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Always Looking For Partners (Ideas INSIDE!!)


~Even the moon cannot compare!~
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to click on this request thread of mine. I'm MasterOfTides, Tides for short! I'm new here, but I've been roleplaying for about 5 years and am now looking for roleplays of all kinds!

What I Want:

-I am mostly looking for casual roleplaying, as in one paragraph(5+ sentences) or more, but would gladly do detailed as well. However, I do prefer quality over quantity.

-Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We are not all picture perfect when we type, but dozens of mistakes are not my cup of tea.

-Please, may my partner collaborate with me on our roleplay? I get so tired creating the setting by myself, especially when the person is making me drag along the plot as well. It's very boring, so just help me out if you plan to roleplay with me.

-I will do only MxF and FxF. Also, I am able to play both genders!!

-If ever you lose interest for any reason, just tell me. We could easily start a new roleplay or cause some big event to happen in the current one. I'll be sure to do the same!

My Plots(The first few are long, the last ones are nutshells.)

The Mysteries of Time

Up above, high in the clouds, lies a large floating island. On this island, spirits hiding in the skin of humans are found, forever residing in an unstable dimension between past and present. They are Time Guardians, a group formed by the ones who had died away as a result of the human ability to now timetravel. Their job is to make sure that the smallest amount of damage is done to the past, as well as the present, in order to prevent deaths and events that should not be occurring according to history. When (A) arrives at the island, they have information. The Verge Group, one of the most dangerous enemies that the Guardians have, has just figured out how to travel from one place to another without having to retreat back to the present. This violation of time causes the Guardians to have to react, but most spirits are out fighting other catastrophes so (A) gets placed with (B), an experienced Time Guardian who seems to be keeping some secrets... As they journey together, only two up against a group of 10, the past they walk through slowly starts to deteriorate, and back home, their dimension is starting to leak into both the past and present. Are they ready for the fight of their lives?​

A Dead Dove For My Dear

Deep inside of a forest that spans out for miles lies an abandoned ghost town. The ground is a dull brownish red, although not from rust, and the walls when you look into the little houses scattered around are mostly painted crimson. It seems that someone came here and killed every living being around, dead birds sprawled in certain places: below the largest tree in the town, littered on a couple roofs, and all lined up around a certain house. This is the work of (A), a serial killer who has just murdered the small number of human inhabitants in this place right in their very own homes. Most of them, anyway. (A) has kept his/her eye on a certain person, (B), all his/her life. (A) murdered (B)'s family, friends, and everybody else in this town out of wanting (B) all to his/herself. (B) was out exploring the forest while the killing spree was taking place. When (B) returns, he/she finds (A) covered in blood, a bird in his/her hand. (A) is able to lie that he/she had witnessed the terrible murder. (A) desperately tries to stay with (B) when (B) goes to find other humans in order to tell them about the murder, but B notices some strange things going on such as how (A)'s eyes are almost always on him/her, and how dead birds seem to appear wherever they may stop to rest...

When Death and Destruction Collide

In the far years of the late 3000's, scientists have mastered genetic mutations. Half animal half human beings can now be created and they are, in laboratories hidden far from the rest of the world. These experiments are dehumanized, so much so that attempted escape is almost constant. Yet no one ever does manage to escape... Meet (A), a new experiment with a small tweak to his/her senses(can see in the dark, high sense of smell, etc.). (A) has been planning to escape for a while now, as he/she seems to be treated very unfairly, as if the scientists know something (A) does not... Then, meet (B), a mutation that actually escaped. But how is this possible?... (B) soon goes to the lab where (A) is and manages to free him/her, but seems to not have time for any others when the alarm goes off. The two escape, and (B) offers to teach (A) of a world he/she had never before experienced. However, (B) has a potentially deadly secret... (B) tells (A) of a legend between the forces of Death and Destruction, how, when both collide, a whole new world can blossom out of the sabotage created. (A) is horrified, but what he/she doesn't know is that his/her genes are a key to Death( or Destruction), that (B)'s genes are a key to Death( or Destruction), and that (B) has big plans for (A), with a vision to destroy this terrible, terrible world.

(Note: No metagaming, if your character is (A) then he/she cannot know of (B)'s plan.)


To Curse the Heart: (A) is born with the ability to kill anyone with a single touch when enraged. When it doesn't work on (B), things begin to get a bit strange as the two attempt to figure out where (A)'s mysterious curse came from, soon finding that (B) is connected to it in some way.

Variation- (B) attempts to manipulate (A) into killing off others once realizing the power (A) has.

We Will Be Villains: In a city that needs heroes, there are none. The legendary [insert original superhero name here] is in fact a fraud, creating villains in order to look good in media when the enemies are defeated. Two people, (A) and (B), know this, so they both set out to become villains in the city's eyes but heroes in their own.

Variation- The fake superhero, (A), creates a villain, (B), to fight. (B) is much stronger than (A) intended, however, so (A) cheats in the battle. After all the hurrahs and pictures are over, (A) proceeds to teach (B) the ways of a criminal, forcing (B) to become the regular villain against the superhero like all the usual stories have.

The Mysteries That Must Be Told: After a series of strange deaths that seem to have no connection at all are mostly centered in a major city, hysteria begins growing as more and more bodies pile up. It is as if there are random mass murders occurring constantly, and it seems no one can stop it. Police and detectives are teaming up to try and figure out the killer, but the scene when they get to them is so neat that it seems that the victims killed themselves. Then, meet (A) and (B), two popular detectives who reluctantly agree to team up as both are the best at what they do. They could have a psychic ability, be able to pay extreme attention to detail, etc. In either case, they must figure out what is going on.

Variation- The killings are actually mass suicides caused by immortal entities who inhibit human bodies because their spirits can die out if their host does. (A) and (B) end up gaining these spirits, but the entities are not able to control them so they form powers instead.

Ignorance: Once the best childhood friends, they are now complete enemies. One, a lawyer recovering from a disastrous case(A)... The other, a criminal on the wrong side of the law(B). They used to be so close, until (B) moved and (A) never saw (B) again after he/she suddenly broke contact with (A). But now, (B)'s back in the same town the lawyer's been living in for years. When (B) gets in trouble and the lawyer is appointed to her case, things really start to take a turn for the worse. (A) ends up bailing (B) out, where (B) then proceeds to get in all sorts of trouble. (A) really doesn't understand (B) at all yet still tries to help out (B) because (A) cannot let go of the past.

Pairings(With no solid ideas) :

Scientist x Experiment

Knight x Half-Dragon/Dragon Shapeshifter

Thief x Guard

Sorcerer x Conjured Demon

Paramedic x Ghost

Private Investigator x Criminal

Arranged Marriage

Assassin x Target

Thank you very much for reading!
I actually have a female dragon shapeshifter character already, so I'm kind of interested in the Knight x Dragon shapeshifter, but I like a lot of your ideas!

(Unfortunately my account is not old enough to PM yet)

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