An Uncovered World.


One Time Luck
So, this will be my very first Rp on here!!! lets hope it works out.

An Uncovered World

This story is within modern times, but hidden within the woods of a local city. There an legends and several stories based around these woods. They are feared by the citizens and no one dares to step foot within the paths of the forest. One night Ivory Gains is chased within the forest border and never expected to see what she was about to see.

Now in order to get into the hidden world within our own, there are portals, gateways almost. Each gateway is different, pretaining to your personality. These gateways will lead you to where in this world you are best suited. If two people have similair personalities, they will be brought into similair areas within the world.

What I would like to do is have everyone who joins collaborate on the story line, and mash all our ideas together and great a wondefrul plot! We could take th idea that each section of the world is different, one could be fantasy, one could be sci-fi, one could be supernatural, etc, and have each person venture out of their sections to fight against some type of villian trying to destroy this world, a villian from Earth.

We can play around with this story so much it's unbelievable! haha

Character Sheet:

I have a couple questions, if you don't mind. (1) Is this a selective RP, or can anyone join? And (2) if anyone can join, could the other characters be inhabitants of the separate worlds, and not just the 'main' world?

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