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Fantasy An Unmitigated Change of Pace (Characters)

Neon Valkyrie

She Who Is Called I Am
Post your character submissions here. I Will add you to the list below once you're accepted. Players may have multiple characters, but each character must be approved separately. Once approved, feel free to post HERE.

You're also welcome to use the OOC here.


Lyle Bennet - Livson

Tesla Quinn - Lettuce

Juniper Phitt - Neon Valkyrie

Alexandra Bladefield - Nenma Takashi

Lull Skullface, Lois Skullface - 0Stinato

Warren Woods - Galaxy's Silver Lining

Grov - Fuil

Captain William Hartigan - The Elusive Shadow

Melody Varien - Kasuu

Aster Ruddfall - GriffinHeart101


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Lyle Bennet


Mum Friend™



Lyle Bennet








Mage ~ Necromancer

Reason for Adventuring:

If it weren't for the need to have experience on the field before taking on the 3rd level of Necromancy training, trust me, he wouldn't be 'adventuring'.

Previous Occupation:

Necromancer's Apprentice

Short Bio:

Lyle wasn't born mute. In fact, he was a very loud and hearty toddler. It wasn't until he was 4 years old when he got deathly ill that it began. The infection spread to and severely damaged his vocal cords, limiting the array of sounds he could make as well as completely eradicating speech. The illness also left him weak lungs, and weak endurance.

Five years after that, when he was nine, his little sister came into the world. And another seven years after that, she exited. It was to the same illness that had forever ridden Lyle of his speech.

Kyra's death hit him hard. They were, the whole family, highly dysfunctional. Lyle's parents, both burly farm hands, were disappointed in their sons weak...everything. They each blamed each other, and their arguments could often be heard well into the night. Kyra was the family's pride and joy, even at such a young age she was sufficiently pleasing her parents, and her brother loved her more then anything.

Lyle swore he would get her back. At 18, the minimum age, he became a necromancers apprentice and dedicated himself to his studies. Each rank took the customary 2 years, and now he is old enough to enter Level 3, where he will learn to actually speak with the dead instead of just using their energy.  Unfortunately, field experience is needed before hand, so he joined the little club in hopes it could help him. He soon came to conclusion it couldn't, but was too awkward to leave.

Luckily for him, an opportunity for experience that didn't even require him quitting soon turned up, and he was, reluctantly, on board.

Adventuring was dangerous though, and he was worried for the other members of the team. They were very small and precious to him (even though he had known them only a few weeks) and he would not see them get hurt.

He brought bandaids just in case though.

Physical Description:


Underneath the hoodie, Lyle has a bridged nose, dull blue eyes and skin the colour of bone, a side effect of little to no sun. He also has eye bags the size of Spain. He stands a little above average height and is lanky and awkward in build, a bit like a teenager who shot up too fast. His white-blonde hair is unkept and messy, hanging well below his ears.

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Tesla QuinnAge:


"Uhm, Sir, I'm male."

"No, still a guy."

"Will you just listen to me for- I'm A GUY. Stop calling me 'she' already!"

A very effeminate maleRace:


HealerReason for Adventuring:

It's easier to scam people out of their money when he's not sitting in one place...


Also he actually wants to help people. Previous Occupation:

A highly successful Gambling Master. You know, for someone who gambles to make money.

Also recently he's gotten into being a Faith Healer only to figure out that hey... He might actually have a healing touch. Short Bio: WIPPhysical Description:



Tesla thoroughly looks like he's female until you take his clothes off and realize that his body is not that of a woman. To start, he's kind of short for a guy, and about average for a woman, standing about 5'4" tall. His facial features are soft, his nose small and cute, blue-gray eyes, and his ears are long and pointed, making it obvious that he isn't human. His skin is pale and soft, the latter of which is kind of surprising. His hair is stark white, with the back hanging down just past his shoulders, with longer hair in front of his ears that he's tied in... what kind of style even is that?
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Name: Juniper Alexandraelia Phitt
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Sorceress
Reason for Adventuring: Self-Improvement
Previous Occupation: Farm-Hand
Short Bio: Juniper was born in late autumn just over two decades ago, on a small farm just outside of Rookskellar. Her parents, a half-elven druid and a human farmer, owned and operated the property, selling heirloom vegetables at the nearby farmer's market. When she was old enough, she joined her father and her older brother Ben working the fields. When they weren't sowing they were harvesting, and when they weren't doing either of those, they were selling at market. It left very little time for June to follow her true passion; Magic. She desperately wanted to be a wizard ... or a witch ... however titles like that worked. When her father read stories to her and her brother, she would listen intently during any mention of magic for any hint as to its secrets, but none ever emerged from the simple tales. As she grew, her desire grew in kind, and though she never really had time to learn to ... you know, read, and write, and magic and stuff, she's always been "slightly magical." When she discovered the adventuring group in town, she was overjoyed. Finally she would have someone to talk to about her desire to become ... to become more than she was! It had been only a few weeks of infrequent meetings when the King's criers brought the new friends into the street that night, but overwhelmed by a misplaced sense of confidence, Juniper was the first to nominate their little social clique as candidates for the mission. Still possibly in shock, she'd packed all of her belonging that night, and spent the remaining hours until dawn attempting to draw a crude pictograph describing her farewell, and her intentions ... after which her family awoke anyway, and she explained the whole thing. They were surprisingly supportive of the endeavour.
Physical Description: Juniper has long, platinum blonde hair that hangs in thick, tangled tendrils all around her shoulders. Her skin is exceptionally pale despite all of her outdoor work, and her large eyes are the colour of the sky on a fresh spring day. Her ears come to a gentle point, and while they aren't nearly as long as her mothers', they clearly aren't human. She stands at 5'4" tall, with a runner's build. Her lithe, agile physique belies her physical strength, though her hands are calloused and rough from her years of hard labour. She wears no makeup, has no earrings or tattoos to be seen, and her only real decoration is a small wooden pendant on a leather cord around her neck.
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Name:Alexandra Bladefield
Reason for Adventuring:To become the strongest knight in all the lands thus making father proud.
Previous Occupation:Dancer
Short Bio:Alexandra grew the only child of a blacksmith and knight her father the knight wished for a son but Alexandra was all he had gotten. Alexandra knew full well her father was disappointed in her very birth but her mother told her not to worry and simply be whatever she wanted to be. Alexandra found she was very fond of dancing and thus became a dancer performing for the village regularly. Even though he wasn’t fond of the idea her father would go to all her performances Alexandra felt it was her obligation to him to at least try to become a great knight. So she had her mother made her a sword like her father’s and armor as well quickly finding both to be much heavy than she expected. She then knew it was going to be a long journey.
Physical Description:Not the toughest looking person you’ll come across what with her typical slim dancer body, her dark hair tends to stick out a bit from under her helmet which is a tad bigger than she needed. The front of her helmet can be opened to let in some air which she needs to do a lot as it get really hot in the suit.
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Name: Lull Skullface (his born surname is 'Lyster' but he is unaware of this. As such, he took on the name Skullface so it becomes an official surname rather than a derogatory insult aimed at him)Age: Late 30s. Lull's actual date of birth is unknown, as he has no birth certificate.Gender: Hermaphrodite. It's not as confusing as it sounds - he merely has both sets of genitalia, has no problems with their functions, and sports breasts. Only occasionally does he have crises over what gender he actually is, but usually he couldn't care less. Goes by male pronouns most of the time, unless he requests otherwise, which is rare.Race: Human. Although the pink spikes emerging from the back of his neck detect electrical impulses. In this way, he acts like a snake or a shark, able to detect exactly where others are from the muscle impulses they give off. He cannot be snuck up on unless the sneaker goes about it in a very careful way. He is also immune to the effects of radiation - this does not come in handy most of the time, and is just a thing he has.Class: Servant/barefist. Lull's never been afraid manual labour. Although he's a big guy, he's strong and endures a lot. His pain tolerance is high. He is used to being the lowest ranking in any social order, but he cares nothing for it. His skills include: mopping, sweeping and generally cleaning to a very high standard, has a general skill in food- and beverage-making, and doesn't become bored by monotonous tasks. As for a fantasy class, Barefist Fighter would probably be the correct way to phrase it. Lull hates violence, but, ironically, reacts badly to it, and lashes out with his own violence. He's got quite a punch on him, and, because of his ability to detect muscle impulses, can often strike foes in areas he know they will be exposed once they move. He is inexperienced with weapons, only ever picking up sharp objects because he's going to cut vegetables with them.Reason for Adventuring: "the smoke and steam spilled out by our factories, and indeed those of our neighbours" in the letter. "How dare they pollute the air, they're going to kill my sister, she's going to choke to death (smokes cigarette), how dare they."Previous Occupation: Servant. And a damn good one. Sure he complained a lot, but she called him a fat bastard so it was all square. Also used as a pillow.Personality Dump: Nihilistic and ugly, Lull lives his life waiting for it to end. He has no time for nonsense, and, although usually drifting through life in a state of quiet melancholia, will become roused by annoyances, no matter how small. However, he's not all bad - he's an efficient and reliable worker. And, if you catch him at the right time and you share something in common with him, he will begin to soften. Whether it's sibling woes or gender confusion or addiction issues, Lull might just be a good ear to soak up your stories. He detests alcohol, hates violence, and enjoys cigarettes. His other love is sweet things, and he can never get enough of them. That probably explains why he's so fat. His face and forearms are hidden for good reasons that he will not tell anyone unless he trusts them enough to remain on his side.

Short Bio: First stepping into the world as both a man cast free from the shackles of family, but yet a fugitive, Lull raised Lois on the streets. He had to develop the skills necessary for this kind of life - stealing, sneaking, and silencing. Not silencing as in killing - more silencing Lois when she cried as a child. Eventually, he knew they needed to find something more stable if he was going to support her, but he could only become employed in menial tasks of labour. However, Lull soon grew used to them and continues to this day.Physical Description: Lull is 5'11" and weighs 87 KG. He has a surprisingly emotive face, despite most of it being hidden. The emotions he usually shows are: "stop", "God not this again", "you honestly think I give a single shit about your problems" and "I literally want to die right now (translation: I need nicotine)."

Lull.s New Shirt col.pngBustsLullEyeroll.png

Lull Nothing Matters col.png

• Rough elbow-length dark brown shirt with an almost hessian-like texture, bandages that show their age, the apron, heavily stained with many dull colours, trousers one size too big for him kept up by a thin, worn leather belt, oft-repaired leather shoes with scuffed soles. All his socks have holes in them because life is meaningless.
• His mask is thinner and made of stone.

• He will always have a box of matches and slapdash tobacco cigarettes with no filter.

• He may bring a broom on the magical quest to smash people with if they irritate him.

BustsLoisOMG.png Lois.

In the case of this roleplay Lois will be sickly and have severe asthma instead of a gas mask. Her dress will be a loose, faded light blue one-piece. She will often walk around barefoot.
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Name: Warren Woods

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class: Rune Mage- Rune Mages learn spells that involve intricate movements of the fingers and hand to form runes that cast spells. Amateur Mages often store their power in crystals called soul gems. Some specialize in certain runes and their types, but others dabble. Warren specializes on the water branch of runes, which, at advanced levels, includes ice. 

Reason for Adventuring: Curiosity

Previous Occupation: Apprentice Runemaster 

Short Bio: Warren grew up in a forest with her parents, who had moved out of the city to study their magic in private. They taught and forced this magic upon Warren, causing her to hate such things. Warren moved away as soon as she could, as she couldn't stand to be stuck in that forest. She found herself in a plain ol' city, and regretted moving within the first couple months. She found she craved magic, that she needed it to go throughout her day. So she visited her parents once she was settled, trying to quench her thirst, but found that their house had been destroyed, and that they were missing. Warren searched for two years, finding nothing of their wereabouts. Though upset, she decided to give up the story. She now lives alone in our starting city, looking inside of this rag-tag group of friends for answers to her cravings.

Physical Description: Warren had a slender face with a small nose and thin lips. Her features are very sharp. Her lips are tinted blue, due to physical modifications. She was born with ice blue eyes. Warren also has physical modifications to her body, such as spikes on the sides of her forearms and fur from her knee down. Her hair is dyed an ice blue to match her eyes. She stands around 6'1", but often wears boots with 2 inch heels.

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Name: Grov


Gender: None (identifys as male)

Race: War Golem v.0

Class: Fighter/Berserker/Earthbound Heavy hitter who gets stronger and harder to damage the more damage he takes. Can control earth by using the mana that keeps him alive, if he uses to much he dies.

Previous occupation: Merc

Reason: Wants to help.

Short bio: He was one of the first golems to ever be made. He was like a normal golem until he was granted a soul by a goddess. Once he awoke he found himself in the middle of a battle field covered in blood and he felt his first emotions, fear, shame, and horror  He ran that day an keep running until one day he meet a little girl. She saw he was afraid and called out to him, after awhile he went over to her and they got to know each other, she named him Grov. Years passed and they grew to be great friends. He lived in peace until one day a group of bandits attacked the nearby village and killed his friend. He wiped out the bandits and left, wandering with no were to go, until he found the city.

Physical. Description: (my profile pic.) He looks like a 9 foot tall humanoid pile of rocks with a fist sized glowing blue hole in his chest.
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Melody Varien


~ Barbarian-esque : : Uneducated ~

To prove herself wrong

~ Barmaid : : Barmistress ~

Brought to this world, she was apart of the once happy family, 
though as the times got a bit more unsettling, things continued to

grow darker and darker from an early age. Upon seeing her baby brother

trampled by a bandits hoard of galloping horses and her younger sister 

catching a severe form of sickness that left her crippled. She watched

members of her family deteriorate in front of her eyes- trying to 

live on without hassle. But it wasn't long before she saw her father's eyes

glaring at her, and before that turned into violence. Her eldest 

brother had tried to do something about it, but everyone in that 

'home' understood why he was the way he was. How he had wished

his third child was the one who fell off the back of the carriage 

during the case that had taken his second son's life. 

He was a proud man, and felt disgusted at his daughter, but rather

internally he knew he was really disgusted with himself. But it didn't stop

him. His wife couldn't convince him not to hate his daughter, nor could

his son. He always knew it was wrong, so instead of facing his own demons,

he sent her to her to gain her own. 

After the night she was eventually left in the small town, she found herself 

passed out in a horse's stall, unsure what had happened. Her head was

pounding and her knees were weak. After the Innkeeper had heard of the girl

sleeping in the horses stalls, he simply scoffed at her, though he had known

what had happened. He knew her father, he's heard of stories of the young girl, 

and the previous night was filled with money and leaded guts. Her father had left

her. Leaving her with the Innkeeper as well as a hefty amount of gold 

from selling several stallions weeks before. 
From the age of fourteen, many years passed, and she head the story from

the Innkeeper. She was essentially property. And if she had wanted any rights

at all, she would need to work for it. For the first several years, her life was

filled with trial and error, everything being uncertain and her longing for

somewhere to be accepted. Working between he kitchens and with the patron's

horses, she lived a slow life, each day begin as meaningless as the next. She wasn't

wanted, not even by her own father. But week after week, she saw him, looking

happy, jubilant even as he dint have to face the daughter than reminded him of

his own son's death. Each time her own want for that connection grew and grew

and grew. As did her own resentment. It ate her on the inside, it made her feel like

a molten ball of iron was forced down her throat. 

"I-I have to get out."

Melody is a woman who stands at 5’5. She is rather full-figured due to a lack of strenuous 
activity. She holds herself to a type of calming grace, offering help to those whose paths 
she crosses, offering a smile as well as help. She is very well mannered, placing her best 
foot forward whenever the chance arises.

Her face is round, though her chin tapers out into a very faint point giving the illusion of a 
heart shaped face. With her eyes being one of the sharpest points of her face, the rest of it 
is rather soft and delicate in appearance. Her pale blue eyes are large and her brow is full 
and soft. Around her eyes were faint crows feet from possibly too many fireside chats with 
both old and new friends alike. Melody's mouth was full and undefined, the edges fading out 
into a light gradient, though still being pronounce. Around the corner of her lips, laugh lines 
are prevalent, though soothingly so- adding to her overall welcoming aura.

Melody’s body is rarely seen, and her true figure is often covered by the soft cotton. Though, without 
it she would be rather unmuscular save for her lower body and forearms. She had sloping shoulders 
littered with freckles that contrast with her pale skin and a collarbone that was there, though not harsh 
and defined due to her curvy stature. Her waist was tapered, though small rolls have been known to 
happen when bending to the side of curling over to lift something. She isn't a terribly small woman, 
and her build was filled out on a diet high in fatty meats and starches like potatoes and continues to 
keep it with her diet mostly focused around the pastries she cooks for those she considers close.

Her hair is generally down, save for a portion she brings back to keep it from her face. The long, wavy 
tendrils are light and generally bounce around when they can. Her hair goes wild when not contained 
partially due to its unmanageable nature. As a result, she allows the white-gold strands to be held back 
by a blue velveteen ribbon.

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[SIZE= 36px]Captain William Hartigan[/SIZE]




[SIZE= 36px]Gender:[/SIZE]

"What kind of a question is that ? do you not have eyes ! you know insubordination like this would have you hanged, drawn and quartered in the kings army."

A red blooded male like any other  

[SIZE= 36px]Race:[/SIZE]

"Do i look like a Golem to you?"

Definitely Human   

[SIZE= 36px]Class:[/SIZE]

"Commander , Solider , Gunner call me whatever you want I've been in the kings army long enough to know that rank and title don't matter as long as you get the job done . If it moves bleeds and you need to kill it i'm the man for the job"

Hartigan uses rifles or pistols to take down enemies from afar , his accuracy and skill at marksmanship makes him an important part of any party , plus his observational and tactical knowledge is sure to come in handy. Hartigan can best be described as being of the Gunner class. 

[SIZE= 36px]Reasons For Adventuring:[/SIZE]


"With the war now over us military types haven't had much to do lately unless of course you have some land or a manner to get back to , i don't . Besides i'm always up to serve king and country ." 

[SIZE= 36px]Previous Occupation:[/SIZE]

"Commander of the Sixth troop , Third squadron , Royal Grenadier Guard"

[SIZE= 36px]Commendations[/SIZE][SIZE= 36px]/Honors:[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Meritorious Service Order - Awarded For Skill [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]and Bravery upon the field of battle - Assault of Carabod[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]

[SIZE= 20px]Fleur de lis of Saint Jerome - For exceptional initiative [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]and courage in a seige battle - Seige of Sost [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px]Short Bio:[/SIZE]W[SIZE= 20px]ell then where do we start , Captain Hartigan has seen so much in his short time on earth that you could really write a book about all of it and not a bad one at that , the man's battled every monster in the book , wooed women from all over the known kingdoms and lead men into the most perilous of battles and come out alive to tell the tale . But i guess we have to start somewhere so lets start at what you'll get to know 5 minutes into having some ale with the man , He brags a lot about having climbed the ranks on his own merit not handed titles because of his last name not that he didn't belong to noble blood it was just that his family had been through a bit of a rough patch you see his father the late lord Caius had a bit of a gambling problem , by that I mean that the man bet his manor and ancestral lands on a card game , needless to say he lost. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Enough of the gloomy stuff lets now get on with the fun part where our hero here joined the kings army as a young officer and was assigned to a fort in the furthest stretches of the kingdom which was then ..... immediately set upon by large group of raiders who torched the place leaving only a handful of solders and Hartigan alive . Initial setbacks aside the man did have a glowing military career his grenadiers often being the deciding factor in many a battles . Like in the siege of Sost where Hartigan and his men were chosen to lead the 'forlorn hope' which is basically a military tactic in which a bunch of the army's most bravest/stupidest/craziest men are chosen to charge and take a particular position or die trying , Hartigan took like 5 bullets that day and still kept on going and he got a medal for his efforts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Essentially what i'm getting at here is that the man is a badass and will continue being a badass until someone puts a bullet through his brain , which doesn't seem all that unlikely if he's setting out on this adventure.[/SIZE] 

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Name: "Aster Ruddfall" Age: "I'm 21. In human years that is."Gender: "I'm male."Race: "I'm a satyr, but I suppose it isn't very hard to tell."Class: "A sneaky rogue/thief! Even though I'm not exactly good at it."Reason for Adventuring: "I want to see the world, just like my family did and train myself in the ways of the thief."Previous Occupation: "I was a blacksmith's apprentice, but that got pretty boring and I kinda got hurt a lot."

Short Bio: Aster grew up in the city, not knowing much about the world outside of it. His family was a tribe of wandering satyrs who had decided that they wouldn't be able to take care of him with their constant traveling so they left him with an older man and his granddaughter before promptly going back on their travels. The older man, who Aster usually called "Gramps", was a weaponsmith while his granddaughter, named Liz, became a self-proclaimed inventor as she grew up. Aster learned the way of crafting from them, quickly gaining interest in weaponry and making things. However he was often thrown out of the room where the man worked, often knocking stuff over and accidentally hurting himself even if he was trying to be careful so he was put to the duty of selling the weapons and delivering orders. As the satyr grew up, he started asking more and more questions about where he came from and who his parents were until Gramps had enough of the questioning and explained to him what happened. He had heard earlier of an adventuring party that was forming in the city and with that new bit of information, Aster decided he was going to follow (somewhat) in his family's hoofprints and explore. He tried to make it quietly out of the house in the early morning with a letter out for Gramps and Liz to see, but he tripped over stray supplies and woke them up. They understood Aster's intentions and let him leave only after fully equipping him with weapons, good clothes and light armor and provisions. Just before Aster left, Liz gave him his harmonica-like instrument as a parting gift. 

Physical Description: Aster is a satyr of shorter stature, around 5'3". He has sky blue eyes which are slightly covered by a mop of messy chestnut brown hair. In the back it falls down to about the middle of his shoulder blades and he has a single braid that hangs in front of his right shoulder. Aster's ears are goat-like, furred and gray in color. He has two horns atop his head that are only now beginning to curl backwards. His skin is just lightly tanned and his nose and cheeks are slightly pink. 

Like all satyrs, Aster's legs are much like a goat's (in his case, a Nigerian Dwarf Goat) sporting gray hooves and a small gray mottled tail. All of his fur is mottled with black, brown and white. The fur on the back of his legs is much longer than the rest of his fur. He sports fur on his elbows as well, which are quite bruised and beat up if you look closely. Aster (now) wears darker clothing that is easy to move in and has a harmonica-like instrument hanging from his hip at all times. 

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