se smirked and rode over to the arcade.
Melody looked up, brushing some of her dark hair from her face. She noticed that there were a lot more people than usual out at the park today, mostly kids her age that were probably enjoying their first day of summer break. She smiled a little bit and went back to her book.

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