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Fantasy (Always Accepting!) Where Gods Live

Yuna gradually reopened her amber colored eyes and turned her gaze over to where Eru was sitting. She took a moment to look at the young snow god as seemed generally worried about the whole situation. 'White as the winter snow' she thought to herself. He almost looked younger than she last saw him many years ago. But of course, that wasn't the case. He was older now, and he seemed to be much more mature. His usual childish behavior wasn't as apparent, which only meant that he was taking it seriously. Shifting her eyes to where is was watching, she immediately noticed that a few of the islands in Sheica were either plagued with death or missing altogether. Her expression had not least changed, yet she felt slightly concerned as she knew who exactly was responsible for the carnage. "Aliel..." she whispered softly to herself. It had been a name long forgotten to the ancient gods themselves. And yet long enough to know that she would one day make her grand return to Sheica. The last time any mention of her name was made, Yuna had heard that she had gotten herself sealed off due to her extreme violent and hateful nature. As to what was involved in the event is unbeknownst. Putting aside her history, it is no surprise that she came back to Sheica to feast on the precious living. How could she? Before Yuna could think any further, she saw two other gods facing Aliel at one of the dead islands she stood so confidently up top on. May perhaps they were there to stop her before things get out of hand. But Yuna knew both Iona and Bás were perfectly capable of handling Aliel on their own. And Eru here was eagerly prepared to take her on as well if need be. She'd hope that he would not be required as it had been forever since he last fought to her memory. As for herself, she would only intervene if her allies couldn't win. She let out a small sigh before reaching her arm for one of the small biscuits in the middle of the table. "I understand where you are coming from Eru. However, a fight between us gods not only dangers the risks of ourselves but to significantly affect the mortal realm we watch ever so dearly." Bringing the biscuit up to her she carefully examined the golden crusted desert. "It's a fight not only just for yourself, but for the people who depend on us." she reminded him. Biting into the cookie she slowly munched on its grainy texture, enjoying it to the fullest extent before drowning it down with another sip of peach flavored tea.

Mentioned: Sinnamon_Pie Sinnamon_Pie
There was nothing about her to say she was lying, and Bás fought to keep his tongue in check. Harsh meaningless threats would do more harm than good. Keeping his expression fixed in a look of determination, Bás meet the insane goddess' eye evenly. "You're wrong," he stated. "It's true, the destruction of souls fills me with anger, but I am not enraged. I do not wish to kill you, and couldn't even if I did. The Fates bind Death from ever choosing a side in a fight. Me more so than most. Why do you think I carry a staff instead of a scythe?" He didn't mention the spirit blade, since in a real fight it'd be virtually useless, and let his stance fall into a more open one. Iona was at his back if all else failed, but he wanted to keep the attention on him. Away from others and maybe stall while he thought of something. "I know there are things much darker than me. Much darker than those I know. But," he paused, staring deep into her soul and trying to decipher the mass of input. So much pain. So much hate. So long wronged. "There is light as well. In you. They imprisoned you, didn't they, when they could have killed you. There must have been a reason." Again he meet his eyes with hers, determination and hope burning in his green eyes. "Let me help. Let me try to help."
There was nothing about her to say she was lying, and Bás fought to keep his tongue in check. Harsh meaningless threats would do more harm than good. Keeping his expression fixed in a look of determination, Bás meet the insane goddess' eye evenly. "You're wrong," he stated. "It's true, the destruction of souls fills me with anger, but I am not enraged. I do not wish to kill you, and couldn't even if I did. The Fates bind Death from ever choosing a side in a fight. Me more so than most. Why do you think I carry a staff instead of a scythe?" He didn't mention the spirit blade, since in a real fight it'd be virtually useless, and let his stance fall into a more open one. Iona was at his back if all else failed, but he wanted to keep the attention on him. Away from others and maybe stall while he thought of something. "I know there are things much darker than me. Much darker than those I know. But," he paused, staring deep into her soul and trying to decipher the mass of input. So much pain. So much hate. So long wronged. "There is light as well. In you. They imprisoned you, didn't they, when they could have killed you. There must have been a reason." Again he meet his eyes with hers, determination and hope burning in his green eyes. "Let me help. Let me try to help."
She could not help but smile more at his word she did have a point but still she spoke. "You do not carry a scythe because you are not that death. That death is a killer and a collecter.... I look at you and I see a Shepard and a caretaker." She said but her eye grew a look of rage and vengeance at his mention of light in her and her look grew cold and vicious. "There was no they! There was only him! He imprisoned me because you cannot kill darkness. My opposite threw me away after we created all this because I wasn't fit for this world!" She yelled in rage at the two before chuckling. "There is light in me but not by my choice. And I will not let you bring it out of me just to make me more like... like him!" She growled as the skies darkened some more. "You can not help me, you could spend the next trillion years doing absolutely nothing but helping me and it would do nothing!" She hissed at him. It was clear his words had tipped her over a line she clearly did not wish to cross and it honestly wasn't her fault. She was prisoned by the only other being she'd ever known, the only person she could say she cared for so that surely didn't help her situation. Growling more a small wave of energy burst from her the wind that came from the wave blowing her hair up and exposing her hidden left eye that was completely black
as she yelled. "So don't you ever talk of my past again!" She yelled before she closed her eyes and took in a deep low breath to calm herself down. The skies lightening as she calmed down
The outburst had Bás taking a step back, both hands gripping his staff tightly. But he didn't flinch. Didn't look away. And- There. He soul flashed hurt. Deep etched into it, covered by the anger and rage. His heart broke for her suffering. "Then I will not," he said, making sure his voice was even. "As you've said, I am young for a spirit. Younger still for a god. And I misspoke." He kept track of how the darkness drew away, paying attention for the smallest detail in her expression or change in mood. Even a blind man could have seen how much danger Bás had walked into, but self preservation was something he'd lost a long time ago. Someone would come and collect his soul when he moved on, at least that's what he hoped. "I said light, and I meant something else. Something I don't have a word for. But darkness doesn't mean bad. The void of space is dark and deadly and yet humans strive to touch it. The night is dark yet some animals live their entire lives in dark. Nightmares make children cautious. Fear keeps people safe. And from fear comes courage." He gave the goddess a smile, small and almost shy but hopefully welcoming. "Darkness isn't always bad, just like death isn't. Change minds and prove the one who locked you away wrong. You are not a monster. Or at least, you don't have to be," he added, and with a move that might cause him to meet another spirit of death, Bás sat down on the grass and looked up at the goddess, waiting patiently. "I am Bás Ghruama, Shepard of the Grim Death."
"Darkness can be a beautiful thing"

Ilian had taken some time to think to himself of the situation. Wrack his brain to see if he could have heard of this woman at some point when he was younger but for the life of him he could not remember. Then again he couldn't remember how he even came to be, he just remembers waking up in a forest and then some time later he was found by the Greeks. Ilian didn't think that Iona and that male god he had seen from time to time would be too well off with that woman but he wasn't willing to pay too much more mind to hte situation. He floated up to the lookout on his island scanning the horizon and seeing a couple interesting points. The first was that one of the local Sheican inhabitants appeared to have put some kind of strange barrier around the largest of the islands, likely to prevent that island from suffering from a similar fate. The second thing that caught his attention was a woman sitting at a table and then a kitsune nearby her. That's where he decided to go and in a puff of black smoke he disappeared before reappearing on an island a bit of a distance between them and then the next and the next before reappearing nearby to the pair. He made sure to appear well within sight and did nothing to conceal his approach so as to not startle them.

Ilian thought for a moment that they very well might not know how he was. Even though he had been in Sheica for centuries, he had not exactly made friends or made his presence known. He picked an island when he first came and then really kept to it and thus to himself. "Pardon my intrusion if it is one." Ilian said bowing slightly to the two figures before taking a seat on the ground nearby and turning his attention back to where the two gods were confronting the woman that had blown things up. "I must admit that my knowledge is somewhat limited and as such I do not know anything of this woman. Do either of you?" He asked pointing in the direction of the stand off.

The outburst had Bás taking a step back, both hands gripping his staff tightly. But he didn't flinch. Didn't look away. And- There. He soul flashed hurt. Deep etched into it, covered by the anger and rage. His heart broke for her suffering. "Then I will not," he said, making sure his voice was even. "As you've said, I am young for a spirit. Younger still for a god. And I misspoke." He kept track of how the darkness drew away, paying attention for the smallest detail in her expression or change in mood. Even a blind man could have seen how much danger Bás had walked into, but self preservation was something he'd lost a long time ago. Someone would come and collect his soul when he moved on, at least that's what he hoped. "I said light, and I meant something else. Something I don't have a word for. But darkness doesn't mean bad. The void of space is dark and deadly and yet humans strive to touch it. The night is dark yet some animals live their entire lives in dark. Nightmares make children cautious. Fear keeps people safe. And from fear comes courage." He gave the goddess a smile, small and almost shy but hopefully welcoming. "Darkness isn't always bad, just like death isn't. Change minds and prove the one who locked you away wrong. You are not a monster. Or at least, you don't have to be," he added, and with a move that might cause him to meet another spirit of death, Bás sat down on the grass and looked up at the goddess, waiting patiently. "I am Bás Ghruama, Shepard of the Grim Death."
"Damn right you misspoke." She said as she crossed her arms and looked away from him. Listening to him speak of the night, of fear, and of nightmares she growled a little again. "Those are all watered down by light. What you speak of is are just things my opposite has messed with, changed and watered down so that humans don't live there lived in fear. What I created was the fears you can never overcome, everyone's deepest darkest fears, the fears that petrify you, tear you down from the inside and leave you vulnerable, same goes for the source of nightmares, things like that are what were originally created before He messed with them." She said closing her eyes and sighing a little. As he sat down and said his name she opened her eyes and glanced over at him. Staring down the young god that had just sat down and made himself vulnerable to attack. If she wanted to she could kill him before anyone could react right now but... for some reason she didn't want to. Closing her eyes and groaning just slightly she spoke. "Y-your stupid you know that. I could separate your head from your shoulders before you even knew what was happening." She said turning away from the two gods. "Y-you two have ruined my fun. I don't feel like destroying anything anymore." She mumbled in a sorta bummed tone before sighing a little
CharlieJacz CharlieJacz
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He nodded as he glanced at Yuna in agreement. Noticing how her gaze fixed on the situation above, his gaze flashed up only to try and look around for anyone else in the sky. He has a sense something interesting was happening up there, trying to use his ears to listen. Despite being a god, the fluff in his soft ears often times made hearing from a distance an issue. The lightning in the sky for a few seconds sure wasn't helping.

He turned his head as another aura came to his presence. One of the gods he only heard of vaguely. His crimson eyes closed softly for a mere moment as he shook his head. "I don't know of anything about that lady. Something tells me, though, that the conflict may not be as bad as we first intended."

The creature huffed and puffed as he was physically drained. He knew he was filled with magic but dear lords, he thought he was too tiny to fit that all in. He struggled to stay in the air as he stared at his work before letting his strong gaze stare at the three yet again. A rather pretty lady wasn't doing anything really, but she was there as a boy was talking to the other lady that scared poor Kuku.

His eyes were watery as he looked back at any dying islands, and spots were other islands used to be. Any rubble that somehow was left behind had landed in the large body of water and the land below. Master'd probably just laugh at the damage and try to repair it in some way, even if it was the dumbest way possible...knowing them.

He began to keep watch from afar, taking a seat on the shield around the island. Others would maybe fall through, but he was still tiny enough to stay on it.
Bás felt his heart stop for a brief second, knowing that she really would kill him if she wanted to, but he held firm. Only after she turned away did he allow himself to breath again, shoulders rounding and a small, boarding hysterical smile crossing his face. He made a quiet promise to himself to avoid stupid/potentially life ending situations for at least the next decade. ... Or century, he amended and straightened his posture. Taking another calming breath Bás finally stood up, brushing the ash and diet off his pants despite the material being black. "Well this has been fun, but I promised myself a vacation," he announced, not really knowing how to continue or break away. Again he berated himself for not being more social. He dipped his head in a shallow bow to each goddess, muttering "M'ladies," before taking a few quick steps and jumping into the open air off the side of the island. His form melted smoothly into that of his raven one, and Bás glided across to a much smaller island, lower than the others. Still keeping his avian shape Bás landed quietly on a tree branch and settled in, closing his eyes and simply listening to the world. And reminding his heart to keep beating at a normal rhythm.

Politely wiping away the last of the crumbs with a patterned white napkin, Yuna briefly brought her eyes up to see that another god had come to join them. This slightly surprised Yuna as their guest was not one she knew. His style of clothing looked to be of Greek in nature, yet it didn't help to identify his origins. Uncertain of who he truly was, Yuna was becoming quite skeptical of their visitor. Although his polite manners was another thing. Yuna watched as the dark god bowed slightly to her and Eru while excusing himself for his coincidental intrusion. Yuna waved her hand. "You are not intruding at all." she answered back at him before shifting her look away from the god. Summoning a novel to read she sat there in silence as she continued to enjoy her afternoon tea. When asked about Aliel, Yuna ignored the question full heartedly but bit her lip in discomfort. It was certainly true that she had insightful information about Aliel. But granted it was not enough to become a significant asset to the bleak situation. Yet her distrustfulness of this new god, whom never mentioned his name even once, was preventing her from freely giving it to him. Instead, she would remain quietly in her seat until such a time had passed.

Mentioned: Sinnamon_Pie Sinnamon_Pie Oberons Veil Oberons Veil
"Darkness can be a beautiful thing"

He stood there and listened to the fox spirit and was a tad disappointed but then again there wasn't much to be disappointed at. Ilian didn't know anything about this woman and it made sense that others might not as well. The woman here though conjured up a book and seemed to pay little mind to him. Ilian's first instinct was to simply tear the book from her hands and yell his question at her again. That however hadn't been something he had been allowed to do to Athena when he was younger. It dawned on him that they might not know who he was, in fact he wasn't sure who the two of them were and as such he assumed an introduction of some kind was likely in order. Ilian turned his attention first to the kitsune and bowed. He then turned to the woman and bowed again. "Signomi, I am Iliian of Caunos. Essence of Darkness, Child of Olympus yadda yadda and a member of the Greek Pantheon." He said making sure to make his name and general title known.
"Through growth we live."

Iona stood there, just a little dumb founded at the discourse that developed between Bás and Aliel. The pair went back and forth a bit before she said the pair had ruined her 'fun' in regards to destroying islands and that she wouldn't be doing any more of that for the time being. Iona let out a silent sigh of relief that the situation was for the most part diffused. Bás departed and turned into a white raven before flying off into some tree on another island. Iona looked at Aliel up and then down before whispering a word to her staff, 'Rata'. With that she disappeared into a swarm of white and gold butterflies that traveled on the wind heading back towards the island she had originally come from, the one that held her siblings.

There had been no reason to stay with Aliel. There was no point, she was not someone who was good company for Iona to keep. She was like Hel or Loki, someone to give a wide birth and best not to trifle with. For now Iona decided to busy herself with the decorations and other preparations for her party tonight. The whole island destroying spree by Aliel was not going to put a kink in Iona's festive spirit, to be fair as a goddess of rejuvenating spring her festive spirit remained in tact most of the time.

~ Alke ~
Alke watched as everything unfolded around him, from the islands getting destroyed to the goddess creating a storm. He watched as the other Greek introduced himself to the kitsune and Yuna. "Sorry, but I can't watch any longer," Alke said stepping out from the shadows, "Alke, Greek god of spirit." He sat down beside the gods as he told them his name. "That's Aliel, a Greek goddess, more like a titan than a god though."
Oberons Veil Oberons Veil Jellyon Jellyon Sinnamon_Pie Sinnamon_Pie
Islands Died.
He could feel it, feel the release of energy as they were destroyed. Feel the ripples it sent throughout the realm.
Islands Died.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The smallest action can have grave consequences. This is the basis of chaos theory, of the butterfly effect.
Islands Died.
While he slept, in the cave he found, on the small island, much like them, nearly rested.
Islands Died.
And Verne Woke Up.​
Now standing there alone she sighed. "No wonder I didn't want to come here. No one knows how to show a girl a good time." She said growling a little as she looked over to were the other gods were collecting and she spoke. "Look at these puny beings." She said her godly powers allowing her to hear there words as she stood at the edge of the dead island watching them a smirk slipping onto her face as she heard one call her a titan. "Hehe oh sweetie I'm much more than a titan." She said to her self as she listened to them her eyes growing curious when he called her a Greek god. "Greek? Hmm I'll have to ambush that one later and see what he speaks of." She said quietly as the wind around her started to swirl around her as a ball started to form around her the power of the ball eradicating the island she had been on as it engulfed Aliel before disappearing
His ears twitched as he nodded, glancing back to the god who introduced himself as Ilian. His red eyes looked him over, taking a long sip of his unforgotten tea. When another god stepped up, he was surprised he didn't sense him. Gee, his senses are acting up and the temperature isn't even that bad on the island.

Eru stared at Alke for only a moment before turning his head away, noticing the strange bubble around the largest island just now. He assumed it was Kuku's doings, as he hadn't seen the silly little creature at all yet today. He wondered if he was okay...he was usually fussing around or trying to get stuff done...

He was terribly tired. He got a better view from here...w-where did the scary lady go?! D-did she back down?! He wasn't getting rid of this shield anytime soon, but he was happy if she truly did. There were only a little over 20 islands left, oh yay! He smiled like a child who got a huge cake for their birthday, so very happy! Luckily he had energy to go to the party later...since he was supposed to help with it.

Kuku cringed a little as he leaned back on his shield and seemingly passed out, hopefully if anyone noticed him they wouldn't squash him.

Her eyes flickered back to black haired god as he bowed to the two of them for a second time. However, compared to the first one it seemed to be more of a proper introduction considering neither her or Eru had the slightest idea of who he was. Yet during his introductory pleasantries, Yuna noticed that the god skipped much of his own dialog. Perhaps he wanted to spare the two of them of listening to his countless titles, or rather that he simply cared little about the titles itself. Whichever the case, she found it odd that he had the ability to display a sense of high etiquette, but manage to abandon it altogether halfway. Reguardless of the fact, it was time for her to make her own introduction. Shutting the book closed for a moment, she placed it on top of the table next to her tea and shifted her seat towards Iliian. Still sitting down, she put her right hand on her chest and courteously bowed in return. "A pleasure to meet you, Iliian. I am Yuna, goddess of prosperity. And this here is Eru, god of blizzards. Forgive me for my persistent passive nature. As you can already guess, I am not exactly the type to be fond of new visitors." she expressed. "Would it..... make it up to you if you came over and have a seat with us?" hesitating as she spoke. Before she could get his reaction, another god appeared out of the trees. Naturally, it was Alke who came late as usual. "Hello, Alke. Arriving to the scene to steal the new found glory within the last few seconds?" she asked with a slight jester.

Mentioned: Sinnamon_Pie Sinnamon_Pie Self_Plagiarism Self_Plagiarism Oberons Veil Oberons Veil
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