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Fandom ⭐An Anime/Video Game Itch⭐ Longterm Descriptive search

Beautifully x Mad

Junior Member
Hey hey lovelies! You can call me Madd, or Kate if you like! So I'm attempting to get back into a more part time schedule for multiple reasons which means I would have a little more free time and would love to find a few longterm (please 🙏) partners/friends. I'll try to keep this rather brief about myself and what I'm looking for ~

As the title suggests I have a few fandoms that I would really love to write for and have an rp or two of. The definitions seem to change but I would consider myself around the lit or maybe advanced lit spectrum. I tend to write at least three paragraphs per main character. I love detail and the internal stuff can be so juicy xD I've done novella type responses as well which is cool too so it really just depends on what my partner is comfortable with. Of course longer responses will take more time :)
If at all possible I'd love to have to do some that are slightly more frequent replies (maybe like 2 a week? More would be great but its not necessary). Honestly I'm pretty flexible and don't mind waiting. Espeically if there's communication and I at least know a response will eventually come. Since sometimes I need a mental break or not feeling creatively inspired sometimes myself ~

On that note I know ghosting is a thing... and I'm sure we've all done it from time to time because of life /forgetting , not wanting to be uncomfortable saying we aren't interested anymore, but if possible I'd just like some heads up. We can either try to freshen it back up or just stop the rp. Maybe even start something new if we have other interests?

For my end I prefer canon x oc and m x f. If we are doubling I'm definitely open to other pairings and sexualities. I haven't had a chance to do others so it would be nice branching out :)

I can do pm, threads, discord (though I seem to have no luck and always get ghosted there 😥) and I've done email before. Id be open to trying Google docs as well.

I love ooc chat! I'm a but shy and reserved at first but I'm happy to gush about our characters/pairings, talk about the fandom and plotting. I'm even down for sharing mood music and things like that!


Unfortunately the list isn't long but feel free to message me with what you're interested in, the pairings, and where you prefer to rp :)

I typically tend to think up canon divergent ideas but if you have something more AU feel free to share!

Attack on Titan
Looking for a Levi Ackerman.
I have a potential idea for a canon divergent plot and an oc I can share if anyone is interested.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth
I don't have much of an idea here but I'd love to brainstorm!

Kingdom Hearts
Riku is who I'm looking for.
I have a potential concept/idea

Hope to hear from you! :D

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