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And The Search Is On! (OPEN)


Bacterial Arsonist
Hi! Seems I'm back again in search of some new roleplays since a lot of mine have recently died off, so I'm back to look for more of you lovely people!

I know this is the boring bit, but let's go over some things before we start just so you know what I'm up for!

Detail: So really I've enjoyed RPs that are of a variety of different detail, this can be from two lines to ten paragraphs or more, I do it all! I'm not a big fan of one liners however, since I think that they can't really further the plot much. I reply with as much as I'm given, so I'll always try to somewhat match your post length, don't worry about that!

Dark themes: I'm okay with any dark themes since nothing really offends or upsets me, so don't worry about it! I'm fine with anything that's a little dark, in fact sometimes it can make the plot that little bit more interesting. If you do happen to have any triggers and we do roleplay, then please inform me beforehand and I'll be sure to stay away from them.

Romance: I do not require a plot to involve romance, in fact a lot of my roleplays do not, but if we do have romance in our plots I prefer MxM, and usually my characters end up being submissive, but not all of them are that way. I can also be persuaded to do MxF, depending on how I'm feeling. I've never done an FxF, but if someone really wants to do it I might be up for it.

Plots: Usually I can come up with basic plots quite quickly, but I LOVE to hear other people's ideas too, so if you have any ideas please feel free to share!

Character Sheets: I'm used to doing any type of character sheet, so whether you want a simple or detailed one is up to you. Or maybe we can just jump right in instead!

Interest: If you lose interest in an RP, inform me! We can either start a new one or just leave it at that, it's honestly fine.

Right! Now we can get onto plots and pairings!


(Bolded is the character I would like to play.)


Vampire x Human

Supernatural x Supernatural

Supernatural x

Werewolf x

Shifter x Human

Shifter x Shifter

Demon x

Demon x Demon

Angel x Demon

Angel x Human


Student x Student

Student x Teacher

Bad Kid x Good Kid

Popular Kid x
Unpopular Kid

Nerd x Jock

Shy Kid x Confident Kid


Servant x Prince/Princess

Prisoner x Knight

Knight x

Outlaw x Prince/Princess


Master x Slave

Doctor x

Patient x Patient

Mad Scientist x

Anything else you can come up with! Don't think that this is all I will do, I'm open to suggestions!


In Debt

For whatever reason you were tasked with killing a certain high ranking wizard, whether it have been for personal reasons, to repay a debt, for money, you did it. You cut them down like they were nothing more than a tree standing in your way. You thought you were free to leave, that you'd be able to get out of the Caprius Tower with no issues what so ever, but you didn't account for being on the twentieth floor, you didn't account for all of the other people that may be in the building.

Soon after the assassination of your target you were caught and imprisoned, they talked about killing you, about slicing up your body, they talked about using you for magical energy, they talked about making you their personal guard having seen your skill.

In the end they tasked you with something much worse than that.

Turns out you may have killed that wizard...but only for a short period of time, that wizard has now been reincarnated, as a child. Your task? To look after that child, to keep that child safe no matter what happens.

There are dark times ahead and you are the decider of what happens, they've promised you a fate worse than death if you kill the child. But will you attempt it? Or will you save them from all of the evil that is about to appear?

Messed up

A's life isn't exactly ideal, they're picked on at school, their parents practically hate them, and everything in the world seems bleak. It's at their final breaking point that they meet B, B seems like an in control teenager who knows what they're doing. B finds out about A's life after trying to make friends with them and whilst they try to help A, it turns out they're struggling themselves as well.


A is a student, but not your average student, they're a student with abilities unlike any other. They know what happens to people like them, they know what will happen if they let themselves be caught, so they keep it a secret.

B is their classmate, they're new to the school and don't really know how everything works. One day on their way home they spot A using these powers, they're about to say something, but A catches them first. Now A is forced to keep B by their side constantly, even though it could be dangerous, they can't let their secret out to anyone else, so they have to watch them.

But what will happen? Will they end up despising each other? Or loving each other? In the end will they be able to settle their differences?

More will be added....

I'm also open to whatever plots you may want to do! I RP every genre so please don't be afraid to ask!

That's all for now! If you wish to RP with me then please leave a message here or PM me!
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Hi there! How`s ti going? I`d like to rp with you, you look like a neat guy (gal??) . Just a question: which gender do you normally play?
Hey! I'm interested in talking about role playing with you - if you're still looking for some RP partners could you PM me? Too new to PM others just yet :)

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