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Fandom An absolutely dreadful Stardew Valley craving.


Rises with the moon.
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there, friends! I've recently risen from the dead, and am currently in search for some Stardew flavored Roleplay. I'm not exactly a picky person, and I can't really afford to be due to my somewhat hectic schedule, but I do have a few rules I generally tend to stick to.

  • I'd like my partner to at least be 20+ when it comes to RP. I will not budge on this.

  • I'm by no means a stickler for perfection or word count. We all make mistakes. We all get burnt out. It happens. However, I do want to enjoy what I'm reading and responding to. As long as you give me something interesting to work with, I'll be happy. I can provide samples of my writing upon request.

  • Ghosting. That horribly dreaded word. I'm not scared of ghosts, though. I understand that life is sometimes too much, or that you may just not be feeling it anymore. That's okay! If you ghost me, it is what it is. No hard feelings. When it comes to replies, I feel like once a week is reasonable.

  • When it comes to the darker elements of STV, there's none that particularly bother me. I am willing to delve into the darker themes with no issues, and would prefer you make me aware of any sensitivities you may have ahead of time.

  • I will only RP on-site. No Discord.

  • Doubling is a must. No ifs, ands or buts. I am willing to play the majority of the roster for whomever you so chose, so It's probably easier to list the characters I won't play. Those being: Linus, Pierre, Caroline, Lewis, and both Mr. & Mrs. Mullner. Alex and Haley are dubious for now, but I am willing to try my hand at them. Just don't be surprised when they aren't great. Everyone else is fair game, so ask away!

  • Romance is most certainly not a must for me. I prefer slow, almost painfully slow-burn when it comes to such things, but I'll certainly do it. I'll do any pairing. MxM - FxF - MxF. Pelican Town is your oyster.

Now to the fun(?) part. What or rather who, I'd like from you. Elliott and Shane are my two go to picks. I could also be swayed into Sebastian. Maybe. As I said before, I'd be more than happy to play almost anyone in the roster in exchange (See the 6th bullet for exclusions). If you'd like to get something, going - PM me!


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