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Multiple Settings An Old Favor...


New Member
You have been informed of your grandfather's passing and in his will, he had given his estate to you. His estate is a moderately large home built upon a massive stretch of property on the far outskirts of a city. The home is fully paid for as is the land and even the bills seem strangely taken care of. It is essentially a free home with the only problem being its a small distance from the nearest town or city. All you mainly have to do is make money to buy food and enjoy a lovely home in the country side. However, also in his will was a strange message addressed to you, assuming you chose to move into the home. The message read: "Beware the old favor..." No one in your family knew what this meant. Your grandfather suffered from mild to severe stages of dementia in his twilight years. There were days where he was unable to remember his own name, yet he would continuously tell stories of creatures or monsters that would come to his home. You're family assumed he was just going mad. It was a large shock to much of your family when he said that he was now giving his ancient home to you...


A deep mystery is connected to this old home, and with you inheriting it they are how connected to you as well. Ancient creatures and entities will soon begin to emerge from the shadows. A deep twisted lore will steadily rear its head and with you in the middle! How you handle what is to come will determine your survival and how lively your new life will progress.

This is a mystery, sci-fi RP with small bits of slice-of-life with a splash of violence. Takes place in roughly modern time with a large emphasis on history and the like. Looking for a male or female willing to accept this odd inheritance and learn what that strange message entails. PM me for more details if interested!
The Blackstone Estate, an ancient home built several years ago on a massive stretch of forested land. By day in the summer, it is a beautiful, scenic area with its lush tress, clean fresh air, and even the occasional wildlife here and there. By night however, it becomes a rather spooky and unsettling location. The vast forest around it stretches for miles from the nearest town, making it a terrifying place to get lost in. There is still a road not too far away from the house and a beaten path that acts as a very long driveway all the way to it. Mailmen and delivery services are the most common form of individuals who actually know of the place and come by from time to time to deliver mail.

The building itself is in rather rough condition, yet still structurally sound despite going back nearly 200 years. Time has had a good run at the old home which is visible by the ancient peeling paint and the few splintering planks in the porch. Still, even with being out of its prime, the house is a marvel to be seen. The old architecture tells of a time from long ago, giving it a rustic classical feeling. Its almost as if looking at a piece of art in a museum. Internally, the house looks more 'newer' than the outside, possibly a recent refurbishing by the previous resident. The flooring within is composed of hardwood floors, albeit rather dusty. The walls are standard drywall though much of it is covered somewhat peeling wallpaper. Pictures are still hung up from the previous man who lived here along with much of his furniture.

The manor itself is composed of two floors, and an attic. From the entrance, one will enter a lovely foyer with an attached staircase leading to the second floor. It also contains a grand living room, a kitchen with connected dining room with a bay window, a study, a large bedroom and a bathroom. On the second floor, one will have four surprisingly large empty rooms and two additional bathrooms. Strangely, despite the size of this house, its only really had one or two residents living in it at once, leaving an immense amount of empty and unused space within. A cord hangs from the ceiling of the second floor which marks the entrance to a dark and dusty attic.

In the back, a solid wood deck allows for simple viewing of the surrounding nature. A glass double door marks the backdoor of the home which appears to be more recent than much of the house. Simple wooden lawn chairs lay scattered about though they too are affected by age. Currently, it is within the Autumn months and many of the trees in the area have begun to change color, some even losing their leaves. This has dyed the area surrounding the manor a rich golden brown and adding to its beauty, at least doing the day. During windy nights however, the leaves howl through the air as the decaying trees rustle against one another, as if screaming of the inevitable winter.

In the will, it was described that the house itself was fully paid for, as was the many acres of land in which it was built upon. Financially, much of the place is taken care of and even much of the bills are strangely paid for in advance. How your grandfather managed to do that, he did not say. This means that much of the residence's finances would primarily go into maintaining food as well as maintenance for the home. This made the place almost perfect for anyone to move into or even have it just be a vacation home. However, that final message still lingered. "Beware the old favor." This phrase was spoke only a few times by your grandfather, and often it was during one of his rambling stories of monsters or strange creatures. Its possible that he heard this from his father, and was merely trying to pass it down. Or, maybe he was just completely losing his mind in his final moments. Either way, it has now become part of the inheritance to you...

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