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An Evil Returned


I made something that'll love me even when I won't
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
I was looking through old threads I've done (not on this site) and I was reminded of a story I never got to finish. It was basically about a group who reunited to deal with an evil that was returning after it had been sealed. I would like to do something akin to this.

It would be set in modern times, but the evil was sealed say, 1,000 years ago. I imagine some characters would be reincarnated, and others would have survived that entire time. I'm looking for someone who can juggle at least two main characters, for a group of four, or potentially up to six, with various histories we can sort out as we play with them in modern times and allude to the past they all had together.

If this interests you, shoot me a PM!
Would the people have forgotten their past? Is it set in modern times like as in the have guns and nukes to fight this great evil or are they fighting the evil in another way?
I imagine the reincarnated ones may have forgotten who they were, but the ones who lived through that time probably have not forgotten. I figure those chosen to fight have access to magic, or talents normal humans do not have, on top of having guns and the like. It would be set in modern times.
Perhaps having your character have their memory and my characters have lost theirs? Maybe even that having to reteach my characters magic? If that works I'd be willing to give that a try (I don't like throwing myself into big guess work it causes a rift between us)
Well, we would each have at least two characters, and potentially three. I know that one character I intend to play would not have lost her memory, but I suppose the other(s) could have if they were reborn. Again, I really don't think anyone has "lost" their memories, so much as been reborn and lived a life without it...so yes, they'd still have to be retaught what happened, and likely learn magic once more.

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