Five Thousand Club
8 Dhul-Hijjah, 1436
September 21, 2015
Salaam everyone. It means 'peace' or if you speak Egyptian Arabic, 'goodbye'. For this it means peace. I am eclipehowls. I don't know why I started this journal. I've tried and the online journal I was part of died. MyDearDiary though it was mainly news articles concerning Muslims. All well. Then OpenDiary died maybe...a year after I joined that. It doesn't matter aside from having no way to get those journals back as I forgot my username and password and it shut down without getting a notice.
You are welcome to comment within the journal. I don't mind and will answer questions as they are posted. I write professionally. I have two wonderful books published and have two more accepted for publication. I also write fan fiction. Hoping to see my first published novel, which is really my second novel written, made into a movie but I need to find people to translate the book first and that costs an arm and a leg to accomplish. I have a book trailer though for my novel. Well for some of my books, even those not written yet.
Okay why do I have two dates on my journal? I am a Muslim I am attempting (and failing) to learn the dates of the Islamic (technically called Hijrah) calendar. I only pay attention to when Ramadan begins and ends which is when all Muslims who can do so without health difficulties fast from dawn to sunset with no food, liquid, sex or smoking (which is bad for your health anyway) for an entire month. But I'm not going to talk much about Islam per say, other than what it is like to a Muslim personally. Nobody will probably read this. That's okay. I may put poems in here. It's how I express poetry and stories. I have a few poems that are...well they are quite dark in nature and written through the eyes of a serial killer. I got told I had a sick twisted mind in eighth grade because I wrote an I AM poem about being a Nazi. Don't remember what happened to it. Likely lost it but it was for Young Adult Literature class. We were reading a few novels on WW2 such as Summer of My German Soldier and I think I first read Night in that class or was it in English? Hmmm not sure but I know I have read Night two times, once in English 11 and once in 8th grade. Well I think that is all I have to say for now.