And the world turned to them ~ An Anti-Hero Rp


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
For those of you who don't know, an anti-hero is a flawed hero, and therefore, much more interesting then the more traditional heroes. They can be working on the side of good, but with a tragic flaw, or a horrible past, or for reasons that are selfish and not entirely "pure". They can also be working for the side of evil, but with hidden noble intentions, or other underlying complexities. These darker heroes can be jerks, pathetic, hard, jaded, or mean. However, all anti-heroes must have enough heroic qualities, intentions, or strength (physical including attractiveness or mental) to somehow gain the sympathy of the audience. (Some of these heroes might be ones like Batman, Ghost Rider, Spawn, etc...)

This is a RP, where society is continuously threatened by the overflow of Super Villains and other beings among there cities, too much to where the local super heroes (No canon characters, this RP is strictly OC.) can't take care of them quick enough before more come to replace them or before they hurt/kill anybody. As a result, the cities overflow with distress, death, and criminal activity.

  1. No text talk.
  2. You don't have to be 100% literate to join. By that I mean you can write in 'script' format. All I care is that you don't use a sentence per post and that I can read and understand your words.
  3. At least a Paragraph minimum per post.
  4. No God modding, power playing, Auto-Hitting, or one-hit KO's. Not everybody dies from a gunshot to the head.
  5. Add some Drama. It doesn't have to be 100% Action. Fall in love with your enemy or friend. Split personality. I don't know really... But yeah insulting charas are good, but respect them out of IC. And don't go overboard with the insulting.
  6. Can we curse? Eh sure, why not... (Just make sure to add a * to the vowel.)
  7. Complaints should be told in the form of a question. Just kidding, but PM me if you have a complaint of any sort.
  8. Don't control other characters. If you do, you will lose coolness points.
  9. Can't win every battle! And eventually you will get hurt severely.
  10. Yuri and Yaoi are allowed. And I don't really much care if you decide to their suddenly be a relationship between a 10 year-old chara with a 20 year-old chara... Though I have to admit that will be quite weird and interesting to see how it'll go when problems occur. Also, Cross-Dressing, Transexuality, Transgendered, Polysexuality, Pansexuality, etc. are allowed too. I see no point in discriminating them.
  11. Expect the Unexpected... I always do!
  12. Please at least try to be active, but I understand losing the internet, family crisis, sickness, testing, and work.
  13. Have fun
  14. Try to make your character unique, no one likes blandness in a person.
  15. If you read all the rules, leave Personal Vendetta on the bottom of your sheet.
  16. Minimum to love is kisses and hugs. Anything beyond that has three options.

  • Doesn't happen at all.
  • You Time-Skip.
  • You do it over PM.

Name: (First and Last please. Middle initial if you want to 'go all out')

Age: (Any age is accepted, so don't just center it around teenagers!)


Appearance: (Either a picture or a very descriptive... description.)

Race: (You know, Human or whatever 'you' are)

Role: (Hero, Anti-Hero, Villain, Bystander ((ONLY 1)))

Alias: (As in, their 'alter ego' or the 'super hero name' they've given themselves or have accepted from the community.)

Weapon(s): (Limited to 3.)

Weapon(s) Appearance(s): (Either a picture or a very descriptive... description.)

Weapon(s) Info: (Just a description on it's/their ability/abilities and/or origin/origins.)

Abilities: (Limited to 4.)


Other Info:

Theme Song: (Not really needed, but meh. Also if you do put a theme song, then please put the information like this. Ex. Song Name - Composer - Link)

Personality: (Please, no one liners. A couple sentences that explain how your character reacts to anything.)

Biography: (Definitely no one liners here, a couple of descriptive paragraphs, 2 at the least. Note that the role you choose influences your biography.)

Name: Kilian Hartwig

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Kilian is a little above the average height for most teenage boys of his age. He has straight white hair that partially obscures his sharp crimson red eyes. His bottom lip is adorned with two silver colored snake bites that seem to switch to a bronze color when introduced to any type of liquid. He has slightly toned olive colored skin, that has a couple of abrasion marks from constant vigilante work. Along his neck, he wears a silver necklace that is adorned with a pendant that is in the shape of a broken heart. He wears a red short sleeved shirt with several black and white lines that run vertically along his chest leading down to his waist. Although this is some times covered by a grey sweater that is usually half zipped; to allow some of his shirt to be visible. He wears a pair of faded blue jeans with tears along the jeans and bottom, and a black leather belt to keep his pants from sagging. He also wears a pair of black knee high socks and a pair of Black leather shoes with red laces that are also made of leather.

During the night, V wears a plain red short sleeved shirt and changes his sweater for a black flowing cloak-like jacket; to allow some of his shirt to be visible. He wears a pair of faded black jeans with tears along the jeans and bottom, and the same leather belt. His mask is composed completely of Iridium. The most notable feature of the mask is what appears to be a V that arches back slightly with the mask, similar to horns, but more flat and sharper.The rest of the mask is colored a bright crimson red, and bares resemblance to that of a beak-like upper structure, but it doesn't protrude out as much as a beak normally would. Continuing on, each side of the mask bares resemblance to an image of half a star.

In Devil trigger form, V's appearance changes slightly. The cloak he wears, flows more freely now, there are also what appear to be, blade-like protrusions that line the bottom rim of the cloak. His physical appearance also appears a little more demonic in nature, having sharp nail-like claws. On his shoes, three long spikes grow out directly at the front, curving slightly and pointing directly up. The mask itself changes drastically in appearance. The V arching at the top grows thick and slightly longer. Connected to the arch is another V-like structure which bares resemblance to the previous form's beak-like structure. It has two horn like structures, one on each side. The horns bend down and slightly in. Although, the mask still keeps the crimson half side star part on both side, except the side protrude out more, and are sharper.

Race: Half Human, Half Demon

Role: Anti-Hero

Alias: V

Weapon(s): Judgement Blade

Weapon Appearance:


Weapon Info: The Judgement blade is not a weapon itself; just a name given to a blade that is used to stop corruption from consuming the world. Any weapon can be created to be a Judgement Blade, but only ones of a 'pure' heart can wield the weapon. (I'm not specifying on whether the holder can be pure good or pure evil, just pure.) As an upside, the Judgement blade cannot be used against its own creator. If held by an alternate person, the blade will burn at an extremely high temperature. Thus, rendering it useless. This is visible, as the blade turns red from the heat. Also, the blade has the ability to release waves of 'holy' energy in large beams. The beams power if measured depending on the corruption of the target. The greater the corruption, the more powerful the beam.

Abilities: He has control over the elements of fire, wind, electricity, and a special ability only passed down through certain bloodlines, called Devil Trigger.

In V's Devil Trigger form, his speed and strength are greatly raised to superhuman standards, but he loses his control over the elements. In this form, he also has a high regeneration rate in which whatever wounds that are inflicted unto quickly disappear. But the greater the wound, tyhe longer it takes to heal from it.

Hobbies: Kilian enjoys playing the piano, and has been playing for almost 15 years. Aside from that, he also tends to go out on top of the roof when it's a nice day out. He usually only does this though, to get away from something that is either 'gnawing' at him, or to admire the scenery. In his term though, admiring simply means dozing off. But, when he's not relaxing, he's out Demon hunting.

Other Info: He is 'accompanied' by an archfiend class demon. He enjoys a nice cup or bottle of coffee, cold or hot. He's also pretty cheap when it comes to eating. He mainly eats Ramen Noodles, not because he has to, but rather because he finds it delicious.

Theme Song: Where Did The Angels Go - Papa Roach


Personality: A lot more serious than the usual teenager, he takes almost everything seriously. Some things more seriously than others. He sees the law as the rules of life, and believes that all beings should abide by it. Although, he knows the difference between the breaking of something small and something big. Because of this, he knows not to spend his time on something like a 'J-Walker', but instead on more serious lawbreakers, such as murderers, rapists, and serious thieves. Though he believes this is the reason why he goes after all these 'thugs', this is just a fabrication his mind had created to vent off some of the hate that overflows for his father. So as to use this hate as a positive outcome. He goes with the moral of, 'It's easier to kill and be done with something, than to allow it to become a reoccurring nuisance.'

Biography: (In Progress)

Accepted characters:

Nathaniel R. Martin - Nalakitty01

Lin Shou - ChubbehPanda

Alice M. Cortes - Rafi
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Name: Nathaniel R. Martin

Age: 23

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Arumerita_Karoku_full_1090061.jpg.cb87cecb258e2303ab36fe1ec316cdca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1352" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Arumerita_Karoku_full_1090061.jpg.cb87cecb258e2303ab36fe1ec316cdca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Arumerita_Karoku_full_1420696.jpg.c9f79606b3b3bf4184619345d33d6a1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Arumerita_Karoku_full_1420696.jpg.c9f79606b3b3bf4184619345d33d6a1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Race: Mutant

Role: Anti-Hero/Hero-ish?

Alias: Luminaris

Weapon(s): Ropes (or strings) of light he's able to create himself

Weapon(s) Appearance(s): The ropes appear as strings of light, like the design on the back of his hand in his pic.

Weapon(s) Info: He can use the ropes of light to restrain whatever or whoever it is he's chasing, can make a net with them, can adhere them to any solid surface like webbing, and can simply draw designs with them. He doesn't know where it came from, but he was born with it and discovered it at an early age.

Abilities: Creating the strings of light, a bit of super strength (though nothing over the top or approaching Superman). He also heals faster than the average human, but nowhere near instantly.

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, sitting in the park and people watching, cooking, and taking walks.

Other Info: He works at a small restaurant as a cook and, occasionally, a waiter, and is bisexual.

Theme Song: Rudimental - Waiting All Night - Because I am obsessed with this song right now O.o )

Personality: Nathaniel is usually a very laid back person. He smiles a lot, even if he doesn't mean it and is just using it as a mask, and is generally a friendly person. Even though he's nice, though, he doesn't truly let anyone in, nor let them see the 'real him.' The real him is tortured and, at times, depressing, and he believes no one wants to see that.

Biography: Nathaniel was born with his abilities and started being able to use them when he was around five years old. His parents were shocked and horrified, at first, but in time helped him learn how to control it and keep it secret so no one would find out. He did his best at hiding it from everyone, but when he trusted a girl he thought he loved enough to tell her about it and show her, she ran away from him, calling him a freak. He's never told anyone else after that.

When Nathaniel was 15 years old, he saw his parents killed by (what-/whoever the villian ends up being) and was too afraid to do anything to help them fast enough. By the time he reacted and got to them, they were already gone, and he had to flee to keep himself safe. He was too afraid to go back and too distrusting to go into foster care or an orphanage, so he struck out on his own after that, barely scraping by. Eventually, he carved out an existence for himself with a small apartment and a decent job. In every way he can, he fights against (villian), to keep others from being killed but also to exact his own revenge, neatly and subtly. If he ever finds who killed his parents again, he knows he'll kill him/her/it, no matter the cost.

Personal Vendetta

Name: Lin Shou

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Race: Human

Role: Anti Hero/Bystander/Hero

Alias: Death Contractor

Weapon(s): Medium Length Sword, Dragon 7.1 (pistol)

Weapon(s) Appearance(s):


Weapon(s) Info: The sword was what Lin used to kill his mad uncle.

The gun was custom made for him after he completed training with his assassin teacher.

Abilities: Acrobatics, Marksman, Sword cuts through reasonably strong metal, Spy.

Hobbies: Sleeping, sitting in dark places, eating homemade food (hates fast food), standing in the rain, reading comics, stare into peoples eyes, shopping for dangerous objects, sometimes music.

Other Info: Doesn't sleep well despite having sleeping as one of his hobbies, secretly loves boobies, cross dresses, student but doesn't show up at school often (twice a week).

Theme Song: Mr. Brightside - The Killers - )

Personality: Cold towards everyone, Lin doesn't talk much. He likes watching from afar but sometimes wishes he was in the crowd having fun. He however usually dismisses this thought as he understands that it is "impossible" for him to have real friends. Lin has been betrayed by the closes people in his life, so he is always cautious while dealing with people. Lin likes staring into peoples eyes. If a person tries getting close to Lin, he usually would ignore them because he doesn't know how to react. On the outside, he is very calm but on the inside, he has a gigantic bottle of emotions that is usually released during combat. Sometimes this is bad because he then cant control himself and is faster, stronger, and does not think. Lin does not like being exposed to sunlight and is very embarrassed to being nude in front of others. Lin also is secretly a pervert (who isn't). His usual mood is blank, when pissed his eyes tend to avoid eye contact, when embarrassed he bites his lips, when happy he looks away, when sad he avoids eye contact and tends to look at the floor, when he likes something he covers his nose and mouth with his hand/arm and looks away or closes his eyes.

Biography: Lin was born into a rich Chinese family. He was trained secretly by his uncle in fighting. He life was fairly great until one day his uncle killed his parents over a family dispute. Lin had just come back from sword training and saw the whole thing. Enraged, Lin drew his sword made by his uncle and stabbed him in the chest. His uncle then told Lin to take the important things like bank accounts, names, passwords, anything with value and run. Lin did as he was told and before he left, his uncle gave him a piece of paper with a location of an assassin training camp. His last words were "Goodbye.... my son..." before he bleed out. Lin was 10 when this happened. After he found the camp, he trained with his master: Tai Ip Long. Tai Ip Long trained him to use modern weapons and more advance martial arts. Lin had his sword taken away due to the fact that the camp did not want the students to kill other students, so all weapon use was supervised. One day, the camp was attacked by another assassin group who were led by a Syndicate. Tai Ip Long was heavily wounded when he showed Lin a secret passage way back into the city. He also gave Lin back his sword which he upgraded tremendously and Lin's favorite pistol, the Dragon 7.1. As they said their farewells, Lin held back tears as he ran through the escape route. Lin was 16 when this happened. This is the 2nd time something important to him was taken away by force. Lin got a private jet and few to wherever the story is set in and made his life as "normal" as it can be. He got into a collage prep school and passes with high marks without even showing up to school every day. Lin covers his past up from everyone by saying that he is a transfer student from Hong Kong and his parents are actually very poor. The only reason why he is in a prep school is because the Government paid for him because he worked up a lot of scholarships. Lin secretly is searching for the Syndicate that kill his camp and also suspects them to have some connection to his family. He will do whatever it is to find the Syndicate, whether it is working against justice or defending it. To Lin, revenge is more important than anything else. After just over a year, Lin has had 5 successful assassination missions and each one gives him one step closer to revenge.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Lori.jpg.94dcaa4ca1e72cfceaae6dcd5453fc30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Lori.jpg.94dcaa4ca1e72cfceaae6dcd5453fc30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lori Stevens

Age: 19



Height: 5’8”

Weight: 135 lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

General Description: Normally a little unkempt. She virtually never goes out. She doesn’t even go out to shop for groceries. But she has all the necessities to clean herself up – save for dressier clothing. Dolled up she looks like the blonde girlfriend from the movie Lethal Weapon 2.

As Random Stranger she appears athletic in a deep purple costume with a grayish featureless mask similar to the DC character The Question or the Watchmen character Rorschach. There are no seams in her costume and she cannot remove it save by returning to her human form – even to eat or drink. It includes second chance Hardcore, augmented with PEG embedded with nanoparticles, a modern armor that has been used by Elite Forces in the Middle East for nearly a decade known as Liquid armor.

Clothes: Normally she wears gym clothes, not bothering with street clothes.

Jewelry and Tattoos: None

Race: Human

Role: Anti-Hero, Hero-ish

Alias: Random Stranger

Weapon(s): Hand Taser

Weapon(s) Appearance(s):

Weapon(s) Info:


Insubstantial (partial or complete, can carry up to small items). This ability is so refined that she can literally allow a bullet to pass through one part of her body without making the rest of her intangible.

Flight (about 80 mph)

Penetrating Vision (up to about 6 inches) Does not see through mystical materials, or items with a strong hubris or personal sentiment. This would include something like Batman’s mask or the armor or the last Khan.

Mindshare (Random Stranger sense) with possession (100 miles) This is a complicated ability. She only senses what those people sense, not their secrets. This will ONLY work with RANDOM people, the sort of people that mean little to anyone else: the lone bachelor janitor, that homeless bag lady, the wino. But a politician, the cop directing traffic, a neurosurgeon prepping for surgery? No. The instant that homeless person’s life is threatened, they become a blank spot as well. They are no longer random.

She can possess anyone of those people and Transform them into Random Stranger, possibly becoming male. But she uses this ability with great discretion as doing to places those people’s bodies at great risk.

When using this ability her body remains behind … and vulnerable.

Transformation (into Random Stranger) - almost instantaneous.

Skills: Sketching, Calligraphy, Computer Hacking, Conspiracy Theory, Economics, Disguise, Forgery, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, First Aid, Shadowing, Speed Reading, Literature (written and oral), Occultism (demonology and vampirism), Sign Language and Lip Reading, and some martial arts.

Also fluent in: Afrikaans, Latin, Old English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian, Japanese and German.

Unusual Attributes: Enhanced Time Sense (she can see a bullet whiz by - even if she can’t get out of its way), Eidetic Memory 2 (does not require concentration), Speed Reading

Weaknesses: Wheelchair bound - when not transformed into Random Stranger, she has no use of her legs. See also Personality.


MMORG’s - She plays WoW, literature,

Theme Song:

Theme music from the TV series Fringe

Personality:Lori is exceptionally shy. She has difficulties with being around crowds. She has mild agoraphobia. But most of this stems from a fear of being tracked down by the people who killed her parents and left her crippled. Some might say she is paranoid. But they really ARE out to get her.

She is very easy to read, her body language practically broadcasting her nervousness even in costume. She has a very kind and generous heart. She looks for heroes with characteristics to live up to and goes out of her way to help them.

Biography:Lori’s parents (Christopher and Tabetha von Straad) were research engineers in South Africa working for a criminal organization known as Hydra, which began back during World War I and was believed crushed shortly after WW II. The world knows nothing of Hydra’s existence and both sides have been satisfied with that status quo. Lori’s parents tried to leave Hydra. But eventually they were hunted down.

Lori suffered a severe back injury when the Hydra Deathbirds (assault helis that resemble Blackhawks) chased them down in California. She was dragged away by what looked like a war veteran dressed oddly and suffering from post traumatic stress. (He was a time traveler from post Vietnam and was having a hard time recognizing that he wasn’t back in the war.) He never gave his name. He flagged down a lone trucker headed south and managed to drop the girl off at a church called St Michael’s. The monks there just told her she was brought in by a random stranger. That was where she took her alias from.

St Michael’s recognized that she was in need of sanctuary and transferred her quickly to their mission in NYC as soon as she was stable enough to move. She later left the protection of the Church, fearing Hydra would discover her there and kill every monk to get to her. She became homeless at first, with nothing more than the wheelchair that the monks gave her.

When she learned of her powers as Random Stranger, she began using them to help people. It wasn’t long before she decided to better her condition and get off the streets. She began stealing drops of cash for money laundering by organized crime. She stole from bookies and drug dealers. She emptied safes of criminal bosses. She used these funds to set herself up in an apartment above an Asian restaurant (she loves sushi). She bought herself a better wheelchair. And she left a healthy donation to the Church – along with her wheelchair.

She bought (with cash of course) a plethora of computer equipment and set up her own intranet. Her apartment looks like Houston Space Center. She began building a database on the activities of organized crime. As Random Stranger she even stopped a few crimes herself rather than relying on acting as an informant. But she isn’t out for the recognition or fame.

Personality: Lori is exceptionally shy. She has difficulties with being around crowds. She has mild agoraphobia. But most of this stems from a fear of being tracked down by the people who killed her parents and left her crippled. Some might say she is paranoid. But they really ARE out to get her.

She is very easy to read, her body language practically broadcasting her nervousness even in costume. She has a very kind and generous heart. She looks for heroes with characteristics to live up to and goes out of her way to help them.

Lori is an avid reader - absorbing everything from Sci Fi and Fantasy, to harlequin romances, to classic literature. She absolutely loves sushi and orders it daily from the small Chinese / Japanese restaurant under her apartment.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbf178ae_ShadowHawk.jpg.6c99498b3b65aa748d88b43631240142.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbf178ae_ShadowHawk.jpg.6c99498b3b65aa748d88b43631240142.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Matthew Channing

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Dhampyre (the demon in this case was an alien of a species responsible for myths of demons, not an actual creature of Hell. And his mother was a vampire similar to the Tremere, Nightwing of Darkhold. She found a way to make herself mortal long enough to seduce the demon and bear her son.


Height 6’0”

Weight 170 (thin and wiry)

Hair long straight jet black hair

Eyes Steely blue (or pitch black)

He has a preference for dark clothing, usually black. Black T shirts, a black duster, black shoes, black socks. When out adventuring he always wears his duster (Matrix style). This serves two purposes: Protection from light (better something than nothing) … and it looks cool.

“Demon” form

In this form he has sleek, batlike wings. His skin becomes a black velvet leather with the faintest sheen of iridescence. His eyes become the pitch black of those demon eyes in all those TV shows with demons. A long leathery prehensile tail forms (similar to Nightcrawler, minus the fork). Short, razor sharp teeth appear - sort of like a cat’s, black razor sharp talons form (not especially long, but good for traction on a brick wall). No horns.

Role: Anti hero (though he tries to be more Hero)

Alias: Shadow Hawk

Weapon(s): pair of ASP Batons (stolen), Taser (stolen), switchblade (stolen)

Weapon(s) Appearance(s): blued of black, even if he has to modify them himself

Weapon(s) Info: Mundane and stolen


Augmentation Disciplines

Potence - Strength (Blood cost)

Celerity - Speed (Blood cost)

Fortitude - Resilience (Blood cost)

- These three abilities bring him to Olympic levels (and a bit beyond for Celerity) for short periods, but at a heavy cost. The Fortitude acts like a weak armor comparable to heavy leather. It also serves as a resilience against the elements. Currently the ability would cost him about ⅕ of his blood storage to last 30 min for all three disciplines. So he has to be picky when to use this.

Obtenebration (aka Shadow magic)

- Shadow Sight - Senses clairvoyantly into shadows.

- Shadow Manipulation - allows him to stretch and bend shadows

- Cloak of Shadows - Can cloak himself in shadows.

- Shadow Stepping - Can rapidly teleport short distances via shadows (about 50 feet). Can carry a person with him.


Hearing like a bat

Smell, heightened to where he can smell blood

Vision Can see even in color in absolute pitch black conditions. He can also see the EM spectrum. To him a radio emits a visible signature as does a car engine. People all have auras- the bioelectricity they produce. (He can see a person's skin through cloth - or concealed metal objects - assuming the person is alive.

He can alter the gravitational constant of his body to very near zero (as well as the mass of another up to roughly his mass). He can use this to leap down from buildings, but it is not true flight. For that he needs his wings. Neither does the ability offer any form of propulsion.

His body is fully adapted the vacuum of space, though he is unaware of this.

He also regenerates visibly in minutes. (Blood cost - dependent on the damage. Affected by Fire and Light damage)

Skills, Hobbies

Already holds a PhD in Genetics at 19, now in post doctoral studies. Strong interests in hematology and gene therapy. Also goes to seminars on forensic chemistry.

Streetwise, classic literature, biblical scripture, mythology, guitar, pipe organ, sings choir and moonlights with the occasional band. Owns a wicked street bike that he wiped out the first time he tried to race and hasn't been able to get it to run right since. His latest interest has been CSI and shows like NUMB3RS. Loves math puzzles, but gets highly frustrated at Rubik's cubes and has been known to take a hammer to them, and then glue them together. He has been known to pay a kid to put jigsaw puzzles together for him. But he solves even hard Sudoku puzzles at a mere glance.

Speaks English, Spanish, Latin, and bits of other languages.

Not a total geek, he has studied martial arts, preferring more flowing styles. He’s no Bruce Li. He has a rather souped up motorcycle - which he promptly tried to take out to street race and make some new friends, but he managed to lay the bike down hard and it hasn’t been the same since.


Sunlight / Strong Light - While merged they suffer from direct sunlight or even strong normal light. It burns them. Use of Fortitude will slow this down. But it much like vampirism. Even separated they now have to wear sunglasses.

NOTE: The light does not need to be in the visible spectrum. UV, an EMP, are also quite visible to him and can be painful. An EMP would have an actual flash effect. Flash bang grenades are very painful. They would hit hit sensitive hearing and weakness against bright lights.

Fire - damage from Fire does not heal through Blood Healing anywhere near as fast. In fact it is about 1/20th the usual speed - hours instead of minutes.

Draining - They are no longer able to eat solid food, but must exist off a diet of blood and fruit juice. The blood can come from any source. It does NOT have to be human. However, blood banks do make a convenient source.

Nocturnal - just like it sounds. He fares far better at night than day much like a bat.

Theme Song:

Theme from MTV Teen Wolf SSN 2




See his Skills and Hobbies as that says a lot right there. He is a geek with inhuman abilities that was raised in a monastery. He’s inquisitive, extremely intelligent, a bit of a rascal, sneaky, and has an intelligent brand of humor and enjoys playing minor pranks - especially on the monks who raised him. He is starting to wonder about his own past. His notions of ethical behavior have been influenced heavily by Catholicism, but something tells him they don’t have all the answers. Fortunately he isn’t really searching for them either.


Noone knows Matthew's origins, not even himself. He was an abused boy who had been shot and stabbed, then abandoned at a hospital, St Joseph's. There was, very simply, no record of his parents. He had two illnesses to contend with - an odd form of anemia and an eating disorder that prevented him from holding down solid food. Those records were soon lost and now exist only as rumors.

Arrangements had been made for him (by his half sister - same mother, but father was Eric Giovanni, aka Phantom) to be raised by a Catholic orphanage, but he escaped when the priest came for him as they tried to take him out to the bus. He screamed, broke free and ran. He escape led him to the sewers.

It was days later when the boy showed up again, now surviving on a diet of slain animals, theft from a Red Cross blood drive and orange juice from a C store closed for the night. He had found clothing and gotten ahold of an arsenal of weapons (stolen from a pawn shop). He waited from shadows watching for the bus to reappear. As painful as it was, he managed to sneak aboard the bus and covered himself with heavy blankets.

The priest recognized just how extremely different the boy was. The boy couldn't speak a word of English, nor any other language he knew ... save for a few words of Latin. Matthew doesn't remember his life before this. It is a sure bet he has suppressed those memories.

While Matthew was a wild youth, more than a handful for any father, the priest saw potential in the boy. He counseled the boy to strive not to be so different. Matthew endured a life of home schooling. But as he entered his teen years, he started to seek far more.

At 16 he left St Michael’s to live on his own. He still goes back for confessions - which he is very nonchalant about. He has managed to get himself an abandoned section of the subways and convert it into a place to live and a lab with some stolen biomedical equipment. The passage ways to get there are almost impassible. He made sure of that. From this off the grid locale he has begun to mount a war on crime - mostly drug dealers. He isn’t very diligent about it, but he does want the local blood supply cleaned up. And the idea of people selling drugs to kids pisses him off. Besides, they are a convenient source of cash. Gun smugglers are his other favorite.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Alexia.jpg.40091613900b4af82d45d0144c6df626.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Alexia.jpg.40091613900b4af82d45d0144c6df626.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Gemma Hayes

Age: 18

Gender: female


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 128 lbs.

Hair: Dark

Eyes: Blue

When in uniform her costume serves to make her look like a man, a mix between technical armor and kelvar leather it add's five inches to Gemma's height and completely hides her face. The mask she owns distorts her voice, making it more masculine.

Race: Human

Role: Anti-Hero

Alias: Riot


Military tech Gauntlet/Gloves

Military tech Vest

Sleek black blade.

Weapon(s) Appearance(s):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/GAUNTLETS.jpg.e5c5bd462b040a818989e2b9206b7dde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/GAUNTLETS.jpg.e5c5bd462b040a818989e2b9206b7dde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Sword..jpg.ae33b0d4f517fc8116133f443997c687.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Sword..jpg.ae33b0d4f517fc8116133f443997c687.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/VESST.jpg.5c8d3230c3a1dac815dcc2782f16d53d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/VESST.jpg.5c8d3230c3a1dac815dcc2782f16d53d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(But black)

Weapon(s) Info:

All of Gemma's weapons were provided by her Daddy, and upgraded with Daddy's money, while they do have their limitations they're as high functioning as possible.

Gauntlets: Gemma is extremely gifted in hand to hand combat, and her gauntlets work to soften the impact on her fists when fighting and increase her strength.

Vest: Absorbs kinetic force and makes any attacks that hit her less painful, stores the kinetic energy in her gauntlets, though the blow's effects are softened the inertia of the attack doesn't.

Sword: Normal but very cool looking

Skills (No Abilities):

Hand-to-hand combat: Head on, no fancy trick fighting. Despite her build she has worked and is a forced to be reckoned with.

Swordsmanship: Is skilled with a sword, not a master of it and prefers her fists.

Agility: Despite suit being slightly heavy, Gemma is still able to move fluidly.

Hobbies: Gemma enjoys a variety of activities such as gymnastics and martial arts. When at home she is very non athletic, she likes comics and creating comics, and playing video games. On the flip side she's very fashion oriented and likes to shop, for anything in particular. Enjoys volleyball in addition to gymnastics and was on the team in high school

Other Info: She's gotten pretty good at acting like a man, but sometimes the arrogant/feminine sway in her hips gives it away.

Theme Song: Primadonna Girl- Marina and the Diamonds.

Personality: Gemma is a Daddy's girl, she is very spoiled but was raised well enough not to be a brat. and slightly arrogant. She has her own mind and is independent, often combative when her opinion is challenged. Despite this Gemma has a good sense of what's right and wrong, and she knows she's the best at getting things done. It's very easy to irritate her.

Biography: Matthew Hayes was delighted when his baby girl was born. Of course he wanted a little boy but that was fine, the girl would suffice. Matthew was a proficient military man who after retiring at 36 fell back on his family's wealth that he inherited. Gemma grew up a privileged little girl and while Daddy gave his little girl what ever she wanted there were limitations and she had to work. Some days would be spent on Daddy's lap while others were practicing with the swords trainer, are going through a special boot camp Daddy made just for her.

Gemma had a normal private school life, partying and rebelling from Daddy, training because he made her or just staying in her room and doodling. But her Dad's gruff nature got him hurt, an older gentleman now he wasn't able to defend himself while being mugged but gave a lot of lip. He got a wheelchair out of the deal... and lost use of his legs. After that things just didn't seem to go right, the rest of the family was targeted and gunned down for their wealth and Gemma decided she was going to have to get stronger and stop relying on these "superheroes" to get stuff done. Because only she was going to be able to do it right.

Personal Vendetta.

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Name: It's not in our language but it sounds like Tesalia

Age: appears like she's in her 20's

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's a tall woman that stands at about 5'10. She's got long blonde hair that is in many intricate braids and twists. She had freckles all down her arms and legs and across her face. She had bright green eyes that glow slightly. She's got a snub nose and narrow eyes. Her eyelashes are long and blonde, so are her eyebrows. She's got white teeth with fang like canines, 2 on top 2 on bottom. She's got pearlique lips that are light pink colored. She's got b cup breasts and a slim waist and wide hips.

Race: Alien

Role: Villian even though she doesn't understand what she's doing is bad.

Alias: Tesalia I guess? It's her "human" name.

Weapon(s): None

Weapon(s) Appearance(s): None

Weapon(s) Info: None


Superhuman Strength, Speed, and Agility because of gravity difference

Sonic Scream


Feral Mind when she's afraid, it's either flight or fight or mate. When she feels like she's in immediate danger or someone she greatly loves is, she goes into Beserker Mode which usually lasts for about 20 minutes where she can't feel pain and she just goes wild until she passes out.

Hobbies: Braiding, Singing, Dancing, Acrobatics, and Gardening

Other Info: She's from another planet with a name in a language we don't understand. She was exiled here so they could see how Earth would affect one of their people and because she had committed a crime. The planet is full of plants that speak and work with the people. The animals are different and it's a more native/natural planet.

Theme Song: Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff


Personality: Angry and Violent. She's afraid. She doesn't know what's going on so she feels like she's being attacked all the time. When she is at ease she's lively and friendly, still cautious. She is a sweet person who loves plants and animals but she hates humans for what they have done to their once beautiful planet.

Biography: She killed her husband for raping her sister who when she was on trial refused that it happened in fear of her being ridiculed. So she had 2 choices, either be hanged or used for science. She chose death, they chose science. She was then exiled to Earth so her people could see how Earth and it's people affect one of their people. She never will be collected, they will observe from satellites and devices they put inside of her body. She has a brother and a sister but her parents are dead.

Personal Vendetta
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Name: Wolfram Eberstark

Age: 25

Gender: M


Race: Genetically altered human

Role: Anti-Hero

Alias: Ein Trigger

Weapon(s): Der Tot Senza (Katana)

Weapon(s) Appearance(s):

Weapon(s) Info: 29 in. blade. Seven Panel Steel. Hand Hammered. Scavenged(see bio)

Abilities: can create vacuums(areas of lower pressure creating suction)

Strengths and Weaknesses:


- Can be used defensively to slow or change coarse of enemies or projectiles, potentially stop and repel.

- Offensively can propel the user towards target increasing momentum or propel target towards attack increasing force of impact.

- Tactically to propel user for higher/longer leaps, soften potentially harmful landings, or aid in evasive movements.

- Slipstream. A mode of transport in which user creates a series of vacuums to continuously propel themselves. Flight potential.

- Böses Blut Collider. Creates opposing and layered vacuums between himself and target maximizing momentum for an intended deathblow. Do to the brief but considerable setup

time and fact the vacuums are stationary, this maneuver best utilized when target is weakened, distracted or unaware


The vacuums created are stationary and can only increase size at cost of pressure. Larger the vacuum the weaker it is. Also while the user does create the position of the vacuums a skilled enemy could use them against a sloppy, unprepared or distracted Wolfram.

Hobbies: Kendo, Kickboxing, getting kicked out of bars

Other Info: Works at a scrap yard, bar hops, womanizes and looks for fights

Theme Song: Clutch - Electric Worry [media]

Personality: Bitter about his past, he doesn't trust scientist or doctors. Quick to skeptisim and sarcasim, but has base morals. Not a bad guy at the core although enjoys fighting for sport and tends to egg people on. Does was needs to with no complaint, but not generally one to go the extra mile without insentive.

Biography: Wolfram's earliest memories are being raised in a corperate laboratory. The lab of a weapons manufaturer that expirimeted on orphans inan attempt to alter genes into desireable mutations. Ounce successful mutations were found the efforts of the scientists went to isolating the genes and trying to form serums the average soldier could take to posses the quality of the gene for an amount of time. This was not a choice upbringing. Wolfram endured painful expiriments, and witnessed friends suffer when mutations went horribly wrong or efforts to isolate genes failed. Only a small handful managed to achieve mutations deemed woarthy enough to be kept alive and fewer yet survived. The few that did survive managed to hone their powers and achieved an uprising. With the facility burning down the other children/adolescents all scattered. All except Wolfram who enraged found the man who overseen the expirements traped under ruble. This man, no scientist, no doctor, just a man corperate HQ trusted. The man happened to have an infatuation with fine weapons and always carried a katana he called Der Tot Senza with him. Wolfram took and drove him through with Der Tot Senza and kept it to this day. Now grown he prefers to not use his powers due to their origin, but does if a situationcalls for it. And although could be considered somewhat crude, he hates seeing helplessness preyed upon.

personal vendetta
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Soon my friend... Patience is the key... And another character... -w-ll
Still looking forward to this. I realised my character pic URL broke again so I came to a permanent solution and made my own URL for it so there should be no more problems.
Yeah Xenooooo, I know you may hate me, probably because I'm a pruncess and ur a deertee aliun. But I'm so exciiiited! D:
[QUOTE="The Magnificent Marley]Still accepting? If so, I'd love to join~

Yeah, we need one more character.

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