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Multiple Settings Always Open - Modern Pairings and Plots


I’m Lindsey. I’m 26, from Louisiana, and a 2nd grade teacher.
I’ve been role-playing probably way too long.
Anyone remember when role-playing on Neopets was a thing? Just me?
Anyways, It’s summer now so I’ll have a lot more time on my hands to role-play, so I’m looking to find some active partners.

What Kind of Role-Player am I?:

Well, I’m active and I love to write. If I am really into an RP, you can expect pretty long responses. I generally try to match my partner’s response length. But I will always have more than a paragraph. I have scared people away before because of my post length. So just keep communication open. If you feel pressured because my response might be lengthy, just let me know! I’ll shorten it up. I just always try to respond with something that my partner can build from. :)
I love romance in my role-plays. What can I say? I’m hopeless. I also prefer to role-play with partners over 18. Not because all my R-Ps are mature, but I like my partners to be near my age range. I can play both genders, but I prefer the female. That being said, I don’t mind playing the male role depending on the plot.
I am more of a modern role-player. I like realistic plots. I can be talked into sci-fi, just approach me with your plot if you think I would be a good partner for you!

So glad you’re still with me! Here is what I hope to expect from a partner:
Longevity: If I fall in love with an RP, I don’t want it to end! LOL Let’s keep working together to build the plot. If you’re not looking for long-term, just let me know. I’ll still rp with you.
Literate: By this, I just mean basic grammar and punctuation. I don’t mind text-speak in OOC, but please not in the RP. This is a pretty general rule of thumb in most Role-plays. Spell check exists. Please use it. Again, I’m a teacher. Constant misspellings will drive me insane.
Work Together: Be open to building the plot with me. I love talking with my partner as we decide on where to take our story next. If you have an idea, throw it out there! Let’s discuss. Communication is always key. ;)

Pairings & Plots:
I’m open to most genres. Like I said before, I generally don’t do high-fantasy or sci-fi. I love at least semi-realistic settings for my plots. But, if you have an idea that sounds good, I’ll try my hardest for you!
Most of my plots are just pairings with an idea in mind that we can talk about in PM. I tend to build plots as we work together.

I’ll put ** Next to the pairings that I have a plot in mind for.
The plots will also be listed in order of interest. (Even if it’s at the bottom, I’m interested!)


Childhood best-friends **

Arranged Marriage

Fake Relationship

Celebrity X Celebrity *

Prince X Normal Girl (Modern)

Good Girl x Bad Boy

Step-Siblings *Slight plot idea*

-So many more, just can’t think of them in the moment-


Harry Potter - Draco x Hermione**

The Hunger Games

The Selection Series

If you’re interested in anything, or you don’t see what you’re looking for here (but you think I’ll be interested) please let me know!

PM me, or comment here! It will be easier to respond to PMs though! :)
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Celebrity X Celebrity *
I would love to hear your idea for this!
Good Girl x Bad Boy
These are fun if they're done well!
Childhood best-friends **
I kind of have an idea for this? It's a bit sci-fi though. I would also love to hear your idea!

I do prefer to double but I imagine we can brainstorm together to come up with a great plot involving all our characters! Message me Lindsey.rp17 Lindsey.rp17

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