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Fantasy Anakdora: Crimes of Marco ~ (Looking for Long-term partner) ~ Update (Closed)


رئيس الملائكة
Roleplay Type(s)

Status ~ Closed
The modern world is not what it seems. There are mages that live secret lives among the rest of society. Despite their human appearance, mages are beings born with latent magical potential. Their magic is awakened once they receive a magic artefact known as a Soul Key. A Soul Key often appear in the form of some sort of jewellery such as a ring, earring or amulet and contain a jewel. However, a Soul Key is much more than a tool used to catalyse the awakening of mage's magic, they serve as a gate to allow the entry of magical beings known as Soulkin to enter our world. Soulkin are creatures from another realm and derive power from one of six attributes: fire, water, earth, wind, light and darkness. Soulkin have unique and powerful abilities that they use to serve their masters (mages). A mage is assigned an attribute at birth, the mage will then only be able to summon a Soulkin from the realm based on that attribute when they acquire a certain Soul Key. Moreover, the mage's own spells will be based on the attribute they were born with.

Due to their supernatural abilities, mages need to keep a low profile when out in public. The Mage's association is an international, self-preservative and self-defence organization formed by practitioners of magecraft for the purpose of controlling, concealing and developing Magecraft. They are responsible for setting up and constructing the Institute of Magecraft, a secret school in London. The GMHA (Global Mage Hunter Association) also serve under the Mage's association, their job is to identify and retrieve any mage who isn't registered with the association so that a record can be kept and so that they can be added to the database. Capturing rogue and criminal mages is also the responsibility of the GMHA.

A little about Soulkin
As previously mentioned, Soulkin are a diverse range of creatures that originate from an entirely different realm to our own. They come in varying shapes and sizes, some are humanoid whereas others resemble animals etc. Soulkin are specifically selected based on multiple factors to become Soulbound to their master, once they obtain a Soul Key. In other words, masters aren't bonded to just any random Soulkin originating from the realm of their attribute. A mage can own multiple Soulkin, but each Soulkin needs its own Soul Key.

Based on their skill pool, Soulkin can be classed as fighters, guardians, assassins, casters or supports.

Soulkin vary in rarity, in order from least rare to most rare: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary and finally Divine.

Soulkin originate from one of six realms and have powers associated with their homeworld.

Ashora - Realm of Fire

Atlea - Realm of Water


Subtorra - Realm of Earth

Kazariel - Realm of Wind

Luxia - Realm of Light

Kore - Realm of Darkness

Basic Plot
Character A = Your character
Character B = My character

Character A recently graduated from the Institute of Magecraft. In order to live a normal life and pursue their dream career, Character A chooses to continue studying at an American university. However, tension raises as the world of mages is threatened to be exposed and destabilised by a rising criminal organization. It's unclear what they hope to achieve, but authorities are of the belief that they must be plotting something far more sinister. A three-way war between the criminal organization, the Mage's Association and the humans? No...worse. All mages are advised caution. Among all the turmoil, Character A befriends Character B, a mysterious transfer student with a deep secret. There's more to Character B than meets the eye. By working together, Character A and Character B bring it upon themselves to uncover the criminal organization's evil intentions fight to stop them.


  1. 18+ Please (for my personal comfort).
  2. RPN rules.
  3. Semi-lit at least.
  4. One paragraph minimum per post. Give me something to work with. This means no one-liners.
  5. At least one post a week. I'm a med student, so my schedule is usually busy. As a result, I simply don't have the time for daily posts, unfortunately. I also understand that others have lives they must live, which obviously comes first.
  6. I'd prefer it if you told me beforehand if you plan on ditching, I'll understand, don't worry. But in saying that, I am seeking a long term partner, so if you feel like you won't be able to commit then I'd prefer we don't RP, just so that neither of us wastes time.
  7. Romance as a side plot is always nice, but If we do I'm only comfortable doing MxF.
  8. Continuing from the rule above, this doesn't mean I'm only looking for female characters, I also welcome male characters and the relation between our characters could be like that of close friends or whatnot.
  9. I don't mind doubling, so it'd be nice if you're cool with that too. If not, it's not that big of a deal.
  10. Able to RP as side characters/NPCs.
  11. Character sheets since I have an OCD. (If I choose to RP with you, I'll make the CS). :P
  12. RP in PM
  13. Please put any emoji in your post so that I know you've read the rules.
  14. Am only looking for a single partner (maybe two) at the moment, since as I mentioned, I'm limited on time. I may have to turn some of you down (I just won't send a PM) for the moment but if things with my chosen partner don't work out, I'll hit up anyone else that expressed interest if they're still willing to RP.
  15. Express your interest below and I'll select 1 (or 2) of you (I'll send u a PM).
  16. Invest in the plot and put forward ideas. I want to see our characters develop in a world I created together with someone, not alone.
  17. Please, please, please communicate with me, with literally anything on your mind. I can't stress this enough.
  18. OOC chat, I'd love to make some new friends. I'm still in contact (more or less every day) with people I RPed with over 4 years ago. Nowadays we just talk about games and life stuff, we also really help each other in tough times.
  19. Discord ID for those who want it (ID: Zephyrazia#5358).
  20. The final rule, I promise XD. Let's have fun!

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