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(Always looking! Ignore number of posts...) Romance partners apply within...


double bubble disco queen~

I'm still pretty new to this website so I'm not sure how to do all the fancy-schmancy stuff. (I'm totally going to try anyway though! Hopefully it works otherwise...now you know why my post looks obnoxious.) But basically I'm looking for new roleplay partners for modern/a slice of life/romance type


So onto my "guidelines" if you will...

-Id prefer if you were 18 years or older. I'm 23 myself and I'd just feel more comfortable role playing with someone 18 or older!

- You absolutely have to write in paragraphs! I can write anywhere from two paragraphs and up for a reply. I try to match what my partner gives me to keep the roleplay even.

- I generally play female and I've only ever played females. But I'd be willing to double as MxF or give a male character a shot if you'd be willing to work with me and be understanding. I've also never done a LBGT+ roleplay but again I'd be willing to give it a shot. I'd be more comfortable doing something FxF first though.

-I like to think I reply much faster than your average partner. I can reply several times a day...on a good day. But obviously life gets in the way, and I'm very understanding of that. But I'll definitely poke you if you don't respond in several days with no explanation.

-I do NOT consider myself literate. If extreme literacy is a requirement for someone I simply don't feel confident enough to contact that person. But I know how to spell, use proper grammar and all that good stuff.

-Please use real pictures for character sheets. Not a fan of anime...sorry.

-But most of all please communicate with me!! Do not just stop replying, tell me if your bored, going on vacation or anything. Nothing bothers me more than being abandoned for reason I'm unaware of.

So now onto the good stuff!!

Basic Pairings/Plots :

Ex x Ex

Childhood friend x Childhood friend

Unexpected pregnancy

Professor x Student

Good x Bad

Poor x Rich

Roomate x Roomate

Best friend x Best friend

I'm definitely down with adding drama to any of these pairings/plots just let me know what you have in mind and we can brainstorm together!

PM me if your interested! :) I hope to hear from you

UPDATE (6/5): I just wanted to add that I started role playing on neopets like 8 years ago.

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If your looking for a partner to RP with do let me know! I try and reply three to four times a day! Let me know if you have any ideas!
I would love to rp with you if you have some more room for little ol me :) . I think unexpected pregancy could be fun because well its always a good rp plot to bring some good drama! :D
DaBarrelz said:
If your looking for a partner to RP with do let me know! I try and reply three to four times a day! Let me know if you have any ideas!
PM me if your still interested!
SimsGeekNerd said:
I'm not overly sure how well we will match up together but I was hoping we could still try and work something out?
Definetly! Send me a PM and we can talk about it
I would send you a PM but I can't yet as I'm a new member, so if you could be so kind as to send me a PM and we can discuss?
I'd love to double with you and do professor x student or unexpected pregnancy. :)

I want a good romance plot, so PM me if you're still looking - I'm into the Roommate x Roommate pairing (as long as it's college themed) and the Best Friend x Best Friend pairing and maybe the ex's one. And I reply absurdly quick on most days.
Hi there, I don't know if we'll be super compatable, but I'd like to try and do a rp. I can pm you c:
I'm up for literally all of these! haha. I'm especially interested in childhood friends with an unexpected pregnancy, or maybe a mashup of a few of those pairings. Let me know either way please! :)
whatyoufancy said:
I'm up for literally all of these! haha. I'm especially interested in childhood friends with an unexpected pregnancy, or maybe a mashup of a few of those pairings. Let me know either way please! :)
That sounds great! Why don't you message me when you have a minute? :)
I just wanted to clarify some things before anyone messages me :)

I prefer to play female, I'm a girl myself and it comes more naturally to me. However, I've found myself learning to use male characters and if I do say so myself...I'm getting pretty good at it! But I'd still prefer to double (M&F) over playing strictly male. Sorry!

Please, please, please, please talk to me! Don't just fall off the face of the earth for 3 months and then reply once and fall off the face of the earth again. Tell me your busy and won't be responding for a while. Or if you suddenly realize we're not a good partner match...tell me! That way I'm not waiting around for a reply.

That's all! :)
I'd love to do a mix of Professor x Student and unexpected pregnancy. Having both seems like it would be really interesting to play around with.
I'm always down for romance, and modern, though I don't really do the slice of life thing. I'm currently living a life, and it's not a bad one by any means, but I don't find it to be the sort of thing that's very riveting to roleplay. Wish you luck anyway. :3
PlayOnWords said:
I'd love to do a mix of Professor x Student and unexpected pregnancy. Having both seems like it would be really interesting to play around with.
Ohh laaa laa! I agree, it sounds very interesting. I'll PM you :)
fuzzehpolarbear said:
I'm always down for romance, and modern, though I don't really do the slice of life thing. I'm currently living a life, and it's not a bad one by any means, but I don't find it to be the sort of thing that's very riveting to roleplay. Wish you luck anyway. :3
Well you can send me a PM if you have any modern/romance ideas in mind! :)

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