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Multiple Settings (Always Searching!!) After a long hiatus... (Two Edits)


One Thousand Club
I have finally returned! (This has more to do with remembering my password than anything else but... X'D )

Anyway, it's been quite a while since I've done anything like roleplaying so please be gentle. I'm up for suggestions on what others would like to do for an RP and don't really have any substantial ideas of my own at this particular moment... Maybe after coffee...

So, yeah, just wanted to put the word out that I'm back and interested in doing some RP! Now I'll go make an ice coffee while I wait for someone to see this... XP



Well, I don't seem to be having much luck with group RPs so I'm going to see if I can attract some more 1x1 partners! XD

Right now, I'm feeling like something to do with roommates or something. Might even consider soulmates. Also something like a summoner/summon type deal. Any of these can be romantic or platonic. Aside from those... I'm really into Harry Potter at the moment but I work almost exclusively with OCs due to a fear of messing up canon characters. I'd also be more than happy to listen to any ideas potential RP partners might have. (Still not really interested in a turn-based fight roleplay, though... Sorry to disappoint... X/ )


So, here's another idea that I tried with a group once but it might work better as a 1x1:

Every human must become bonded to a compatible demon before they reach the age of 21 or die a slow and painful death. This is because human organs have grown weak and need to receive near-constant energy from a demon with compatible life force to keep them functioning for any length of time. Neither human nor demon chooses the other, but they both will often have visions to indicate who they are to be bonded to.

While the human has no choice if they wish to survive, the demon may reject the bonding. Luckily for the humans, they usually accept it because, in return for sharing their life force, they gain up to three additional powers.
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I'm not sure I've ever attempted anything like that but if you're willing to teach me how it's done, I have no problem trying it.
well i like to do turn based fight role play i like to do fight role plays like this *i fired a dark blast at the opponent* and then its your turn to make an attack so are you welling to try it or not?
well i like to do turn based fight role play i like to do fight role plays like this *i fired a dark blast at the opponent* and then its your turn to make an attack so are you welling to try it or not?
Honestly... I'm afraid I'll have to turn you down. Thank you for responding to my thread but that doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in. Again, thank you and sorry for taking up your time.
Hello! Do you do fandom roleplays or just oc roleplays? If so what fandoms are you in?
I can do fandom or non-fandom. I am currently in the process of planning a Harry Potter roleplay so I'm up for those. I also have an interest in Pokemon RPs. Any others... it might be easier if you name a fandom and I'll tell you if I'm familiar with it. XD

I do, however, normally use OCs, even in fandom RPs for the simple reason of not wanting to get a pre-existing character wrong.
Well, I would love to roleplay with you. I can roleplay as male and female so you may take your pick and let me know which you would like me to roleplay as.
Well, I would love to roleplay with you. I can roleplay as male and female so you may take your pick and let me know which you would like me to roleplay as.
Did you have any particular plot in mind? Also, I can play as male, female or other.
Did you have any particular plot in mind? Also, I can play as male, female, or other.
I have a few plots in mu=ind but it all depends on the kind of roleplay we are doing. I have a mental hospital plot, a zombie apocalypse AU , and many others.
I have a few plots in mu=ind but it all depends on the kind of roleplay we are doing. I have a mental hospital plot, a zombie apocalypse AU , and many others.
Hmm... I've never done either of those before... Sounds potentially interesting.
Hey there! If you don't mind me asking, how many characters are willing to play at once and also what are your opinion on romance in roleplay?
Hi! I only really have confidence in my ability to play two major characters and any number of minor characters at one time. Three full time characters is a bit too much for me at the moment but I don't mind controlling some side characters. As for romance... If it happens, it happens but if not, that's fine too.
Call me impatient but I'm starting to get a little desperate... I love my current RP but I'd like to have a couple to jump back and forth to keep my mind sharp... X_X
I love you right now! XD

... You don't mind the OC thing, do you...? I just get really nervous that I'm going to get a pre-existing character all wrong... X/

Nope! I am okay with that!! I have been craving a harry potter one
A side note to Harry Potter RPs: is anyone else picturing muggleborn students arriving in 2020, wearing their face masks and wondering if the magical population didn't realize there was a global pandemic going on...?
So... Any Pokemon fans around? Anyone that likes the whole gijinka thing? What about the rescue team/mystery dungeon series? I kinda want to do something like the rescue team plotlines but with gijinka instead of regular Pokemon. (I'm open to regular Pokemon too, though!) Anyone even slightly interested...?
So... Any Pokemon fans around? Anyone that likes the whole gijinka thing? What about the rescue team/mystery dungeon series? I kinda want to do something like the rescue team plotlines but with gijinka instead of regular Pokemon. (I'm open to regular Pokemon too, though!) Anyone even slightly interested...?
Might actually put this one in a group interest check too...

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