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Fantasy ALTER ONE (Accepting players)


Elder Member
Alter One
Alter 1
Welcome to Altair...

(If you would rather a fully written intro, look below the video)

Coding by Ambiloquous Ambiloquous

Welcome to the world of Altair, a world seemingly only limited by your imagination and littered with wonder. An endless amount of riches are available for those who wish to indulge in its secrets; however, the price of adventure and glory is steep. After all, it is said the shadow of death follows the fearless.

The world today is fragmented and filled with conflict. Nations are separated by water and sky. Cities, a testament to the rebellious nature of mankind, rise out of the ashes and expand with progress. A foreboding remnant of man’s past sins, Nether, gives birth to various monstrosities that roam the lands as bringers of ruin…Most of the technology of the past, as well as the knowledge that went with it, was lost and since then the world has made strides to recovery in what has now been deemed the Age of Romance; an age of war, tall tales, discovery, and freedom. The stories that are born from this Age of Romance will definitely change the course of history. But to what end?

So what does a world abandoned by the gods have to offer you.



Will you rule, flee to freedom, offer up your will, or bring anarchy?

Will you become One?

There is no set path, it is something to be crafted by your own hands.

So, live and alter your destiny.

These are the foundations for your legacy. With open arms, I welcome you to your world…​

About Me

Whether you sat through the video, or read the text (god for bid you did both). I am grateful for you staying! I’ve had a lot of fun and feelings of nostalgia creating this RP, so I hope that those thoughts transferred

As I said before, welcome to your world, Alter One. The structure of this RP Is based on a book I had begun to write long ago that only got to chapter 4 before I scrapped everything and built it back up. However, the inspiration for this RP was all of you. Not to be cheesy, but after leaving a previous community, I stumbled upon this site and was overcome with feelings of adventure and endless possibilities. You let me into your worlds and allowed me to be part of your stories no matter how long, or brief and I made some great friends along the way. For the first time I want to do that for you all, and create a great story that even pivots from what I have in mind. I can’t wait to write with you.

This RP is a semi-sandbox. While I do have plot points, and arcs planned out, your actions truly do matter and I want you all to take control of your stories and contribute to the world. That is not to say you will always get your way, or that things will go perfectly as planned, after all, if you wanted to write a story where that happens you would be on a google doc and not here where many people can influence the future of your characters. Nevertheless, in Alter One, no story is too small to be told. From wanting the best bakery in the town, to banding together as a traveling circus of chaotic clowns who assassinate political figures on the side, tell your story proudly. I’ll be here to watch over you…but be careful….every action has a consequence.

Welp, that’s about all I have to say. Depending on how much traction this gets I might open up the discord tomorrow around this time. Ask me any questions and I’ll do my best to answer. If you have the time, give the very rough Lore thread a glance over lol. It has races, magic system, and a brief history of the world with more to (polish) come! I’m a pretty chill and down to earth guy. I promise I won’t bite…..literally I won’t…it's the internet I can't physically do that even if I want to.

-All RPN rules apply
-No Godmodding…trust me…don’t do it
-No posting order but if it calls for it feel free, just give others a chance to respond
-One post per weekish would be nice, but we all have life. If you need a break, or want to leave let me know please. No hard feelings!
-Always @me if you really need me to do something because I am extremely bad at keeping up with one chats while i'm focused on other things LOL
-I give the final say but I’m willing to listen to other viewpoints
-”Do you want to have a bad time?”-Sans. Your actions matter. Think very carefully about what you do good or bad.
-A GM may take control over your char for the sake of progressing the RP and only for that reason.
(Ex. Moving you with the party, or shelving them during an attack to temporarily remove you from any consequences you can’t react to)
-Don’t need an essay, but please more than a sentence lol. Bring the world and your characters to life is all I ask.
-Only one char for now. May change.


Link 3 Here
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Dang it, AI beat me to first
I will simply be content with second and interested 😌
Interested! Do we know anything about what the ancient humans from the Age of Eden beyond just their swoleness akin to that of Goloths?
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I tend to be skeptical of sandboxes because they often feel aimless, but if you have a plot hook, I might be interested.

Adventurers come over the magic chef is here to make exotic dishes and this guy has repeatable quests, a beastiary to fill, and a 0/100 favorability to raise
Hello Lazy 👀
Apologies again! LOL hello mate
First and interested and you know it!
You're fast 👀
Dang it, AI beat me to first
I will simply be content with second and interested 😌
Awesome, welcome welcome. You're also fast
This is pretty ambitious. I'm definitely interested in taking part.
Glad to have you. LOL, this was originally going to be smaller and linear but I was convinced to go this route
Let's gooooo
Interested! Do we know anything about what the ancient humans from the Age of Eden beyond just their swoleness akin to that of Goloths?
Not much, in fact, even that bit is just conjecture. On average, most simply chalk up anything hard to understand, grandiose, or powerful to the Age of Eden even if it wasn't. They do this so much that it's just common dialogue to consider that age mind boggling in such a matter fact way you would think they knew this for sure. BUT, that is part of the mystery. :closedeyessmile:
I tend to be skeptical of sandboxes because they often feel aimless, but if you have a plot hook, I might be interested.
Thanks for taking a chance on this then and trust me I understand! There is an overarching plot, if by chance this lasts long enough for you to see it through. There are many mysteries to be discovered that will help uncover the purpose, or plot of this story. However, I do not want to simply tell a linear story. Some characters will be closer to the main plot than others, but even that can be altered by your decisions.
Interested. 👍
awesome, glad to have piqued your interest! If you have any questions let me know.

Adventurers come over the magic chef is here to make exotic dishes and this guy has repeatable quests, a beastiary to fill, and a 0/100 favorability to raise
I love this LOL! Welcome aboard my friend
Will there be a discord for this game?
Yes there is one, I was trying to fix the Lore and add some more things so I can answer questions properly before too many people get in and Im unable to do so xD
Interested! This looks like so much fun.
Awesome! Sup man my dude! Looking forward to having you!
Yes there is one, I was trying to fix the Lore and add some more things so I can answer questions properly before too many people get in and Im unable to do so xD
Please send me the invite once you get it! I do have a character idea already, haha
Heavily interested, I just have one question that immediately came to mind. Both the video and text mentioned that "Most of the technology of the past, as well as the knowledge that went with it, was lost and since then the world has made strides to recovery...", so I wish to know just how advanced this technology was?
Finished reading everything and let just say I'm def very interested ! Can't wait to join the discord if you make one. I do have a questions though. Will fight be decided by roll ? Just wanna know a lil more about the combat system. I already have ideas for chara. All related somewhat to magic lol
Heavily interested, I just have one question that immediately came to mind. Both the video and text mentioned that "Most of the technology of the past, as well as the knowledge that went with it, was lost and since then the world has made strides to recovery...", so I wish to know just how advanced this technology was?
Finding the specifics is part of the mystery fufufufu, but I don't think it's spoiling anything to say that the era was so advanced that the inner workings are almost magic like in nature. They are incomprehensible. It was truly a paradise back then......or so they say. Lol
Finished reading everything and let just say I'm def very interested ! Can't wait to join the discord if you make one. I do have a questions though. Will fight be decided by roll ? Just wanna know a lil more about the combat system. I already have ideas for chara. All related somewhat to magic lol
Awesome! Will link when I get the chance. I still need to rework some of the magic lore, but you get the jist, no major changes there. LOL and good question about fights. For me, I personally let the participants decide and kinda feel out how a battle would go with maybe my input and another co gm. I don't want this to become to statistical and game like. That said, fighting is part of storytelling, so there are times where I will use dice for events, battles, etc if necessary, but only as a last resort
This looks fascinating. I'll keep my eye on this one.
Thanks for commenting. Glad I was able to peak your interest. Let me know if you have any questions

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