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Fantasy ambrosia on your lips [CS]


short king
here's the info needed for character sheets. you don't have to use coding, it'll just make things look nicer. Any additional info is welcome!

Titles: (what they're the god of, what they're known for)


soak your milky skin in the tide

  • 「 BASICS 」
    name — Ciene, goes by human name Cierra Kane

    title— goddes of the sea, the tide tamer, useless lesbian

    gender — female [she/her]

    age — a bit on the older side for the new batch of gods, around 500 years old

    height — 6'0"

    sexuality — homosexual homormantic

    symbols — seashells, seaturtles, dolphins


coded by solarsaphia.
Name: Quetzalcoatl
Human Name: Quentin Connors
Title: God of Death, The Darkness, The Grim Reaper, etc.
Age: 150, a little young for a god
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, demiromantic
Symbols: Skulls, red carnations, scythes, black cats, Great Danes, any dark creature
King of the Dead-
Quetzalcoatl has armies of ghosts and freshly dead soldiers at his disposal. Controlling them all drains him though, and he is prone to passing out.

Scythe of the Reaper-
Quetzalcoatl possesses a scythe made of pure shadows. It is capable of killing anyone and anything, but also of healing dark creatures and other gods. It is a temporary thing, only capable of being used for a few hours before it dissipates.

Disappearing Act-
Quetzalcoatl can disappear into any dark space (ex. shadows, murky water, dark colored materials)

Physical Appearance:
Quetzalcoatl is small. Weighing about 95 pounds, at a height of only 5’2”, he is a pocket-sized god. Usually wears sweaters and jeans. Fluctuating eye colors, from red all the way to purple, even sometimes black. Deathly pale all the time.

The God of Death is rather shy. Not very sociable, unless there are dogs. He loves dogs. And cats. He loves most creatures related to superstition and darkness. Has a black cat named Morrissey. He has a hard time approaching girls, or anyone in general. Typical silent, only really talks about necromancy and animals.

-Looks like he could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
-But really, he’s a sweetheart
-Fond of sweets
-You have chocolate, wait, no you don’t
-Likes to steal sweaters
-Lots of sweaters
-He’s skinny because he struggles
-Probably has an eating disorder
-Doesn’t know for sure
-Long-haired boys unite!
-Good at braiding hair
-Soft and small, hug him please
-Is like a koala, will cling to anyone and everything
-Scared of nothing and at the same time everything
-Hardcore anxiety but will defend his animals and friends with his life
-Pastel goth
-Would paint his nails but doesn’t have steady hands
-Protects people but wants to be protected
-Wrap him up in a blanket burrito and cuddle him, please​
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  • Xiomara Hart

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡


name: zieds, but mostly identifies with the name she was given when she was adopted, xiomara ines hart.
nickname: goes by xio or xo
age: 110. basically the adolescence of godhood.
sexuality: heteroromantic demisexual
title: goddess of the nature and animals, tree hugger, etc.
symbols: sunflowers, leaves, and snakes.
geokinesis. she has the ability to manipulate the earth, especially dirt and plants. she uses this to create earthquakes, make shields form the dirt, and create tunnels. she also can make flowers/plants bloom or die, which isn't actually that helpful.
nature's healing. when surrounded by healthy plants, xo can absorb their energy to heal herself. she also can heal others, though it is incredibly difficult and drains her energy
animal communication. she ca speak to animals and they will obey her for the most part. She can also understand their emotions and body language
—along with needing sleep, xiomara needs sunlight to function. to help with this, she has a light that is used for seasonal depression. if she were to not get enough sunlight, she would react similar to those who don't get enough sleep. this can cause her death, but it is very difficult for it to get to that point.
appearance: in the simplest terms, xiomara doesn't look like someone who is very nature focused. the first thing people tend to notice about her is her general demenor, which she prides herself on. she tries her best to appear rather tough and unapproachable, which is often assisted by her style and dark makeup. other than that, she is rather small, standing at only 5'1, but she is rather curvy for her height. in her youth, this wasn't something that was appreciated, but now it has come into style. she has long dark brown hair that was dyed many times, during her five previous crisses in what she hoped to be her mid-life. this is paired with almond shaped chocolate brown eyes.
—above right elbow x
—above left elbow x
—ribs x
—behind right ear x
—left bicep x
personality: xiomara has always tried her best to convince everyone that she is tough. she doesn't smile much and when she does, it is normally sarcastic or patronizing. to put it delicately, she is not a gentle soul. she is incredibly sarcastic, sassy, and opinionated. she has never been one to hold her tongue, unless it would make her appear weak. when around those she trusts, she becomes rather soft. she is very thoughtful and has been known to surprise her friends with their favorite deserts, random presents, etc. she is also incredibly pessimistic and believes the worst in everyone and everything, so she tends to have a hard time opening up.
positive traits:
negative traits:
—doesn't trust easily
here's her aesthetic
—adopted and raised along with seven siblings
—theatre kid through a century
—lived just long enough to watch all her friends and family die
—her love language is calling you stupid
—wannabe goth
—such a pessimist
—her entire life is just the gen z mindset
—"i'm gonna die anyway so imma do what i want"
—probably would be a makeup artist in another life
—will kill you if you litter
—loves animals and nature more than life itself
—when she is alone, often makes flower crowns
—her personality could be described as badass in a tutu
—loves physical affection, but never initiates it
—surprisingly very good with children
—the "cool" aunt
—you're sad? here's some whiskey
—but, if you give her a nickname she will melt
—or flowers
—she knows a bunch of flower meanings
—and yes, she does send rude arraignments
—tends to antagonize people she doesn't like, then run to her stronger friends so no one beats her up
—flirty drunk
— constantly says "i'll fight you" but has never been in a fight
—she's very small
—will climb you like a tree to punch you in the face though
—has sent people flower arrangements that mean fuck you
—it's geraniums for stupidity, foxglove for insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations for disappointment, and orange lilies for hatred
—when she was seventeen, she brought her pet snake to the school dance.
—keep in mind, it was 1927 and no one kept snakes as pets until the 50s or 60s
—her date never spoke to her again
—so she got a new snake to make up for it
—i would definitely call her chaotic good who pretends to be neutral
—hogwarts house is obviously slytherin
—during late prohibition she ran a speakeasy. well, with the assistance of her siblings.
—was so pleased when it became socially acceptable to wear pants instead of skirts
—you can kick people so much easier!
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「 ESME 」

you are the arrow in my heart

  • 「 BASICS 」
    name — esme "amie" gwynne

    title— goddess of love, protector of animals, the lovesick

    gender — female [she/her]

    age — 78, very young for a new goddess and it shows

    height — 5"5

    sexuality — pansexual panromantic

    symbols — love hearts, roses, pink or red, arrows, rose quartz, "the lovers", horse shoes, feathers, paw prints


coded by solarsaphia.
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Name: Iremide "Remi" Finnegan
Titles: Deity of passion, war, and the summer, the reckless deity
Age: 326
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Panromantic, pansexual
Symbols: fire and strong animals/predators
- smol bean
- looks like a cinnamon bun, will actually kill you
- they attac, they attac, and most importantly, they steal your snac
- sucker for a good meal
- will flirt with a rock​
- pyrokinesis
- animal mimicry
- astral weapons
- minor animal communication - only strong herbivores and predators understand them
- super strength
- fighting spirit - the longer they fight, the stronger they get​
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Name: Luctus Raven
Human Name: Olivia Connors
Titles: Goddess of mourning and sickness, Pestilence, The Veiled Woman
Age: 85 years old, very young for a new goddess
Gender: Female
Height: 5’8”
Sexuality: Heterosexual, heteroromantic
Symbols: Black roses, black lace, plague doctor masks, vultures
Incurable Sadness-
Luctus can cause a sadness so great that it drives people to madness and homicidal tendencies.

The Plague-
A sickness incurable, and unstoppable, only known to Luctus and her predecessors. Occurs every hundred years, each different from the last in some way.

-Gothic Lolita
-Black lace everywhere
-Will seduce you with her sadness
-Stockings are in style
-Nothing practical at all
-Always looks like someone she loved died or she killed someone
-Mood swings
-Guilt from her plague
-But cannot stop it until humanity has learned its lesson
-Kind of like Quetzal’s little sister or assistant
-Secretly wants to be more
-Loves sudoku puzzles and how they make people suffer​
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Human Alias:

Abel Sigmund

God of Storytelling, Keeper of Lore, Protector of Imagination



Bisexual, with a preference for women.

Books, Quills/Pens, Ink

-Spark of Inspiration: Fable can grant mortals with a rush of creativity that encourages them to begin, or finish, works of writing both fictional and non-fictional. Works created by individuals who received the Spark tend to be well loved and go down as timeless. Past receivers include Jane Austen, J.R. Tolkien, and Toni Morrison.

-Librarian: In an almost pocket-like dimension resides the Universal Library. Within its collection lies every piece of literature, folklore, and history since the beginning of man. Upon his "birth", Fable inherited the duty of taking care of the Library and the works within.

Head canons:
  • Libraries and bookstores are sacred.
  • As human technology evolves, Fable considers screenplays for movies and TV, comics/manga, narrative-driven video games, and fan fiction as works being worthy of preservation within the Library.
  • Enjoys spending time with mortals.
  • Being the god of Storytelling, Fable is an absolute nerd.
  • Preference for rainy and snowy weather.
  • Wear's a lot of argyle sweaters.
  • Avid drinker of both coffee and tea.
  • Fights with words as opposed to weapons.
  • Smells of leather and old paper.
  • The type of person who seeks out the cat at a party and stays with them the whole night.
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「 ENKA 」

plants sing with the wind

  • 「 BASICS 」
    name — Enka Morikazu

    title— Deity of Spring (Renewal and Growth)

    gender — Non-Binary, They/Them & He/Him

    age — 245, and growing

    height — 6'0"

    sexuality — Pansexual, Panromantic

    symbols — Cherry Blossoms, Rabbits, Blue & Purple Flowers, and Rainbows


coded by solarsaphia.


she does not rely on your sword, for she carries her own

  • 「 BASICS 」

    name — strophia "lía" domínguez romero

    title — goddess of reincarnation, trickery, collector of the slain, guide of the warrior spirit

    gender — female

    age — 102

    height — 5"6

    sexuality — bisexual biromantic

    symbols — snakes, ouroboros, infinity, masks, wings


coded by solarsaphia.
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dance with me, baby

  • 「 BASICS 」
    name — Sesmu, goes by human name Sean Kane

    title— god of wine and hedonism

    gender — male [he/him]

    age — in the 200s

    height — 5'10''

    sexuality — pansexual panromantic

    symbols — grapes, a crown of thorns


coded by solarsaphia.
Name: Ferrarius
Human Name: Farrah Elizabeth North
Titles: Goddess of Industry and Weaponry and Metallurgy, Angel of Blacksmiths
Age: 389, feels older though
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual, aromantic
Symbols: Swords, shields, smithing tools, anvils, metal armor
Ferrarius can immediately attract any form of metal to herself. This includes metals that are not magnetic, and electronics if she wishes.

Angel of Blacksmiths-
Ferrarius has complete control over all weapons. Guns, nuclear weapons, swords, spears, any thing fashioned into a weapon can be controlled by her. Her limit is fifteen at a time.

Industrial Age-
Ferrarius has one, very specific power. Industrial Age items, such as trains and horseless carriages (cars), will obey her commands. Clocks will turn counterclockwise, trains will come to a standstill. Oddly specific, but useful.

- “You wanna date me? No.”
- Wants friends
- Wants cuddles
- Wants friends that will cuddle
- Not used to the 21st century, really
- If you objectify anyone she’ll kick your ass
- Zero tolerance flirting policy
- Loves dogs
- Flintlocks are part of her aesthetic
- Looks like she’s cosplaying all the time
- Really she just likes her renaissance clothes
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Flame v10 Dorsal.png

Flame v10 Ventral.png

Flame profile.png

Flame marking 3.png

Name: Arias "Flame" Drayceon
Titles: Heatseeker, God of the Silent Kill.
Age: 56
Gender: Nonbinary (flux)
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Symbols: Singular crows (representing their assassinations), bats (Nocturnality and mobility), dragons that appear wiry and thin (stealth and heat), burning matchstick (how they kill with heat). That one symbol on their shoulder.

-Loves technology because of how easy it is to get information.
-Basically the god of being dead quiet. The death is secondary.
-Going off of that, they, ironically, are very loud when annoyed.
-Likes doing things to music to shut out the constant heatbuzz in their brain.
-Doesn't... actually do much.
-Vengeance deity with minor connections to heat and mobility.


-Thermokinesis (active):

Control of heat (heat, not fire) in a 50ft radius; not restricted by doors or walls.

Weaknesses: Heat cannot be made; only moved. Heat is everywhere and they're prone to overstimulation.

-Heat immunity (passive):

Unable to be affected by heat.

Weaknesses: Will, quite literally, freeze in temperatures under 32 F (0 C). Blood has difficulty coagulating. Highly sensitive to acids.

-ShadowStep (passive):

Instinctive silent walking and visual obstruction while running through shadows or darkened areas.

Weaknesses: People notice when you physically cannot make your steps heard.

-Minor shapeshifting (active/physical):

The ability to switch to a predetermined form at will.

Weaknesses: This ability has a time limit (3 days (at least)). Can cause some major injuries to Flame, themself. Must be done slowly (takes 1-2 hours, at least). Is eternally restless in their human form. The horrendously heightened senses don't leave with the dragon form; Flame is constantly on the edge of a sensory overload.

Name: Jet Kadoshi
Titles: God of The Current. Stormherald.
Age: 570
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay-ass-motherfucker
Symbols: Terns, snakes (people keep mixing him up with Hermes), electrical storms that lack rain, heartrate monitors.

-Dual healer/protector god
-Wings store electricity easy; don't touch them.
-He likes appearing in hospitals to be a walking defibrillator then leaving.
-Doesn't have the heart to be a storm god
-Should have been a storm dragon god, but said NOPE after taking one look at the rain.
-Is terrified of water.
-Coffee is life.


-Minor shapeshifting (active/physical):

The ability to switch to a predetermined form at will.

Weaknesses: Shifting to a form larger than himself can make his bloodpressure drop.

-Electrokinesis (active):

Control of electricity in a 30 ft radius.

Weaknesses: He is a walking battery, but also lightning rod, and enough electricity at once will overload him. Water can completely stop this ability.

Inhuman traits:
Snake jaw.
Extra vertebrae.
His organs are like... fucked as hell.

v8 Jet Seraph.png

v8 Jet human.png
Hopefully this is okay! Let me know if I need to change anything!

Name: Geris
Human Alias: Gerri Sidero
Titles: Goddess of Chaos, Mother of Monsters, The Trickster Queen, That Bastard
Age: 222
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Symbols: Foxes, Ravens, The Fool Tarot, Bells, Vibrant Colors
Mythos: When the tales of gods were no more and man cast them away from their beliefs and memories, the universe decided to recreate the fallen, to establish their divine dominance over the mortal realm. As the new gods were crafted, a new order was created, one that would control the balances of nature and human life. But order is not balance, and whether intentional or not, while harmony would shine under the creation of these new gods, a darkness was forming, a being of chaos that would balance out their companions’ orderliness and organization. This chaotic form was cast into the lakes and rivers on the Earth to rise when the other gods awaken and meet again. And as fate would have it, as these new gods realize their true origins and meet once more to form a new pantheon, in the modern era in a town known as Los Angeles, a seemingly human figure, a woman, rises from a nearby fountain with the urge to find others like herself and the instinct to create chaos.
Now You See Me-This gives Geris the ability to transform into any nonhuman animal of her choosing. She cannot replicate the appearance of specific preexisting individuals, but she can usually blend into her surroundings just fine as a squirrel or a stray dog.
Bag of Tricks-To limit her chaotic ability, the majority of her chaos magic is limited to a handbag she keeps with her at all times. With her handbag, she can pull out any item she wants, usually using it to create useless and stupid items to amuse herself with. However, if she were to lose the handbag, anyone could use its power when in their possession. On the bright side, the handbag has a mind of its own and will sometimes summon random objects that the user doesn’t want. The downside is, this applies to Geris too.
Sleight of Hand-With this power, Geris has magic in her voice, allowing someone to immediately consider anything she suggests to them. Does it completely manipulate the person into doing what she wants? No. But sometimes a little persuasion is enough to push someone.
-Style? What’s that?
-Absolutely the tackiest person you’ll ever meet
-Loves animals more than people
-99% useless most of the time
-Likes to collect knick-knacks
-Sucker for romcoms
-Has no idea how to act like a human (not like she cares)
-Always has slightly pointed ears and a mischievous gleam in her eye
-Has probably eaten literal trash at some point
-100% confident TOTALLY doesn’t have insecurities on how people view her
-Uses magic to change her hair color
-Said to have created the many monsters we know today
-Likes to mess with everyone from mortals to other gods
-T H I C C Eyebrows
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