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Always looking!!!


Hate burns like a raging fire
Hey there,

H8 here yet again. I am looking for more people. My mind is always going with ideas. So rp helps with that. So all are welcome to join me. :)

First off the rules. And then onto the pairings.

  1. Please don't just leave the rp. If you want to leave please just say so. Or we can do something to change it up.
  2. Please add to the plot or role. I don't want to be the only one doing that. And it makes it more fun if you add to it as well.
  3. I prefer to play female. I am not so good at males yet.
  4. 3 plus lines per reply.
  5. One liners I understand happen. But not all the time, they are hard to work with.
  6. 17 plus please. I feel comfortable with that. In case there is drugs or things of the like with the role.
  7. And if you have ideas. Go for it, we can talk about anything. I love when someone brings ideas to the table.

Now that is out of the way the ideas that I have for Pairings.

Teacher X Parent

Vampire X Human

Crime Boss X Lawyer

Demon X Angel

Best Friends

Vampire X Vampire

Werewolf X Human

Step Brother X Step Sister

Rocker Guy X Shy girl

City Guy X Country Girl

Cop X Widowed Woman


Football player X fan/reg person

Cop X Sister of Cop/Daugther of cop

Boss X Employee

Military Officer X Bartender

Cage Fighter X Fan

Bad Boy X Good Girl

Well those are the ones I came up with. If you have any please throw them out there. I love to rp. Thank you for reading. I hope to hear for all of you. Pm or comment here and I will get back to ASAP.


It has been a while since I have done a one on one but I am up for it, life has started to calm down now so I'm getting back to what I like to do.

In other words I'm up for pretty much any kind of rp, the more out there the better. The role does not really matter to me, male/female either is fine, I enjoy a challenge.
They all seem do able to me, slice of life always has an air of possibility. On the same hand any form of supernatural roleplay gives you a multitude of chances to change it up. Hmm perhaps a mix of both worlds, sort of how like Black Butler meshes antiquity with a demonic world.
I love the Black Butler even though don't do fandom's that well. But we could go off something like that.
Hmm it has potential, maybe go off of each of us playing both a human and a demon, the human having already made a pact or something.
so we both would have a demon that goes around with us? I like that actually. Or would one of us want to play where a demon and human that kind of doesn't like the other two. But that is something that they have to do together. Even if they don't like each other?
How about one of us is in charge of a major corporation, (Paralleling Black Butler's Barron slant) but set in the present and the other is a less well off individual that suffered some form of tragedy. IE. The corporation person made a pact for money, and the other one made a pact to get back at those that harmed him?
I think that about settles it haha. So, to not give either of us an idea of who we will be playing, we should only post a picture or description. I always found that it makes the rp more spontaneous if we can't just read over an entire backstory.
Oh wow. That is a good idea. Do we also want the picture of the demons as well?

oh quick question. Do we want thread or pm for the rp?
Guess it doesn't really matter, depends on how Black Butler like the rp will get I suppose.

and yeah for the pictures, the demon in human for like
Aight so I guess just get the pictures of the two of them ready and pm me or I pm you which ever. and then we can get the rp underway.
Alrighty, I'll post the first thread in the rp when I get your pictures. Guess I'll play the second one, the one that isn't loaded and in charge of a corporation.
Either or would be okay with me. now that I looked at your Demon's human form I can see him in the underbelly of the city actually xD
Well in that case I'll post the corporate guy then ^-^ looks like your demon fits more in the latter. I'll have it up momentarily.

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