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Multiple Settings Anachronism (MxF Past or Post Apocalyptic)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is to be a story about a Modern era man who abruptly finds himself in the past or possibly a post apocalyptic future. Below are a few possibilities.

Dr Sean Reed, 6’9” and built like a heavyweight champion athlete. Suitable for Past or Post Apocalyptic settings.

Comes from a well to do family and has never wanted for money. In fact, his family is so well to do that he doesn’t like to discuss them much. Most of his family are spoiled brats, elitist snobs. Daddy’s money buys them out of all sorts of situations. His family threatened to cut him off when he went into kickboxing and ice hockey. They demanded he attend either Law school or business at a school no less prestigious than Oxford. He struck a deal - engineering at NYU with a minor in business.

Yes, Sean comes from money. His family is in the billionaire class. And they do their best to monitor any women that come into his life, discouraging the unacceptable ones. His family made its money through organized crime, then went semi legit over a generation ago. But there are still skeletons in the closet. And every now and then a new one crops up. He has a sister that has been in and out of rehab, and may have (probably) killed a man while DUI. His older brother, Samuel, was turning into their grandfather and tried to take the family back into the underworld. But their family also rubs elbows with politicians and law enforcement. His older brother also considered a career in politics. (The truth is more complicated. Samuel’s wife had been kidnapped by her twin sister.)

Sean has moved out on his own and tries to steer clear of his family. His pursuit of engineering has been the only thing to keep him sane.

Sean is easy to get along with. He strikes most women as an eligible bachelor - a family man. But he tends to clam up whenever the subject of his own family comes up.

He has been known to pose as a model for comic book and fantasy artists. He’s been approached by modelling agencies. He has that rugged look.

He has been known to volunteer at soup lines and with Habitat for Humanity.

Matthew Saunders, 5’8”, More suitable for Post Apocalyptic settings.
Matthew has lived a very sheltered life, spoiled by an upper crust family that he never felt a part of. He’s never carried or owned a gun. Well, his Dad tried to make him shoot some skeet. He hasn’t played many team sports – just soccer, rugby, polo, and team rowing. But his favorites have been rock climbing, hiking, bike racing, and track and field (Iron Man competitions). And he wasn’t too shabby at fencing, but that was another sport his father forced him into. His Dad was always trying to ‘make a man’ out of him. His life was a series of private schools – typically boarding schools as his parents were too busy to bother with him. He graduated high school early at 16 and was sent to Emory University to study Law and Business – both of which he hated. At 20 he graduated with honors and coldly turned his back on his family after heated arguments about career choices. He switched to GA tech to pursue Civil and Environmental Engineering completing two more degrees by age 24. His family chose to disown him, considering him a ‘family failure.’ For the past 4 years he has been struggling with his PhD’s though not for money.

James Braxton, 6’7” built like a Marine. Suitable for Past or Post Apocalyptic

James entered the USMC at age 18 and went straight into Force Recon. Only about half of those who served their first tour go on to serve in a second. James has done several back to back deployments over an 8 year period, plus short six month deployment in the reserves.

United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance - Wikipedia

I do have other characters. I even have a pair of males who have extremely different personalities, but are like brothers. That pair works better as a unit - either Past or Post Apocalyptic.

3rd person past tense
Capable of 400-600 words posts 1-2 times per week minimum

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