

Blood of the Dragon
Okay, Character Skeleton should look like this:








Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):

If you ave a picture that is your lion, you may put that instead of describing it.

You must ask to be the queen (that would be Baako's mate) and you may only be prince/princess if you are the king and queen's cubs. So you would have to ask that too.



Age: 28 moons

Gender: male



Personality: Strong, caring, a bit distant.

History: He was ridiculed as a cub or his coloring, as he was the only one in his pride who was melanistic. When he got old enough, he went off to start a new pride.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: No/looking/wants

Pride Role: King.
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Name: Pangaea

Age: 5 years

Gender: Female

Looks: Tan fur, golden eyes, average if lean build.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/pangaea.jpg.612825aeef053ec242c69d67c0da60b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22892" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/pangaea.jpg.612825aeef053ec242c69d67c0da60b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Pangaea is easy going and outspoken, kind to everyone and easy to get along with. She doesn’t like to get into fights or arguments with others and can be a bit submissive at times but she is a skilled hunter and is willing to stand up for herself in extreme cases. For the most part she’s docile, the exception being when she’s hunting, and she has a soft spot in her heart for cubs though she doesn’t have any of her own to speak of.

For the first few years of her lifePangaea grew up in a pride with her parents, her father the leader of the pack. It was an easy life but one that wasn’t destined to last and after poachers killed her father for his coat and her mother went missing the pride disbanded, leaderless. Feeling guilty that she had not been able to lead the pack after the disaster Pangaea left her old territory behind and wandered alone managing to survive on what prey she could catch solo. Eventually, by mistake, she stumbled into Baako’s pride and there she decided to try to build up a new life for herself.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: No/None/None

Pride Role: Hunter



  • pangaea.jpg
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no! Don't delete this! It has potential. ;) Would have signed up sooner, but i hadn't checked the animals section in a while.

Name: Tawny

Age: 21 moons

Gender: female



Personality: Tawny is shy and respectful around adult lions but she really enjoys playing with cubs. She enjoys her quiet time and spends most of the time on walks alone.

History: Her mother joined the pride when Tawny was still very young, but died shortly afterwards, Tawny doesn't know what caused er mother's death.

Crush/Mate/Cubs:none atm/none/none

Pride Role: Hunter
Horselovermcf said:
no! Don't delete this! It has potential. ;) Would have signed up sooner, but i hadn't checked the animals section in a while.
Name: Tawny

Age: 21 moons

Gender: female



Personality: Tawny is shy and respectful around adult lions but she really enjoys playing with cubs. She enjoys her quiet time and spends most of the time on walks alone.

History: Her mother joined the pride when Tawny was still very young, but died shortly afterwards, Tawny doesn't know what caused er mother's death.

Crush/Mate/Cubs:none atm/none/none

Pride Role: Hunter
accepted! I'll keep it around for awhile.
Name: Shekira (sh-e-ky-ra)

Age: 28 Moons (Moons are months, right?)

Gender: Female


Personality: Very confident and protective. She is very relaxed and often doesn't take stuff as a big deal. She will get serious

about something when she needs to. She is very responsible and is very caring.

History: She was a rogue as a teenager and was always the strong, confident lioness she was born as. Her mother was very caring but died when hyenas attacked them. She never met her mother and was rescued by the pride.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: No crush. Looking for a mate. No cubs.

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.): Hunter (can I be the queen as I go on though?)
SashaTheWolfFreak said:
Name: Shekira (sh-e-ky-ra)
Age: 28 Moons (Moons are months, right?)

Gender: Female


Personality: Very confident and protective. She is very relaxed and often doesn't take stuff as a big deal. She will get serious

about something when she needs to. She is very responsible and is very caring.

History: She was a rogue as a teenager and was always the strong, confident lioness she was born as. Her mother was very caring but died when hyenas attacked them. She never met her mother and was rescued by the pride.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: No crush. Looking for a mate. No cubs.

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.): Hunter (can I be the queen as I go on though?)
accepted! We'll see about the queen thing. See how it goes.
SashaTheWolfFreak said:
Ok. When do we start roleplaying btw?
Ill probably start it tomorrow. It will be before saturday, that is definate. I would really prefer to have some more characters before starting, especially more lions.
giraffesarebetter said:
Ill probably start it tomorrow. It will be before saturday, that is definate. I would really prefer to have some more characters before starting, especially more lions.
I'll make a lion, tomorrow maybe? The reason i didn't make one before was because i wasnt sure how many lions were allowed.
Horselovermcf said:
I'll make a lion, tomorrow maybe? The reason i didn't make one before was because i wasnt sure how many lions were allowed.
I might make another lion too tomorrow, if I can. Well I am going to sleep now. See ya tomorrow morning.
Horselovermcf said:
I'll make a lion, tomorrow maybe? The reason i didn't make one before was because i wasnt sure how many lions were allowed.
Like i said in the info, while real life prides only have 2 or 3, i will allow more. As many as sign up will probably be accepted
giraffesarebetter said:
Like i said in the info, while real life prides only have 2 or 3, i will allow more. As many as sign up will probably be accepted

Name: Fahari (fah-HAH-ree)

Age: 23 moons

Gender: Male



Personality: Kind, Respectful, Humorous. He likes to play and kid-around, somtimes acting much younger than he actually is.

History: Joined the pride as a young lion, his parents had both died by poachers, he escaped only barely. He has a scar around one paw from a trap that his mother helped him escape from, only to get killed herself. (Hope that this background is okay?)

Crush/Mate/Cubs: tbd in rp/open/none

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.): Protector/helps "babysit" cubs.

Name: Jiwe

Age: 4 moons

Gender: male



Personality: Jiwe is VERY outgoing, he's daring and full of energy, Hyper and myscheivous, he's a bundle full of trouble.

History: {I was wondering if maybe He could be in some way Baako's nephew? Maybe Baako had a sister who had Jiwe or somthing but then she died so now Baako's raising him or something? Totally fine if you don't want to go through with this, i'll think of something else, but i thought it would be a cool plot.
:) }

Crush/Mate/Cubs:too young/too young/ too young.

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.): Protector/cub
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I am back and I am making a new male lion :3 
Name: Talon

Age: 25 moons

Gender: Male


Personality: Very jealous of anyone in a rank above (kinda like Scar from TLK). Very lazy and likes to be left alone.

History: Talon was born in the pride and was always the unsocial type. He is very annoyed by others and is not very useful.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: Not yet/None/None

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.): Hunter (but he hunts rarely)
Name: Anaki

86 moons


A large and thickly spotted female

Calm but playful, enjoys pestering the king

An older female that left from another pride that was taken over by rival males.

Has had many litters in other prides, most were male so as they grew older they left to start their own prides.

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):

Nekoni said:
Name: Anaki
86 moons


A large and thickly spotted female

Calm but playful, enjoys pestering the king

An older female that left from another pride that was taken over by rival males.

Has had many litters in other prides, most were male so as they grew older they left to start their own prides.

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):

Just wanna say that these pics are all goregeous and you guys obviously put a lot of time into finding them! Also I've started the roleplay, so go ahead and jump in. 
Also, you've all managed to choose Ethiopian Black Maned Lions for your Males xD
Name: Kayode

Age: 18 moons


Kayode has a condition known as leucism, causing just his skin and fur to be pale but his eyes to retain a more or less normal color. They are the color of fresh honey. He also has a small mane, since he is still a teenager.


Kayode is a young, vibrant lion who is full of life and energy. In a word: spunky.He’s more of a follower than most other males and sees himself as more of a helper and a councilor than a leader. He doesn’t really know the ins and outs of adult lion life, since he was kicked out of his original family. But he makes up for that flaw in his efforts to appease the others of his new family. He just wants to help in any way he can.

Kayode had always been a bit, well, different. He was born pure white, a somewhat rare sight in the lion world, but not as rare as albinism or melanism. In other groups he might have been ostracized or bullied, but a unique situation saved him from that abuse. His father was a great leader, but he only had less than a handful of sons. Because of that, he cherished every single one like they were precious gifts and never allowed any of the other lions pick on them.

But as Kayode grew into an older cub, his father was forced to part from his group when a pair of younger, stronger lions took over the family. Kayode was allowed to grow into a young adult, but once he started growing a mane, the new leaders chased him out of the territory, effectively separating him from his mother and other members of his family. But before he left, he snatched up his half-sister Monifa and took her with him, just in case the new leaders didn’t want to have any new cubs around. It was her mother’s idea, and he hoped that one day, Monifa could forgive him for taking her away from her family.

Kayode then roamed the grasslands for a few days, trying in vain to find food for the two of them. A few days later, half starved and lonely, he finally found a group that took them in: Ameqran. He didn’t know how long they were welcome, but he’d do anything to stay. There was no way he could survive as a lone lion with a cub in tow.

none yet/none yet/does have any yet, is undecided of if he wants cubs later

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):
Hunter for now

Name: Monifa

3 moons


She has dark sand-colored eyes and cub spots on her forehead.


When Monifa is around other cubs or lions she trusts, her energetic and joyful side comes out. But when she is around lions she finds intimidating or doesn’t know that well, she becomes shy and more introverted. It takes a while to earn her trust but once she opens up, her positive energy brings a smile to anyone’s face. Since she is a cub still, social graces and manners are completely lost on her. Monifa has yet to master the ins and outs of being a lion.

There is not much to say about Monifa, since she is still just 3 moons old. But she does remember being the first and only child of a young lioness and having the same father as Kayode. She had grown up well with her family, and had just recently been weaned before being taken away by Kayode. She doesn’t know that it was for her own good because when new males take over a group, the young cubs are often chased away or worse. Monifa just knows that her mother and father are somewhere else, and she’s stuck with Kayode for better or worse.

None yet/too young/too young to decide

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):
Cub, is undecided on what role to take when she grows up.
WinterPeach said:
Name: Kayode
Age: 18 moons


Kayode has a condition known as leucism, causing just his skin and fur to be pale but his eyes to retain a more or less normal color. They are the color of fresh honey. He also has a small mane, since he is still a teenager.


Kayode is a young, vibrant lion who is full of life and energy. In a word: spunky.He’s more of a follower than most other males and sees himself as more of a helper and a councilor than a leader. He doesn’t really know the ins and outs of adult lion life, since he was kicked out of his original family. But he makes up for that flaw in his efforts to appease the others of his new family. He just wants to help in any way he can.

Kayode had always been a bit, well, different. He was born pure white, a somewhat rare sight in the lion world, but not as rare as albinism or melanism. In other groups he might have been ostracized or bullied, but a unique situation saved him from that abuse. His father was a great leader, but he only had less than a handful of sons. Because of that, he cherished every single one like they were precious gifts and never allowed any of the other lions pick on them.

But as Kayode grew into an older cub, his father was forced to part from his group when a pair of younger, stronger lions took over the family. Kayode was allowed to grow into a young adult, but once he started growing a mane, the new leaders chased him out of the territory, effectively separating him from his mother and other members of his family. But before he left, he snatched up his half-sister Monifa and took her with him, just in case the new leaders didn’t want to have any new cubs around. It was her mother’s idea, and he hoped that one day, Monifa could forgive him for taking her away from her family.

Kayode then roamed the grasslands for a few days, trying in vain to find food for the two of them. A few days later, half starved and lonely, he finally found a group that took them in: Ameqran. He didn’t know how long they were welcome, but he’d do anything to stay. There was no way he could survive as a lone lion with a cub in tow.

none yet/none yet/does have any yet, is undecided of if he wants cubs later

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):
Hunter for now

Name: Monifa

3 moons


She has dark sand-colored eyes and cub spots on her forehead.


When Monifa is around other cubs or lions she trusts, her energetic and joyful side comes out. But when she is around lions she finds intimidating or doesn’t know that well, she becomes shy and more introverted. It takes a while to earn her trust but once she opens up, her positive energy brings a smile to anyone’s face. Since she is a cub still, social graces and manners are completely lost on her. Monifa has yet to master the ins and outs of being a lion.

There is not much to say about Monifa, since she is still just 3 moons old. But she does remember being the first and only child of a young lioness and having the same father as Kayode. She had grown up well with her family, and had just recently been weaned before being taken away by Kayode. She doesn’t know that it was for her own good because when new males take over a group, the young cubs are often chased away or worse. Monifa just knows that her mother and father are somewhere else, and she’s stuck with Kayode for better or worse.

None yet/too young/too young to decide

Pride Role (King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Hunter, etc.):
Cub, is undecided on what role to take when she grows up.
Accepted, of course
Name: Akita

Age: 18 moons

Gender: Female



Personality: Cold. She tends to keep to herself, and is easily annoyed. However, she is fiercely loyal and protective. If you manage to gain her trust, she'll fight for you tooth and nail, to the end. She tends to be rebellious.

History: Born into an enemy pride, she was born to be the next heir of the pride. Until a the day her father, the king of the pride, was brutally murdered, and she was framed for it. As such, she was mauled and chased from the pride's territory and straight into Baako's territory. After a while, the pride Ameqran found her injured under a tree. She came away from the injuries almost untouched but for a scar on the back of her neck and a scar on her flank.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: ......

Pride Role: Protecter/Hunter
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explosiveKitten said:
Name: Akita
Age: 18 moons

Gender: Female



Personality: Cold. She tends to keep to herself, and is easily annoyed. However, she is fiercely loyal and protective. If you manage to gain her trust, she'll fight for you tooth and nail, to the end. She tends to be rebellious.

History: Born into an enemy pride, she was born to be the next heir of the pride. Until a the day her father, the king of the pride, was brutally murdered, and she was framed for it. As such, she was mauled and chased from the pride's territory and straight into Baako's territory. After a while, the pride Ameqran found her injured under a tree.

Crush/Mate/Cubs: ......

Pride Role: Protecter/Hunter
accepted, but could you explain the injury/ any scars she may have from it?
Name: Azrael

Age: 3 moons

Gender: Male



Personality: Azrael is much to jaded for a cub. After seeing his father and litter mates killed in front of his eyes he vowed to become powerful. More powerful than his father was, more powerful than the Lion that killed members of his pride. If his father had been stronger, more powerful, then none of this would have happened... Azrael misses his mother, and mourns his litter mates. He hates being weak. But despite that, he still is just a cub. He is insecure about his odd coloring, and is fears resentment.

History: His old pride was taken over by another male, who was stronger and bigger than his father. His father was killed as well as all of the other cubs that were born to the only male Lion at the time. The only way he could survive was by escaping. His mother dropped him in a slow moving stream when he was a few moons olds, not even weaned yet. He floated along the stream for what felt like days but it was only a handful of hours until he was plucked from the icy cold water by Baku.

Role: Cub

(I saw, that Baako wanted Cubs? What about Azrael? Just a thought. :x I didn;t know How to introduce him into the pride when writing his history, so I used Baako. I hope that's okay.)
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BlackOrchids said:
Name: Azrael
Age: 3 moons

Gender: Male



Personality: Azrael is much to jaded for a cub. After seeing his father and litter mates killed in front of his eyes he vowed to become powerful. More powerful than his father was, more powerful than the Lion that killed members of his pride. If his father had been stronger, more powerful, then none of this would have happened... Azrael misses his mother, and mourns his litter mates. He hates being weak. But despite that, he still is just a cub. He is insecure about his odd coloring, and is fears resentment.

History: His old pride was taken over by another male, who was stronger and bigger than his father. His father was killed as well as all of the other cubs that were born to the only male Lion at the time. The only way he could survive was by escaping. His mother dropped him in a slow moving stream when he was a few moons olds, not even weaned yet. He floated along the stream for what felt like days but it was only a handful of hours until he was plucked from the icy cold water by Baku.

Role: Cub

(I saw, that Baku wanted Cubs? What about Azrael? Just a thought. :x I didn;t know How to introduce him into the pride when writing his history, so I used Baka. I hope that's okay.)
First off, its baako. You're accepted, but it is to my understanding that most of the roleplayers are busy this week so the rp is kinda on hold. I like that baako adopted azrael, and I feel like he would be sympathetic toward the coloring issue.

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