All Out War


Ruler of friendly sharks
The IC:


In 2012, the world was thrown into chaos. Heaven and Hell closed down and all the supernatural beings were ejected from either the sky or the earth. A war broke out for a hundred or so years between just about everyone. Then the government took control. Internet was monitored at all times, people controlled by an exponential amount of rules, and some of the new species have all been arrested and never seen again. But that’s not new. Recently, the fairy tale creatures have gone missing. Babies, grade schoolers, teens, adults even, all of them vanishing. Taken secretly by the government to be changed back into “normal”, or human. Even if the peace was settled years ago, it’s still all out war.

This is going to be set in Seher, a fictional city of my own imagination that you people will help build. It’s kinda like New York, New York, but with more residential stuff mixed in. The sides can be with the government, neutral, or against the government.


1} Be nice. Some violence is expected but don’t go overboard.

2} No sex. Romance is allowed but if you try to get all smexy or whatever I will smack you through the computer.

3} Cussing is allowed, but keep it to a minimal.

4} Be nice and don’t kill/manipulate any other characters that aren’t yours.

5} Don’t use “I blahblahblah.” Please use third person.

6} Be literate. I’m not a grammar nazi but I like knowing what people write.

7} If you put “Meet blahblah” or anything like that in the personality thing you will not be accepted.

8} Any other rule I missed.

Charie Skelly:

Your Name:

Charie’s Name:



Species {choose from list or ask me}:

Looks {don’t need a picture}:



Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}:


Extra {a like and a dislike}:









-Fallen Angel

-Shape Shifters {Please tell what animal you shift into}

-Anything else that I missed just ask

My Charie:

Your Name: yistae

Charie’s Name: Azeel Jackson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species {choose from list or ask me}: Neko

Looks: Azee has short white hair that he keeps spiked and black eyes. His ears and tail both have black fur and his left ear is pierced with a silver bell. He is 5’6” He wears mostly darker t-shirts and skinny jeans with combat boots or low top converse. When he’s out in public he wears a black newsboy cap to cover his ears and wraps his tail around his torso.

Side: against the government

Weapon: a small blade he keeps with him

Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}: Stealth and can feel others feelings.

Personality: Azeel acts sarcastic almost to the point of being mean around people he doesn’t know or like but is extremely kind and caring to people he does. Is very protective of people around him and will stand up for anyone even if he doesn’t know them. Because of this he gets in a lot of fights that wouldn’t have needed to happen.

Extra: loves sweets and will instantly become extremely childish if he gets any. does not have the same feelings towards rain
Your name: Mediocritys Muse

Characters name: Altier Barineau

Age: Born in 1891, Turned 1915

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire


View attachment 12342

Side: Neutral

Weapon: He carries a DSG-1 Sniper Rifle ((When needed)) because he was fluent in long distant takedowns in the War, these days it is way easier though…him seeing talent being less and less known.

Powers: Trajectorial precision and glamouring as in the vamperic way

Personality: An old-world articulation to himself in the ways he speaks and his movements, it hinting that there is more to him than just his looks which often draws females into his antique shop. His centuries of existence have caused him to enjoy his experiences as they come, taking nothing for granted because of how many friends and family members he had seen die off.

Extra (Like/Dislike): He enjoys antique items and history, but he dislikes closed-minded individuals. After seeing multiple world wars first hand he sees war in general as a waste of time, mainly because as one ends another will inevitably begin soon after…because of that fact he has an indifferent personality to anything involving open conflict.

He owns his own antique shop called, Barineau’s Antique Conundrums or “BAC” for short.
Your Name: Nikki Rodgers

Character's Name: Adidas Danger

Age: 22

Species: Fallen Angel

Side: Against Goverment

Weapon's: Her weapon is occasionally a Black handle sword, called Blackbiter.

Power's: Flying and Telekinesis

Personality: Adidas, being a fallen Angel and all, is quite Cocky. She's arrogent, but also sweet. She cares about the people around her and would always have their back, but beyond that. Adidas is independent. She has always' liked to go off on her own and fight fr what she believe's in.

Extra(Like/Dislike): Adidas favorite thing is Flying. She loves the breeze in her hair. Adidas Dislikes Water, Swiming. It Wetten her wings. Creating a problem with Flying.

Looks:View attachment 12359
Cool. You are both awesomely accepted! I'm going to wait and see if more people sign up, then I'll make the IC and tag you guys in it. Thanks for joining!
Your Name: Splamey

Charie’s Name: Kiyoshi Grey

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species {choose from list or ask me}: Demon

Looks {don’t need a picture}: Kiyo stands to be about 6'0 tall and weighs about 180 pounds.

Kiyo has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. He is pretty well groomed for a demon.

Kiyo has two horns on opposite sides of his head that emerge when he is angry or in combat.

They are not very long about 3 inches, they are made from his skull bone.

Side: Neutral.

Weapon: He uses a two handed sword that he sheaths on his back.

Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}: Duplication, and rapid healing.

Personality: Kiyoshi is a very lonely demon. He is not the fondest of others.

Kiyo pretty much only stays out at night. According to the fact he doesn't like the sunlight.

Extra {a like and a dislike}: He likes solitude. He dislikes being held or touched.
Your Name: Aria Rising

Charie’s Name: Yumei Tanshi

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species {choose from list or ask me}: Demon

Looks {don’t need a picture}:

View attachment 13755

Side: Government

Weapon: She uses many weapons, but enjoys chained weapons the.most

Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}: She has extreme strengths in her legs, but her arms are considered normally strong for a demon. She also has the powers to change energy into any form she desires, but she has a time limit on how long the item can be used, depending on what it is.

Personality: She has a lot of different traits that make her unique. One thing that stands out is that if she looses her hat she can't keep calm and feels angry. She also is always annoyed by people who are taller than her, and whenever some one call her short she denies it and claims that she is, "longitudinally challenged." She can be smart at times, but she is usually clumsy, forgetful and childish. A lot of people underestimate her power, because she is actually really strong, but everyone expects her to be delicate cause she is thin and small.

Extra {a like and a dislike}: Likes: Sweet things, cute catchy music, bright colors, destroying things that make no sense, people shorter than her

Dislikes: People who are taller than her, hard times/work, awkward moments, loosing her hat, tall people, people against the government, and tall people
You are two are both accepted! And I really like the 'longitudinally challenged' thing. I'm not on on the weekends so I'll put the IC up on monday.
Your Name:Dooming803

Charie’s Name: Cooper Platt

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species {choose from list or ask me}: Shape Shifter (black siberian husky)

Looks {don’t need a picture}: short black spiky hair, pale appearance, black jeans, blue and white plaid shirt, workboots

Side: Against the government

Weapon: Glaive

Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}: immune to electricity, absorbs electricity, to channel into metal.

Personality: Self-maintenance, loner, usually doesn't interact well with others, he is dyslexic, so he doesn't read well.

Extra {a like and a dislike}: likes, animals: dislikes, rules

Your Name: Berace

Name: Ghanna Janua

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy

Looks:View attachment 13273

Side: Against Government

Weapon: Small Dagger occasionally dipped in a poisonous mixture.

Powers: Shrinking from a human size to fairy size. Not considered a power but she is very stealthy as a spy.

Personality: Easily irritated and does not respond well to taunts or jokes and will glare at the people who make them unless they have a slice of cake with them *She really loves sweets but holds herself back in front of others*. She tends to be very strict about things and will enforce them with small acts of violence like a book to the head or pulling of the hair. Her family owns a 2-story book-store that she loves very dearly. Doesn`t have many friends, just acuaintences.
Also accepted! Just wondering, for my own stupidity, does she have wings or anything? Anywho, jump in.

And for everyone else, I'm tiered of tagging people {my stupid brain can't remember names at all} so I'm just going to add the link.
yes she also has wings. They`re just under her shirt and all. You know i took me a while to figure out where your answer was. -_- '
Your Name: nappy224

Charie’s Name: Viene "V"

Age: Unknown (she has forgotten)

Gender: Female

Species {choose from list or ask me}: Nightmare Demon

Looks {don’t need a picture}:

Side: Neutral

Weapon: Rapier

Powers? {up to two and nothing too major}: Viene's true form is a vaporous demon that looks like a goblin, however she has the ability to turn into a human woman, which she will most likely appear as. While in this form she can be harmed, but will disappear or return to her true form if anyone recognizes her true nature, though temporarily. While vaporous, Viene can enter a room through any small opening, but can be trapped by blocking the way she came in and will be forced to do any one thing for her captor. She can also suffocate people in their sleep by giving them terrifying nightmares, which renders them paralyzed and unable to cry out.

Personality: V is a little cocky, but can be sweet. Since she has been around for so long that she doesn't remember the beginning of her existence, she craves knowledge and is drawn to those she finds interesting. Although she doesn't mind killing, Viene doesn't see the point in wars or why she should participate in them; she tends to avoid fights unless completely necessary.

Extra {a like and a dislike}: Viene likes to "eat" both food and knowledge, and will accept almost any offering of either, but hates to be contained and would rather starve.
I like it. If you post what age she looks to be around then your 100%. But accepted either way! Also, just a heads up, the picture link didn't work.
[ ( I h o p e you don't mind that i joined :3 ) ]

Your Name ;

Charie's Name ; Lyrene " Rayne " Paige

Age ; 18 ( but looks younger )

Gender ; Female

Species ; Demon

Side ; Neutral

Weapon ; She carries 2 knives at the back of her pockets just in case

Powers ; One of her ability was to control shadows at night, however she rarely uses this since sometimes shadows reminds of her past when she was younger. Another one of her abilities was to summon the dead around her, not literally summoning them with their bodies but with their skeletons. While she uses this ability a violet midst will appear around her and her eyes would glow a purple-ish color, however after she uses this ability she would be in coma for about a day or two. In her whole life she only used this ability once.

Personality ; Rayne appears to be a very simple-minded girl who loves eating to a degree that is almost obsession. Rayne also won’t stop at nothing when she sees someone or something in need of her help. She has trouble making friends [Although it doesn't bother her much] because of her simple-minded ways. Rayne also doesn't change her expression much, She always has an emotionless look on her face but that doesn't mean she herself is emotionless, she simply sees no purpose in changing her facial expression so it mostly remains the same unless she smiles, which is rare. Rayne has a quiet voice too and often doesn't talk much unless it’s about food or if her speaking is needed, like greetings and other things similar. She usually seems phased out but she’s actually very clever and well knowing about important details.

She practically hates being touch by strangers which actually flips her switch to turn into a demon. She's honest, sweet, carying, not to mention she never says no to any request people ask's her. To be honest she loves hugging the people she knows and likes being hugged back, clearly she doesn't understand what the government was doing but guessed it was the right thing, once she saw other creatures against the government she would be against it too. To stop her confusion in which sides she wants to take she decided to take both of them.

Extra ;

-Likes ; The colors black and pink, Sweets, Winter, ‘Junk’ food, Being given food, Hugs.

-Dislikes ; Not having food/sweets, Not being given things to eat, Being alone [though she won’t admit it], Being touched by strangers.

Looks ;
Rayne is a slim teenage girl with bubblegum pink hair and matching pink eyes. She puts her hair into two high side pigtails and braid it loose and her hair is also wavy. She usually wears a white shirt which had long sleeves, she had a red bow tie and a blue skirt, not even close to approaching the knee, probably too short for her own good. She wears it in an unkempt manner as well, the bow is always loose and her sleeves hang off her shoulders that reveals her shoulders bare and exposed. Her hair was laid down somehow messy, yet it made her looked cute.
Sorry about the link; i'll try and fix it as soon as possible.

Anyway, she looks like she's in her early 20's.
Your in Zhail. And of course I don't mind. Jump in and have fun! {though I do believe that the IC is on page two}

Cool Nappy. It's ok if the link doesn't work. I don't care. So just jump on in with Zhail.
Hey. Heads up to everyone, I'm not tagging anyone in the IC anymore so just jump in.

And please please please stay active people. I understand if you can't get on for a day or two, I have that problem a lot, but don't stay away so long without an explanation please.

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