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American Soviet Republic
The Red Line
** This is a nation page for Rebirth, an RP filled with VILE CAPITALISTS.
Comrade, you are free to join the revolutionary struggle at any time! Together, we will unite the world under the Red Flag!
When the bombs fell, the Chicago Metro was the only safe haven in the whole of Illinois for citizens to hunker down and stay safe. Hit was in these troubling times that Lt. Colonel Andrew Volpo rallied the survivors into a single coherent bloc, fighting raiders and claiming to defend the most populous station in the Metro, Central Line. The Chicago Red Line, as it was called, was formed when he cut across the entire metro, bisecting it into two parts, through a vital central tunnel, being able to dictate the terms of trade between one side and another, all while frantically attempting to establish contact with the upper grounds. Deciding that food was in short order, he established the Reconstruction Bureau, the core members of which after his death would decide that Communism was the way forward to conserve resource in the metro until civilization could once again rise above ground, forming the Communist Party of the Former United States, which evolved into the present American Communist Party.
In the metro, the people of the Red Line learned industry and resourcefulness, directed by Commissars who pretended their line was in a perpetual state of war, constantly turning out new weapons and innovating production methods based off the limited resources underground. The people here digested propaganda reminiscent of the Soviet world, and lived in a totalitarian state in which one charismatic dictator after another told them to serve, obey, and fight. The culture in these times turned almost Russian, with an international fusion of cultures producing the idea of revolutionary pen names for leaders. As Josef V. became Stalin, so too did General-Secretary Adrian Zeyler become Moshkvin.
The first conquest was not actually of any other area of Illinois, but of Toronto. Hearing of advanced metros in Canada, Premier Moshkvin sailed boats covered in lead paint and any plastic they could find through the undersea taps in the subway to the Toronto Metro, where they seized control and had their first exercise in revolutionary purges.
When the metro opened parts of the outside world, the leaders of the Communist party saw devastation. Following the prescriptions of Leinin’s “What is to be Done?”, they planted spies and agents in neighboring communities, adopting American names and mimicking mannerisms to form what was originally a loose defensive structure. They put on cosmetic Capitalist reforms to gain goodwill, forming Workers’ armies through the lands in the name of defense of communities against bandits, and “Social democracy”. Gradually, their message hardened. By the time of Premier Andreiev, the American Soviet had been declared, an industrial state, having cleansed disobedient communities, assimilating their cultures in the same way the old Soviet Union did, merging to form some strange synthesis of Russian, American, and international cultures.
((☭ The next section will not make sense if you weren't in the first RP, but don't be afraid to ask!))
Starting in 2290, tensions with PDDRP reached a boiling point. The Red Line launched a surprise attack on the Drows which resulted in a many-sided invasion against Red Line Forces, who fought in a series of battles, including over the capital of Chicago, formerly known as New Leningrad. The logistical task of supplying armies fighting as far as Western Canada for the Red Line and as far as the Great Lakes for the Drows was too much for countries whose population was less than 2 million, spread sparsely across cold and distant territories. In a plot with the House of Onmarothi's agents, KGB head Kirill Vladimirovich Santoro and STAVKA chief Talinn Vlastov Roidevich launched a coup in which they stormed the government buildings and convinced the Central Committee to depose the old premier, bringing an end to the First American World War and installing Kirill Santoro, "Comrade George Washington", as the new General Secretary.
What followed was a party purge in which not even the cats were spared. The old guard of the party were summarily shot, and the military and economy were extensively reformed due to the embarrassing losses in the war. The VII Five year plan of the American Soviet is estimated to have cost around 120,000 lives, but brought the country up to an unprecedented post-apocalyptic standard of industrialization, in the same way Stalin's Russia achieved the same feat in the reconstruction after the Second World War. Of course, it was strictly illegal to compare Comrade Santoro to Josef Stalin in any way.
Despite the coup and summary peace, tensions remain high with PDDRP, and Red Line is a loyal ally in the NAU alliance, which includes other regional giants such as the NCR.
Ideology: Marxism-Leninism
Nationality: American, Canadian, First Nation
Race: Human, ghoul, super mutant, synth
Religion: Athiest
Leader: General Secretary Kirill "George Washington" Santoro
Current Borders: Illinois, with holdings in Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and parts of Canada.
Civilian Size: 2,000,000
Military Size:: 170,000 plus 340,000 reservists
Heavy emphasis on “Soviet Deep Operations Doctrine”, including tactics and combined arms using masses of ground attack and planes. The branches are:
=Soviet Army=
☭ 149,000 personnel and virtually all reservists, of which 15,000 are in armored divisions, 89,000 in infantry, 10,000 in the elite “Spetznaz”, 10,000 in army paratroopers’ corps, and 15,000 in artillery
☭ 1,100 tanks, usually modeled in Warsaw Pact style
☭ 1,300 artillery pieces, with a heavy emphasis
☭ 200 salvaged PA
=Soviet Navy=
☭ c. 4 missile boats
☭ 1,000 personnel
=Soviet Air Force=
☭ 35,000 personnel, of which most are ground crews
☭ 600 Fighter Aircraft
☭ 620 Ground Attack
☭ 35 Medium Range Bombers
☭ 13 Strategic Bombers
☭ 1,000 SCUD missiles
☭ 100 Intercontinental Missiles
☭ 200 Attack Helicopters
☭ 300 anti-aircraft Surface to Air Missile Launchers
The Soviet air wing is mostly stuck in a 1950s state, with planes used for strategic attack operations. It currently lacks the capacity to produce vertibirds or any equipment beyond a 1940-1950s level of USSR industrialization.
General description of its members: Ever since the bloodbath of the First AWW, the Soviet American army has moved towards a program analogous to the program of the army of the Late Soviet Union and Putin’s Russia, focusing on maneuverability and special operations. The average Soviet soldier is put through a month long boot camp then two weeks of “hell training”, in which he is taught to endure all kinds of pain ad obey commands on demand from superior officers. Live combat and systema martial arts are also staples of his training.
Uniforms mirror that of the late Warsaw Pact, with brown coats and black helmets, body armor is used by virtually all except special forces when they are on extreme lightweight missions.
The Soviet Army involves high levels of centralization under the “Deep Operations” doctrine. Commanders are judged by their ability to fulfill objectives under all pains and regardless of setbacks using their own innovation, or “initiative” in the field.
The “Great Proletarian Military Reform for the Betterment of the People” completed in 2298, downsizing the military and emphasizing high levels of training like in the late Soviet and Putin-era Russian armies.
Poster advertising Robo-Soldiers. This project never materialized.
ViD-27 Combat Battlesuit
The second of a series of salvaged personal armor units, Soviet ViD-27 is inferior to pure PA by a large margin due to blundered experimentation on the frame and shoddy factory quality.
T-28 “Alchak” Main Battletank
An integrated rocket and gun barrel battletank, Alchak relies on combined arms. Its rockets are unguided and postured by hydraulic turrets that move based on the power of the central engine.
Vlasta Attack Helicopter
Vlasta attack helicopter is an improvement off Soviet designs during the early Cold War, packing firepower and designed for rapid operations. With a refueling time of around 15 minutes, its durability and turnaround is large.
MiG-21 K
Build as a bastardization of an old 1950s Soviet aircraft, MiG-21 K is a single seat fighter with a large number of improvements including speed and maneuverability improvements, namely the introduction of faster hydraulics. In a dogfighting scene dominated by OODA (jargon for how fast a pilot can respond), hydraulic improvements have turned this old fighter new.
IL-2 Sturmkovik Flying Tank
Sturmkovic flying tanks is a holdover form the first AWW. Unlike the historical Soviet Union which abandoned the flying tank subsequent to the Great Patriotic War, the ASR due to lack of productive capacities retained a flying fleet and maintains them for ground attack purposes.
T-34 Tank
T-34 is also a holdover from AWW, but was produced en masse in the decade following due to easy marketability and low costs. With sturdy armor, it forms the majority of the tank corps while Alpchak tanks form an elite core called the "Revolutionary Vanguard" 1st Armored Division.
M-30 Howitzer
Emphasizing massed artillery, the Soviet army makes use of M-30 howitzers which are usually brahmin drawn or carried on motor vehicles. No self-propelled versions exist.
Copied from Soviet designs shortly after first AWW, MiG-17 is a sturdy and reliable plane mainly relying on its cannon and small missile capacity to conduct air to air fights.
Standard Issue Uniform
Soviet America much like many previous industrialized Communist states has one of the highest levels of average output and lowest standards of living in the world. In VII five year plan of the American GOSPLAN committee, production increased almost 250%, mirroring figures of Stalin's post-war Five Year Plan, but averages wages decreased by 17%, just as in the Stalinist economic plan. Since the state in the ASR owns all the factories, it is in their interests to pay the workers almost nothing and create shortages of consumer goods to create more steel, machinery, tanks, and weapons: things on which the state's continued growth and survival depend on.
The cities of the ASR are bland and involve high, cheaply built, identical concrete flats in which the workers live. Industrial districts are always connected by commuter rail, and owning any kind of car or even a brahmin to ride on is considered a luxury.
Industry in the ASR has become centralized and turned into an efficient machine, but it is not always high tech. While some advanced industries exist, most of the ASR's factories are in textiles, house products, machinery, steel, or processing. Overall, the economy and military are analogous to that of the USSR ten years after World War 2.
Factories in ASR are notorious for their low quality and emphasis on sheer quantity of output.
Reply to this post and GLORIOUS GENERAL SECRETARY will confirm your appointment.
☭ Comrade General Secretary of the American Communist Party: Kirill "George Washington" Santoro
☭ Comrade President of the Central Committee:
☭ Comrade President of the Presidium:
☭ Comrade Chairman of the Politburo of the ASR:
☭ Comrade Minister of War:
☭ Comrade STAVKA Chief of Staff (Highest Ranking General):
☭ Comrade Minister of Foreign Affairs:
☭ Comrade Director of GOSPLAN (Minister of Economy):
☭ Comrade High Commissar (Minister of War Production):
☭ Comrade Minister of Defense:
☭ Comrade Chief of the KGB:
☭ Comrade Minister of Labor:
☭ If at any point you need an explanation of anything, don't be afraid to PM, also ask for an invite to Discord if you mean to join the RP. Blagodaryo, comrade!
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