Alley Cat {OOC/Info/SU}


Netherworld Overlord
You don't know why but every night no matter what you were doing, you black out. When you come to, you are now an animal. A cat, a dog, a bird, maybe even a ferret or a rat. Regardless of what you now are, you are no longer in your human body. Beside your human mind, you can feel the animal mind as well and feel their instincts. You are both yourself and the animal.

Each night it plays out like this no matter what you do. At one o' clock in the morning you become this animal, always somewhere in your city and each morning at five, you black out again only to awake hours (maybe minutes) later as a human once again.

This is not your choice.

You have no idea why this has been happening or how to stop it or even what could be possibly gained from this experience. All of you take it differently than others, but have all come to accept this is a reality and is happening. It has been six months since these transformations have begun to occur. Not only does this happen nightly, but you have started to take on a characteristic of your animal side, something small and barely noticeable or something that may be effecting your personality and/or life.

You may also be aware that you are not alone in this strange situation. Some of you may have come across others who have had this, somehow able to communicate with them as an animal. Yet no one is sure who is telling the truth and who anyone actually may be outside their animal form. Trust is low when you have little control over such a situation.

But answers may become solved as a shadowy force begins to watch you during the day. You may also feel it is time to meet people as humans, though not everyone would be welcome to this idea.

No matter what happens later, all you know for right now is the basics. You, against your will (or willingly now) turn into an animal each night for four hours free to do as you will. Nothing else.

What will you find out? What might happen next? The animal part is already beginning to effect your human life and this may not be the first effect from this constant transforming. No one is quite sure but they all hope for it to end. Somehow, someway.

So the summary supplies a lot of the needed information but let me said it again and add a few things:

  • Each and every night from 1 to 6 (I may change this though) you turn into an animal. There is no exception. It happens to everyone every single night during the exact same time for the exact same length. What happens is always this: At 1am you black out and come to as an animal somewhere in the city. At 6am you black out and awake later (can be any amount of time) as a human.
  • This animal can be anything that might be roaming around a city. A cat, a dog, a bird/owl, a rat, a ferret, a goddamn bunny rabbit maybe. Something. No wild animals except for wolves, coyotes and foxes. Only one person may claim one of these and they must be realistic as an animal and their explanation for people not reacting. People can react to them, but I do not want a huge issue to come from it. At least not for right now. Also the gender of the animal does not have to be the gender of your person.
  • Some of you may have run into another one of the others through any reasonable way. You can know one to how ever many you want, but the other person must be willing to let them know them. You can not be aware that it's happening to other people as well! Or you may know but do not interact with anyone, keeping to yourself.
  • As an animal you are free to do whatever, but keep it realistic and reasonable. You're an animal, not a goddamn superhero. This is not like being a werewolf or something. As an animal you are limited to what that animal can do.
  • This occurrence has been going on for sixth months at the start of the RP. Your character should be familiarized with the change and all that comes with it. All should have accepted it's not a dream or delusion, but I am open to having one or two characters stuck on this. But most have accepted it is really happening. Some may have tried to figure it out as well, but so far no one else is aware that it's happening besides them.
  • Your character is NOT ALLOWED to go near to where they passed out at. Your character will find that they are turned away from that spot if they get too close. They will not think this is weird until much later. I may change this rule.
  • Last thing (for now), each person has a characteristic from their animal part that is coming through to their human life. It can be a small thing or a big thing but it's nothing physical and nothing that will make them seem crazy. For instance my character will become more and more territorial as time goes on.

So the only rules besides following what I said above and the obvious site rules is you can have only two characters. Well I guess that is all I need to add. Onwards the the character sheets!

Name: (First and Last. Middle is not necessary)

Age: (They must be over 17)

Appearance: (Link, description, picture, it's all good to me)

Personality: (Should be obvious what to write. Give me a good amount of sentences)

History: (Tell me about them. Please mention their experience before the change and then their reactions to the change)

Animal: (What do they turn into?)

Effected Behavior: (What is the thing that is happening to them based off their animal?)

Other: (Include anything else

Name: Jin


Age: 20



Personality: Jin is not the nicest girl around. She tends to be blunt about things and can be a bit of a brat as well. Jin is outgoing as well and doesn't shy away from being herself and out there as well. She can be nice to people, she just doesn't see the point in always acting this way and refuses to let people step all over her. She can be sarcastic, but has a good sense of humor as well. She can be kind of bossy as well.

History: Jin's parents were born oversea or so they both were told. They came over to America young and eventually met up n college. Her mother went to get a degree in law and eventually her father dropped out and went to go and manage and eventually own his parents Korean restaurant. Three years into their relationship and they got pregnant with Jin. They soon married and Jin's mother took a break from college. She did not go back after Jin's birth though as she got pregnant two years later with Jin's younger brother. She is now working towards it.

Jin is trying her best to break away from her parents but works in the restaurant like her brother to help pay for her college tuition. She hopes to make it as a game designer but has told no one in her family about his choice. She knows her father plans for her to take over the business eventually and this is something Jin does not wish.

When Jin first began the transforming, she was freaked out but only thought them as vivid dreams. As they continued, she began to accept them more and more as reality but is still freaked out by it as she had no choice. Jin is also weirded out by having her gender changed as an animal. She knows some of the others, but rarely interacts.

Animal: Tom(cat)


Effected Behavior: Jin is finding herself to become more and more territorial as time progresses and is beginning to "mark" her territory with purfumes and sprays.


Name: Daniel Webbings

Age: 27



Personality: Daniel is still very much a kid at heart. He likes to have fun and mess around, but can be serious if they situation calls for it. He is always looking on the brighter side of things and can be considered naive for his viewpoint on subjects. He just likes seeing the best of everyone. Daniel is hard-working as well, but he would rather be enjoying himself. Daniels always tries to go out of his way to brighten people's day if he can.

History: Daniel had a pretty fair childhood. He was born to a middle class family and was the oldest brother of two, with a younger brother of a few years. Daniel was always an outdoors type of kid and he loved to have fun outside. He would always try and go on "adventures" and once even wander into a woods for a few others. Daniel has a hard time keeping still as a kid, always bursting with energy.

Daniel eventually used that energy in sports. Although he mellowed a bit as he aged, he never completely got rid of the child-like wonder and desire for adventure within him. Daniel went on to go to college and is now working as a 1st grade teacher and during the summer, a camp advisor. He loves working with kids and hopes to set them on the path to find their own adventure and to enjoy life as well. Daniel is also dating a banker for about two months now.

Daniel was confused by what was happening and also sought out help from a therapist, afraid he might be going mad. But he has learned to accept it and sees it as a way to be free and have an adventure. He wishes to tell his girlfriend, but has not yet done so.

Animal: Tawny Owl


Effected Behavior: Daniel finds himself more focused to small details and movements that happen around him.

Name: Taylor Rose

Age: 23



Personality: Taylor is kind and caring, and very understanding. She likes to help others, but finds that she most enjoys it when she's alone. People usually see her and write her off as some snooty rich girl, but she's neither rich or snooty. She loves kids and animals but hates being caught in crowds. She's quiet when she's around a lot of people, but is a very hard worker and is very smart and witty. She keeps her true feelings to herself and doesn't tell people when she's in pain, just keeps it to herself.

History: Taylor was raised by her dad, her mother died while giving birth. Her father was hardly ever home, leaving her to fend for herself which is why she doesn't talk about her problems to other people. Taylor was a bit confused and scared at first, but tried to embrace and accept it. She never told anyone or asked anyone about, and just kept it to herself like she usually does.

Animal: Black fox


Effected Behavior: She can be quite sneaky and nosy and is very wary of other humans around her.
Name: Shelly Dobbson

Age: 19

Appearance: Brown, unkempt, ear length hair. One side of her head is shaved but she usually wears a baseball hat (or a red toboggan in the winter and fall months) to cover it up. She has brown eyes that are slightly sunken, a thin nose, and thin lips. Her face is naturally long and she has small ears with several piercings. She is severely underweight but hides this by wearing overly large sweat shirts, but still sports skinny jeans or leggings with old, brown, leather boots.

Personality: Shelly is apathetic and morose on the outside. Typical she is very sarcastic and careless. She doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself, and has a hard time connecting with other people. However, this doesn't mean that doesn't have some emotional turmoil. She usually lets out her emotions when she is alone and hasn't been known to open up to anyone. This makes her feel extremely lonely and it has progressively gotten worse. She has decided that she needs try and reach out to other people.

History: Shelly grew up in a normal household with loving parents and a younger sister. However, when she was 15, her parents began to bicker and fight; as she got older it only grew worse. She found that their moods had become perpetually tense, and they were very hard to approach even though they truly adored their children. Finally, when Shelly was 17, her parents split and officially divorced. Her mom moved out of the area for a job opportunity and Shelly decided to stay with her dad because his job was more stable and he was more agreeable to be around. Not only that, but his job forced him to stay out late which allowed Shelly to sneak out and go to parties. She took the divorce harder than anyone could have anticipated and began to drink and abuse a variety of different drugs, even to this day. She is currently attending a college, but for what, she does not know. Shelly refuses to take her classes seriously and studies callously. Her sister is only 11 and still attending junior high school, but has not been as adversely affected by the state of her parent's divorce. Shelly cares about her sister, but her vices make her more apathetic towards her younger sibling than she intends to be.

When Shelly first woke up in the pitch black of an alleyway, she realized that something wasn't right. She was minuscule in stature, her body felt all wrong, and she wasn't in her dorm where she was supposed to be. Then again, it wasn't the first time she had woken up in an unfamiliar location, but this was drastically different. Maybe she had taken something that night that caused her to have strong hallucinations, but it was not like any other she had ever had. Over the next few months, she thought someone had been slipping something into her drinks at night, but could find no evidence. She began to except that she was doomed to become a grotesque animal every night. Either that, or the mixture of drugs she had taken permanently caused some sort of brain damage.

Animal: A black rat.

Effected Behavior: Shelly has started to subconsciously forage for food in unusual places.

Other: Despite her apathy, if Shelly were to apply herself, she would actually prove to be quite intelligent but refuses to do so.
Name: Rose Duran

Age: 16

Appearance: Rose is a tall girl with skin that tans rather easily. Her body structure is sturdy, yet slim not someone you would want to get in a fight with. She has dark brown hair that's overly thick and almost always pulled into a pony tail. Her eyes are cerulean blue and remind most people of the ocean, (if they've seen it.) She wears whatever she can get her hands on, but her favorite outfit is a plain black pullover hoodie, whatever rag tag t-shirt she has under it, a pair of jeans that are too long for her, a worn out pink baseball cap that has long lost it's symbol and a pair of tennis shoes that have seen better days.

Personality: She's rather headstrong and confident in her ability to fight. She always wants to appear strong but will secretly help someone out when nobody is looking. She doesn't like to get close to other people and prefers animals for company. When you first meet her she'll sting you with sharp retorts. Over time however, she'll end up being one of the most loyal friends you could ask for. That is, if you can put up with her for that long. When she gets her mind set on accomplishing something, she'll follow through unless death were to take her first. Which right now, that means finding Nathan.

History: She came from a family that was being raised by a single mother. Her mother loved her daughter Star, to the end of the earth and treated Rose like a piece of garbage. In fact, her name wasn't even Rose, her name was Helga at the time. The next door neighbor who worked with animals, got Helga to work for her and eventually set her on the right path. With urging from the next door neighbor she changed her name to Rose, rather fitting since she became the thorn on her mother's side. Out on her own she ended up meeting a boy who was actually the son of a high up official. He disappeared suddenly, and she woke up in a dark alley. From then on she uses most of her time searching for Nathan. In school she'll eavesdrop and as an animal she'll roam the streets in search of information. She's long since come to terms with the fact that she can transform and feels certain that Nathan's disappearance is somehow linked.

Animal: Rottweiler


Effected Behavior: She has the strong urge to prove herself when it comes to physical strength and/or fighting.

Other: n/a

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