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hi guys!

i just wanted to throw out a brief lazy search cuz i'm so bored. i want to get back into roleplay, but i want to kind of ease my way into it so i just thought i would drop a small separate thread with some of my top cravings instead of just bumping my super general thread.

mxm, slow-burn romance, original, realistic or low fantasy, literate

general rules
not gonna go too in detail. respectfully click off if you're underage (please and thank you!), no bigotry, fade to black and stuff. i am ghost friendly but prefer/appreciate a warning. all playable characters should be 18+.

what i'm looking for
something casual. rp should be an escape, not a job. something low-stress, no pressure to respond (within reason). something we're both into. something that makes me excited to write.

if you're not feeling what i'm laying down, i'd love to either redirect you to my main thread here or encourage you to dm me with your ideas. i'm open to almost anything, this just happens to be more of a specific thread.

current pairing cravings
singer x bandmate
bandmate x bandmate
closeted x closeted
roommate x roommate
tutor x tutee

current plot cravings
"you might not know who i am, but you sang my song" - muse a was a singer/songwriter whose talents were featured on some reality competition show in high school. muse b was a cover artist who showcased his voice exclusively online. one day, muse b posted a cover of muse a's song on instagram, and it gained some traction. unbeknownst to muse b, muse a saw the cover and really enjoyed it. months later, they ran into each other and hooray crazy collab. (i'm imagining they run into each other at some big music university or something but it doesn't matter!)

"snowed in" - a group of people were invited to a week-long winter getaway to a luxury cabin, located in a snowy mountain range in the middle of nowhere. the classic "snowed in" catastrophe occurs, and past that... i don't know. maybe the entire group stays, and we do a fun mess of doubling and tripling and quadrupling up, or maybe most of the group leaves except for two people, leaving them completely stranded on their own.


i don't know what these are called. but. here's a list of little random quotes/scenarios to maybe get the ball rolling.
"how about ibiza? is that spontaneous enough for you?"
"it took you five years to realize you're an asshole?"
"god, why do you hate joy and laughter?"
"did you just try to steal my wallet?"
"i can't stop thinking about that night in my car."
"your feelings mean nothing to me. life's too short to have regrets."
"dude, stop vandalizing my fucking house."

that's all! just a reminder that here is my main thread. though it's probably outdated in terms of how i write, most things on it still stand and it has a ton more stuff if you haven't seen anything that caught your eye. happy roleplaying, hope to steal some partners soon!

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