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Multiple Settings Always looking for RP-Partner(s)!


🐝 bzz bzz
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello, I'm Alpaca!


I'm looking for some long-term RP partners who are semi-lit/advanced!

About Me

• I'm 18, a girl and a lesbian
• I live in Luxembourg (next to Germany - Europe)
• I still go to school and have lots of work to do, but I should always be able to at least reply once a week (I'll try to reply once a day but with school work and classpapers and projects that's sometimes impossible so please keep this in mind)
• I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and ADHD
• I'm advanced/semi-lit
• I can write at least 1 paragraph up to lots more per character per post (depends on how long your post was, I tend to mirror)
• English is not my native language so I might make mistakes from time to time but I try not to (and if I do make a mistake, feel free to correct me!)
• I prefer to RP per forum, but can also do PMs. Not off-site though

What I want / can / am willing to do

• 1x1 or/and Small group RP
• Fantasy
• Romance
• Adventure
• Action
• Nation Building
• Realistic
• Certain Fandoms (listed below)

What I won't / can't / am not willing to do

• Plots/Types of characters I'm uncomfortable playing (ask me)
• Me playing a trans-character (I have no problems with transgender people, I just don't know how to rp as someone who is trans because I have no experience with dysphoria, etc. as I'm cis)
• Drama involving cheating or otherwise some kind of sexual abuse/rape (a character having a past of such is ok)
• RP'ing offsite (no discord, no email)

What do I expect from you?

• proper grammar (everyone makes mistakes, but I can't roleplay with someone whose sentences & grammar are so bad that I don't know what they're talking about)
use punctuation
no one-sentence replies
• for you to write in third person & past tense
• to be nice & understanding
• respect my limits & I will respect yours
• to work on the plot with me / give ideas
• be honest (if you don't like something / want me to change something, please tell me!)
• don't abandon me without notice
• I'd also prefer for us to hit it off because I find it difficult RPing with someone who is just very dry ^^'

And now what you all came here to see:

Preferred roles are bolded. Pairings I'm craving have a *, the more * the more I'm craving it!

Officer x Criminal
x Nurse ******
Good boy/girl x bad boy/girl
Nerd/Geek x Jock/Cheerleader
Demon x angel
Rival x Rival
Best friend x Best friend
Hunter x The Hunted
Rockstar x Fan
Star x Star
Gang Member 1 x Gang Member 2
Equestrian x Equestrian (I really want to play something with horses xD) *******
King x Knight ********

I'm open for anything so you can suggest something too!


Bolded is what I'm really craving!!
I rp with canon & OCs

Once Upon A Time
Monster High
My Little Pony

Need For Speed
Lord of the Rings
Lion King
She-Ra & The Princesses of Power


Crime / Criminals
Mental Illness
Adventure / Action
Pirates & Princes/ses
War / Combat

Some plots (bold is the character I'd like to play):
"Secret of the Rose"
Hundreds of years ago, the war between pirates and royalty had started. Under the reign of Queen Rosella, many pirates' ships were sunk, their crew taken and executed. Nobody knew how a Queen was able to take down so many hostiles with only a dozen knights - until her secret got leaked. People freaked out and saw only one option: taking down their Queen.
Queen Rosella knew what her destiny was, but she had to keep her secret locked away. Once in the wrong hands - the world would never be the same again.
And so she did what she could - hide the secret and divide it over the world.
And now, hundreds of years later, a captain and his crew have found the first clue to finding the secret and exposing it for their own good. But what do they need to find it?
Queen Rosella's descendant.
They trace down her bloodline and find a princess/a prince in a faraway land called Astoria, their father dead, living with their stepmother.
So what do they do?
The pirates kidnap them.
On the ship of the pirates, the princess/prince meets the crew.
Not only is s/he kidnapped and held prisoner by the most feared pirate captain ever, the first mate seems to behave strangely in their presence and the entire royal fleet is chasing them - and maybe the secret of the rose should have stayed a secret....
"Drive to Survive"

A young man (A) whose life revolved around cars is getting turned upside down by an old 'friend' of him (B).

(A) and (B) have known each other since they were children, and they grew up together as best friends. As (A) however was the one chosen to race in NASCAR for their team, and not (B) - (B) was filled with rage, and swore to get revenge.
Years later, after (A) wasn't able to race anymore because of an almost fatal accident, he went into hiding and is now living on a farm somewhere on the countryside. Together with his sick mother, they live a peaceful life - until one evening as he comes back home, his mother seems to have vanished, and the only thing left is a small note.
"You want to find her - race."
- signed (B)

What seemed like a joke at first turns into reality. A reality which revolves around life and death.
Yet, nothing is like it seems.
There's a catch.
And that catch might mean the end of not only (A), but many people more…

(need a C!)
"Golden Girl Weasley"

It's their sixth year. Rose and Scorpius have been enemies since day one of their first year.

Rose's story:
Rose has been able to stay first in their year since their time at Hogwarts started, she's been keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team since second year, she is now a prefect and is on the way to being head girl in her seventh year. All of this earned her the nickname Golden Girl Weasley, a nickname she hates. But even with the competition between her and Scorpius, she tries her best to act civil (though it doesn't always work out.) because of his friendship with her cousin, Albus Potter, who is in Slytherin with him. Her father (Ronald Weasley) still hates Draco, while her mother (Hermione Granger/Weasley) does her best to create peace between them.

Scorpius's story:
Scorpius has always been second in his year, although he's first in his house. He's been a chaser, along with Albus, on the Slytherin Quidditch team since second year. He is a prefect and is on his way to being head boy in his seventh year. When he first arrived no one really expected much from him because of his father, so he wanted to prove them all wrong. He became friends with Albus Severus Potter in their first year.
Although he never told anyone, he'd actually always had a crush on Rose Weasley, but she had always seen in him nothing but an enemy.

What happens when Scorpius finds a crying Rose in the window of the Astronomy tower?
"Street Rat"

Can a criminal love the daughter of a police officer? Can this forbidden love work?

OC 1: Street rat. Orphan. Thief. Those are a few of the names that would be used to describe him. The local police department in the small town have been after him for years, but he always seems to just slip away. He depends on himself and no one else. But that’s all about to change.

OC 2: The daughter of the police chief. She is the perfect child. Never getting into trouble. Straight A student. She always does the right thing. But what happens when the right thing and what their father would want isn’t the same thing?

One night the police were right on OC 1's tail while he was running through the neighborhood. After turning into an alley, he jumps a fence into a backyard and waits for the police to run by. The hideout is behind some trash cans. He doesn't realize that he's in the backyard of OC 2.
Meanwhile inside the house OC 2 is getting ready to take the garbage out to the trash cans in the back.
But they have no idea what they'll find.

What happens when OC 2 finds a wounded OC 1?

If you see something you like, feel free to message me or comment down below!

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Still searching for a partner for "Street Rat"? I'd be delighted to take part in that! (:
I'd be interested in a few of these. Namely LOTR, Percy Jackson, and Transformers. Possibly marvel as well, if you'd be willing to further explain what you'd be interested when it comes to that one.
I'm up to do the equestrian pairing, as a fellow rider, it is something I have no problem trying out (this would be my first one).
Hey! I'm interested in your equestrian pairing (i love equestrian rps and there just aren't enough of them!) or your street rat plot!

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