American Horror Story: The Underground [Inactive]



@Terik Broseiden @Hollipop @Lovely Bones @oOBubblesOo @GetBit1320

(Just a reminder, wait until everyone has posted their first post before going on with the roleplay!)

Melissa smirked, having slept with one of the alive ones again, and ruffled her blonde hair, getting up and looking down at the bullet wound on her chest. The drunk didn't care. Yesterday was Halloween anyways for all that idiot knew, she was dressed up. She chuckled to herself, slipping on a shitty old tank top before walking over and kicking Brandon awake, the only ghost here she really cared about. Her and Brandon had a past together, and Melissa liked to dwell on it, him being the only guy who didn't use her for sex and whatnot.

She growled when he didn't wake up, and walked to the bathroom, pushing a drunken teenager out of her way while she fumbled in her pockets for her lipstick. The lipstick in which she stole from some slutty teenage girl's pocket when she was passed out drunk. Melissa was never really a lipstick girl, but this raspberry color seemed to look great on her, or at least she thought. She smirked, leaning forward and kissing the mirror, leaving her lipstick prints on the glass before leaving the bathroom and grabbing a bottle of liquor, letting the taste fill her mouth before she walked back over to the guy she'd slept with, sitting next to him and drinking.

That was when she had an idea, she smirked and got up again and kicked the guy she slept with, the girl she stole from, and the kid in the bathroom awake, shooing them away.
"Quick, the cops are on the way!" She lied, watching them run out like they were going to die. She laughed, then turned to the other ghosts, who were scattered around the Underground. She smirked, tapping her fingers along the bottle of liquor on her hands as she waited for them to quit their facade, ghosts didn't actually sleep..
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"I thought they'd never leave," Kaitlin Breckenridge sighed dramatically as she arose from her faux-slumber. She was a bit of a princess, but had grown used to pretending to fall asleep on the ground. After all, she was an expert when it came to faking things. She was a natural at the art of manipulation, and practically had a college degree in lying. It came in handy, she had to admit, and in a way she didn't find too sick, she actually enjoyed it.

She stood up on her bare feet and walked towards Melissa. "
You look like shit, babe," she said in a light voice. Kaitlin was brutally honest, and at times flat-out rude, but her tone was playful. She knew she didn't exactly look like a fashion model. Her dark red hair was tousled and she was wearing nothing but a pair of lacey black boyshorts and a light pink bra. She had begun the night in something stylish, no doubt, but she wasn't embarrassed. Her natural form was basically half-naked.

The Underground looked like shit, but that was how it always looked after these events, which were basically a nightly occurance. There was no point in attempting to clean up, and even if there was Kaitlin wouldn't do it. She didn't believe in cleaning, or anything that didn't benefit her in any kind of way.
"You all can get up, now," she said in a musical tone to the four remaining ghosts. It was a bit of a nuisance, the whole sleeping thing, but it was necessary. You could drink, smoke, f*ck, do anything with the humans, as long as they didn't know you were actually dead. That would change everything, and Kaitlin hated change. She enjoyed her life after life and didn't want any insignificant mortals messing with it.
Jeremiah stretched and yawned hard before standing up. His fingertips were stained yellow and stunk of cigarettes and weed. The blood vessels in his eyes protruded very clearly, the obvious sign of some heavy drinking last night. He ran his fingers through his matted hair and dusted off his clothes, at least attempting to look decent. A smirk formed on his cracked lips, reminiscing the events of last night. "Ah, just memories waiting to be repeated."

Focusing his vision to the corner of his eyes, he saw Melissa and Kaitlin, mostly focused on Kaitlin's scantily clad underwear. He pulled out a joint and lit it while chuckling to himself and rolling his eyes. "I see she's got the utmost respect of herself." The words were barely audible to anyone a few feet from him. He normally said what was on his mind to anyone and not care, but he didn't feel like starting shit this soon.

"Well, may as well make some social interaction while the others play dead." He slowly walked over towards the two, finishing his joint and savoring the last bit of smoke before tossing the butt. "Whiskey already Melissa? If you were still alive, I bet your liver would be begging for mercy, Jesus Christ." He laughed briefly as he sneaked behind the bar and grabbed a Corona from the fridge under the bar. "Pace yourself darling." He said before popping the top off and taking a swig.
"I know we're dead and all but I can still feel you kicking me!" Brandon lifted his body up, his head still pounds from last night. The T-Shirt is covered in what looks like dried puke. A combination of vodka, beer and probably ecstasy. "F**k it" he says to himself, stripping off his shirt, turning his shirt inside out and sliding it back on.

Brandon, with his hands on his head, shuffles his way to Melissa. He snatches the liquor out of her hand and starts to drink. His eyes can barely stay open. The dimly light area is still too much for a hangover. Even in death Brandon can't stop drinking himself under the table. "You couldn't have shared the joint, Snoop Dog? My head feels like it's in a rave!" He slides an orange bottle from out of his pocket, pops open the lid and tosses in some more pills, then takes another swig of the liquor.

"Hey, Kaitlin, why don't you go put on a maid outfit or something and clean up this place. But, I'm cool with what you're wearing too!" The Underground was a shit hole. And of all of the shit holes to die in, Brandon decided this place was good enough. The others he was stuck with grew on him. He just didn't want to see anyone living, make the mistakes they all did. But what the hell can he do? Better yet, what will he do?

There was chatter in the background, voices that she didn't really try to listen to. It just sounded like faint mumbling. The blonde basically became a pro at ignoring the voices of others. Hannah never had to pretend to sleep. She didn't really care if the mortals noticed or not, it wasn't really like they could do much about it. The girl kept her place lying on her side, intertwining her dirty blonde curls with her index finger as she stared at the stained walls, dwelling on her depression. A heavy sigh followed by her movement to stand up.

How could a ghost possibly have a headache? It completely beat Hannah but she felt like total shit. The blonde ghost put a smile on her face as she joined the others, who all looked so happy to see one another. "----Why th' long faces?" Her southern accent heavy as she flashed her usual bright smile to the others around her. Hannah knew why they always were saddened but that never stopped her to make conversation to cheer them all up. Hell, even the girl herself was completely miserable every day but she could never let anyone know that.

Hannah hopped herself onto the counter of the bar, crossing her legs as she did so. Her long tattered skirt swayed as she moved. She was known for her Bohemian like style---long skirts with half shirts and shawls, hi-low skirts with tanks and laced leggings--it was always so fun to her to put together outfits that would have others stop and ask if she knew what year she was in.

Hearing Hannah's question, Jeremiah put down his beer and responded. "Well Miss Twang, in case you didn't notice we're all dead." He seemed to have a little nickname for everyone there, even though he knew it pissed them off when he sued them. His slightly dark humor was certainly a thing that brought sunshine to his cloudy days, despite that sun quickly fading away. He rested his elbows on the counter-top as he admired her outfit. Sure it was certainly not of this decade or even generation, but it was still her style and he respected that. Seeing her clutch her head in slight pain, he held his finger up in a gesture for them to wait one moment.

Jeremiah disappeared into the back, returning with a bottle of Excedrin to give to Hannah. "There you are love. Just don't let the pharmacist over there see you with them, he's liable to eat the whole damn bottle if he can get some pills," motioning over towards Brandon with his eyes. "And no Brandon, I'm certainly not talking about you." Sarcasm dripped from his words as he smirked, stained teeth showing as he chuckled before focusing his attention back to his beer.
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Justin Griffey opened his eyes from his light slumber to glance around at the others. The Underground was completely trashed but not necessarily in a bad way. They had all had an interesting night and Justin certainly didn't regret much of anything. Justin pushed himself up off the ground, cracking his back harshly, the sound of his body popping quite loud at the time. It had occurred to him several times that this is not what he expected death to be like even in the slightest but he, again, didn't have any complaints. Everything seemed to be basically the same as it was when he was truly alive so what was the problem?

Making his way over towards the others, moving around several pieces of furniture to get to them. He froze in his tracks when he caught a glimpse of Katilin. She was practically naked which, although it was rather intriguing to him, made Justin turn and face the other way. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly out of habit as if he just caught someone in the shower. "So, um, how is everyone else feeling so far? I'm feeling pretty sh*tty in case you were wondering," he questioned the others after taking a deep breath and calming himself.

Turning back to face the others, Justin's eyes landed on Melissa. Justin felt like he should be entirely pissed at her for killing him but technically it was a freak accident. He almost wanted to find a way to get revenge but another part of him told him it was simply a waste of time. Justin rubbed his temples lightly with his index fingers, trying to push the oncoming hangover away. Of course, this technique probably wouldn't help but it was worth a shot. This was pretty much the only thing that sucked at this point; the ability to feel pain didn't go away.
Melissa sneered at Kaitlin, glaring. "You don't look that great yourself, babe." She muttered, rolling her eyes and taking another swig of whiskey, ignoring Jeremiah's snide comment and wiping her mouth off. That was when Brandon took the bottle away. Melissa folded her arms over her chest, smirking at him. "You best give that back before I kick you again." She said, then turned to Hannah. "Long face? We're dead. But thanks your the concern." She sneered again, then felt a pair of eyes on her. It was like they all wanted a piece of her today, but then again, she was the first ghost here, she was kind of a leader figure, in her eyes at least. "Alright, who f*cked who last night? Anyone die at the party?" She asked, raising an eyebrow before walking to the bar to fuel her alcohol bar.
"Eyes up here, Jer. You too, Brandon," Kaitlin said musically, feeling a pair of eyes trace up her body. She was basically asking for it, in her disrobed state, and didn't actually care. Still, she found a giant t-shirt lying in a puddle on the floor. It was a faded black color and had the Portage Petrol logo on it. The decal was peeling. Kaitlin pulled the garment over her frame. Hannah finally rose from the dead--ha!--and she was the only ghost Kaitlin was happy to see. Everybody loved Hannah, because she was sunshine personified. Everything from her flowy skirts and her soft country accent made her want to smile.

Lastly, Justin popped his eyes open.
"I'm just fabulous," Kaitlin replied, not sure if she was being sarcastic or not. Her life was pretty damn awesome, she couldn't deny that. She rolled her eyes at Melissa, who, of course, wanted everything to be about her. "Wh*re," Kaitlin muttered under her breath, even though she was on to talk. She found a little baggie of an unidentified white powder and her eyes lit up. What a perfect thing to wake up to! Kaitlin licked her finger and dipped it in the baggie. She expertly snorted it up the nose and took one more serving before holding the bag out in an open-ended gesture. "Anybody want?"
"Eh, what the hell I need a jumpstart to my day anyways." Jeremiah spoke up, reaching for the bag. He mimicked Kaitlin, licking his finger and getting some of the powder on it before taking a big sniff of it. Blood coursed from his nose through his body as he felt like someone just pumped pure adrenaline into his heart. "You see, this right here, that's good Colombian coke senora." His humorous Tony Montana impression brought laughter to him, hoping to get a little something out of everyone else as well.

He could barely hear Kaitlin's response to Melissa, but it was enough to make out what she said. Oh boy, time to pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and watch the movie. Jeremiah always did like some good drama to unfold in front of him, call it his free entertainment. His eyes gazed upon his clothes as he looked into a dirty cracked mirror. He looked like he got scraped up off the pavement in an alleyway. Hesitating for a moment to see if any more fireworks were to go off, Jeremiah went down the hallway to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and some clothes as the clacking of his boots on the floor faded down the hall.
Brandon set his bottle down, rose from his spot on the ground and headed for Kaitlin's generous gift. It's a miracle he even set his bottle down, but only one other thing could make him do that. "At least someone's sharing! Thank you, Katie!" Brandon licked his finger tip, scooped up some sugar and snorted it right up his nose. His hangover practically evaporated from his skull and woke him right up. "Okay, Hannah, now I'm feeling better than ever! Thanks for asking." Brandon liked Hannah. She didn't totally annoy him, even with her sunshine aura.

Since Brandon was dead, there was no use in treading lightly. He did every drug he could get his hands on. Coke, weed, adderall, and as much alcohol as he could drink. It was practically heaven for him, just in Hell's environment.

"Justin, bro, join the party! Kaitlin's got a shirt on... For now!" Brandon let out a loud "HA!" after his comment. He couldn't help himself.

Walking up to Melissa, Brandon throws his arm around her. "As for me, I mouth banged a third of all our alcohol. What about you, Sweet cheeks? Who did you do all night?"
Melissa let Brandon throw an arm around her, shrugging. "You know, just one guy, maybe a few girls." She winked, smirking. "So that's where all my whiskey went, huh? In your blood system? You're an idiot." Melissa muttered, rolling her eyes. She had caught Kaitlin muttering something but she ignored it. It was no use getting in fights with other ghosts. Nobody ever won because nobody ever died. She also ignore the baggie of white powder, wanting something stronger than that. "Hey Justin, why don't you come on over here? I'll make sure you're safe and sound~" Her voice trailed off in the way that sounded like a purr. "And if you come over, I promise not to push you, considering how much of a fat cow I am."
Jeremiah emerged from the bathroom about 20 minuted later, feeling very refreshed from his hot shower which he needed dearly. His hair was combed back slick and tucked behind his ears. Clothes wise, he now donned a gray T-shirt with flaming skulls on it with Latin scripture that said "Volaticum Letum," translated meaning "Flying Death." His jeans were a navy blue, boot cut of course to accommodate his tall boots and around his neck he wore a pentagram. He never was a Wiccan, but he did believe in it.

Coming back into the main room, he saw Brandon with his arm around Melissa. Such lovebirds, he thought as he fished around in his pocket for a pack of Kool menthol cigarettes and his Zippo. Truthfully, he would've just lit a joint or take a hit off a bong to keep him mellow, but smoking cigarettes was always for something different, when something was troubling him. He stuck the cig into his mouth and flicked open the lighter, burning the tobacco at the end and taking that first inhale, the cool minty smoke tingling his lungs and throat while he held it for a second before blowing it back out towards the ceiling.
Justin took a seat on the couch awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Everyone else seemed set on doing drugs and drinking so why shouldn't he? The living Justin probably would have done none of those things... ever... but that was mostly because he didn't have a large group of friends. Justin was trying this new technique out where he partied more and tried new things but all that's really gotten him so far was headaches, into fights, and a rash that he wasn't too sure about but it was gone now so that didn't seem to matter.

His thoughts clearly drifting, Justin shook his head to refocus himself on the current situation upon hearing his name; twice. He glanced over almost angrily at Brandon for his snide comment about Kaitlin. What a douche. That must be what Melissa likes about him. Justin didn't even bother look in Melissa's direction, rather he just looked down as he stood up and walked over to test out that new found, powdery substance. "Can you get over that stupid sh*t already? I would have apologized if you hadn't killed me first anyways."

Justin tried to hold back, making an attempt to not start some kind of fight. His anger tended to get the best of him but he was learning to let little, petty things slide. He gathered a bit of the substance and snorted it casually. Now he was feeling a bit temperamental but that would soon be fixed. Justin leaned back on the couch, letting his eyes flutter shut. He had never actually done whatever this was before so he was kind of excited to see it's effects take place.
"It's kind of quiet in here, so-" Brandon slide his way over to the bar. Someone long ago had brought an iHome speaker system and never took it back. Or they never found it. It was dusty, but worked like a charm. Brandon pulled an old white mp3 player. It had a crack in the screen, but still looked new. "Let's liven the place up a bit!" Running his finger down the cracked screen, Brandon looked for something good. He loathed country, but listened to almost anything else. He puts a post hardcore song. The songs starts off with a bang then keeps running.

He scratches his head as he makes his way to the old couch Justin was sitting on. "It's not Kumbaya, but we can still hold hands and sing if you all want!" Brandon threw his arms up and puts them back behind his head, interlocking his fingers and listening to the music.
Jeremiah started bobbing his head in rhythm to the song, even pretending to pick with his right hand. He listened to most all music but hard rock and metal was his kingdom. "Good choice Brandon, got my stamp of approval." He gave him a thumbs up, flashing a smile briefly as he sat at one the stools by the bar, setting a ashtray by him and lighting another cigarette. "Yeah Justin, Brandon's right. We may hate each other's guts at times, but that's one thing we all have in common." He laughed and tossed his pack to the middle of the bar along with his Zippo, offering them to anyone who wanted one.

He had now opened another Corona, sipping on that after just about every drag of his cigarette. Jeremiah used to be quite a bar drinker, and he seemed to carry those actions with him when he died. It was something of him that he didn't want to lose or forget. And as his drinking worsened, so did his temper. That was how he got shot during a drug transaction. He had about a fifth of whiskey in him so he was quite buzzed. Words were said, tempers flared and now look at him, a man with two bullets in his heart and one in his skull. Best way to go out with a "bang," right?
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