Future Diary: The Game of the Thirteen

Character Sheet:



Appearance: ((Picture or Description is fine))

Future Diary: ((Please keep the Diary balanced. It needs weaknesses. Also, it's future-predicting ability should somehow reflect the user, like how Yuno's Diary reflected her obsession with Yukiteru))

Number in the Survival Game: ((Any Numbers that are not taken will be filled in by their canon counterparts, for example if the Fourth is missing it shall be taken by Keigo Kurusu.))






Weapons: ((Maximum 2.))

Reason why they want to become God:
Name: Kona Bleackrain



Future Diary: Kona's Future Diary is a handheld gaming system that shows him short segments of games he has played with his opponent as the enemy. It shows him what his Opponent is doing at that time, but all the video segments are only 10 seconds long, and he only gets a new video for each other Diary owner every 3 hours.


Number in the Survival Game: 7

Personality: kona is a kind person but dose what he needs to be done when necciseroy he dose belave in survival of the fittest but only kills when a person attacks him that way it would be in self defense whether then just full blown killing he is sympathetic tawrods others and honorable he would give his opponents a honorable death if they don't fight dirty he is also loyal sometimes if he has someone dear to him he can be a bit clingy but not to clingy to make him weird

Biography: Kona is a normal boy with normal problems but he did have a few love life problems he was always clingy to women because he was back stabbed by his first girlfriend who cheated on him when he was 13 now his trust issus have become more potent now he is clingy because he dosn't fully trust people he hopes he can overcome these trust issues by having a woman who is loyal to him and hoping that he can trust her completely

Likes: Chess films people who are fair and who are honorable

Dislikes: cheaters backstabbers and whiners

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Weapons: katana pistol leathal gas grenades with gas mask

Reason why they want to become God: To be loved and cure all deseases
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You need to edit your Diary. Maybe something like this?

Future Diary: Kona's Future Diary is a handheld gaming system that shows him short segments of games he has played with his opponent as the enemy. It shows him what his Opponent is doing at that time, but all the video segments are only 10 seconds long, and he only gets a new video for each other Diary owner every 3 hours.

Also, show a picture of his Diary please.
He would be seeing what they were doing for 30 seconds. He would have to figure out where they are and what they are doing himself, which shouldn't be too difficult since he is a chess player. Also, is your character picture Joey Wheeler?
Name: Emilie De Rochefort

Age: 16


Future Diary: The Foresight Diary. This diary allows Emilie to see the plans of the other Diary Owners in full detail if they are plotting against her, however she can only observe one plan at a time, her diary is also susceptible to misinformation, such as a fake plan that could lure her to a place where a real one would be enacted. This reflects her ability to often think her way outside of things rather than fight, preferring to attack on her own terms. ((Her Diary

Number in the Survival Game: The Thirteenth.

Personality: Even though Emilie appears somewhat selfish and stuck-up, she is deep down a gentle and very sweet young lady. It is shown that she sees most of the other Diary Owners as "toys to play with"; people often describe Emilie as "having a screw loose". Despite this, Emilie is a very caring individual in spite of her snobbery. In general, she seems to strive for grace and poise with every movement — even and especially during fights (she has been often described as a "graceful" fighter). She is also very confident in her fighting abilities, despite not having any formal training in any fighting style. Her behaviour, however, is split between efforts to sate her own need to win the Survival Game and a deep love for her father, who dislikes violence.

Biography: Emilie is the only daughter of a wealthy oil magnate in Monaco. Four years ago, she was captured and held ransom for that very reason. While in captivity, she struggled violently to free herself, taking out one of her captors. That triggered her hunger to fight. However, Emilie's father is a good hearted and innocent man who doesn't like conflict. "I don't want Father to be disappointed with me... but I also want to fight." One day, she receives an invitation to the Survival Game from Mur Mur, she decides to enter the tournament and put an end to her father's terminal illness. Under the guise of a simple vacation, she used the family's private jet to take part in the Survival Game with her butler, Sebastian.

Likes: Expensive French Chocolates, Cuddly Toys, Winning

Dislikes: Displeasing her Father, Idiocy and Ignorance.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Weapons: 2x 24-Carat Gold-Plated Beretta 92 Pistols.

Reason why they want to become God: Emilie wants to become God to cure her Father's terminal illness and be immortal.

Also, it won't show Kona their faces unless he has met them, they will be a vague black shape until he sees them face-to-face.
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Name: Akira Fujioka




Future Diary: Akira's future diary also known as The Strategy Diary. The strategy diary allows Akira to view three different possible moves of an incoming threat as well as providing him with a possible counter for each possibility, though it is merely a suggestion. Similar to the hint feature in an online game of chess. This happens every six hours. However, this can easily leave him vulnerable if he picks the incorrect path to follow. It ultimately comes down to Akira's judgment of the three choices presented and if he chooses to trust its counter suggestions.


Number in the Survival Game: Fourth Personality: Akira a logic driven person, he strives to see reasoning in everything he does most of the time. He's a very concentrated individual overall, however, there are times he can be laid back. Akira can be humorous especially when teasing others.

Biography: Akira has had a normal life, the only son of two hardworking parents. Due to their continuous hard work, he hardly sees them, leaving him alone at work most of the time. He doesn't hold this against them though, he's okay with being alone reading and surfing around the internet.

Likes: Books, coffee, tea, people, Logic

Dislikes: Lies and ignorance

Sexuality: Bisexual

Weapons: Throwing knives and a pistol

Req why they want to become God: To reside above all, implementing his logic upon the world to shape it the way he wants.

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