Amanda MacFee


Lowly Otaku
Genre: Pop

Name: Amanda Rose MacFee

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long reddish orange hair, emerald eyes, pale, freckled, tall, lanky, thin.

Personality: Bright, eccentric, excitable, impulsive, hot-headed, rebellious.

Backstory: Her and her family lived in a cabin, solitude in the woods, perfect for Amanda's exploration needs. Her parents decided that Amanda needed to become more social, ripping her from her fortress of trees, to the bustling city of Starside Coast. Packed with a sharp stick she made in the woods, a pack of basic survival necessities, and her wit, she's determined to do what she does best; explore.

Other: Her accent is a mix of Scottish and English, so basically a softer Scottish, with strange pronunciation.

Inspiration: (When I saw the songs RpNation chose, I was ecstatic. The songs to me had a very upbeat, rebellious message to me, and a sense of adventure. I freaking love P!aTD, so it was an easy choice. I'll update this with a picture eventually.)

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