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Fantasy An Eastbound Journey - IC



Majestic Dinosaur
Location: Wanzhu Village
Wanzhu Village was located on a hillside west of Luoyang. It was a small, indescrept terrace farming village, with its population being just barely above a measly 100 people. All of its residents were honest, hardworking folks who treated each other as one would their beloved extended family. Most of them have never stepped out into the bigger world; as such, they regard visitors with the same compassion, blissfully unaware of the evils that could dwell in the heart of man.

Make not the mistake of venturing blindly into Wanzhu Village, however. As the name of the village, Ten Thousand Bamboos, would suggest, the surrounding bamboo grove was lush and green, providing the villagers with the resources they needed to mend their homes, make their tools, and cook their food. But perhaps due to the terrain, the grove and village both were perpetually shrouded in a thick fog. Outsiders who attempt to weave through the dense clusters of bamboos were more like than not to get turned around for hours before finding the village– or ending up right where they started.

Fortunately for those who answered Yan Muchun's summons, they did not have to brave the misty maze alone. The ironic task of escorting the escorts to Wanzhu Village was entrusted to a small group of guides, who traveled across the land to locate each of the warriors. Whether by coincidence or purposeful design, the guides delivered all of Yan Muchun's guests to a small clearing in the bamboo grove on the day when they would set out for their mission.

A small house stood in the middle of a clearing, crafted by a combination of wood and bamboo. A closer inspection of the materials would reveal that the house was recently built, though the rickety structure suggested that the craftsmanship left much to be desired.

Yan Muchun was known among his friends to be a wanderer. He rarely remained in one place for long, claiming that his heart yearned to see the rest of the world. Yet in an odd juxtaposition, he was also a recluse, preferring to find lodgings in out-of-the-way locations and never actively sought out personal relationships. Living in this battered little house with the fog as his mote was exactly his cup of tea.

By the time his first guests arrived, Yan Muchun was already waiting by the doors of his abode to receive them. He beamed when he spotted Zhang Shiyang and Luan Zhang, and he rushed forward to meet them halfway.

"My friends!" Yan Muchun called out pleasantly. He brought his hands together and inclined his head in greeting. Trailing behind him, Puyang Zi did the same, bowing lower at the waist. "It's good to see you again! Thank you for coming on such a short notice."

He turned to Xiang Yiwei then, considering him for a brief moment before recognition lit up in his eyes. "And you must be Master Yu's disciple, Xiang Yiwei, yes? I was informed that you would be joining us in her stead. It's a pleasure to meet you. And you are…"

Facing Bihua, Yan Muchun's brows furrowed slightly in thought.

Perhaps sensing his master's predicament, Puyang Zi chimed in, "I heard that Doctor Li accepted a talented disciple a few years back."

"Ah, you're right." Yan Muchun blinked several times, gaze locking onto the distinctive blue strands of Bihua's hair. He smiled apologetically and offered a deeper bow. "You must be Bihua, then. Apologies for not recognizing you. I was not aware that you would be joining us, but I appreciate your help all the same."

With the rest of his guests trickling into the clearing, Yan Muchun excused himself to greet the others, promising to provide further details on their mission shortly.

Code by Nano
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Location: Wanzhu Village

The fog does not disturb the spearmaster. He had faced much worse obstacles in the South in his travels. It was only the confusion it inflicted that gave him any pause, and to that end the guide was much appreciated. He had no desire to be tardy for his appointment with Yan Muchun, after all. He had an obligation to keep. Wanzhu is nothing more than a simple farming village, and Zhang has no idea why Yan would choose this, of all places, to meet with the martial artists, but he cared little for the details. It was a quaint little place to him, nothing more, nothing less.

Zhang only snorts when he sees the small house, no doubt crafted by Yan himself in one of his flights of fancy. When Muchun comes forward to meet him, he simply salutes him in turn and bows, listening to his friend ramble on and on. Master Yu's disciple, hm? He had faced some of her students before on the road of the Wulin, and none of them had been easy opponents. He had heard her latest student disappointed- But it never did to underestimate anyone. Especially when they had a teacher of such skill.

As Yan Muchun departs to greet the others arriving in the clearing, Zhang simply stands there in stoic silence, simply observing the other members of their little party for the time being. Taking the measure of their skills and character with a detached eye.

Code by Nano
Location: Wanzhu Village

Lu's general expertise with exploring came to an immediate halt when faced with the terrible roadblock that was the fog. Despite his guide insisting that they knew the way, Lu was much too carried away with trying to figure which way the fog was blowing in. After about 30 minutes of tiring argumentations, Lu was finally convinced just enough to Just. Keep. Moving.

Despite it all Luan Zhang made it just in time with an incredibly large grin on his face. Whereas his guide, looked like they had fought the hardest battle in their entire lives. Not physically, but mentally. Lu observed what little he could of the farming village, and felt a sense of excitement wash over him. This place totally rocked! He could probably pick out a nice little spot to just rest at all day and night if he could!

There were though, far more important things to be handled at this time. An old friend requesting help; one Lu wouldn't mind ever helping out when needed. Jamming his sheathed guandao into the earth perfectly stationary. He threw his arms up in childlike excitement. "YAN-YAN!!" Lu ran straight up to his bonfire-buddy and exchanged hurried greetings in return. "HOO-HOOO! It's been so long! Almost 2 years by now! You haven't changed one bit!" Luan Zhang grinned big at Yan Muchun. "Anything you need help with, I'm in!" Finally, the eccentric traveler rested his back against his sheathed guandao. Arms crossed and ready to get going whenever. His only hope was that he didn't make "too" much of a scene, as everyone else deserved their own spotlight as well.

Code by Nano
Xun Bihua

Instinctively tucking the loose strands of blue hair back under the hood of her traveling cloak as soon as brown eyes landed on them, Bihua almost missed the timing to match Yan Muchun’s bow of greeting with one of her own. Almost. Palm to fist, Bihua quickly mirrored the thin-framed man’s bow, going as low as he did. No more, no less.

“Talented is too much,” Bihua replied humbly, though the 18-year old failed to hide the note of pride in her tone at Puyang Zi’s introduction/hint. The fact that Yan Muchun hadn’t immediately recognized her didn’t bother Bihua much. It’d been years since they’d crossed paths, after all, and the less she stood out, the better. “It’s been a while, Master Yan. Master Puyang.”

She hadn’t a clue whether Yan Muchun or Puyang Zi were of nobility or not, but better to be safe than sorry. In business, all clients/customers were ‘Masters’ and ‘Mistresses’ anyway. And, in Dr. Li’s clinic, all patients were treated equally whether rich, poor, noble, or otherwise.

Looking at the…shack…in the middle of nowhere that Yan Muchun and his bodyguard came from, one wouldn’t think them particularly wealthy…but a poor person wouldn’t be able to hire guides…or offer the rewards that Yan Muchun promised in his letter; A very baffling contradiction. The only thing Bihua knew for certain was that the man trailing behind his master–Puyang Zi–was a fellow martial artist. From his posture, to the way he walked, to the extraordinary amounts of qi he possessed compared to the average untrained civilian, that much was as clear as day.

His master, on the other hand, was a mystery.

Bihua couldn’t sense much out of the ordinary from the weak-looking man at all…and yet there was a certain air around Yan Muchun that spoke otherwise; His charisma and the confident way he carried himself around fighters. His gaze that had briefly locked on her blue hair made her think he knew more than he was letting on as well…

A martial artist learned to trust their instincts, but given she was 3 years out practice, Bihua supposed it could all just be in her head.

“Doctor Li sends his regards and apologies for being unable to undertake this journey,” Straightening, Bihua continued, lie flowing easily from her lips like water from a stream. She’d had an entire trek through a fog-filled bamboo forest to come up with something believable after all. “The sheer number of patients under his care at the moment keeps him preoccupied, which is why my master sent me as his representative.”

Dr. Li hadn’t even seen the letter to send her anywhere.

“While my skills and knowledge in the medical practices can’t be compared to my master's, I, Bihua," She rarely introduced herself with her family name. Even to Dr. Li, she was just Bihua or Xuesheng Hua. "Swear to do everything in my power to ensure the health and wellbeing of all those under my care. Should anything ail thee, whether a troubled head or the stomach flu, please do not hesitate to call for me.”

The last parts were spoken loudly, so others might hear, since Bihua did not want to go around introducing herself to every warrior that seemed to answer Yan Muchun’s summon; She was a doctor (in training) but it helped no one if they didn’t know of it. Shifting the satchel that hung over her right shoulder, tucked beneath her traveling cloak, Bihua turned to thank her escort while Yan Muchun went to greet his other guests, her 5’4’’ figure dwarfed by even the Wanzhu farmer’s lanky size. Visibly, she carried nothing, but the long thin package strapped to her back and the smooth bamboo rod she’d acquired while they traversed the mystifying maze - every leaf peeled off and collected for medicinal purposes.

Shoots as well. Shoots tasted good. Bihua would have stayed longer and continued collecting had her impatient guide not hurried her along.

She waved. “Thank you for your help in getting here, Mister Chang!”

Not that she needed it.

Once Chang bowed his departure, Bihua peeked back to see Yan Muchun’s attention stolen away by a particularly loud, free-spirited individual. Judging by the guandao he carried with him, the green-eyed stranger was a spearmaster, much like the stoic one who’d arrived earlier. He donned no visible armor, unlike the Thunder Lance of the South, but his movements suggested that he probably had the reflexes of a martial artist. Probably.

“...should I make tea?”

Yet it wasn’t her house, nor her pot, to touch so doing so would be incredibly rude. Entering a house and starting a fire while the host was still outside as well. Foot tapping, she glanced up curiously at the warrior whom she’d only heard rumors about while journeying South with Dr. Li. Exaggerated (or perhaps unexaggerated) stories of martial prowess. Something, something, slew a beast. Was it strange of her to pity the beast?

She continued conversationally, “Bamboo tea is good for one’s health, you know, and tastes great with snacks.”

As if on cue, Bihua's stomach growled.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Nano Nano ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Dawnsx Dawnsx
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Location: Wanzhu Village
Xiang Yiwei
When Yiwei’s Third Senior Brother came to fetch him on behalf of their master, there were a multitude of reasons he could think of: (a) Their master was angry because Feifei broke her favorite tea set and left him to bear the black pot; (b) She found out his illness last month had been faked; (c) That brat Chu Yangyang really reported him for placing bets during his last trip to the nearby village. There were likely countless other incidents he couldn’t be bothered to remember, but in short, he had a high degree of confidence that it wouldn’t be anything positive. Fortunately, he’d rehearsed a script and prepared a solid rebuttal for each affair. Especially that last one. After all, it wasn’t gambling if the person placing the bet knew they’d win!

However, life isn’t a theatre, and Xiang Yiwei’s painstakingly composed script was promptly discarded the moment he found his master awaiting his arrival with a singular letter placed upon her desk. Her request was simple. He was to escort the son of her old acquaintance. She claimed that she desired to attend to the matter personally, but she feared her aging bones wouldn’t be able to keep up with the journey. If Yiwei had his way, he’d comment that he distinctly recalled her giving him a beating while blindfolded and with one hand tied behind her back the day prior, but he held his tongue so as to not spoil her good mood. Instead, he asked an equally foolish question that would ultimately earn him the ire of the other resident in the room: “Wouldn't Third Brother be more fit for this task?”

A snort came from the entrance of the room. “Do you think others in the Yunshang Sect have as much free time as you do?” Su Fenglian said, shooting Yiwei a glare cold enough to lower the temperature of the room by one or two degrees.

Ah, well, that went about as Yiwei expected. Third Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister were always the most strict with him, after all. In the face of Su Fenglian’s remarks, he could only smile apologetically in defeat. With his master to his front and his senior to his back, the poor unfortunate soul could do nothing but humbly accept the letter and promise his master that he’d fulfill his duties as a faithful disciple should. His fragile heart shed a few bitter tears at having such a troublesome matter thrust upon him with a metaphorical knife held to his throat, but, alas, he wasn’t too keen on finding out what new forms of training (read: torture) his master had come up with. He could only comfort himself by thinking of the alleged remuneration for his efforts.

“Why don’t we earn a bit of gold and live a few years away from that damned sect and the Xiang Family?”
Yiwei said while fondly stroking the falcon perched on the deerhide glove covering his hand. In response to her handler’s touch, Feifei angrily slapped at him with a wing, clearly still grumpy at the humid environment and dense cover of bamboo.

“I didn’t tell you to break Master’s favorite tea set, did I?”
he scolded, albeit in a joking manner. Nevertheless, he left Feifei be, and the rest of the journey through the dense bamboo thicket remained uneventful. His guide did send him a few strange looks, no doubt wondering if he were mentally ill for attempting to hold a conversation with a bird, but Yiwei magnanimously let the guide’s prejudice slide. He supposed it wasn’t common to talk to animals save for individuals particularly fond of their pet dog or cat, but he was a generous soul with a benevolent character. It certainly wasn’t because he was too lazy to confront the guide or a tiny bit of hope that the guide would report him to his employer-to-be as problematic.

For a village located within the heart of a maze, Wanzhu Village was rather humble whether it be the architecture of the houses or the villagers themselves. However, Yiwei wouldn’t be able to observe the finer details of the village as his guide was seemingly eager to be rid of him. As soon as he’d been ushered towards the entrance of what he assumed was Yan Muchun’s current abode, the guide vanished into thin air. The Yiwei who’d turned around to politely thank the guide could only blink owlishly before opting to instead send Feifei off to explore the clearing.

What greeted him once inside the house—which Yiwei noted had rather unique craftsmanship—were a man who gave him a once over the moment his master’s name was mentioned and a typhoon of a man who loudly announced his joyful reunion with a friend.

“Yes…a pleasure to meet you as well,”
Xiang Yiwei responded to Yan Muchun’s greeting with a notable lack of enthusiasm. Suddenly, he felt that perhaps he should have rejected the letter. What was a few days of pain in comparison to however long this journey would take? He could only hope that whatever the quiet one noticed lowered his expectations of Yiwei and that the loud one…well, perhaps it would be best if they didn’t interact too much.

In stark contrast to Yiwei’s greeting, the young lady who introduced herself as Bihua was particularly enthusiastic about the job that all four of them had assembled here for. However, rather than relief, her solemn oath to look after their health only brought a furrow to his brow.

It seemed that he was going to have to come up with an excuse that wasn’t faking a few broken ribs to get out of a few tasks here and there.
Code by Nano
Location: Wanzhu Village // Forest Path
“My friends,” Yan Muchun called out once he had greeted the last of his guests. While he had been making his rounds, a group of Wanzhu villagers had emerged from the bamboo grove, bringing horses with saddlebags filled with provisions. Yan Muchun stood by his own steed and held his hands together. “Thank you once again for answering my request for your help. I understand that many of you are eager to know where we will be going. Our destination will be Mount Qingtian, where I will be visiting a friend. We will be heading directly east from Wanzhu village as opposed to taking the public road from Luoyang.”

Accustomed as most of these warriors were to Yan Muchun’s cryptic ways, murmurs nevertheless rippled through the group as several of the more astute members took note of the uncharacteristically poor planning of this trip. Going directly east would allow them to reach Mount Qingtian sooner, as taking the public road would mean several unavoidable detours to rest stops and other towns. On the other hand, this literal less-traveled road was fraught with haphazard terrain, not to mention bandits and other unsavory figures who may have made camp along the path, far from the reaches of government officials and orthodox sects.

The dangers associated would explain why Yan Muchun needed numerous escorts. But if he truly was in such a rush to reach Mount Qingtian, then why did he wait days to gather these warriors? Not to mention the preparations he must have made beforehand to gather supplies and the rewards.

“You must forgive me for not divulging any further details. The visit is for personal business, you see,” Yan Muchun continued, head bowed in an apology. “I suspect that this journey won’t be a peaceful one; if anyone wishes to back out now, I shall not hold it against you.”

When no one made a move to abandon the quest, Yan Muchun glanced at Puyang Zi.

“Preparations are done,” the bodyguard said lightly. Yan Muchun nodded and turned back to the group with a resolute gleam in his eyes.

“If everyone is ready, then let us depart.”


The first day and night of the group’s journey passed uneventfully. Alas, their smooth sailing proved to simply be the calm before the storm.

The group was traveling in a rough diamond formation through a forest with Yan Muchun and Puyang Zi at the center when the latter halted his master with an outstretched arm.

“Something approaches,” Puyang Zi murmured with narrowed eyes.

That was the sole warning that the group received before arrows came down at them like a deluge.

Puyang Zi kicked off of his horse and unsheathed his dao in one fluid motion. With a swing of his blade, the arrows whistling toward himself and Yan Muchun splintered ere they could reach them. This left the other warriors to fend for themselves– some successfully deflected the incoming projectiles, and others were struck and fell from their startled horses.

Their assailants didn’t give them a chance to regroup. Once the rain of arrows ceased, at least a dozen masked figures descended from the covers of the foliage above. One of the foes swung her sword in a wide arc, sending a shockwave toward Luan Zhang and Zhang Shiyang. Another pair launched themselves at Xiang Yiwei and Bihua with their palms outstretched to strike.

Code by Nano
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Location: Wanzhu Village
Xiang Yiwei
Compared to his Third Senior Brother whose mind was astute as his poisonous tongue was sharp, Xiang Yiwei can only be described as a fatuous derelict too busy fooling around to decipher the hidden meanings behind people’s words and actions. Had he been someone a tad more diligent, he might have delved deeper into his suspicion regarding the peculiarity of his employer’s identity and the details of the escort mission. However, now that he was clear-minded, he had no doubts that his master and seniors would burden him with an even more troublesome task should he return so soon. What else could he do except nod and obediently trail behind Yan Muchun’s entourage? Judging his employer’s character wasn’t part of the job description, and if he ended up embroiled in some silly conflict in the process, he could only blame his master for placing her faith in a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Whoever Yan Muchun was, it was clear that he bore a troublesome identity and someone or something detested his existence very much.

A sharp cry from above echoed Puyang Zi’s warning, and Xiang Yiwei lifted his head to stare at the hail of arrows with a defeated look of dread. Very troublesome indeed. He briefly wondered whether the enemy had gotten lucky or if they’d carefully set up their ambush in a way that they wouldn’t get spotted from above, but he decided it was ultimately a trivial detail that was better off left forgotten. Regardless of whether or not they were aware of Feifei, it was clear that they were well-informed regarding Yan Muchun’s route. The more pressing matter at hand, naturally, was getting through the ambush alive.

One arrow whistled right past the dock of his horse’s tail, no doubt spooking the animal and prompting it to rear up in fear. A second arrow would follow suit, this time clearly threatening to pierce the body of the horse or its rider. With a sideways tilt that seemed as if he’d lost his balance, Xiang Yiwei clumsily rolled off the back of the horse while discreetly catching a hold of the arrow’s shaft before it could do any harm. By the time his shoulder hit the dirt path, the poor animal had already run off in fright. Yiwei apologized in his heart, but at least he’d done his duty of keeping the horse unscathed. However, he knew he had little time to revel in his good deed.

Xiang Yiwei picked himself off the ground with a wince, eyes narrowed and lips pulled into a deep frown as if pained by the fall. Despite the urgent nature of the present situation, he took his time dusting himself off, only to coincidentally turn sideways and stumble backwards just in time for the enemy’s palm to brush right past the edge of his collar.

“What’s with you, ah?” he shouted in mock surprise while taking the opportunity to stab at his assailant’s side with the arrow that was still in his hand.

Without confirming whether or not his counterattack had succeeded, Xiang Yiwei leapt back to distance himself from the enemy and drew his hunting bow with practiced ease and speed. In comparison to his impressive form, the actual results of his archery were rather pathetic. A tree here, the dirt there. The three arrows that the man knocked back with such confidence sorely missed their intended target, landing just off to the side. But if his arrows just so happened to conveniently herd the enemy closer to Zhang Shiyang, he pretended not to notice. Of course, it was all a coincidence and due to his poor aim, certainly not because he couldn’t be bothered with wearing down and taking out the enemy himself. But even if it were a mere coincidence, he had full confidence that the spearmaster had the ability to handle it~

Code by Nano
Location: Wanzhu Village


Zhang listens to Yan Muchun's explanation without much of a reaction. It didn't really matter where they were going; Zhang had little in the way of places to go; and if he wanted adventure, then he expected Yan Muchun would be dragging him into more adventure than he could ever really hope for. Haphazard terrain, bandits, and worse- All part of the road. He imagined that perhaps the lesser folk of the so-called civilized North might be concerned, but in the South, they called such a thing a Tuesday.

At least no one decided to leave the journey at that point. That would have just been shameful, really.


The spearmaster would spend his time traveling in stoic silence, simply keeping his eyes and ears out in a discrete manner. As if he was going for a midday stroll, or a quick trip down to the city to shop. When the arrows came down from the sky, however, Zhang does not even raise his head.

Instead, he simply flicks the leather cover over the spear's head with a flourish, and sweeps it across the sky in the technique known as the Proud Dragon Rears Its Tail. The wind picks up around him in a vortex, sweeping over him to brush the rain of arrows off like water off of a duck's back. Zhang turns his gaze to the incoming masked men with his usual impassive gaze, and snorts. Really. They called this an ambush?

If he'd done an ambush this sloppy, his ancestors would have descended from the Heavens to berate him in shame already.

Zhang Shiyang leaps up from the saddle, standing atop the back of his horse for a moment. As the swordwoman's shockwave approaches, he flies forward to confront it. With a flash, his spear reaches out and pierces through the wave with a spiralling motion, as he continues his flight towards the swordswoman to confront her. If she wanted to pick a fight with the Thunder Lance of the South, it was her own funeral.

Code by Nano
Location: Wanzhu Village// Forest Path

Lu needed no time to think, he would join Yan Muchun's journey in a heartbeat. Consider him blindly loyal, but Lu knew no matter where he went, especially if Yan Muchun was a part of it- Then it would be a journey worth going on. Thinking to himself just how much Lu could strengthen his martial arts where it was lacking-- it was worth it all! Luan Zhang smirked with clear excitement bubbling off his person. There would be no way he would ever say no.

That's just who Luan Zhang was.

Luan Zhang was capable of keeping to himself for much of their first day or so. When his boredom got the best of him, he would lug out his large staff, and play into it like a flute. The sounds that were emitted were low and ominous, perhaps due to the encumbered size of his staff. This kept the young man preoccupied and gave the rest of the group some ambiance to their journey.

Time moved on for all of them, but fate had it stop in its tracks when Puyang Zi spoke..
"Something approaches"

Lu decided to dismount his horse, and lead it a bit behind the others. Returning to his position thereafter, he then heard the crack of string against bow. Letting loose a wave of arrows scattering across the sky. Lu examined them for a few moments and debated whether he should move out of the way or not. A flurry of arrows fell, and one was just lucky enough to lodge itself into his shoulder.
Lu looked at his shoulder and huffed a sad sigh.
He grabbed the shaft, and tore it out of his shoulder. While Zhang Shiyang flew to meet the swordswoman in battle, Lu cracked his staff onto the ground, breaking the top of it open to reveal a blade hidden inside..
Now revealing its true form into that of a guandao, He spun it with furious speed and strength before leaping forward to match Shiyang's approach. Lu observed that Zhang Shiyang is a man who earned his title and the strength thereafter was not just legend. If Luan Zhang wanted to fight, he would need to bring his all to bear against a man like Zhang Shiyang...And honestly, he wouldn't be sure he would win. Might get a few good hits in, perhaps a surprising look from his superior; but Luan Zhang was still a student even if he had clear talent and training.
At this time, he would support his superior rather than steal the fight for himself.

Code by Nano

Mentions: ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Dawnsx Dawnsx
Xun Bihua

Grip tight on the reins of her lent horse, Bihua was, admittedly, a little distracted when Puyang Zi gave his warning - distracted enough that she hadn’t noticed the assailants hiding in wait, at least.

Horse riding wasn’t a skill the young doctor’s apprentice perfected, a fact that had been made abundantly clear throughout the first day of their journey to Mount Qingtian. Seated stiffly on the “tamest” of the beasts carrying their provisions, Bihua nonetheless felt the bump of every trot from her dissatisfied horse. One would think a day was enough to build a connection between rider and mount, but that wasn’t the case between Bihua and the brown Baise the Wanzhu villagers had given her at all; Getting the pony-sized breed to do anything she told it to was a chore, whether it be feeding or brushing. Mounting took a little longer than necessary. Even now, Bihua swore she wasn’t directing the horse as much as it simply knew where to go and carried its reluctant rider of its own accord.

Independent. Proud.

Therefore, when a rain of arrows descended from the skies, it didn’t wait for Bihua’s response. Bucking up, the horse tossed its rider off before avoiding projectiles as it galloped away. Like “Master Yu’s” disciple–Xiang Yiwei if she remembered correctly–Bihua had been thrown off her horse, but unlike the falconer with the fancy clothing, she’d landed daintily on her feet after kicking off the back of the Baise in a smooth backwards flip, the ends of her cloak rustling as arrows pierced the ground where they once were.

“Come back with my stuff, you coward!”

Sadly, Bihua didn’t have time to chase the horse as one of their assailants charged her. Bandit? Assassin? The young woman had no time to wonder - not that such inquiries were a priority for her anyway. The injured were. From the corner of her eye, the young doctor apprentice could see that some of her fellow horse riders hadn’t been so lucky, pointed objects piercing their soft flesh like a fork through butter.

Ducking the thrust with an angry hiss, Bihua stepped forward, two fingers jabbing back of the offending arm’s elbow before her hands gripped coarse fabric–one sleeve, one collar–and, using the momentum of the attack, flipped the attacker on his back…but not before her knee smashed into his crown jewels so as to keep him down.

“Try not to kill them all!” Bihua called when Yiwei stepped back to launch his own array of arrows in response. “We need to keep them alive to interrogate them!”

Truthfully, Bihua just didn’t like to see death, though she wouldn’t blame any of the warriors for killing. Such things happened in the heat of battle and killing the enemy was often necessary to stay alive. She didn’t fear death exactly, nor was she unused to it. As great of a doctor as Dr. Li is, he isn’t a miracle worker, and Bihua–as his apprentice–often had to bury the bodies of those that couldn’t be saved…so yes, she’d seen enough death.

However, fighting against it was a doctor’s mission. Her mission.

So, without looking back, Bihua moved to drag those too injured to battle off the battlefield. Mainly her allies, of course, but she’d occasionally drag the occasional masked enemy as well…after making sure they couldn’t move.

Fortunately, the Thunder Lance of the South and Yan Muchun’s bosom buddy were drawing most of the attention…with the arrow “support” of Master Yu’s disciple, allowing Bihua to move (mostly) undetected.

An arrow landing in front of her stopped Bihua in her tracks. She sighed as the warrior she supported groaned in pain, a different arrow embedded in his gut.

“Yes, yes, I’ll help you in a bit...”

Slipping her free hand into her satchel, the cloaked girl’s eyes followed moving qi before she hurled the needles she’d extracted from the bag. Thin and “invisible” compared to the arrows being flung around by Yiwei’s “wild” shots, they nonetheless flew true, piercing their intended targets with little trouble. Bodies fell from the foliage.

One. Two. Three.

Bihua repeated the process several more times to get the enemy archers, while she backed to her own brush with her charge in tow. She’d have to set him down somewhere safe to treat him…but attackers presented their own danger. Leaping with her patient when another assailant charged them, she kicked him in the jaw (a knock out blow) before flipping behind a tree.

Finally she set the warrior down, carefully pulling out the arrow as prepped the bandages. “Keep going guys! You got this!”

Fighters will do what they do best. Bihua will do what she does best.

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dawnsx Dawnsx
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Location: Forest Path
Despite the advantage in numbers that the opposing party possessed, Yan Muchun’s group of escorts proved to be more than a match for them.

Xiang Yiwei’s assailant had scoffed when the man clumsily fell off his horse, yet he did not expect this “easy target” to avoid his palm strike with all the grace of a stumbling panda bear. Before he could shift his footing to go for a second attack, he howled in pain when Xiang Yiwei’s arrow found its mark in his torso.

The man gathered himself and broke off the arrow at his side with a furious scowl. He leapt this way and that, dodging Xiang Yiwei’s arrows while attempting to close the distance between them, utterly unaware that he was being led in a dance away from his intended target.

On the other side, the swordswoman glided backwards away from Zhang Shiyang and Luan Zhang. As she swung her sword in irregular patterns to send forth unseen shockwaves, her eyes flickered to survey the rest of her party. Had she been a lesser warrior, she may have stumbled at the sight of a good number of her allies either incapacitated or dead. Perhaps more humiliating, Yan Muchun was still sitting pristinely on his horse without so much as a scratch on him.

To beat a hasty, disgraceful retreat, or make a last ditch effort to fulfill their task? With Zhang Shiyang and Luan Zhang upon her, she only had a brief second to make her choice.

In that moment, it was as though her remaining allies had read her mind and presented an opportunity to her.

From the corner of her eyes, the swordswoman spotted Xiang Yiwei’s assailant being herded toward Zhang Shiyang. All the while, four of her fellow swordsmen broke through the escorts’ formation from the flank, though they were predictably intercepted by Puyang Zi before they reached Yan Muchun.

Puyang Zi did not allow himself to be drawn away from Yan Muchun’s side, but skilled as he was with the blade, even he could not deflect the onslaught of four assassins without creating a seam in his defenses.

“Take care of these two!” the swordswoman barked over the din of the battle.

Persistent as he’d been, Xiang Yiwei’s assailant did not hesitate to switch his quarry. He kicked off the ground, ripping out an arrow lodged in a tree trunk and flung it at Luan Zhang’s back as he leapt toward Zhang Shiyang. The swordswoman struck down at the former's guandao not quite in a parry, but instead using the force of the strike to propel herself away from the course of the duo’s assault. Using the momentum, she hurtled toward Yan Muchun, blade outstretched to deal a lethal strike.
Code by Nano
Location:Forest Path

Luan Zhang felt the adrenaline pump throughout his body. The grip on his Guandao clashed with the swordswoman, sending a flurry of vibrations throughout his body. He could only smile and find a small bit of fun with this all playing out in turn. His senses were alerted at the arrow rushing to stick him in the back. This time though, Lu did not take it directly. Catching it with his hand, the arrow soon was crushed within his palm and discarded thereafter. Luan Zhang surveyed the area, his head on a swivel as he gauged his options and potential decisions within a blink of an eye. Yan Muchun was very much in danger and the enemy team had likely boxed them all in. All that was important to them was Yan Muchun, and the closer they got to him, the more their odds went up.

This called for Luan Zhang to shake the playing field up.

His smile widened as his Guandao twirled slowly in his hand, slow but perfect circular motions. His Neili was waking up after a small rest, and it was raring to go like an engine. Pumping throughout his body to the rhythm of his own heartbeat. After enough of the Neii was pumped throughout his body he lifted his Guandao overhead and began to spin faster and faster, without stopping he continued to generate more speed and more force.

Soon enough the wind picked up as his twirling became fast enough to generate forceful bursts of wind. Taking Guandao in hand, his forearms and biceps tensed up with incredible size as he swept his Guandao 360 degrees around him. Doing so forced a ginormous gale-like shockwave around him to throw enemies backwards and batter them with the shockwave. Allies were spared thankfully, save for the swordswoman. Where the impact of the shockwave gashed deeply against her waist, while also throwing her off-balance.

"Now I'm all fired up!" Lu assumed a flexible stance, ready for offense or defense.

Code by Nano

Mentions: Dawnsx Dawnsx
Location: Wanzhu Village
Xiang Yiwei
Puyang Zi’s shout cut short Xiang Yiwei’s smug preening at having successfully fooled his assailant. Though certainly an impressive man with an attentiveness and skill that prevented nary a scratch from landing on his charge, his words quickly made it evident that even a martial artist of his caliber couldn’t defeat four opponents on his own while defending someone.

Whether it be due to Yan Muchun’s troublesome identity or simply bad luck, Yiwei wasn’t so apathetic towards life that he’d sit still and watch a non-combatant (though the validity of his employer’s harmless appearance was dubious at best) be harmed. Well, his salary was also on the line, but surely anyone could see that the gold was an afterthought and definitely not the primary reason. In any case, it seemed that he was going to have to put in his 100% after all. Of course, by 100%, he meant 10% towards actually doing something helpful and 90% towards acting his part as a lucky fool.

Xiang Yiwei drew his bow, carefully keeping the enemy in his sights and patiently waiting for the right moment to strike. As soon as the shockwave of Luan Zhang’s guandao knocked the swordswoman off balance, the archer took aim at her shoulder. However, an “accidental” reflexive curl of his wrist the moment he released the arrow with a sharp twang sent it at a slightly different angle from its "intended" path. The arrow hurtled towards where the center of the wrist of the swordswoman’s swordhand would eventually fall if she were to fail to correct her position in time.

A second arrow would quickly follow, this time aimed towards the enemies locked onto Puyang Zi. Though the arrow would ultimately whistle uselessly past the enemy’s ear at best, it still came in close enough to hopefully distract the assassin and give Puyang Zi an opportunity to land a proper strike.

Code by Nano
Location: Wanzhu Village


His allies rush to and fro, interfering with the swordswoman as she makes a break for Yan Muchun. Zhang, however, is much more relaxed, moving with the flow of battle as he half-walks, half-runs towards the intersection of the swordswoman and her erstwhile target. Luan Zhang's shockwave echoes out, slamming into the would-be assassin, and then Xiang Yiwei's arrow swoops in for another strike, but still Zhang does not overly hurry himself. It's a strange, dissonant serenity on display, as he strides through the battle like a gentle autumn breeze. His spear twirls in the air, slowly at first, but gaining speed and drawing in the winds around him.

It's only when the swordswoman recovers enough to make another attempt upon Yan Muchun, that Zhang acts. He is two spear-lengths away from her, a distance that other martial artists would not be able to cross with any but a shockwave-type assault. But Zhang is not another martial artist. He does not intend to buffet this woman about like a ball in a game. After all, he didn't want her away.

"Coiling Dragon Form; Dragon Grasps The Frozen Pearl."

With a sweep and twirl of his spear, Zhang Shiyang creates a vortex of air, pulling the swordswoman back towards him like a fish on a line, the gathered winds around his spear sweeping outward in a funnel to tear her away from Yan Muchun. These are not the soft winds of fall, but the whipping, biting, freezing winds of winter that he calls, wielding them as thread on a loom to pull the swordswoman into spear's reach to re-engage.

Code by Nano
Location: Forest Path
Puyang Zi
Puyang Zi’s mind raced as he blocked and evaded the attacks from the assassins. Just as the swordswoman had made a risky move in a desperate attempt to strike down Yan Muchun, he was also weighing the risks and benefits of turning his back on his assailants to protect his charge.

What ultimately stopped him from throwing himself into the path of the swordswoman’s blade was the brush of an unnatural breeze against his cheek, and the sound of not one, but two heavy polearms whirling through the air. And the only two capable of kicking up the wind like this through such a technique…

A rare, wicked smile graced Puyang Zi’s lips as his blade collided with an assassin’s sword. He didn’t need to look away to know what had happened when the swordswoman’s cry rang out, stark against the low hum of the wind. She was not the only one to fall victim to Luan Zhang’s violent typhoon; two of the assassins were knocked aside, yelping when the sharp gusts tore open new wounds in their flesh.

At the same time, an arrow whizzed by the ear of the combatant locking blades with Puyang Zi. The assassin didn’t pull back, but the flinch he drew was enough. Puyang Zi lifted his arms up sharply, knocking the enemy’s blade upwards. Before the enemy could recover, Puyang Zi slashed his blade across his exposed torso.

One left.

Witnessing her three allies be defeated within seconds was enough to shatter the remaining assailant’s concentration. With a neili-infused kick to her gut, she was down for the count.

Puyang Zi looked back just in time to see the swordswoman, with an arrow lodged firmly and no doubt painfully in her wrist, dragged back toward Zhang Shiyang through the vortex he’d created. He had the abrupt, absurd image of her as a beat-up doll, with Luan Zhang and Zhang Shiyang yanking roughly on either arm to claim ownership.

“Retreat!” the swordswoman shouted suddenly, snapping Puyang Zi out of his thoughts. Three spheres slipped out of her sleeve and into her hand. She threw them down at Zhang Shiyang’s feet, and smoke billowed out from the shattered orbs.

The remaining assassins did the same, and the forest path quickly became engulfed by the smoke. Puyang Zi rushed back to Yan Muchun’s side, though he doubted any of the assassins were foolish enough to make another attempt on his life in this blinding haze.

When the smoke cleared, their assailants were expectedly gone. All that remained were the handful of corpses and incapacitated bodies of the ones that they had defeated. Seemed that the others heard Bihua’s command after all.

With the immediate threat gone, he turned to Yan Muchun. “Are you unharmed?”

“Yes, thanks to everyone here,” Yan Muchun replied. He paused, giving Puyang Zi a once over. “...And you too, I trust?”

Puyang Zi lowered his head. “As always, no need to concern yourself over me.”

Yan Muchun cleared his throat and nodded, then turned away to take in the state of their group. Aside from a few who fortunately came out of the ordeal relatively unscathed, most had suffered injuries, some more severe than others. He pursed his lips thoughtfully.

“...We will need time to recuperate,” Yan Muchun observed.

“If I may,” Puyang Zi said, “I believe it would be best to find a way out of this forest first and set up camp so that we can properly tend to the injured. It shouldn’t be long until we make our way out.”

“I agree.” Yan Muchun nodded and addressed the group, “I wish to thank you all properly for pulling through in that fight, but this seems to be neither the time nor place to do so. Please assist your fellow warriors so that we can travel through these woods and rest.”
Code by Nano
Location: Camp

Even putting aside the ambush, the journey out of the forest had not been an easy one. A few of the horses had rushed off amidst the fighting, forcing a few escorts to ride together, and a few others to trail behind the group on foot, not to mention the enemy warriors that they’d securely tied up and dragged along.

They eventually reached a large clearing just before nightfall, where they made camp to tend to their injured. Though “camp” was really just a few bedrolls set out in a circle. Yan Muchun was at the center where their fire was lit, fussing over the firewood that the others had collected. Puyang Zi was by the horses, taking stock of the supplies that they had remaining. Toward the outer edge of the circle was a makeshift tarp, where the wounded were treated by those with medical knowledge.

“You were careless,” one woman tutted as she wrapped a bandage around a younger man’s arm. Yang Huan and Yang Le, respectively, should anyone cared to remember this pair of siblings’ names. Once she secured the bandage, she gave the spot a good, firm smack, drawing a hiss from her brother. “Ah, so now it hurts. Perhaps next time you’ll remember this pain before you decide you’re tough enough to take a strike that you could clearly dodge.”

“...Yes, sister,” Yang Le said sullenly.

“Still, I wonder what the deal with those assassins is. I mean– they’re clearly assassins, yes? I’d be hard pressed to believe that a bandit would potentially toss her life away to strike at her quarry like that. Ah, and their techniques! Very different from the crude ways of your run-of-the-mill bandit…”

Yang Le nodded stoically and glanced at the assassins. Initial attempts to interrogate the them had yielded no results, and they’d stubbornly kept their mouths shut after spitting on the shoes of the few who tried to pry for answers.

“...Oh, and I’ve been thinking! Quite the odd travel plans that Yan Muchun made, yes? So I have a potential theory.” Yang Huan leaned closer to whomever may be listening to her endless prattle. “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Jiang Wunian recently invited numerous leaders and members of orthodox sects of the Central Plains to congregate at Mount Qingtian. Something about revealing an ancient weapon or tome or something… And if my calculations are correct, the date of the revelation should be right around when we arrive at Mount Qingtian.

So what if… Just what if! Yan Muchun is actually the leader of a powerful sect who’s been hermiting away and training in some powerful art, and he’s coming out of hiding to witness this legendary piece of something-or-another?!”

Code by Nano
Xun Bihua
Location: CAMP​

Shoulder against a large tree, the roots of which were thankfully woven deep into the ground, Bihua’s billowing cloak was the only sign that she felt kicked up gale from Luan Zhang’s attack. And Zhang Shiyang’s. The two men certainly knew how to kick up a storm. Needles pinched between crooked fingers, the young apprentice doctor had seen the swordswoman’s target and prepared to intervene, pouring her internal energy into the sharp objects. Fortunately, throwing them hadn’t been needed.

The storm went just as quickly as it had come.

Bihua watched in amusement as the wounded assassins retreated, smoke covering their tracks. Perhaps, if she were alone and didn’t have so many injured people around her, she would’ve tried to follow them. Alas, Bihua knew her duties as surely as she knew her way around the sword. Tucking a stray blue lock behind her ear, the former heiress of the Xun family turned her attention back towards the wounded man she’d been treating and continued her work until she was done.

Patchwork until she got her hands on some medicine–and a sterilized needle–, really, but it was enough to keep them alive until the battle ended.

Fortunately, Yan Muchan called for camp as soon as his would-be assassins left.

Supporting the wounded warrior as they exited the forest, Bihua found herself much more comfortable on her feet than the back of a horse despite the complaints of her injured companions. And, when they finally made “camp”, Bihua was in her element. Helping here, helping there, the young doctor’s apprentice wasn’t in the least bit hesitant when dishing out orders to save a life. Communication was critical in situations like these, after all. She answered every call for assistance and shared whatever medical knowledge she possessed like an open book. Fortunately, the injuries sustained by the group weren’t very complicated. Bihua spent most of her time sewing wounds close and applying tinctures to prevent infection.

As she carried a basin of bloody washcloths, Bihua passed a group of chatterboxes.

She huffed as she heard Yang Huan’s prattle. “If you’ve got time to spread rumors, why don’t you help me bring food to the prisoners or something? They need treatment too.”

And her horse. Along the way to their current campsite, the brown Baise carrying her provisions had been found lying to the side of the road–likely shot by a stray arrow. She’d been trying to nurse it back to health ever since.

Though, between enemy assassins and a horse that’d been difficult with her the entire time they were together, Bihua couldn’t say which she was inclined to help more. As interesting as the rumors were, Bihua had left Jianghu politics behind her when she'd left the Xun Family to start anew. Therefore, it didn't particularly matter to her whether Yan Muchan was the son of a martial artist or a poor man living in a bamboo shack. If anything the latter would make things less complicated...though the former promised greater rewards.

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dawnsx Dawnsx

The battle ended far too quick for Lu's enjoyment. Alas, the wind that blew had its intent that day, and Luan Zhang would accept the decision made. Quickly he slumped his guandao over his shoulder and sighed in relief. That was the end of that, for now at least. In doing so, Lu sheathed his weapon to yet again replicate it's walking stick form. Thereafter he returned to his horse's side and gave it a gentle rub, while offering it compliments for staying in place while the fight went on.
Time moved on once more, and everyone continued on their merry way towards camp. Lu was quick to settle his horse in a comfy area once they had arrived, giving it a gentle pat once more he smiled and went on to help the others.

Refusing medical attention entirely, Lu adamantly stated he was in the best of health. That the arrow barely pierced skin, or that he was never even hit in the first place. The young man was quite stubborn over this fact. Instead he wanted to give the uncooperative prisoners a visit. Something mischevious glinted in Lu's eyes as he beelined it towards them. Settling his rear right on a tree stump he pulled his over-sized flute in hand right in front of the prisoners. He smiled at them, and nodded softly. "If you don't talk, then I'm sure you'll love my music, no?"

Luan Zhang made it a mission for himself to play his instrument the worst he ever had; grinding, discordant, ear grating, positively the most horrendous sounds fluttered out of Luan Zhang's giant flute. As if it were low wailing sounds that were made worse by the fact the prisoners were right in front of the musical assault, and with no escape. Their only chance to make it stop was to talk, time would be ticking before their ears began to bleed..

Code by Nano

Mentions: Dawnsx Dawnsx
Location: Wanzhu Village
Xiang Yiwei
With the victors of the battle determined, the assassins vanished in a puff of smoke—literally. Some expressed continued vigilance, while others seemed disappointed that their tumble with their assailants had come to such an abrupt end. As for Yiwei, their escape was no skin off his back. So long as their employer didn’t send them off to hunt the assassins down, he didn’t care if they crawled back to their den or met their end in a random ditch. And if they called for reinforcements to finish the job they couldn’t, well, he’d worry about that bridge when he got to it.

Yiwei patted the dirt off his clothes with one hand while covering up a yawn with the other. Mid-yawn, he suddenly remembered his runaway horse, and with a few mumbled excuses tossed Puyang Zi’s way, he languidly stalked off to go fetch the animal. Fortunately, the young stallion hadn’t run off too far, having been spooked but likely calming down quickly due to suffering nary a scratch upon its chestnut body.

“Those ink sticks were pricey, so I can’t have you running off with it, alright?” Yiwei jokingly scolded the horse while giving it a few pats on the neck. It huffed into his face in response, blowing back a few of his hairs, but nonetheless complied when the man took ahold of its reins and led it back towards the rest of the group.

As one of the few who just so happened to have little to no wounds, Yiwei yielded his horse to one of the injured warriors without complaint and walked the rest of the way to their next campsite. Naturally, he tucked his ink sticks and an accompanying stone mortar carefully into the satchel by his side, choosing not to risk potentially losing them again. However, his retrieval of his stationary supplies reminded him of the fact that he had yet to send his master a letter that he’d successfully made contact with her benefactor. Though he wouldn’t be able to send it until they reached an area that they’d be spending a few days at, it would be in his best interest to compose one sooner rather than later.

“‘I still believe Third Senior Brother would have’…no. ‘This dutiful disciple under your esteemed tutelage has managed-’ Hmm, she’ll certainly toss the letter if I open with that.”

Yiwei muttered to himself while idly holding rabbit meat in a gloved hand for Feifei to feed on. Too busy contemplating the contents of his letter, the gossip regarding Yan Muchun’s identity never reached his ears, though he would not have joined in even if he had. However, a sharp noise akin to a squealing pig being drowned in the rapids of a river nearly caused him to drop not only the meat but also the falcon perched on his hand.

Yiwei’s hand immediately reached up to hold Feifei’s wings down upon feeling her tense up. He wasn’t sure if it was him nearly dropping her or the horrendous tittering of Luan Zhang’s flute that had offended the bird, but the glint in her eye as she zeroed in on the instrument spelt trouble.

“We are NOT having roasted falcon for dinner, you hear me?” Yiwei said in a hushed voice while fixing a glare on Feifei. Though the man had been nothing but jovial, he doubted it would look good on either of them if his avian partner attempted to knock the heavy flute out of his hands. Or worse, attack him.

When Feifei returned his glare with violent flaps of her wings—or pathetic attempts to flap as they were still trapped under Yiwei’s hand—the man heaved a sigh and shook his head. After standing up, he released his hold on the bird’s wings and tossed her forward with the other, rabbit meat and all. All too happy to get away from the noise, she swooped down to catch the piece of meat and flew off into the distance to enjoy her meal where she wouldn’t be disturbed.

He wanted to avoid the man named Luan Zhang but…

“That’s a rather unique manner of torture, but do you have something that won’t torture us as well?” Yiwei called out to Lu while walking over to one of the injured warriors. “I’m sure this poor lad wants nothing more than to sleep.” As if to emphasize his point, Yiwei patted the man in question on the shoulder, earning him a strange look questioning his motives.
Code by Nano
Location: Camp

Yang Huan waved a dismissive hand in response to Bihua’s chiding.

“How very noble of you to think of our prisoners, Doctor Bihua,” she said, then frowned. “Ah, wait. That sounded a little sarcastic, didn’t it? Well, I do mean what I said. But I’m certainly not so kind as to offer treatment or our supplies to the people who tried to have us and our employer killed. We already lost enough provisions as is, with all the horses that ran off.”

“I can do it,” Yang Le said, abruptly standing up. He reached into the pouch hanging at his side and produced two mantou, though he paused when Yang Huan clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

“What have I told you before?” she asked, raising a brow.

“...Indiscriminate kindness can lead to your own downfall,” Yang Le replied, lowering his gaze. He pursed his lips, then continued, “But I overheard Puyang Zi saying we’ll stop by the next town to replenish our supplies.”

Yang Huan rolled her eyes and flapped her hand at Yang Le.

“Do what you like,” she said.

Yang Le looked between Yang Huan and Bihua. After another moment of hesitation, he shuffled toward the prisoners.

“My little brother’s the one who took this job, you know. He’s the one that knows Yan Muchun. Wanted to help his friend, he said,” Yang Huan said to Bihua, seemingly having latched onto the first person who responded to her gossiping despite the general lack of interest. She huffed in dismay, “I only came along because I was worried, and I’m sure glad I did. Some friend, that Yan Muchun, not even telling us what we’re getting into. We could be diving headfirst into certain doom and not even know it.”

While Yang Huan continued to gesticulate wildly and talk Bihua’s ears off, Yang Le’s footsteps slowed as he approached the prisoners. Not because he was having second thoughts about feeding them, but because of a shrill, grating noise that was emerging from that direction. It took him a moment to identify the source of the sound as the flute in Luan Zhang’s hands. He balked, wondering how it was possible for someone to play the instrument so atrociously. He’d heard five-year-olds play a tune better than that.

Judging by the prisoners’ twisted expressions, they most certainly did not consent to this… performance.

Taking a steadying breath, Yang Le channeled his neili to his ears to keep his eardrums from bursting as he stepped forward. That turned out to be unnecessary though, because Luan Zhang’s attention was redirected from his horrendous flute-playing when Xiang Yiwei came up to dissuade him from this method of… torture?

Yang Le took this window of opportunity and hastily lifted the mantou in his hands.

“I brought food,” he said, fumbling to tear pieces off of the mantou. He bent forward and brought the pieces close to the prisoners mouth.

But instead of showing gratitude, one of the prisoners spat down Yang Le’s feet.

“What, think we’ll take your food and give you information as thanks? Keep dreaming,” he sneered.

Yang Le frowned. “I wasn’t–”

“Or perhaps you think yourself a hero and just want to help the enemy? Ha! If you’re helping that man,” the prisoner jutted his chin in Yan Muchun’s direction, “then you’re no hero. You’d be just as bad as he is.”

Yang Le straightened himself with a scowl.

“He’s not a bad person. He’s– he’s–” he shook his head and felt his cheeks redden with anger and embarrassment. He was never as good with words as Yang Huan. “He’s my friend. A good friend.”

He turned his head toward Luan Zhang and Xiang Yiwei. He didn’t know about the latter, but judging by the former’s interactions with Yan Muchun, they must be good friends as well. Surely Luan Zhang would defend Yan Muchun as well? Yang Le clenched his fists, desperately hoping that was the case.

Code by Nano

Luan Zhang was having a blast with his unorthodox means of torture, although his actions were carelessly affecting his comrades. To which he was wholly unaware of until Yiwei spoke of it thus. He stopped playing almost immediately, and settled his giant flute down with a gentle pat on its wooden handle. "Ah, it seems I've made quite a ruckus on accident. I apologize!" Lu's smile was gentle and inviting to Yiwei. "Perhaps next time, I can play more seriously: Under more appropriate circumstances."

Lu was entirely content with sitting next to the prisoners to keep them such deserved company, until Yang Le: One of the members of their merry band of misfits decided to approach and offer some tantilizing looking food. Within moments it seemed like the situation only flared up, far worse than Luan Zhang had thought possible-but he had to remember he was dealing with rather ill-mannered assassins. Watching as the spit cascaded down and splattered over Yang Le's foot, Luan Zhang watched as the attempt to offer food went up in flames. Although, he wasn't going to let some good food pass him by. His hand reached out slowly, and plucked the food out of Yang's hands and with what looked like a lizard unhinging their jaw to fit a massive amount of food into it- Luan Zhang devoured the mantou with one bite...And then he swallowed.

Luan Zhang brought his arm low and began to gently smack off the spit from Yang Le's feet. Caring so little about where that spit had been, or how long it had been built up for a moment like this. He seemed entirely calm for the matter of heightened emotions around him. Standing up, Luan Zhang towered over his lowly prisoners. Something changed in him, silently and ever so meticulously.

His face obscured by the low waft of wind pushing it in his face, but his attention did not break from the assassins all tied up in front of him. His Neili did not burst out in a fit of rage or unchecked emotion. It poured out slow and oozing with incredible strength, far beyond a natural amount for any young man his age: But that was his strongest attribute-The Neili that flowed with precision that sent shivers down the very spines of those too close to him. He knelt down to their level, just enough to whisper among them.

"I suggest you watch the words that seem to be so pent up within your mind, you never know what will happen if you let your thoughts slip through to your tongue. But I will give you the courtesy of such foresight. Speak another word about Yan Muchun that stains his very name...And the mutilation that you face will be ten times greater than anything you've ever experienced before. I'm not above dirtying my hands for someone else's sake. By the time your friends find you, IF they ever do...You'll be begging them to put you out of your misery. Even your allies will cry upon the misshapen form I will turn you into."

Luan Zhang stood back up, returning to his stupidly wide grin once more.

"Now, I think some information would help clear up any confusion and atone for some rather harsh words, now isn't that right?"

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Nano Nano
Dawnsx Dawnsx
Location: Wanzhu Village


The Spearman is simply meditating stoically during all the hubbub of the camp, his spear upon his lap as he sits in the lotus position. The wind flows around him softly, as he spends his time listening, contemplating, and waiting. Cultivating his inner flow of Qi. He had already finished his camp-work as quickly as possible, so as to devote himself to his mastery. One didn't become a master of the martial ways by resting on one's laurels, after all. The atrocious song, however... was most unwelcome.

Eventually, Zhang had given up on any hope of getting any meaningful practice in, instead getting up with a scowl and walking over as some of their company seemed to be interrogating the prisoners. It was the standard sort of affair, trying to build a connection, the prisoners knowing better- Ah, and then he hears Luan Zhang's outburst. Wonderful.

Zhang Shiyang gives Luan Zhang a profoundly unamused look, a blank stare that held the weight of a glare.

"Luan Zhang. Do not make threats that you cannot enforce. Or does the Kongtong Sect teach its disciples to torture prisoners now? We are youxia. Righteous heroes. Act like it."

The unspoken threat, should Luan Zhang actually try to follow through with his promises of wrath, lingered in the wind. Zhang gestures dismissively, snorting in utter derision.

"Besides. If you spend your life performing grievous evils upon every fool who insults a friend, you will quickly find yourself spending all your days as a monster."

The spearman turns his gaze upon the prisoners, eyeing them curiously.

"Though I do now have to wonder what Yan Muchun has done to earn such enmity? If flightiness, eccentricity, and being utterly non-communicative were great sins, then he is surely condemned to the Hells- But aside from that, I have only known him to be a man of decent character. What has he done to offend you all, hm?"

Code by Nano

Rare was it for Luan Zhang to be thrown straight back into his days at the Kongtong Sect. A slap on the wrist, or in this case; a veritable scolding of his decisions had put Luan Zhang back into the role of a student, and in this case: Zhang Shiyang, the master. It started with a glare of annoyance- Probably multiplied by the fact Luan Zhang intended to play his terrible song for fun.

Then the blanket of words came crashing down, each one making Luan Zhang shrink more and more. Until the last bit thrust him into whiplash.

We are youxia. Righteous heroes. Act like it."

It stung, but Zhang Shiyang was right. At this time Lu made a mockery of his teachings, and carelessly threw all of his better judgement to the wind. His foot dug into the ground with shame, head lowered by his actions and the words of Zhang Shiyang. Luan Zhang had accepted his mistake for what it was, yet it would linger in his mind for a time longer than it should honestly ever need to be. The young man exhaled softly, and nodded.

"I'm sorry, you are right. I...Let my foolishness counter my better judgement. I won't disgrace my Sect again like that..I will temper my emotions to ensure it never happens again."Luan Zhang quickly disengaged from the conversation, and went straight to his horse, gently petting it for a few seconds before sitting down beside it. He spoke to it as if it could understand him.
"It's been 5 years since I was reprimanded like that, it felt like I was back in training... He is right though. I am youxia, I will never again display such a disgusting attitude." Luan Zhang looked up to his horse and smiled softly, but sadly "I can still learn from my mistakes I suppose. I will be better, I will be youxia, a righteous hero."
With that Luan Zhang kept to himself for the night while he mulled over the words of his superior. A young man of 20 winters would begin his journey towards growing into an honorable and heroic warrior. Befit of the name Youxia.

When all would be said and done and their mission was complete when they brought Yan Muchun to his destination, Luan Zhang would thank Zhang Shiyang for his harsh but honest words back then.
Code by Nano

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe
Xun Bihua
Location: CAMP​


Despite Yuan Huan’s harsh words, Bihua couldn’t keep the giddy smile off her face at being addressed in such a manner. When she worked with doctor Li, helping him, she was always his apprentice. It had only just dawned on her that here, amongst the group of warriors gathered by Yan Muchun, she was a ‘doctor’. A journeyer of the medicinal path.

Setting the basin of bloody washcloths to the side (to be laundered later), Bihua scooped what little remained of the camp’s bamboo soup into small wooden bowls for the prisoners while Yang Le talked her ear off. Yang Huan had a point. If they didn’t make it to town the next day, forest animals would have to be hunted. She’d have to put the bamboo rod she’d made (during her travels to Wanzhu village) to good use. Living off the land was something she’d grown used to since starting her journey with Dr Li, but that was when there were only two of them. Bihua couldn’t fish for an army.

Yan Muchun’s group of warriors would have to learn to find food for themselves or starve.

That, of course, applied to the prisoners as well…except prisoners weren’t afforded the luxury of moving about on their own. Bihua understood the elder Yang sister’s point. However, she also saw no point of keeping prisoners if they were just going to let them die. And so, tray in hand, Bihua made her way to where the prisoners were kept while Yang Le continued to explain why the Yang siblings undertook the journey.

“In my case, Yan Muchun is more of an employer, so even we were headed to certain doom, I’d have no one to blame but my–,”

Eyes narrowed as a horrifying sound also made its way to Bihua’s ear, the girl also focused internal energy towards her hearing organs while locating the source. She was glad the falconer had put a stop to it, otherwise she would’ve done so herself. Torture wasn’t her jurisdiction. Nor was questioning the prisoners. However, she couldn’t exactly do her job as a doctor with all that racket now, could she?

As Yang Le approached one prisoner, Bihua approached another. However, unlike Yang Le, she wasn’t the least bit perturbed by defensive aggression as she set the tray of bamboo soups on the ground, within reach should they get hungry.

“Don’t move,” Internal energy drawn to her eyes, Bihua assessed the damages to the prisoners. More than half of them seemed to have improper qi flow in their ears.

Dropping to one knee, Bihua pulled a resisting prisoner’s face towards her, a simple ‘Healing Strike of the Heavens’ to realign the flow of their qi. She did so for every prisoner that seemed affected by Luan Zhang’s horrid flute playing, slapping sounds echoing from where the prisoners were kept . If they resisted too much, she struck certain areas of meridians, making it so they couldn’t move, before treating them like she would any other patient. Wounds caused by arrow or sword were cleaned, wrapped with ripped cloth while Yang Le and Yuan Zhang defended Yan Muchun’s honor.

“If you don’t eat, you die. Simple as that,” Bihua said in response to the prisoner who refused Yang Le’s mantou buns. “My job is to keep you alive, but there’s only so much I can do for people that don’t want to live.”

Bihua disliked those people. Even worse than her enemies were ones that clung to ‘honor’, spurning the efforts of those trying to keep them alive. She couldn’t understand the desire to die. Certainly she’d seen cases where the pain was so great death was preferable to life, but even so, she disliked it.

She wanted to see people defy adversity and live.

She twisted the bandages probably a little too tight. “Talk or don’t talk is up to you. Interrogating prisoners isn’t my job, but if you want to live long that’s usually the better option. As for the sort of person Yan Muchun is, I don’t know, and I don’t care. If I did, I wouldn’t be treating people like you who act like bandits, ambush travelers, and wound innocent horses!”

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dawnsx Dawnsx
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Location: Camp
Xiang Yiwei
Considering the absolute venom and vitriol with which the assassins spat out Yan Muchun’s name, Xiang Yiwei was convinced they wouldn’t get much out of them aside from another round of insults and biased words that would ultimately amount to nothing more than mere sophistry. However, it was clear that the happy-go-lucky vagrant within their group thought differently. His smile had twisted viciously, as if seeing the prisoners as vermin who bore no right to dare utter their esteemed employer’s name, and Xiang Yiwei himself couldn’t help but hum thoughtfully to himself. Luan Zhang was colder than expected, hiding such malicious intent behind his puppy-like demeanor.

Yet puppy-like he was, if him acting like a kicked puppy and apologizing profusely to the most recent interloper was anything to go by.

“We are youxia. Righteous heroes. Act like it.”

Unlike Luan Zhang who straightened up immediately at Zhang Shiyang’s tongue lashing, the Xiang Yiwei who overheard the scolding couldn’t help but look up to the heavens in dismay. Oh, great. It was yet another who loved to wax on about acting honorably and carrying oneself with chivalry carved in their breast. If walking the path of a warrior meant a decrease in efficiency, he wanted nothing to do with it. Though, he couldn’t say much regarding this situation. Interrogations, whether they be soft and drawn out or relentlessly squeezed until they spat out useful intel, were far too troublesome as a whole.

Now that Xun Bihua was someone he could agree with, albeit a bit too diligent towards her duties if he had a say. She was definitely a doctor who wouldn’t agree to forging a sick note. Too bad.

“Jus’ leave ‘em to the bears and wolves.” Xiang Yiwei chimed in on Xun Bihua’s words. He peeled himself off from the side of the random patient he’d pretended to act all chummy with and stretched lazily as he continued. “They knew the risks yet still attacked, so they can only blame themselves for underestimating the enemy. No need to go above and beyond to show charity to people who aimed for your friend’s life.”

The two spearmasters were his esteemed employer’s friends, right? Bah, no matter.

“Anyway, I’ll see if I can find something in the woods. Fresh meat is good for raising the mood.”

Though many had already had their fill for the night, it couldn't hurt to have something prepared for the morning. With a languid wave haphazardly tossed behind him, Xiang Yiwei made his way out of the clearing, retrieving his hunting bow that he’d left propped up against a tree. Fortunately, he hadn’t yet unstrung the bow out of sheer laziness.
Code by Nano

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