An-Li Song

The Suspicious Eye

Your Darling Devil

Name: An Ling "An-Li" Song

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Place of origin: China

Human appearance:



5'9'' Weight: 138lbs

Monster Name: Qilin (Chinese) or Kirin (Japanese)

Monster appearance:

~Her appearance is similar to her regular appearance, however her skin grows paler and she grows a tail. She also grows her antlers, that are extremely tall. Small patterns of her body has scales that resonate her aura. Her eyes begin to glow a light blue and underneath her bangs a whitish-blue gem grows. Parts of her skin glow in a scale like pattern and her feet glow a warm white color.

These horns


This tail


This outfit




Height: 7'9'' She keeps her normal height but her horns make her a good foot taller Weight: 138lbs

Powers: Refernce listing here. Anli has the ability to walk on water, be fire resistant, and able to repel dark energy (not shadows or physical attacks). She has a enhanced condition so she is stronger, faster and has enhanced senses. She can wind walk (aka:fly) & bestow luck (full healing in this case). Can calm a crowd of people or animals and gets stronger the more peaceful the environment. Although she has many powers, she hardly uses the offensive ones preferring to help people rather than harm them.

Personality: Anli is somewhat similar to what a Qilin should be like. She is extremely aggravated when she's stuck in a crowd and hates being around most people. She didn't know why they just gave off such a horrible feeling, that it makes her sick. She isn't one to pick fights, so she tried her best to stay away from others. She prefers to spend time either in the large forest behind her grandmother's shrine or around her close friends. Anli has a strong bond to those she approves of. She is willing to do anything to protect them and will come to their side when they are in need. She doesn't know why she feels so strongly for them, but continues to protect them and wish them happiness. She steers sway from meat, she would never eat it as a child so she has not ever tasted any meat.


If this makes sense:

When calm- she can use her powers

When under stress- she looses her powers

She is very, very. very sensitive to chaotic or aggressive situations. She will either vomit or freak out to the point she snaps.


Theme Song:

No I don't want this to be analyzed as you can see I am not a happy camper.
she looks like an interesting charrie! however (and this is VERY nit picky as I'm Chinese myself, it's not criticism but more of a fun fact type thing) with Chinese names the surname will go first, and the 'song' looks like a common chinese surname

so in china, her name would be "song an ling" but if she were to go to an english-speaking country it would be as you have it up there :)

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