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Fandom Always Looking


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
[I'm Always Looking]
for someone to play with
  • General Rules to Rp with me
    • Be respectful of me, I am an advanced roleplayer who doesn't take kindly to rude or selfish people, but don't let that scare you away either as I'm always highly respectful of you till you do something stupid.

    • I post a minimum of a paragraph, but am quite fulfilled as a long poster. Three paragraphs can be my minimum if you truly let me, however I won't ever request the same of you. All I ask is at least a paragraph.

    •I'm patient, so I don't expect you to be super active, but I will try to post at least once a day. It would be nice for you to do the same but otherwise I'm not worried as long as you post once and awhile. I mean more than once a week. o-o it's not like I sit here alone waiting or anything.

    • I only rp through thread. If you have a problem with this I may compromise, but it's just so much easier through thread.

    • I accept small group invitations, multi fandom rps, and pretty much any genre's or whatever, I'm just happy roleplaying.

    Bold Fandoms are ones I'm craving the most
    crossed out are ones I'm currently avoiding for now might rp them another time
    Italic ones are ones I'm currently rping with someone onsite with

    Feel free to request a fandom not on any list as I do have a bad memory, but not likely for me to agree.​
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I'd be interested in doing Harry Potter with you :3

Sure! I usually play as my fc Alexandria from ravenclaw house. She's a sweet girl who's homosexual and comes from a slytherin household If your not interested in me playing as her particularly if your focused on a different house, I'm open to making a new character just for the rp.

As for canon characters, my favorites to play as are Ron, or Hermione, but am pretty free form as long as we stick with the movies (still a wip when it comes to the books reading them though)

Do you have anything in mind in particular? like an FC you want to play as or a plot that's specific.
I don't have a soecific plot though I do think Ron would be a good match for my OC! She's a metamorphmagus :3

I love doubling! I'd be fine playing a canon for your OC :3
I don't have a soecific plot though I do think Ron would be a good match for my OC! She's a metamorphmagus :3

I love doubling! I'd be fine playing a canon for your OC :3
Not the hugest fan of doubling, and I'm a little harsh when it comes to OCxCanon. Cause I'm very particular on Canon information. I might still do Ron x OC do you have information on her for me?
[I'm Always Looking]
for someone to play with
  • General Rules to Rp with me
    • Be respectful of me, I am an advanced roleplayer who doesn't take kindly to rude or selfish people, but don't let that scare you away either as I'm always highly respectful of you till you do something stupid.

    • I post a minimum of a paragraph, but am quite fulfilled as a long poster. Three paragraphs can be my minimum if you truly let me, however I won't ever request the same of you. All I ask is at least a paragraph.

    •I'm patient, so I don't expect you to be super active, but I will try to post at least once a day. It would be nice for you to do the same but otherwise I'm not worried as long as you post once and awhile. I mean more than once a week. o-o it's not like I sit here alone waiting or anything.

    • I only rp through thread. If you have a problem with this I may compromise, but it's just so much easier through thread.

    • I accept small group invitations, multi fandom rps, and pretty much any genre's or whatever, I'm just happy roleplaying.

    Bold Fandoms are ones I'm craving the most
    crossed out are ones I'm currently avoiding for now might rp them another time
    Italic ones are ones I'm currently rping with someone onsite with

  • Feel free to request a fandom not on any list as I do have a bad memory, but not likely for me to agree.
Oh man, I've been looking for someone to do a Mega Man X roleplay with, too! I'm pretty descriptive and like taking time with roleplays- could, we, like, y'know, do one?! I haven't found any at all yet and it's driving me mad!

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