• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy An Otaku Life!


The Mermaid Slayer

Ohayoo! Hajimemashite.

(Hello! Pleased to see you.)


Thank you :)

Character Sheet









5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!)

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)

Likes (Opt.)

Dislikes (Opt.)

2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)


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Name // Hatoyama, Chiharu

Age // 16

Gender // Female

Birthday|Zodiac // April 5th | Aries; Year of the Dragon

Orientation // Demisexual, Biromantic

Occupation|Year // Tsundere Tyrant|2nd Year

Height // 5'2"

Weight // 118 lbs.

Hair Color // Honey Blonde

Eye Color //Red Brown

Body Mods // N/A

// Clothing Style //

- Enjoys Scarves

- Judges others for dressing scandalously but wears fairly short skirts.

- Every button buttoned to the second to last button AT LEAST

- Straight, clean, and wrinkle free

- Mostly modest colors and clothing but the occasional tank top or sun dress

// Virtues //

- Strong willed and brave. If it comes down to it, Chiharu will get in your face and tell you exactly how she feels. (Unless of course it's conveying affection) If you insult her, she'll give you the what for!

- Honest. At least you can count on her for that! Even if she is a little too honest sometimes.

- Energetic. Chiharu is almost always full of spirit, whether that be angry spirit, happy spirit, or the likes. You'd know if she was unhappy because she wouldn't say anything. Still, blissful silence.

- Loyal. Even if she doesn't seem like the kind to always be there for you, you can trust she has your back. She protects what she cares for after all.

- Charitable. Would you believe it? It's true. In her free time, she does community service. But don't you dare bring that up!

// Vices //

- Conveying affection is not her thing. If she's going to tell you she likes you, expect crossed arms, an eye roll, blushing cheeks, and an incoherent mutter.

- Chiharu runs her mouth a little too much. Has the girl even heard of a filter? Apparently not.

- Arrogant. Yeah, she thinks she's hot stuff. What about it?

- Violence. Blame it on cable TV. Sometimes she can be a little rough.

- Headstrong. If she gets an idea in her head, it's getting down right now. Consequences? That sounds like future Chiharu's problem.

// Quirks //

- Chiharu tends to jump to conclusions, hence, big mouth.

- If she's bordering any type of affection, she won't look at the person to whom she's affectionate.

- DO NOT PAT HER ON THE HEAD!! Even if you are her crush, senpai, who cares.I mean, it's not like she likes it or anything.
// Likes //

- Being right (It's her faaaavorite)

- Yellow flowers

- Cats (Though she pretends not to)

- Strawberry Rice Cakes (Her kryptonite!)

- Making tea. Not drinking it. It's soothing.

- Bubble baths

- Horror novels

// Dislikes //

- Being wrong, of course (This never happens, by the way)

- Birds.

- Coffee

- The word "panty". DON'T YOU DARE

- Math, Science, Language, PE, History, but lunch hour is okay in her book.

- Squirmy critters. Get it away!!

- Repeating herself

A 2D Boy in a 3D world


Name : Hatoyama, Hisoka

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Bithday/Zodiac : October 30th / Scorpio; Year of the Tiger

Orientation : Heterosexual Demiromantic

Occupation/Year : Seclusive Techno-wiz / 3rd Year

Height : 5'11"

Weight : 178 lbs.

Hair Color : Dark Brown

Eye Color : Emerald Green

Body Mods : N/A

: Clothing Style :

- Blacks, whites, grays, and browns

- Solids, stripes, and plaid

- Usually long sleeved/jacket because he gets cold easier than most

- Hardly ever shorts

- Fancy oxfords or flip flops/sandals. There is no in between.

- Bright colors make him unhappy

: Virtues :

- Fairly Intelligent. While Hisoka is fairly good at most subjects, he excels at math and computer related things. He's not too bad at building things either, although it mostly pertains to computers and electronics.

- He hardly ever loses his temper. Not that he doesn't get agitated, but he never really yells or gets angry.

- Other's people's opinions do not matter to him. Someone thinks he's weird? Ugly? Mean? Why does he care? He's happy with the way he is

- Honest. If you ask him something and he gives it a legitimate answer, it's going to be true unless he has a better reason for it not to be. He doesn't mind telling the truth but can keep his mouth shut if he needs to.

- Healthy. While he really doesn't eat healthy or do any sort of things to be that way, he has a seriously clean bill of health.

"Why does this matter? Well, Stamper is struggling to find more good things about me."

- Creative. Yes, he's very creative but none would be the wiser. Most of his artistic talent is used in graphical design but he does like to paint from time to time.

: Vices :

- Antisocial. He doesn't like nor dislike people. They are just there. If they do something to upset him however, then they can be a nuisance. When he speaks, his voice is monotone and his expression always remains somewhere between unamused and indifferent. Perhaps this stems from his love of technology and dating sims.

- Rude. Okay, perhaps curt is a better term. Someone could walk up to him and try to start a conversation but if he's busy, he's going to stand up and walk away, mumbling something about bothering him.

- Frail. Yeah, he's healthy but as for in the muscle department, well, it's a surprise he even has them at all.

- Judgmental. He judges everyone. It's just who he is. In some cases, it's a good thing to do. In others, it can be insulting and lead to understandings he doesn't care about anyway.

- Possessive. This is more of a threatening quiet possession. He'll Eff you up if you touch anything that he claims is his

: Quirks :

- Hisoka always has AT LEAST his laptop in his laptop bag. Electronics are a necessity.

- He doesn't take compliments well. Literally, unless you have good reason, he'll accuse you of sucking up or lying.

The Student Body Pres.

Name // Onohara, Momoe

Age // 18

Gender // Female

Birthday|Zodiac // December 11th | Sagittarius; Year of the Ox

Orientation // Pansexual, Panromantic

Occupation|Year // Hippie leader|3rd Year

Height // 4'9"

Weight // 101 lbs.

Hair Color // Snow White

Eye Color // Crimson

Body Mods // Two fluffy ears and a bunny tail!

// Clothing Style //

- While she dresses showing a lot of skin, she is in fact quite modest

- Usually a tight top and flowy bottoms.

- Sandals, flats or flip flops

- Usually wrinkled. Not perfect.

- Anything that is "Momo style" she will wear

// Virtues //

- Momoe is very sweet. If she's in any way mean to you, or thinks she is, she will apologize.

- Negotiable. Why do you think she's the president? Momoe is easygoing and easy to get along with. Given the right reasons, she'll do whatever she can to get something done that someone wants.

- No anger. Maybe it's the hippy inside of her, but Momoe doesn't ever get angry. The anger usually turn to stress and anxiety in which case, she will probably do work to distract herself, alone.

- Positive. Anything is possible! Momoe is probably the most optimistic person you will ever meet. She stays within reason but her glass is overflowing.

- Unswayed. It is not often Momoe is swayed by things like negativity, quarrel, or any poor reason someone gives her for doing something. So what if students are upset with how things are run? It's the best way to do it. She takes her role seriously.

// Vices //

- Stubborn. If Momoe has her mind set on something, no amount of persuasion will change it.

- Scatterbrained. Oh, time to do this homework. Oh there's a meeting today. Oh, her gardening club plants need watering. But she's hungry. And also, she lost those papers she was supposed to turn in. Where were those papers? Oh but now someone needs her help.

- Anxiety. Momoe is a very anxious person. It doesn't help that situations that should make her angry, instead add to her stress. She'll often babble on if she's anxious, running around everywhere trying to fix it.

- Work before herself. If she needs to get something done, it doesn't matter if she's exhausted or starving. It doesn't matter if she wanted to have a day off. Things need to be done.

- Chatterbox. On and on her mouth goes. But she's sweet. And maybe she's a little hands on, but you'll get used to it.

// Quirks //

- She hates wearing shoes so don't be surprised if you see her running around barefoot.

- WAY too much energy. She's quick and full of so much energy.
// Likes //

- Sunny afternoons

- Potpourri

- Lavender

- Vegi Sushi

- Animals

- Candle light

- Fresh fruit

// Dislikes //

- Unhealthy foods

- Storms

- Having to wear shoes

- Not making a deadline

- Being rushed

- Bullies

- Technology


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Shizuka Yoshida






102 lbs

?Hair Color?


?Eye Color?


?Full Name?

Shizuka Yoshida








April 4th


Bisexual (Male Preference)








- Sunlight

- Darkness

- Bugging others

- Fighting

- Sweet foods

- Teamwork

- Revenge

- Justice


- Perversion

- People bugging her

- "Deep" questions

- Teamwork


- Zuka would often hum tunes from popular culture in boredom

- She would get bugged by even the smallest things. The biggest thing, being food

- Even if she's in one of her 'yangire triggers', she seems to not become purely trigger-happy. Still feeling extreme sadness if she attacks innocents


Soft Tone - Zuka tends to speak is a decently soft tone, generally not giving any negative impressions on someone.

Affability - aside from her violent side, Zuka can be quite sociable to most. Often displaying a kind nature, this is often why her malice surprises most.

Awareness - Zuka has a knack of knowing most things before they happen. Inadvertently coming to various conclusions on various topics in the back of her head, she can sense even the tiniest of ticks. Not literal ticks, but the other kind.

Cheerfulness - Zuka often displays a happy attitude to others. Almost never caught without this, she only acts with sadness when a true disaster happens.

Versatile - Zuka displays various ways to handle a situation, and tends to be extremely flexible.


Mercilessness - Zuka tends to be unforgiving when it comes to distributing punishments. With a mentality far above "an eye for an eye", it would shock most people when they see how far she'll push it.

Sadistic Nature - to people she hates or people who deserve it, Zuka tends to find pleasure in inflicting pain. She isn't too scared to voice this part of her, which would be extremely bad for most people.

Recklessness - she would rarely think about situations. Only running through different scenarios when the situation is that dire. Some may associate this with Zuka "thinking on her feet" which would make this trait a positive one, though this trait is generally negative due to her sadistic nature and mercilessness.

Grouchiness - Zuka is known for speaking out her minor troubles. Wether it's hunger, an upcoming exam, or just losing, she tends to complain in a half-assed manner.

Moodiness - Zuka can easily burst between two personalities. Her usual kind one, and then there's her violent one. Of course this obviously doesn't happen at random, like in the middle of a conversation she becomes Jason Voorhees or something of the sort.

Forgetfulness - it would be extremely common for Zuka to forget something. Often small things or something that was just told to her, she gives this ignorant tone and expression whenever asking for something she should know the answer to.

Pestering Behaviour - Zuka would often antagonize her friends, pestering them about even the smallest things for a laugh.



If there was ever a "potential supervillain competition", Zuka would just as well win first prize.

Zuka's family used to be full of good people. Her father was an electrician, and her mother was a respectable doctor. The three lived in peace in Tokyo. At least, how peaceful one's life
can be in such a brisling city.

They lived in a small apartment, but Zuka never minded. Two rooms: the washroom and everything else. She was never raised in an environment where she was pampered and such, and it could've been a stepping stone to her present personality. Even if her family couldn't afford the top-of-the-line things for their child, they still enlisted Zuka in various lessons. Piano on Mondays, karate on Tuesdays, art on Wednesdays, singing on Thursdays, kendo on Fridays...they kept her schedule full no matter what. She grew quite proficient at all the aforementioned things, but she never cared for them. It was all the impress her parents, and if Zuka had the choice of leaving them all, she would.

At the age of ten, she noticed her father was changing. More and more stress began to hit him, and he would come home at longer and longer times. Her mother on the other hand, kept the same schedule, and never fell under pressure. Looking back, Zuka guess that her father just couldn't handle it anymore, and he just...broke.

Maniac laughs. It was all she heard on one fateful day. Next she felt, was heat. And next thing Zuka knew, she was outside a burning building. The second survivor, her father was the first. Cops had him handcuffed, and Zuka knew what was happening. Firefighters already took care of the fire, and she ran as fast as she could into the rubble. They tried to stop her, but Zuka was already too far in.

She wished she never ran into the fray.

Pinned by a metal beam, was the charred body of mother. Vomit threw itself out of Zuka's mouth, and two investigators dragged her out back into the public. Something broke in Zuka that day. Something, that she still isn't proud of.


Some say that madness ran in Zuka's family, and in Zuka's case, it was true. Words began shooting itself out of her mouth, she didn't know what she was saying. No one had time for this, not even her dad. All he did, was give a frown. All he needed, was someone who was as insane as he was, maybe more so.

Next weeks were spent in a hospital under tight watch. Zuka seemed to be showing signs about being fine, and they let her out. They enrolled her into a boarding while, par to her father's request. She seemed to be herself again. Kind, cheerful, the same old jazz. That was before she went back to her old kendo and martial arts clubs.

"You really think you guys can beat me!? That's so pathetic!"

A trail of broken bones were behind her that week, and she was placed back into the hospital. This time, almost for good.

They would've locked her up longer, but she...seemed to be okay again. They placed her back into school for the second time around, and at this point, she was in highschool.

Sakura High School, seemed like a nice enough place. She joined the kendo club, and kept her cool; kept her cool for the most part. Afterwards, she was appointed as the disciplinary committee rep, and it was almost as if Zuka was a normal person again. That is, until something triggers her over the edge.




- Piano

- Singing

- Art

- Hand-to-hand combat

- Swordsmanship

Kazuki Kita






129 lbs

?Hair Color?


?Eye Color?


?Full Name?

Kazuki Kita






May 14th










- Anime

- Chocolate

- Writing articles

- Studying (kept secret)


- Purely optimistic people

- Being away from society

- Y?kai


- Kazuki would often correct other people's grammatical problems

- He would make up lies for unimportant things

- Once bored, he would use 'boring' objects as toys


Confidence - Kazuki tends to be extremely confident with whatever he's doing. If he doesn't feel like it'll turn out his way, he just doesn't do it at all.

Enthusiasm - even if Kazuki isn't "in your face", he still tends to put on a smile when talking to others. This attitude often gets replaced with his laid-back attitude at completely random moments, though it's mostly attributed to levels of stress and boredom.

Fairness - Kazuki tends to never fall under bias, unless a love interest is involved of course. He tends to treat everyone equally unless they don't deserve it, and he would judge situations from all angles.

Perfectionism - never taking place in small things, Kazuki tends to attempt to do everything perfectly, no how much time it would take. Connect to his hard-working attitude, Kazuki would spend an extended period of time simply making something better.

Helpfulness - Kazuki would often help various people. This, obviously has one condition. Kazuki either has to like the person in a romantic manner, or a friendly manner. Other than that, he would only help strangers if he's either "in the mood" or if the person's suffering exponentially.


Cockiness - Kazuki tends to be quite cocky when faced with someone he dislikes. Often boasting about his abilities, it's practically a plea to get punched in the face.

Pride - often linked to his cockiness, Kazuki isn't afraid to voice how he's better than someone else. Unlike most prideful people on the other hand, he's easy to accept the sight of someone doing better than him. Even if he doesn't show it on the outside.

Gullibility - Kazuki can be easily convinced, especially if it's someone of the opposite gender. He tends to natural trust anyone who tells him something. This is obviously not to the point where someone says something along the lines of, "Hi there! I have a big wad of cash in my home if you want it!" He more likely falls for the smaller things. Like, "Did you hear [someone] has the flu?"

Laid-Back Attitude - at some points, Kazuki simply wants to do nothing. Sometimes misinterpreted as laziness, he can often be found napping in various places when not in his regular mood.

Melancholic - Similar to his laid-back attitude, he tends to face melancholy quite a lot. For no particular reason, he would feel hits of sadness, still devastated with what happened a few years ago.

Relentlessness - when everyone else quits, Kazuki would still try at whatever's at hand. True, this could be a virtue in some situation, though in Kazuki's case, it makes him obsessive. Only stopping when he knows there's only failure in from of him, Kazuki will take the smallest chances in order to succeed.



"There was a time, where all hope was lost. Then I was born in a spark of lightning."

Kazuki likes to tell that to a lot of people he meets. It's a form of weeding out potential enemies, and how he predicts how good of a friend he would to to a specific person depending on their reaction. If they shrug and give a deadpan face, Kazuki would tend to treat them as simply friends. If they scoff and go with the whole, "Ha! How childish" routine Kazuki would immediately end the conversation and walk away. Though if they give something along the lines of a sarcastic comment, he practically considers them a best friend.

"Shut up. That's stupid."

That was a common thing Kazuki would tell his dad whenever he told the story. At the time, he was quite a different person. A character Kazuki simply laughs off in the present. In the past, Kazuki would be that guy who was an anti-social nerd chasing after those 95s. He spent his time reading books, watching anime, buying anime posters, typical weeb stuff. Back then, Kazuki never classified himself as a weeb. He had a Japanese father after all, and he even has a Japanese name for well...Kazuki isn't sure what the purpose of it was.

Kazuki's childhood wasn't too bad. He had a roof over his head, was fed with nutritious intentions, and there were "spirited" talks over the dinner table every night. Kazuki used to always hang out with the family dog whenever dinner rolled by, and he'd just sit there under the table eating his food while chaos unleashed itself around him. What could a four year-old do anyways? Shove both of his parents apart? Not really too ideal for his health.

In the middle of all this, his dad seemed to work extended hours. Even if they lived in the US rather than Japan, he still purposely pushed his limits. Other than the peaceful dinners, Kazuki's father was almost never seen. He seemed to take in all the arguments and such quite well, but his mother? Not really. She was either a wreck, or vengeful. Frankly, it would frighten Kazuki sometimes. Sometimes, he would sleep at night wondering if he would be like that in the future: a total psycho. The feeling seemed to be mutual with Kazuki's father, and one day during Kazuki's twelfth birthday, he just didn't show up. Unbeknownst to him, Kazuki's father essentially ditched him. He left to Japan apparently, leaving Kazuki with a mentally torn mother.

He held on his own decently enough. All he needed to do was keep his distance, keep out any stupid comments, and get decent enough grades. Seemed easy enough at the time, and it was working quite well. How would an anti-social nerd mess it up? Answer was he can't. His father was the guy who messed it up.

At the age of thirteen his parents came into an agreement: Kazuki's father is the better parent. No matter how bad his mother's mental state was at the time, somehow she was sane enough to see this. There wasn't much of a goodbye to Kazuki's mother. It was just hop onto the plane, and ditch. To Kazuki, he seemed pretty indifferent about it. True, he was happy that he was moving to Japan. Any weeb would. However, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows at the end of the road.

Soon enough, his first year of highschool hit. In the span a year, Kazuki's personality changed greatly. Over-exposed to his dad, Kazuki seemed to want to be just like him. A guy who's not socially awkward at all, and a guy who had the potential to befriend just about anyone. Most would say you can't change your attitude like a flip of a coin, but it seemed like Kazuki did. Life was looking out for him, however with one bad day, everything could turn wrong. One bad day, could mess up his life.

First few weeks of Kazuki's highschool life, and he was already screwed over. He still remembered everything quite vividly, no matter how many times he wants to forget.

"Hello? May I come in?"

Night was setting, and it was about time to get some shuteye. Every inch of him wanted to sleep, but the man outside made it otherwise. It felt like some sort of supernatural force was pulling him to the door, something Kazuki's never experienced before. At the moment, he didn't think too much of it. It was just checking out who it was. Couldn't be too bad, right?

"Kazuki, don't open that!"

Too late. The door was swung open, and this old bald guy walked in with two creatures wearing clothes that belong five centuries in the past in the past. Next thing he heard, was metal escaping it's sheave.

"What are you people do-"

Sharp pain followed. With the hilt of it's blade, one of the creatures jabbed Kazuki right in the chest. Wheezing. Wheezing was next. The wheezing expelled from his mouth and the pain deafened the conversation between his father and whoever the hell those people were. He tried to listen in. Every part of him tried, but his comprehension skills weren't good enough to understand a word.

The pain began to loosen. He could almost stand, but doing so probably would've had Kazuki killed. Two tight arms grabbed his father, and he was dragged out.

"NO! STOP!!"

The shouts almost broke Kazuki's vocal cords. There was nothing he could do. Standing right in front of an abduction, and he couldn't do anything about it. The bald man smiled as he walked out. A calm, sick smile followed it. At the door, he stopped for a moment, reaching in his suit jacket.

"Here. It really pains me, to ruin one's life when they don't deserve it. Have this. It'll bring you to your new home."

A piece of paper was thrown in front of Kazuki, and the group left. Kazuki was left devastated, how would anyone react to such a thing? Shock. Pure, shock. It took a few minutes of sitting there, soaking it all in. Small tears falling, and Kazuki unfolded to piece of paper.

Enrolment to Sakura High School. How could he deny? He had nowhere else to go. Going back to his mother would ruin everything he stood for now. No more freedom, no more anything if he went back. He would just be reduced to the loser he was before. So Kazuki left. Left what his father built, and attended Sakura High School.




- Above-average level intellect

- Communication

- Cardio

- Article writing


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Name: Kuroneko Kouun. "Most people just call me Kuro."

Age: "Cats have nine lives you know, so I'm far older than I look, but on this life I'm about 17, give or take."

Gender: Male. "You really have to ask? Nyaa~"

Birthday/Zodiac: Jan 18. Capricorn. "Why does everyone assume I'm a Leo, Nyaa~?"

Orientation: Straight

Occupation/Year: Harem King/ Second year

Height/Weight/etc. : 6'03"/ "Like I'm going to tell you my weight...."

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!):

  1. Beautiful singing voice
  2. Can play guitar/Eidetic memory (Can perfectly reproduce a song on guitar after only hearing it once.)
  3. For some unexplained reason seems to get plenty of attention from females(and even some males)/Uncanny Luck
  4. Can talk to animals(though usually only talks to cats)/Shapeshift into a cat. "Other animals rarely have anything interesting to say..."
  5. Heightened senses/agility/reflexes "I'm a cat, what do you expect, Nyaa~?"
  6. Excellent climber/Jumper "Claws help!"

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)

  1. Cannot cook. Period. "I got second degree burns trying to make instant ramen....."
  2. Easily distracted. "I am not! Just because most cats are easily distracted doesn't me-... THAT FUCKING RED DOT IS BACK!"
  3. Tends to fall asleep in class. "Not my fault the lessons are boring..."
  4. Has a tendency to sharpen his claws on furniture.
  5. Emotions tend to flip at the drop of a hat, like every cat ever....
  6. Can be easily flustered

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

Kuro was orphaned from the time he was young. He spent much of his childhood as a cat because too often he was picked on for his cat ears and tail. It wasn't until around the start of high school that he started staying in human form more often. If it wasn't for his Eidetic memory, he likely would have been left behind in school. For some reason, girls seem to really like him, not that he's about to complain about it! Though, he is prone to getting flustered when certain 'situations' arise.... They seem to happen a lot to him, now that you mention it...

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)

Likes (Opt.)

  • Cats(obviously)
  • Females
  • Catnip "It's for my glaucoma..."
  • Chicas
  • Naps
  • Girls
  • Sunshine
  • Women
  • Music
  • Ladies
  • getting pets
  • Senoritas

Dislikes (Opt.)

  • Rain
  • Having his tail/ears pulled "I will scratch your fucking eyes out... Don't test me..."
  • Music critics
  • Bullies
  • Broken guitar strings
  • Rude people

2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)

  • Punctiates every question with "Nyaa~"
  • Occasionally speaks with cat-puns
  • Sometimes will purr when particularly happy.


"Find out in the RP, baka!"
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Noel.jpg.3f54eaf3e7f6a5d1a5b8018eb3132ded.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Noel.jpg.3f54eaf3e7f6a5d1a5b8018eb3132ded.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Yukiteru Hasegawa "Call me Yuki."




Male "At least that's what I was when I woke up. And I don't think it's changed since then."


November 26/Sagittarius "No, I'm not an archer."


Heterosexual, Heteromantic


Troublemaker/Kendo Captain/Junior "Got a problem with it?"


6'05" and 225 pounds. "I have enemies, so I need to stay in shape to handle them."

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!)

+Animal lover "What? Animals are awesome."

+Earnest and Hardworking "You have to put forth effort into everything you do if you want to succeed."

+Loyal Protector "If you're part of the Kendo team or someone I like, don't worry about anyone trying to pick a fight with you."

+Enhanced physical abilities "I'm a Kitsune. I am probably going to be better than your average human."

+Generally an Easy going person "Life is too short to spend stressing about everything."

+Has that "sexy bad boy" vibe surrounding him "Wait, why is sexy added in that description?"

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)

-Easily gets into fights "If you've got a bone to pick with me, the let's settle it with our fists or swords."

-Not all that smart "I pass my classes.......barely"

-Doesn't worry about a LOT of the school's rules "You see, the student handbook is more like guidelines really."

-Has a bad habit of pulling pranks or tricking people into doing stupid things "If you're gullible enough to fall for my tricks, that's your problem."

-Has a reputation as a delinquent "I don't care if you see me as a problem child, that's how you see it."

-Lacks social skills outside of Kendo Club "I can to talk to people........I just don't want to."

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

Yukiteru grew up in a dojo where he learned kendo and martial arts from both his father and mother. His mother was a half kitsune and his father was a pure blood Kitsu that chose to abandon the family heritage for his mother. This story taught Yuki that somethings are more important than heritage or tradition.

While he was still in primary school, Yukiteru was a "trouble maker". He got into a lot of fights, and by fights I mean he beat up a lot of people. He was always protecting some kind of animal that others were picking on. He would protect the animal and then get in trouble for doing so, but it never changed his mind. He liked animals and that was worth breaking the rules to protect. As he grew older, the fights grew more and more intense as students from other middle schools wanted to test his strength. As someone with honor to uphold for his dojo, Yuki wouldn't deny these people their challenges, but he would send them back in a bit of pain.

After his last BIG fight, his father forced him to transfer into this new school for his first year of high school. His father pushed him to join the Kendo club and within his first year he was voted in as the new Club Captain. Now with a few friends and people that he trusts beside him, Yukiteru has found something new to fight for and is willing to protect his new home.

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)



Likes (Opt.)

Kendo "It's a way of life, not just a sport."




Respectable Fighters

Hardworking People

Dislikes (Opt.)

Arrogance "The smallest dogs always bark the loudest."


Disrespectful people

Anyone that tries to touch his ears or tail without permission

The Ocean


2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)

Through some method or other, Yuki's mother has gotten it to where he can travel the school with a fox companion. It's an ordinary fox, but Yuki has been with this fox for quite some time. It has something to do with being a spirit guardian passed down in his mother's family. "He's part of the family. Where I go, he goes."

Yuki carries around a katana, but keeps it in its sheath at all times unless an opponent pulls out a weapon as well.

Yukiteru tends to nap in english class by curling up under his desk, which everyone is surprised he can do. "Huh? No I wasn't asleep, your endless blathering lulled me into a state of being unconscious."


Yukiteru reads poetry and romantic novels in secret. He dreams of someday finding a love like his parents have. "Don't tell people THAT!!!"



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Name: Free Masaru

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Birthday/Zodiac: March 15/ Pisces

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation/Year: Barista/Sophomore

Height/Weight/etc. 6'1/ 156 lbs




-Enhanced Senses




-Horrible Cook

-Fear of insects


-Experiences internal pain sometimes

-Hates arrogant people

Bio: After saving a young boys life, he was encourage to be a hero. Free started a daily training schedule which consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 100 squats along with running 10 km every single day. He ate three meals a day, but only a banana as breakfast and also didn't use the AC, to strengthen his mental resistance. These daily activities were extremely tough and caused his body excruciating pain; muscle aches and internal bleeding. However, Free didn't give up and continued his training day after day.




-Making Friends

-Anime and Manga



-Arrogant People


-Gore Flicks


2+ Quirks:

-Works out often

-Bites fingernails

Other: He is based off Saitama for OPM
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Victoria Elizabeth Arkwright "Yes, it is important that I give you my full name."


16 "Age doesn't define a lady."


Female "Of course I'm a girl. Get out of here you vagabond."


December 31/Capricorn "I was a New Year's Gift"


Homosexual Panromantic "I like girls mostly, but eventually I will have to date a guy...."


Heiress/School Idol/Sophomore


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Victoria.jpg.8a64b1756b85b0ff7a475e98334a5bbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Victoria.jpg.8a64b1756b85b0ff7a475e98334a5bbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca40613fc_Victoria2.jpg.c7dda848ce0ffa8c1286ffdd8188fe27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca40613fc_Victoria2.jpg.c7dda848ce0ffa8c1286ffdd8188fe27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She stands 5'08". "How dare you ask a lady her weight."

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!)

+Polite and well received by a majority of the students "A proper lady treats all equally."

+Intelligent "I'm maintaining nearly perfect grades."

+Athletic "As the next person to take over my mother's company, I'd like to keep my appearance."

+Excellent Musician "It was a hobby, but now I can play quite a few instruments."

+Great Cook "That's what I've been told, but I feel I could improve."

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)

-A bit of a prude "What? A lady doesn't speak about those kinds of topics."

-Arrogant "Just because I'm better than most people doesn't mean I'm arrogant. It's just a fact."

-Although capable, likes to be waited on hand and foot "Why get a drink myself if someone is willing to do it for me?"

-Although it has a long fuse, her temper is violent and explosive "I would recommend you refrain from talking badly about me any further."

-Tends to use money to fix problems "Here, take 20000 yen and be gone. What do you mean you can't do that?"

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

Victoria Elizabeth Arkwright is the only daughter to the current owner of an industry leader in cellphone technology, that was originally based out of London, England. Her father basically is out of the picture only being seen on occasions where his presence is necessary, such as gala's balls and exhibitions. Otherwise, her mother runs the company and has gotten Victoria the best instruction that money could buy.

This meant that Victoria's hobbies were heavily invested in and cultivated into skills. These two hobbies being music and cooking. From the age of six Vicoria wanted to play an instrument. She started off with piano and after a year or so could play almost any song without much more than a couple of minutes of practice. Then it turned to violin, flute, harp and oddly enough drums. After learning to play these instruments though, she grew bored and picked up the idea of cooking. Her mother, once again, brought in the best team money could buy and within two years she had the skills of a world class chef.

Victoria's mother did move out of England. Business was becoming more prevalent in Japan. The company relocated its headquarters and with it, Victoria began her first year of school. She quickly was welcomed as a foreign beauty and caught the eye of boy and girl alike. Over the course of that year, she displayed herself as a multi-talented woman and quickly became one of the school's idols.

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)


Likes (Opt.)

Girls "Girls are the greatest of treasures, especially the cute ones."

Cute things




People that Respect her





Drawing "It's only a hobby."

Dislikes (Opt.)


Anyone that doesn't show her respect

Rainy days "My hair takes long enough to take care of as is, let alone when it gets wet."

Other Arrogant people

Boys that can't take a hint

Singing "I hate it. It's not that I can't do it, I just don't like to sing."


2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)

Her laugh is rather annoying but definitely fits her monarch style appearance/habits.


Victoria will drop almost everything to draw ships she makes in her head about her classmates. "Those two would look so cute together, don't you think?"


Has a gang of like twenty girls that follow her and try to be her "friend"



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Name: Shota Masamune

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birthday/Zodiac: July 11th | Cancer

Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation/Year: Intern at Publishing House | Third Year


Height/Weight/etc.: 5'8" | 123 lbs.

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!):

Loyal Friend | Smart | Resourceful | Athletic | Charismatic | Witty | High Stamina and Endurance

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!):

Impatient | Rash | Easily Annoyed | Not Very Adaptable | Considerably Introverted


Dad owns a hospital, Mom is a straight-up mangaka. She has made popular mangas - varying in genre - such as 'Ao no Sora' (shoujo) and 'Bloodbath Secret' (the title should be enough). At a young age, Shota has either been piled up in books, mangas, and drawing pens, OR rubber gloves and surgical tubes. His parents weren't divorced, they just had the most obscene hours; father worked a lot and his mom was always screaming about deadlines and bad pens.

Education was always important, so Shota got a head start thanks to his dad. However, the stuff his dad tried to teach him was too advanced even for junior high school. So there was that.

At age 11 Shota had to be admitted to a hospital and undergo serious surgery. His heart had always been really weak, and that was starting to cause more problems than just tiring easily like he did when he was younger. To make sure he'd be without fatal complications in the future, he underwent a heart transplant. Frankly, now he doesn't notice or care, and act like it's the most casual thing when people freak out.

If it wasn't obvious, Writer-kun is bad at backgrounds.

Theme Song:


Likes (Opt.)

Manga | Drawing | Books | Reading/Writing | Video Games

Dislikes (Opt.)

Mistreatment of Books | People Hurt | Jerky People | Commercials

2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such):

Subconsciously spins pencils in his hand | If something is bothering him (situations and stuff) his chest tends to hurt, so he always reacts in some way | When he gets flustered or embarrassed, he's not above hopping out the window in the most athletic way possible (sometimes he settles just for running away at high speeds but you never know when that won't be enough)


Also I have decided that because I like to torment the hell out of my characters-- Shota's condition was said to have stabilized way back when, but as time continues to pass, signs will start to show otherwise. huehuehue | There be a scar on his chest. Obviously, like what the heck.

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The Tachibana Girls

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca42b176a_AyakaTachibana.jpg.2f84bc095e2916ece93bcef5117a0a1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca42b176a_AyakaTachibana.jpg.2f84bc095e2916ece93bcef5117a0a1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ayaka Tachibana

"You can call me Aya or Ayaka. I don't care."

Mai Tachibana

"Please call me Tachibana unless I say otherwise."



"I'm the same as my sister."


"We're the same age believe it or not."



"Need me to prove it babe?"


"It's quite obvious."


June 4/Gemini

"We're twins, but I'm the fun one."

June 4/Gemini

"We're twins, ironically."


Panxexual Demiromantic

"HELLOOOOOO HOTTIES. Care for some fun with me?"

Asexual Demiromantic

"I couldn't care less about looks. I want love."


Flirt/Second Year

"Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm not allowed to tease."

Class Rep/Second Year

"I'm here to help if you need me."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca42babc3_MaiTachibana.jpg.9234c5c899559122752f632200081557.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca42babc3_MaiTachibana.jpg.9234c5c899559122752f632200081557.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"I'm light enough, trust me."


"My weight is of no concern of yours."

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!)

+Playful "Life's about fun right?"

+Adventurous "Let's try something new!"

+Kind "I'm friends with like, EVERYBODY!"

+Clever "I know how to twist a few words."

+Athletic "Gotta keep in shape to look this good."

"Knowledge is the key to success." Intelligent+

"Be respectful and helpful to others and you'll live a good life." Considerate+

"Everyone needs some encouraging form time to time." Supportive+

"Everyone has their reasons for doing things and what they say." Understanding+

"And that's how you solve this equation." Great Teacher+

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)

-Way too Flirty "Wait, it's a BAD thing to flirt?"

-Grades suffer a bit "So I'm not the brightest girl, but I'm good arm candy."

-Gets bored easily "Huh? Were you talking?"

-Rule Breaker (namely dress code) "What's wrong with showing a little cleavage?"

-Vain "I look good and I know it. So what?"

"Ayaka, stop talking like that!' Easily Frustrated-

"I'm not use to these kind of situations, that's all." Awkward-

"I know I'm right. Just give up." Stubborn-

"Just because Ayaka thinks it's okay to talk about sex, doesn't mean I have to." Prude-

"Don't you DARE harm Kuro. He's mine." Slightly Possessive-

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

Ayaka and Mai are twins that grew up always getting confused with one another. Originally identical twins, Mai dyed her hair purple as soon as her parents would allow her to so they could be distinguished from one another. However, after puberty set in, it wasn't hard to tell which girl was which. As time showed, Ayaka liked having fun and being the sporty one while Mai turned towards books and her studies.

The two girls both love and hate the other. Mai gets her looks compared to Ayaka and Ayaka has to deal with Mai's goody two shoes reputation. It's a vicious cycle for the two that will never end for them.

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)

Ayaka's Theme Song(s)





Mai's Theme Song(s)




Likes (Opt.)

Food Boys "Tall dark and dreamy, come to mamma."

Girls "Oh my god you're hot! We should hook up sometime."



Risque Clothes "I've got the goods, might as well show em off!"

Teasing her sister

Her sister


Rainy Days




"She's not ALL bad." Her sister


Helping Others

"These keep things orderly." Rules

The Beach

"It's peaceful." The Library



Dislikes (Opt.)

Buzzkills "Why end the fun?"

Windy Days "I don't mind showing off my chest, but under my skirt is a no go."



Bossy People

Clingy People "Ugh, we kissed. So what?"

Being forced to be Conservative


Pushy People


Loud and Obnoxious People

"I'm not my sister, that's how it is." Being compared to Ayaka

Ayaka's Teasing

"Too fickle and they throw up EVERYWHER." Cats



2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)

Ayaka likes to turn things into innuendos if she gets the opportunity.

Aya tends to get "handsy" with women and men alike.

Mai clicks her tongue whenever something doesn't go as she planned.

Mai has this weird habit of playing with scissors.




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Yumiko Shizuka

"Yumiko Shizuka at your service!"



"Age is but a few numbers put next to each other they mean little to me!"



"Okay I got I don't have much of a chest but really...you can mistaken me."


14th May/ Taurus

"Mark Zuckerberg was born on the same day!"



"I've dated guys...okay a guy before but never a girl who knows could be interesting."


Inspiring artist/First year Class Rep/Freshman

"I love art its a way to express myself when words can't."



She is 4'8.

"Yeah I get it...I'm small and I weight like nothing...I mean heck my 11 year old cousin can pick me up."


+Creative "Most people have 206 bones in their body I have 207 and that last bone is creativity."

+Easily excitable "I wouldn't be the happy-go-lucky me without this!"

+Very Quirky "What can I say...I'm weird eccentric and I love it!"

+Rather intelligent. "When it comes down to it I can be smart just not with math's...I hate maths."

+Extremely athletic "I run every morning and every night sometimes even more often."


-She is completely innocent and has to be explained in full detail to understand it. "What..that doesn't make sense oh...OH."

-She is easily flustered. "Erm what no that's no...erm."

-She is very self conscious about her size. "I'm not that small...am I?"

-She is very easily frightened especially by loud noises. "Ple..ease stop the...shouting"

She has severe multiple sclerosis. "I run every day to make sure I still can."


Yumiko was born to two heavily workaholic parents and was often left with her uncle. Her uncle had a job where he worked at home so he was always around and most of the time wasn't very busy, her uncle was a architect and as such she gained a large amount of creativity from watching him work on houses and draw. Yumiko was a simply child she didn't want much, never got into much trouble and really never had much wrong with her. Until she was five years old. One day while walking around Yumiko randomly fainted. The next thing she remembers was her waking up in a hospital with her parents next to her both of which were upset, the too young Yumiko at the time had no idea what happened.

The next day Yumiko was released from the hospital even with her condition not letting her get as much from her life as possible would be the worst thing. Upon returning home her parents began spending more and more time with her, they got her everything she wanted which mostly was just crayons but as she got older it was paint and oil paints. She began to draw and paint more and more as the years went on. On her fourteenth birthday her parents were much more kingly than usual mostly since that was her life expectancy. However another year came and went and...she lived. Upon a return to the hospital after breaking her arm she was given another 5 - 7 years and 10 if she was lucky. It was also this day that she explained what she had and why she slowly was getting worse and worse for ware.

Theme Song:



Having fun








Depressed people "I could die and do you see me upset no!"

Getting out of bed

When something does wrong.


Being alone

Her disease.


She often bites her nails and even when not meaning to she still ends up doing it.

If she likes some one as in LIKES them she finds it in possible to look at them in the face and will instead stare at her feet embarrassed.
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Ai Shizukana



no slide
Maybe we would open these wounds



~ Not easily Swayed (Opinion-wise)

~ For the most part - logical

~ Observant (Towards how other act towards others)
"People are interesting aren't they?"

~ Calm

~ Unselfish

~ Modesty

~ Intelligent


- Ignorant (Towards how others act towards her)

- Stubborn (Keeping her Opinion)

- Speaking her Interests/Opinions

- Closeting Emotions

- Inability to Multitask

- Easily Swayed (Doing things for others)

- Insecure

We're only alive if we bruise


+ Observing People

+ Quiet Places

+ The Staff

+ Novels

+ Recommending Books

+ Winter

+ Hot Chocolate

+ Warm Drinks

+ Writing Short Stories and Novels


- Nonfiction Books

- History

- Overly Peppy People

- Bad Puns

- Hot Days

- Getting Poked.
"I know it is irrational but..N-no. Just No.."

- Over-sleepers

- Horrible Lies

- Regret


- Tugging at her glasses's frame

- Staring at others without knowing

- Falling Back when surprised

- Crossing and Uncrossing fingers when lying
So I lay down this armor

Bio: Shizukana was born in a family of three, her mother, father and herself. However, one of them checked out of her family after five years of staying with them - when she was just starting her kindergarten year of primary school. Normally, someone might have been heartbroken or start to cry by someone close to her leaving so easily. However, the signs were already there and the damage already was dealt. There were too many 'wars' being fought and much too often.

When the last chord was struck, she wasn't surprised, in fact, she was calm. It was her mother that was actually crying.Although it seemed that she was trying to hide behind that mask to her mother, she was starting to grow into her current personality. The last cut also causing a click in her that gave her this mindset...

"I shouldn't trust people too much. They will end up stabbing me in the back and leaving.."

At first, she didn't seem to like that way of thinking, ending up acting a little clingy to her friends that eventually left once they reached middle school. The lack of friends to support her, she closeted her emotions into a cabinet in her head and drove the mindset home as her motto.
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Kodoku Kuraun



no slide
In this castle of glass



~ Normally Calm

~ Helpful

~ Selfless

~ Patient

~ Kind

~ Modesty


- Self-Destructive

- Doesn't try to help himself with his own demons
"Nobody should have to worry about a person like me. Don't worry though, I will be fine!"

- Awkward

- Low Self Esteem

- Usually doesn't ask others for help

- Naive

Hardly anything there for you to see


+ Volunteering

+ Plant Life

+ His Gardening Club members
"Am I not allowed to like my club members and all that they do?"

+ Hearing People laughing

+ Abnormal People

+ Perfection

+ Lending a Hand

+ Dreams

+ Confidence


- Perverts

- Bullies

- Expectations

- Reputation

- Freezing Days

- Hypocrisy

- Praise (towards himself)

- Coffee

- Worry


- Spinning Pencils/Pen in his hand

- Biting his bottom lip when he is getting annoyed/angry

- Tapping his foot when he is bored

- Shifting eyes downwards when either embarrassed or flustered (-cough cough nudge nudge-)
For you to see

Bio: Kodoko was born into an already planned life. He was the sixth child of the Kuraun family who was in charge of the multinational company: Suu~?tokingusu. The company dealing out candy and other sweets, something that ran in the family since his grandfather, who was the head of the company. (His father and uncle being vice-chairmens.). Anyone who didn't follow their life-plan to the book was cast out. The family being more like a cutthroat company and easily firing people who are deemed useless.

He had followed the life-plan to the letter, a little better than his brothers and sisters before him, doing exactly what they had told him and not forgetting a single order. His usefulness didn't exceed simply because of his obedience, he seemed to be one of the best taste testers in the company. This being a great money saving opportunity for the company.

He was becoming a great asset to the company and he knew it, becoming a little arrogant and perhaps even taking his own place as a superior towards his older siblings. Which, to his family members/co-workers, was well accepted due to his special skills. He was home schooled during this time of course, having almost minimal amount of social activity outside check-ups and interviews when their company buys out another company.

However, once at home, the security was a little more lax. He could peer his head out of the window, and he stupidly fell in love with a girl that kept walking past his home. When his parents were gone on work and he didn't have to work since it was a 'easy day'. He went outside and ended up talking to the girl every free day that he had at his disposle. Of course, this wasn't 'approved' by their life plan. He having to give them a good image.

The image he gave wasn't actually 'good'. He broke the code that all of his family had placed upon him and a picture taken by a photographer 'crack'ed the male's reputation and expectations. Thus, due to the cutthroat nature of the commitee, they had fired him.

He didn't regret the decision at first, the shift from the cold nature of his family to the calm nature that he is right now beginning to form. The female that made him end up break from his family didn't show up again since they got a photo. The regret now starting to sink in, although now that it had has happen his arrogant attitude started to disappear and make it's way to the opposite end of the specturm his low-self esteem resulting from him being 'fired' from his family.

Thus, they stopped their private tutoring and sent him off to a public school, gave him enough funds for each month to live in a home, no more no less.
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  • Name - Tsukyama Mao

    Age - 25

    Gender - Male

    Birthday/Zodiac - November 11th / Scorpio

    Orientation - Straight

    Occupation - Biology Teacher / Basketball Team´s maskot

    Picture -

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_9-43-56.png.d876609459f675fe995939cb84db140d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_9-43-56.png.d876609459f675fe995939cb84db140d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Length - 30 inches

    Weight - 7 ibs

    5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!) - Understanding, knowledgeable ; wise; dedicated ; curious

    5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!) - Lazy, grudge-bearing ; paranoid; cowardly; cheap-skate

    Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)- Tsukyama was born with the ability to transfer his mind into animals. It was a great party-trick, though he would often be tricked into using this ability and then made fun of over it. As time passed, though, he became less open about it, until he met the one he thought would be the love of his life, shortly after taking the job of teacher. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be and he caught her cheating on him...or so he thought. She was actually planning a surprise for him, a proposal. Still, they had that fight, and in rage, she decided to take revenge by pulling a prank. One day, as he took the body of cat, she sneaked away his body, but accidentally dropped his original human body off a cliff while dodging a bike. Thinking she had done it out of spite, Tsukyama broke up with her and decided to focus on his job alone.

    It took a few tries for the students and other teachers to realize it was him and even today he can barely stand the shame of being a cat 24/7. It was particularly painful when the director gave permission to the basketball club to make him their mascot.

    To date, Tsukyama doesn´t know the truth of what happened with his ex-girlfriend.

    Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.) -



    Likes (Opt.)- being petted ; napping

    Dislikes (Opt.) - being petted ; when people overmention his size or form ; basketball ; pranks ; questions

    2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such) - his fur goes up while under any form of stress, bears habits from his forms

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_11-1-22.png.e253f384defb0b73748b51f58d8bd04d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_11-1-22.png.e253f384defb0b73748b51f58d8bd04d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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CHAKKU SAKURA "The New Dork In Town"

The Information Of A Dork


Geek, Spaz, four eyes, hentai freak, or his friends just call him Chak...ya know...if he had any..






September 21st: Virgo


Hetero Sexual...Ladies ;)


Level 50 Rune Mage: Second Year (Was supposed to be a first year)

The Inner Workings Of A Dork

5+ Virtues

-Tries to be an optimist on the outside

-Is Friendly and Loyal

-Is the the king of games, meaning he can adapt to any game you put in front of him, whether it be a video game, tabletop, board game, or even a simple crossword puzzle.

-Works hard

-Is extremely Techsavvy

-Watches a lot of anime, meaning he knows the ins and outs of all stereotypes and tropes.

5+ Vices

-Is a true nervous-wreck of a pessimist on the inside that even shows on the outside mostly all the time

-Has a panic attack when talking to any girl of any kind besides his mom

-He works hard, but he works so hard that once he starts working, he spaces out and doesn't stop. Not even a punch to the face could get him to wake up from it.

-Knows of anime stereotypes and tropes, but has a hard time running away from them.

-Has a weakness for girls that are taller than him, which is pretty common sometimes, considering he's 5'3

-Lacks confidence in himself


+Tall girls

+Animes, Movies, Tabletops, And video games

+Cream Soda

+Having friends

+The Internet

+Alternative Music

+The Rain


-People who mess with his friends

-Being in the middle of a big crowd


-Hot Days

The Life Of A Dork


Not much is needed to be said about chakku's life, since he basically just spends his time sitting at home playing video games. He was supposed to start out his high school year at his old town, but due to his mom finding a job in a new one, he was forced to move to a new town. He then was supposed to be a freshman...but he was placed with the second years instead. Whether this was because of his mom messing up or a glitch in the school's system, he doesn't know. But he knows this won't last for the WHOLE year...right?


-Stutters every time he talks

-Shakes a lot

-Runs away or jumps out a window when embarrassed too much

Theme song


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8f3d046df642862c0bec59730a7335bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.8f3d046df642862c0bec59730a7335bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hiiro "Boom" Okazaki






March 3/Pisces


Heterosexual Heteromantic


Part time mechanic and inventor/3rd year


6'9" and weighs 210 pounds.

5+ Virtues:






+genius inventor/mechanist

5+ Vices



-Causes explosions


-Sometimes Violent


From a very young age Hiiro always had a love for creating and building. When he built a five foot tall tower out of his blocks that had an interior structure at the age of six, his parents knew they were raising a prodigy. As he got older, his desire to create went beyond just buildings. He wanted to fix chars, make robots and other kinds of devices.

His first major success was when he made a supercharged moped from scrap parts he found and cleaned up in a junkyard. It was a shock to his middle school friends when he rode in on it. They added him into their robot fighting club and he quicklymade them champions two years in a row by creating a function robot that mimicked fighting games.

When he entered Sakura High, Hiiro tried to start up an engineering club, but without others that showed a similar interest he couldnt. Instead he found an auto shop and was hired on the spot after fixinga bike that had been a problem to fix for weeks. The owner liked Hiiro and eventually gave the lad his own small workshop near the school. Inthis workshop, Hiiro tries to push the limits of science and mechanics, however, his experiments have become more dangerous. On MANY occasions, his experiments have blownup injis face and shaken the school, litterally. Thus his nickname "Boom."

Theme Song:

To be added later





Energy drinks


Theory crafting

People that show a genuine interest in his work

Days off from school


All classes except math and science.

Being told to go home


Animals "They run the risk of getting caught in experiments. I dont want innocent blood on my hand."

Fake People



2+ Quirks

His hands HAVE to have either oil or some kind of grimeon them for him to feel comfortable.

He carries around a large wrench at all times and refuses to handit over, even to the student governments enforcers.

He takes any opportunity to try and make somwthing into an experiment and refuses to let the person he is trying to help say no.


Is somewhat of a masochist



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Kiroshiven said:
View attachment 288800 Name:

Hiiro "Boom" Okazaki






March 3/Pisces


Engineering(mechanics) club president/3rd year


6'9" and weighs 210 pounds.

5+ Virtues:






+genius inventor/mechanist

5+ Vices



-Causes explosions


-Sometimes Violent


From a very young age Hiiro always had a love for creating and building. When he built a five foot tall tower out of his blocks that had an interior structure at the age of six, his parents knew they were raising a prodigy. As he got older, his desire to create went beyond just buildings. He wanted to fix chars, make robots and other kinds of devices.

His first major success was when he made a supercharged moped from scrap parts he found and cleaned up in a junkyard. It was a shock to his middle school friends when he rode in on it. They added him into their robot fighting club and he quicklymade them champions two years in a row by creating a function robot that mimicked fighting games.

When he entered Sakura High, Hiiro started up the engineering club. It gained members quickly, though several wanted to just watch the alleged genius at work. However, Hiiro's experiments became bolder ashe decided to try and exceed the limits science set in place. Thus, his experiments started to become more dangerous and have on MANY occasions bown up in his face, litterally. Thus his nickname "Boom."

Theme Song:

To be added later





Energy drinks


Theory crafting

People that show a genuine interest in his work

Days off from school


All classes except math and science.

Being told to go home


Animals "They run the risk of getting caught in experiments. I dont want innocent blood on my hand."

Fake People



2+ Quirks

His hands HAVE to have either oil or some kind of grimeon them for him to feel comfortable.

He carries around a large wrench at all times and refuses to handit over, even to the student governments enforcers.

He takes any opportunity to try and make somwthing into an experiment and refuses to let the person he is trying to help say no.


Is somewhat of a masochist
No more clubs, so sorry! ;^; Did you check the convo?
Stamper said:
No more clubs, so sorry! ;^; Did you check the convo?
Couldnt read through that many pages. Ill just change it to a part time job as a mechanic, with his own small shop that the owner lets him use.
Kiroshiven said:
Couldnt read through that many pages. Ill just change it to a part time job as a mechanic, with his own small shop that the owner lets him use.
Sorry about that!

: Sut?bun arekusand?

translated kanji: ?????????????? (all hail google translate!)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birthday/Zodiac: September 23/Libra

Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation/Year: 2nd year (sorry if it's wrong i don't know this year system)




5"9"/ 63 Kg

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!):

-being an overall hidden hero, doing the right things although he never gets the credit and only some people realize

"if i know I've done well, then i don't need the attention from other people"

-usually having an overall cool personality

-being determined to never give up although it seems impossible

-being very manner full

-having a relatively good body

-is one of the best with a bokken or a sword for that matter but he prefers using his metal cane for combat

"you do not, want to make me angry when i have my cane, because i can home run you to the moon"

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!):

-being very nosey

"hey im not that nosey!"

-being quite the attention seeker when he even doesn't try

-is not so smart


-very overreactive


-usually if grumpy, has a "doesn't give a f(censored)" attitude

Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something):

being raised in a quite rich family, his mother died when he was born so he was taken care of his father, his father is a loving man although this led him to being not so smart, he then realized that he doesn't have a mother and led this to a depression since primary school, in his first year of high school it becomes better and he is no longer depressed but still is kinda stupid, but is barely smart enough to pass to year two

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.): [media]


Likes (Opt.):

-hot pot

-helping others

-passing in a test

Dislikes (Opt.):

-not being able to do something

-failing a test


his beloved cane:

2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such):
will overreact, usually curses allot

Other: when he's not busy he is usually seen either working out, drawing or playing with his cane

his clothing style: he is often seen in a suit and a tie and it seems that no matter what, it seems rare to see his pants or suit wrinkled. when fighting with his cane it also gives a very professional look as well while also seeming badass like come on, fighting in a suit is james bond stuff

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  • ||Aoi Kurosawa||



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"Don't waste my time, I have some sleeping to do.."



Kokoro Niekawa






October 31, Scorpio




First Year, Kuudere-Chan, In the Newspaper Club: One of the writers


5'4, 105 lbs

5+ Virtues (Good things that make you awesome!!!)



~An Otaku


~Usually Happy

5+ Vices (Bad things that make you not so awesome!!)


~No Emotions

~Has a violent mind

~Can be stupid at times


Bio (Any size. It is not entirely important, but there should be something)

She lives with a family of 7 that is very emotional.. Actually they like to overreact...

Theme Song (YEAHHH! Opt.)

Likes (Opt.)



~Taking Photos




~Juicy Rumors

~Juicy Fruits


~Violent Movies

~Horror Movies



~Mythical Creatures

~The Supernatural

Dislikes (Opt.)

~The "Normals"

~Annoying Persons

~Bad Endings

~Wearing Makeup

~Horrible Stories

~Living the Boring Life

2+ Quirks (Habits, ticks, and such)

~Will flip out if a book, movie, or music video has a bad ending

~Tends to stare blankly at the person interacting with her

~Likes to play with her fingers when bored

~Is obsessed with aliens, supernatural, etc.


She wants to have a manga inspired by her life
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The boy with a head in the clouds and a hand on the scissors

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1796072.jpg.3fd44a4fd7129b019b07ba763fc45eda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1796072.jpg.3fd44a4fd7129b019b07ba763fc45eda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Takana Yuun






December 25th/Sagatarius/Ox




3rd year transfer student/story writer with a Patreon


Takana is your classic emo giant. He is not much of a looker. The above average man would far outclass Takana in terms of physical looks. His skin is deathly pale and there are always dark rings below his eyes. His eyes are, for the most part, hollow and empty. With a height of 6'2" he can appear intimidating at first, but that doesn't last too long. The preferred dress style of our little sad boy is a black hoodie with a black shirt under and black pants. If one took a look into Takana's closet and one would find he has more then one of the same garb. The sight of a smile on Takana is something as rare as the sight of someone using MySpace.

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1727329.jpg.8135a654ba7a85f771a8b358d0ca779d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Kisaragi.Shintaro.600.1727329.jpg.8135a654ba7a85f771a8b358d0ca779d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Better then he knows: Takana is a sweet kid, he really is. Once one gets past the somewhat grimy surface, a task not too hard when little effort is put in, all they find is gold. A kind boy who would give all his being to anyone who would call him a friend.

    Surprise! Sword fighter: Although Takana would never look it, he is pretty handy with a sword. Takana picked up the sword, really it was a stick, when he was young and had been practicing with it ever since. He is shockingly adept at the craft of sword fighting and while his style is unrefined and vicious, it works.

    Bard tales: If there was one skill that Takana can truly claim, it is the creating and telling of stories. His mind is something of a race car speeding down the track of fiction. Never stopping, never slowing down. Existing in a world of never ceasing fiction where Takana is free to create and play in a garden of his own.

    Perfect learner: Takana possesses something akin to super learning. His brain is hot-wired in such a way that he can learn things instantly only after seeing or reading them once. By reading over the answers of a test once he could recollect those answers and get nigh perfect even after a week. Takana is able to do this with physical things as well. Such as being able to know what it takes to backflip after seeing someone do it.


    Lack of virtue: Never will you meet someone more hard on Takana then Takana. He believes that he posses no virtue. If someone were to try to convince him of his skills Takana would do little to listen well. Often times selling himself shorter then he really is.

    Imperfect student: Takana would be able to get though with little worry of academics, if he actually tried. When it comes to school, Takana is almost completely unable to put in the effort to really thrive.

    Volatile: Takana no longer cares. He doesn't care about what happens to him, nor does he care about what happens to those he hold no feelings towards. With a pair of scissors always handy Takana is not repulsed by the idea of using them himself or others.

    Unhealthy tendencies: Far past unhealthy. Takana abuses himself mentally and physically to levels of unhealthy degradation. If he's not beating himself up for failing simple things, then he's holding his scissors a little to close to his body. If Takana is doing neither action then he is asleep or dead. Takana lost the ability to silence the voice a long time ago. The voice that whispers and screams "your not worth the space you take up" runs rampant with no brakes.

    It's just not for me: Takana is the type to quit before he even starts, only to an extreme. He is repulsed by the idea of trying new things or stepping out of his comfort zone. So, if anything requires him to do just that, Takana will quit before he even begins. At the first sign of competition Takana will give up, assuming he is to lose without doubt.

    The perfect escape: Takana is a story crafter and teller. Stories flow in and out of him naturally. The world breaths monochrome into him and Takana breaths out multicolored fantasy. However, Takana's ability to keep his delusions and reality separate is waning. At times he finds it hard to tell the difference between whats in his head and whats really there.

    A world of only me: Takana is shy, closed off and a very secluded human. While that alone would not be too much of a problem, it's how they manifest in his actions that pose a problem. He is closed off to the idea of forming a friendship with someone. While Takana will accept someone as a friend if he is told, he will not try to start a friendship. So often times he will act cold, distant, or just crude in the face of others who have not declared friendship with him.

    Obsessive, possessive, off the deep end: To those who find themselves able to call Takana a friend. To those who Takana is able to reciprocate those feelings. Best of wishes. At the moment when Takana declares friendship with another, his worst quality comes to play. Takana would do anything for that friend, but anything cannot be stressed enough. He would sing for that friend, he would give for that friend, he would hurt for that friend, he will massacre for that friend. Takana will do anything in his power to keep that friend around, and will eliminate anything, or anyone, that stands between. All for love, anything for love.


    Takana possesses a near unquenchable libito. Although not possessing the courage to do anything about it, Takana will often imagine himself in many perverse sexual fantasies with people he just happened to meet. He is not proud of this, but can't do anything to stop it.

    Takana also happens to be obsessed with a computer program called Yua-chan. It is a program made to be the "perfect wife."

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Enomoto.Takane.full.1853369.jpg.8330af3f57c45178b5adb0b7ac10e9c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Enomoto.Takane.full.1853369.jpg.8330af3f57c45178b5adb0b7ac10e9c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kotori Ishikawa






24th August; Virgo


Bicurious Demiromantic

Y E A R & O C C U P A T I O N

2nd Year/Gaming Streamer






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