Other American Jihad


Five Thousand Club

8 Dhul-Hijjah, 1436

September 21, 2015​


Salaam everyone. It means 'peace' or if you speak Egyptian Arabic, 'goodbye'. For this it means peace. I am eclipehowls. I don't know why I started this journal. I've tried and the online journal I was part of died. MyDearDiary though it was mainly news articles concerning Muslims. All well. Then OpenDiary died maybe...a year after I joined that. It doesn't matter aside from having no way to get those journals back as I forgot my username and password and it shut down without getting a notice.

You are welcome to comment within the journal. I don't mind and will answer questions as they are posted. I write professionally. I have two wonderful books published and have two more accepted for publication. I also write fan fiction. Hoping to see my first published novel, which is really my second novel written, made into a movie but I need to find people to translate the book first and that costs an arm and a leg to accomplish. I have a book trailer though for my novel. Well for some of my books, even those not written yet.

Okay why do I have two dates on my journal? Well...as I am a Muslim I am attempting (and failing) to learn the dates of the Islamic (technically called Hijrah) calendar. I only pay attention to when Ramadan begins and ends which is when all Muslims who can do so without health difficulties fast from dawn to sunset with no food, liquid, sex or smoking (which is bad for your health anyway) for an entire month. But I'm not going to talk much about Islam per say, other than what it is like to be...be a Muslim personally. Nobody will probably read this. That's okay. I may put poems in here. It's how I express myself....in poetry and stories. I have a few poems that are...well they are quite dark in nature and written through the eyes of a serial killer. I got told I had a sick twisted mind in eighth grade because I wrote an I AM poem about being a Nazi. Don't remember what happened to it. Likely lost it but it was for Young Adult Literature class. We were reading a few novels on WW2 such as Summer of My German Soldier and I think I first read Night in that class or was it in English? Hmmm not sure but I know I have read Night two times, once in English 11 and once in 8th grade. Well I think that is all I have to say for now.


thats cool you write books i read a lot so i like to read them some day =) i would like to know what your books called i love reading so yeah if not thats okay

9 Dhul Hijjah, 1436

September 22, 2015​


Zeldafangirl said:
thats cool you write books i read a lot so i like to read them some day =) i would like to know what your books called i love reading so yeah if not thats okay
Hello Zeldafangirl. Well I won't recommend my book of poetry as I had a few mistakes in there that I didn't catch but the book is called Silent Stalker and was published in 2007. Then my second book is a novel that was published in 2011 called Locked In. I am also putting all my short stories and poems into a collection book which is slowly being worked upon. This is a quick synopsis of my novel that is published:

The war on Islam has taken a new turn. Everywhere Muslims are rounded up and thrown into camps, their human rights and citizenship taken from them if they refuse to leave Islam. The public at large is fine with this as they are on a quest to rid Islam from the earth. But a group of prisoners escape and begin their journey on the run. Hunted down by a secret society known as the Devil's Thorn, Locked In is a spell bounding adventure of injustice. The world may eventually get their wish. The book can be found in paperback or as an ebook.


An excerpt can be read on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Locked-Ayisha-Blevins/dp/1605947865/ref=sr_1_14?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1442954249&sr=1-14&keywords=locked+in

So I am upset. I canceled my memberships to Disney Movie Club and Science Fiction Book Club as I have fulfilled my membership agreements with them. Though Science Fiction Book Club sent me a book I did not order instead of one book I had ordered. I love science fiction, fantasy, mystery, Young Adult Novels, and historical fiction. I also like poetry and my favorite poet is Edgar Allen Poe. Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson are also good. Anyway the reason I am upset is because some jerk hacked into my information and used my debit card to buy something from some fake website that is 'supposedly' based in Arizona. So I called my bank and got my debit card canceled. Receiving a new one soon but this is the second time that I have had to notify my bank to get a new debit card. The site is called SPORTIVESITE for your information. They didn't take a lot of money but...ugh! BS that we don't crack down harder on these types of people.

On a side note I also learned that humanity is further deteriorating! Apparently there are these emails going around by 'hit men' which are really scammers, threatening to kill you if you don't send them a certain amount of money. Seriously?! WTF is wrong with the world? Sometimes...I just wish we could find all these people and stick them on a deserted island out in the middle of the pacific with no food and water and let them all die. There is a happy note to this entry. I have found a movie I saw as a child (that Netflix for some stupid reason DOES NOT carry). It's about Alvin and the Chimpunks along with the Chipettes going around the world in hot air balloons. So it is nice that I have finally found a childhood memory and plan on buying it one day next month.


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11, Dhul-Hijjah 1436

September 24, 2015​


Today is Eid Al Ahda, the second holiday of the Hijrah year. Whereas Jews and Christians believe that Abraham was told to sacrifice Issac, Muslims believe he was told to sacrifice Ishmael. I think I once read in the bible that Ishmael was Abraham's firstborn son. We also believe that Hagar was Abraham's wife and not a concubine. But I'm not here to talk about that. Anyway we go to the mosque to pray the Eid prayer, dress in our best or new clothing, give kids sweets, and go meet friends and family. We also sacrifice a sheep and donate 1/3 of the meat to the poor, 1/3 to neighbors and keep 1/3 for ourselves. I've never sacrificed a sheep but I have eaten sheep before. It's an acquired taste if you are like me and have only ever eaten pork (when I was a child and not religious), cow, or chicken. Lamb is not sold here where I live and if it is then it's $6.00+ per package. Which I am not going to pay for. I do not eat fish. I hate seafood and fish. Never have liked the taste although I have eaten shark soaked in lemon juice (my mother tricked me and told me it was chicken), rainbow trout caught fresh and cooked naturally, fish sticks as a child (disgusting), and tuna fish sandwiches as a child (again disgusting). I have learned to eat salad though which is nice. We only have two holidays and they are Eid Al Adha which is today and lasts for a couple more days. It's celebrated at the end of our annual pilgrimage to Mecca. I have not been on Hajj. Don't have the money to go sadly. One day God Willing. If I can learn to deal with the heat of the desert and lose weight so I can walk. And the other holiday is Eid Al Fitr which is celebrated after our month long fast. Well that is it. If there are Muslims on RP Nation then Eid Mubarak (it means 'Happy Eid' in Arabic.)



14, Dhul-Hijjah 1436

September 27, 2015​


I think that I will share my poems here with you. Many of my darker works are from the mind of a serial killer/rapist. I was told on OD (Open Diary) that I capture the mind of a serial killer well. So here we go but I won't post my other ones. They're...well let's say they are a bit more sexualized than this one. Sadly I think I lost one of the poems. I have to search to see if I have it.

This poem is called Flower. I believe it is the third or fourth poem I wrote from the mind of a serial killer and is quite tame compared to the others.

I sit along the side of the road on a bench

Pretending to be asleep

But I'm really awake and just not showing it

I'm watching for the flower.

The beautiful flower of my dreams

The wilted rose in a foreign land

Soon she'll be mine to do with as I please

This is the best game I have devised.

Oh, little rose be wary and cautious

Little flower come to me and be aware

Run if you can faster and faster

Through the winding alleys of the night.

My flower maiden is skipping along the side of the road

She's so gorgeous all dolled up

It makes my heart flutter in my chest

Like a crushed butterfly before its life is taken from it.

Soon she'll be in my dungeon

Then the hunt will begin

Oh, little flower be wary and free

For soon your life will end.


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16, Dhul-Hijjah 1436

September 29, 2015​


I found it! This is the poem I was looking for called Death's Grip and is another poem through the eyes of the same serial killer as in the above poem (see previous entry.)

The snow is blinding my eyes as I wait

Waiting for the one who will take my breath away

An hour passes and then another

As I sit watching and staring into nothing.

At last with a cry, I jump from the car

"Lily. How've you been?"

She looks at me with a curious expression in her eyes

For I know she's never seen me before.

I play everything out like we've known each other for ages

"Don't you remember me? I'm your college friend from Yale."

With a little more probing I finally manipulate her mind

Get her to open up to me about her life.

I nod and gasp at the right moments

She's such a delicate fragile little thing

Almost like a flower that has blown in the wind

Across the snowy landscape I deftly take her away from the suburbs

Into the country right by the sea.

We get out and I lead her to the water's edge

Staring out at the white ice that shines under the moon's light

"It's OK. We're going for a walk."

Swiftly I grab her hand and walk across the ice with her

When we get halfway out to the sea the ice starts to break

I push her to the ground and shove her under water

She struggles desperately and almost pulls me under with her.

"Knock it off!" I scream and cuff her sharply across the head

Her head hits the ice and she loses consciousness

I watch her sink into the bottom of the sea

Now all that is left is a little blood where her head hit the ice.

The cold winter of death wraps her in its grip

I raise my head and gaze at the horizon

Then turn back and walk to my car

The snow will fall and cover my footsteps and no one will find her until spring.

By that time she'll have been eaten by sharks or swept out to sea

Maybe no one will find her at all

"Lily," I whisper into the night

But my words are lost on the wind.


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4, Muharram 1437

October 17, 2015​


My desktop computer died on me so I didn't have a computer for a while. My cousin is pregnant again with her ex Mexican boyfriend's child and although she has no job, she plans on remaining in the Carolinas and living with some friend, her husband, and their five kids along with my little cousin Jesselee. We have a roach problem thanks to my cousin as well. Stupid bitch. And we have a new stray cat. It's black and has green eyes. Supposedly my other cousin is keeping it for his pet. Of course it has to be female and is not fixed. But it's friendly so it was obviously someone's pet. That is what people do around here. They bring female cats and sometimes dogs and drop them off. Of course the cats are usually pregnant. SPCA doesn't do anything to stop it.

Kittycat said:
This is so cool Wow
Kittycat I am glad you like my diary.

So I have a new laptop that has windows 10 on it, is red and an HP 15. Got it from Walmart. Might sound crappy but I have had no problems with Walmart and computers. That is pretty much all that is happening here. Hopefully I'll be able to get my files off onto a flash drive that were on the hard drive of my old comp as I had to take the computer tower thing into a computer store.


I like your jonuals too i have a mac computer hate it i like but hate it at the same time i don't really like walmart due to an acciendt i suffor from

25, Muharram 1437

November 8, 2015​

Dear Diary,

Zeldafangirl said:
I like your jonuals too i have a mac computer hate it i like but hate it at the same time i don't really like walmart due to an acciendt i suffor from
Sorry to hear that Zelda. I used Mac in 12th grade Intro to Computers. I used Apple in first and second grade (back in the early 90s). I haven't had issues with Walmart but everyone has different experiences. I found out that there's a problem with my bank and that is why my card sometimes won't read at Walmart by my bank says it is Walmart's fault. It's like they both blame the other and Walmarts here don't have the new chip readers in yet. Even if they do get them in, it's unlikely I'll be able to use the chip readers since it didn't work at Krogers or at Walmart so I'll just continue sliding it along the side.

This is a tribute to all my characters I have created on rp nation, both under this account and my dead account: galaxyflames.

Here is to you all who have been born and died, beings of my imagination.

Beneath eclipsehowls rest the following:

Here is to you Lighting, a Jolteon Poke Human of 17 years.

Sapphire, a Glaceon Poke Human of 13 years old.

Azazel Sanchez, aka Ruin, aka Shade, aka Nightmare, devoted follower and second-in-command of Lightning, a Honchcrow of 20 years. May your soar upon the winds.

Yoshi Fujimora, a new trainer/coordinator starting out in Sinnoh with his Chimchar Partner. You could have had so much potential!

Ash Baker, "Ghost" trainer and coordinator of Hoenn with your Grovyle partner.

Storm, Prince of the Dragons of my thread Crimson Yin: Forbidden Love. But I am going to make a book out of that thread so you shall not die!

Dakath Stilmyst, an elf and his dragon Salvia but you both shall not die! You shall live in my fan fiction novel: The Rebellion!

Nerwen Greenleaf, a 1/2 elf and 1/2 demon slave, abandoned by her mother. Bore 3 children to her kidnapper. A scared and despairing girl of 18 years.

Nazar Keller, a demon turned vampire who owned the slave Lilith Ross, an intimidating being of 130 years of age.

Enki Starlight, an earth draki who was a prisoner all his life.

Juniper Selwyn, an air draki who used to be a prisoner but escaped. Loves her collar that was given to her. Rejected by her pride for wearing the collar. Ran away due to being unwanted.

Maurice Dracul Jaeger, AKA The Rogue Ghost. A former soldier, a former student, a former POW. A Hunter and Uncle to many children in the Jaeger family. 35 years old

Dioxide and his mate Viola-3 year old wolves who are rogues. Captured by humans to be used in a fighting ring.

Ibrahim Cygnus Black-A Muslim Japanese American, former convict, of 28 years.

Captain David John Worthington-Captain of the M.S. Amsterdam of my novel Terror at Sea of 56 years. *Now I know what to do for the hijacking when I start the story.*

Emily Ruthven-a pregnant 23-year-old who just wanted to have some fun.

Bushido Yakuta. 18 years, vampire. Best friend of Ivran. Sire of Calypso.

Ivran Melruth-20 years old. Wood Elf. Best friend of Bushido.

Calypso Gemini-childe of Bushido. A former human, turned vampire in a night of hunger. A mischief maker and lover of animals.

Adam Lake-former beta in training of his pack. Tortured by humans, saw his family die. Painful transformations when he turns into werewolf. 16 years.

Layla Lake-cousin of Adam's. Werewolf. 15 years old. Very sweet. Wears a saddlebag with herbs.

Flint Shinobi-A flirt of 20 years who could turn into a lion. A friend of Aries and Pieces.

Amber Crawford-A battered mother of 21 years. Pregnant with her second child, mother to Luke Ashworth. Disowned by her parents and on her own. She wanted to be an elementary school teacher.

Luke Ashworth-Of 4 years you were bright, timid and loved superheros. Spiderman was your favorite.

Seth Lampkin-13.5 years evil teenager. Half-brother to Lily Page. Twin to Mikaela "Mae" Lampkin. Son of Blackbeard and Maleficent. You were obsessed with power and knowledge.

Janus Pollux Lestrange-13 years, a transfer student from Durmstrang, sorted into Slytherin. A proud Pureblood, wannabe death eater, loyal follower of Lord Voldemort, son and heir to Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black and Rudolphus Lestrange. A hater of Harry Potter and sidekicks Hermione Mudblood Granger and Blood Traitor Ron Weasley.

Symphony Knox-14 years old, omega and brother to Erebus Knox and Axel Knight. She loved to read.

Erebus Knight-17 years old, alpha of his pack, former scout, former guard, former assassin. Very protective of his siblings. Half-brother to Axel Knight. Brother to Symphony Knight.

Axel Knight-14 years old, prisoner, omega. Abandoned bs mother. Brother to Symphony, half-brother to Erebus.

Andalib Hitomi-14 years, mute slave, belonged to Cedric Adair. Loved music, followed orders without question, but very timid.

Seth Ritsuko-Shadow Demon of 3,500 years. Loved to draw, play the piano and horses. Loved his horse Eclipse.

Rylic Wolf-16 years, a Junkie, controlled Umbrakinesis(shadows/darkness).

Thorn-Fire Wolf and 15 years of age. He lost his parents.

Abaddon Soulton-Immortal, looked 19. Assassin, could control ice and darkness. Had a pet shadow dragon. Lived in Twilight Deep and was a demon.

Zarak-A Ziz of 12 years. He was a Mage/Warrior and didn't waste his time on stupid people.

Jabez "Blood" and Selena-The Crimson Tornadoes. Two 3 month old pups, born in the fighting ring, on their way to becoming champions.

Kalmor Diggory-Nephalem (1/2 angel & 1/2 demon), 15. Lost his parents. Hopes to rebuild his race.

Ruin-alpha of Lunar Peaks. 4 years of age, father of two, a red wolf

Shinobi-brother to Ashita, son of Ruin. A red wolf of 2 months. Enjoys picking on his sister.

Ashita-sister to Shinobi, daughter of Ruin. A red wolf 2 months. Teased by her brother but can hold her own in a fight. Prefers to be a healer.

Makoto Caleb Dawson-25 years, Japanese-American. Majoring in Electrical Engineering with a Minor in Computer Science . Has a 5 month old puppy named Shadow.

Abdullah Samuel Dawson-18 years, Korean-American, Muslim. Was on a senior trip when a freak storm killed everybody but a few. He was one of the survivors.

Mizuki Hanabusa-17 years, sister to Jasper Hanabusa. Water elemental, leader of the Runners.

Jasper Hanabusa-15, brother to Mizuki Hanabusa. Earth Elemental. Works for the Hunters.

Hiresh Hitomi-15 years, high school student, earth manipulation. A laid back guy who loves the outdoors but can be reckless at times.

Sonya Fujimaru-Pureblood vampire. 16 years of age. Has a wolf that is tied into her life force named Reaper. A complex personality.

Taleah Himura-15 years, a human, adopted by Zero Knight. Training to be a Hunter.

Dante Etsuko-Vampire of 3,000 years. Hates angels and humans. Leader of his coven (Phoenix Coven.) Adopted sire was killed by a angel.

Eclipse Ishida-13 years, angel. Paranoid, thinks she is going to be killed at a moment's notice. Doesn't know she is angel as her parents were killed. Lives with a human family on earth.

Athena Elizabeth Nott-13, Slytherin House, Student, unregistered animagus, Death Eater. Has an Eurasian Eagle Owl and a Bengal Tiger Familiar.

Amy Yuzido-Shapeshifter, messenger, spy for the dark kingdom, orphan, 16 years. Can shapeshift into a bald eagle, tabby cat, rat, wolf, leopard and shoot lighting out of her hands. Born to a human and a shape shifter.

Sagittarius ("Nike Archer")-Sagittarius, age 16. Power: Electrokinesis. The Centaur Constellation can become human and can die. An independent zodiac, his personality is shaped by his being.

Beneath galaxyflames rest the fallen:

Andre Zeklos, Dhamphir (1/2 human, 1/2 vampire) of 510 years. Formerly a slave. A slave owner. A bounty hunter of a sadist woman, capturing his boss's slaves after they were sold.

Indigo Soulton, a 20 year old vaewolf (1/2 vampire and 1/2 werewolf) slave who wanted to atone for her accidental murder of her sister.

Syndric Elm, my dear horse zodiac child of 11 years. Orphaned at a young age, you tried to have fun as only a horse could. With lots of chocolate, carrots and runnning in fields.

Ren Zodiac, the last water dragon in existence. A dragon of 18 years who was scared of and hated humans who just wanted to rebuild her race.

Antonio Romulus Sangrey-the traitor! A member of the M.S. Amsterdam who worked with the hostage takers, a man forced into the job of 35 years.

Itzal Antonio Sangrey-a little boy of 5 years who was with his father and sister on the M.S. Amsterdam.

Araceli Maria Sangrey-a girl of 7 years who was on the ship with her father Antonio and brother Itzal.

*Damn I have a ton of people under my primary account! All from dead role plays too! Yes I like vampires. Bite me.*

So ado to you all, my creations. It's a pity your settings all DIED. I'll miss getting the chance to role play you all. *This is why I hate role playing! I swear everything I join on here fucking dies! Or people sign up and then leave or DO NOT POST!!!!*


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27, Muharram 1437

November 10, 2015​


Aniihya said:
May I ask what sect you are in? Just out of curiosity.
Salaam Aniihya. I am actually of no sect. Just a Muslim. Greatly fascinated by Islamic Architecture and the Golden Age of Islam/Islamic History. I have quite a collection of Muslim children books and some other books that I get from Islamic Book Store. At the moment I am interested in the Djjin. I do believe in the four caliphates in the order the Sunni believe, always asking tons of questions.

My book Locked In was written from my fears of all American-Muslims being put into camps such as what happened to German-Americans and Italian-Americans in WW1 (if anyone reading this did not know of German-Americans and Italian-Americans being put into camps in WW1 before, don't worry I did not either until I read a business management textbook when my husband was in college) or like Japanese-Americans on the west coast in WW2 as well as the growing sentiment of hatred of patriotic bigots towards Muslims. Actually...here is the book video for Locked In.


In the 1800s when there was an influx of Chinese coming to work on the railroads, there was a law made that any American woman who married a Chinese Worker, had her citizenship stripped from her and therefore became an illegal Alien. This was also a period of time of when the American Government was putting a quota on how many people they would accept into the country. (Disclaimer: I am not calling all patriots bigots. Merely idiots like the Tea Party and other bigoted hate groups in the U.S.A. that have been protesting the building of mosques around the country. *Cough* Murfreesboro, TN *Cough*, *Cough* Park 51 *Cough*) This is all I have to say today. For now I leave you with the first five verses that the Prophet (SAW) of a command to read when the Qur'an was revealed.

"Read in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot. Read, for your Lord is most Generous, Who teaches by means of the pen, teaches man what he does not know." (96: 1-5)


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I'm very glad to hear that you don't belong to any sects. :) That's very rare to find nowadays.

I love your poems by the way.
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5 Saffar, 1437

November 17, 2015​


france flag.jpg

Zenobia, Thursday at 1:11 PM

I'm very glad to hear that you don't belong to any sects. :) That's very rare to find nowadays.

I love your poems by the way.
Yes I quite agree Zenobia. I am already thinking of the hardship my husband and I will face in finding good wives for my step son with everybody being divided into sects which is against the Qur'an. He is only a year old but I'm already thinking of his future marriage. Thank you for loving the poems.


It appears there was also an attack in Beirut 72 hours or so ago.

Article III, Sec. 3 of the US Constitution: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with Arms, Troops, Transportation, Shelter, or Classified Information.

Forty-eight hours ago there was an attack in Paris at a concert. 140 people dead, 342 injured according to last night's ABC World News. I believe I heard there were 102 people on house arrest in Paris and the Prime Minister is pushing for a 3 month sanction in the country. An international manhunt ensues for the 8th person involved in the attack, many nationalities being at the concert moments before their world was changed forever. I've heard they were teenagers. I've heard there were three attackers, then seven attackers, and now eight attackers involved in the terrorist action on French soil.

These attacks have caused 15 states within the USA to declare they will allow no Syrian refugees into their states, my state being one of the few that say they will not allow anybody of Syrian nationality inside. They have no legal ground to stand on. We cannot kick out people who have been granted asylum and are already here. I am not sure what we can do to stop refugees from coming in if we have agreed to give them asylum. I don't think anything can be done. One family of refugees is already set to come to my state and have been screened. I heard today on the news that only Syrian Christian refugees should be allowed entrance into the United States because "it is impossible for Christians to commit terrorist acts". I'm not here to argue who should and shouldn't be allowed in the United States.

Now I live with my grandmother and I mentioned to her that I am more worried about homegrown domestic terrorists who have been born and raised on USA soil than a bunch of foreigners who don't speak a lick of English and happen to be a bunch of non-practicing Muslims and ISIS supporters. I have also talked with my husband about this as well, news of the attack being reported in Arabic along with Russian, English and I am rightly assuming French. To my husband I have mentioned that I think the reason these idiots are joining Al Qaeda and ISIS is because they have no schooling and no jobs. They are being led by morons who twist the Qur'an and Sunnah for their own needs and purposes and there needs to be a system in place for you to become the imam of your mosque. I have told him, stuff like this is just going to make everything more harder on Muslims everywhere. My husband isn't too sure what the problem is but last night I learned that ISIS is not just recruiting Arab speaking Muslims. Half of their forces are people from western countries. There was a shrink on the news last night that said many 18-20 year olds are going on facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc. which ISIS has successfully infiltrated when no other terrorist group has managed to conquer and targeting these young people as a way of recruiting more forces to their cause. Of course my grandmother also said that most 18 to 20 year olds are fucking stupid anyway. Are people who are of the age that ISIS is recruiting just naturally stupid or are parents and governments failing these individuals in some way that drives them to become terrorists?

Up until the 1950s the American Government executed everyone who committed a terrorism act/treason against the country. Terrorist actions would qualify under becoming a traitor to the nation and the government of the United States of America, thereby falling under the act of treason. My grandmother thinks this should be brought back and we need to find out who these people are, take their citizenship away, and then execute them like they rightly deserve. I am personally for this and do not understand why after the 1950s our government stopped killing people who committed treason. I do not understand why we do not put a cap on the number of people allowed here from any given country. Oh probably because some people in the government/nation thought it was 'cruel and unusual punishment'. I am sorry but I would think terrorist actions against a person's nation are cruel and when you commit an act of war against the state you deserve to be executed.

France has declared they are now 'at war with ISIS" and have begun launching airstrikes from US Navy craft. France is an ally of the United States and I believe that means we will be supporting France in the war against ISIS. However President Obama has said that it would be counterproductive at this point in time to stick ground troops within Syria.

I hope the French and Lebanese people and the others affected within these are able to get past this and that the son of a fucking bitch is hunted down and shot. The hell with a damn trial, shoot that mother fucker when you find him! My grandmother has said we will never be rid of these types of people and I think she is probably right because even if we can destroy ISIS there will just be another fucked up people coming from the ashes of ISIS to wreck havoc on the world and its people.


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2, Rabbi Al-Thani, 1437

January 12, 2016​


Good afternoon one and all. It's snowing here in the Midwest. It is the fourth month of the Islamic Year. Rabbi Al-Thani means 'the second spring' in Arabic. There are twelve months in a year, seven days in a week, 354 days in the Islamic Year. It's a lunar calendar so the months rotate backwards between the seasons and each month has 29 or 30 days depending on the visibility of the moon. It's a bit hard to get used to if you're me and are used to there being fixed days and such. I made up one day of fasting from last Ramadan and still have 29 days to go I believe. Ramadan starts June 5, 2016 this year I believe but I will be trying to fast every couple days to ensure I actually manage to do so this time around.

I've been taking time off from RP Nation, having lost interest in the website last year. It's not quite easy to bother sticking to a website either when all the forums you are in get boring or people don't bother replying to the forums you're in so they end up dying. It's why I do not role play. What's the point? I hate winter. It's too cold and blustery. I hate summer as well because it is too hot. I wish there was just spring and fall. That would be perfect in my opinion. I could not imagine living near the Arctic Circle or in Alaska where you have six months of never ending daylight and six months of darkness. How would you fast? How would your body adjust to sleeping? Well I suppose people who live in those places are used to it. Not sure that I could end up doing it.

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Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

9 Ramadan 1437

June 14, 2016​


zacharychi said:
Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

I'm back and it is Ramadan again. Ramadan started on June 6th 2016 this year and will last until July 5th 2016. I haven't yet been able to fast since I'm on my period and Allah (Subhanna wa Ta'ala) says women can't fast on their period. So I have at the moment 9 days to make up before next Ramadan, if I live that long. I am beginning to think Allah (Subhanna wa Ta'ala) doesn't want me to fast as I have not been able to the past two Ramadans due to excessive periods but my husband says maybe Allah (Subhanna wa Ta'ala) is giving me more credit this way. Anyway, he paid rice for 27 days as I was only able to make up 3 days of fasting from last Ramadan. Trust me, it is difficult to try to fast when you live with a non-Muslim relative who doesn't know you're supposed to be fasting in Ramadan because she would complain about that aspect of the religion as well. I can't wait until I am able to move out on my own with my dog Outlaw. That will sadly not be for a while. I have to get my driver license and a car first, then I need to get a job. I've already found an apartment that accepts dogs up to 90 lbs so I can bring my Jack Russel with me, which is what Outlaw supposedly is according to his vet.

I am in therapy for what happened to me as a child. I started sometime early this year (I think I started in April 2016) and I go every 2 or 3 weeks, depending on when my therapist has an opening available. It seems to be going well Alhamdulillah. I went in for my intake assessment in December and then waited an entire month before I got a new therapist. I was abused and neglected as a child and then with the two stints in the mental hospital as a teenager, my liver is ruined by the way thanks to the Depakote ER I was on for a week at 14, it is speculated that I might have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) though doctors have tried diagnosing me with other things. My therapist thinks that my mom never developed a bond with me as a child, especially since I was in foster care from '87 to Mother's Day '88 and mom was in a group home, and that may contribute to her emotionally neglecting me and turning her back on me when I was being harmed by the men in my mother's life. I don't rightly know but have realized nothing I do will ever be good enough for my parents and never get their approval. My husband already knows that I will support my grandmother (I write her a $250 check every month) but won't do so for my parents, regardless of the fact that you're technically supposed to in Islam. Speaking of which, I will never get back that $500 my mom took from me just like my grandmother will never get back the $700 she loaned my mother. Even my grandmother is done with my mother.

Outlaw weighs 26 lbs so I'll probably have to pay the $47 something for Interceptor for dogs 26-50 lbs tomorrow before I go for my appointment with my therapist at 4PM. I am not taking my Metformin which I should be doing for my Poly Cystic Ovarian Disorder (which does not run in my family as none of the other women in my family had problems having kids.) I have a new cousin. Her name is Zaylee Dawn and she is Mexican-American. Zaylee was born a month early as she didn't have any more fluids in her amniotic sac but is Alhamdulillah doing well. Jesselee, my cousin's firstborn daughter, is...3 years old now I think my grandmother said. It's hard to believe Jesselee has gotten so big compared to when I saw her as a baby though she did come here with her mom a couple months ago which was nice.

Not much else is going on really. Mom lost her job but went to PA for four days to train for a new job. My sister Alexus is not taking her medication either. She is 16 I think now and has something wrong with her thyroid and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Now she is taking her pills every day when she is supposed to be taking them every other day and tried to kill herself a few months ago. My sister has a habit of NOT taking her medication regardless. My brother Dakota just turned 14 on June 7th (which I completely forgot about it being his birthday). I don't buy my siblings presents anymore for Christmas as they are too hard to know what to get and are unappreciative anyway no matter what I got them. So I don't waste my money on them anymore. My husband gave Omi (my mother-in-law) some money, he refuses to let me get her a cow since my mother-in-law is old and can't take care of a cow anymore. I'd take care of it but I don't live in Saudi Arabia and don't know the first thing about cows. But I told him to get baba (my father-in-law) something for father's day after he refused to give me $600 to buy baba a sheep from the States (nevermind the fact that I don't know if you can ship a sheep internationally). Baba loves sheep and Omi loves cows and I love horses and rabbits.

My husband has stopped helping my big brother-in-law (I have three brother-in-laws and 2 sister-in-laws from my husband) with the sheep as my husband realized they weren't creating as much money with the sheep as my husband thought. I think baba sells his sheep for $200 to $300 a head at the end of Ramadan to the poor people. My oldest brother-in-law married his second wife this month and my husband's oldest nephew (who is 23 my husband thinks) also got married Alhamdulillah to a woman who is 18. My husband's second oldest niece (from my third oldest brother-in-law)'s daughter also got married this month to her brother-in-law. I am still unsure how her son will deal with his siblings also being his cousins as her previous husband died of Leukemia I think four or five months ago but my husband says the child won't be confused and that he is happy about his mom marrying his uncle.

On a happier note, Insha Allah, my husband will be spending Eid Al Adha with me in the States. He doesn't want me going to Turkey and for that matter my grandmother doesn't either with ISIS being active. Did you know they killed a bunch of their own people because they're paranoid about spies in their ranks? My husband said he isn't sure whether it is haraam or not to pray that ISIS just continues killing themselves off like that when I asked. I had to explain to my husband that Eid Al Adha isn't until September. Insha Allah he will be here in the States August 29th and go back home September 22nd as he'll have to be in work on the 25th. It throws off my plans of getting my permit by July but that is okay because my grandmother may have to go back to work in July anyway and I haven't been studying my driver book. My goal is still to get my license by December 2016 Insha Allah, get my TESOL Endorsement early next year and then be back in school August 2017 Insha Allah for my B.S. in Early Childhood Education.

Star Wars Rogue One comes out December 16, 2016. I'm going to go see that and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Part 1 in November. July 22 out comes Ice Age movie (the newest one) so I am looking forward to that. I saw X-Men Apocalypse. That was awesome! I didn't like Alice Through the Looking Glass though. I don't really know what else to talk about. That seems to be everything of importance going on in my life so far. Well, bye if you're still reading this. Ramadan Mubarak to all the Mu'min who are on here and fasting.


eclipsehowls said:
I am a Muslim
Cool, i guess? i am agnostic. but the religion of Islam has been somewhat of a topic that i have been interested in, for a while. so perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity a bit

12 Ramadan 1437

June 17, 2016​


billthesomething said:
Cool, i guess? i am agnostic. but the religion of Islam has been somewhat of a topic that i have been interested in, for a while. so perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity a bit
I can try to help you understand billthesomething, though many things are still unknown to even me. Sadly, I don't speak Arabic and don't have books of Hadeeth or Tafseer with me but I can do my best to answer what I do know.

There is something wrong with a movie when it is a kid's movie and there are more adults than kids there. That is what happened last night. I went to see Finding Dory and there were more adults there than children. I thought that was funny and one of the patrons in the movie asked another why there were more adults in the theater then kids. I was trying not to fall asleep while waiting for the movie to start and ended up going to bed after replying to a post in a role play I'm part of on a webs dot com website and taking Outlaw outside to go potty. My husband says it is 115 F in Saudi Arabia right now. He says the heat here in the States is nothing compared to the heat in the Middle East and that there was an attack yesterday in Turkey. It was apparently on Al Jazeera and whatever other Arab news stations they have. I'm only familiar with Al Jazeera. All we have heard here on our local news is about the kid who was killed by the alligator in Orlando and the mass shooting in Orlando at the gay club. But in local news, there was a gas leak that shut down some streets and someone was shot to death yesterday in the state's capital I think. I didn't really pay attention as I was getting Outlaw's leash to bring him in the house.


eclipsehowls said:
I can try to help you understand billthesomething, though many things are still unknown to even me. Sadly, I don't speak Arabic and don't have books of Hadeeth or Tafseer with me but I can do my best to answer what I do know.
um, do you know why it's so controversial to depict Muhammad

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