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Multiple Settings All I Want For Christmas Is To Never Hear That Mariah Carey Song [Update 01/02/23]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
...and maybe another RP partner or two.

Yeah, it’s time for another ad because my interests are eclectic right now. This is mostly fandom-inspired or “original” – I say that because they are all pulling a vibe from some sort of source material, and I’ll list those vibes.

1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.

2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.

3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.

4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, I have a preference for MxF and F//, but the others aren't off the table.

5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases; you’ll have to convince me because I hate cluttering it up), so no PM, kik, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please tell me something interesting you’ve read/watched recently!

6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.

7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.


1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.

2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".

3. Do not bump our thread, or do anything OOC in the IC thread. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.

4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.

5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I do want romance in 9 out of 10 cases, though. I may make rare exceptions.


Devils May Waltz
Vibes: Devil May Cry, Supernatural, Witcher. Sibling drama, monster hunting, and too many fucking demons.

You’ve probably seen my individual ad for DMC stuff, so this is an elaboration on the idea of the original design.

Two siblings, twins, half, or full siblings, are born to a Great Hero – or a Great Villain, depending on who you are. These siblings are separated early on, but not before being given a gift by their Heroic Parent, which is truly a key, split in two. Then the Hero goes missing…and their live goes to hell not long after that, as those who saw the Hero as a Villain, try to take revenge on their family.

They survive, apart.

One of them decides “fuck Earth and humanity” after all that has happened, and tries to undo what their Heroic parent did, which was to separate Earth from other dimensions – like Hell – and goes on a quest to open up the ways to Hell, not realizing immediately they’re going to need the other half of a key to finish the job.

This will be based on an AU Earth that once knew demons, angels, fae – whatever we decide – and was suddenly separated from all of that. Creatures were displaced from their homes if they were on the “wrong side” when the portals closed to travel between, but humanity has seemed to flourish without all this influences, and memory of those times has faded.

I will be playing the sibling who goes “fuck Earth and humanity”. You will play the other sibling. Ideally, we will also play main characters on each side. I would be happy to play a partner, a rival, or even a hapless but determined scholar on the side of your own sibling – or anything else! It’s open to discussion, as is the character who ends up on the journey to undo the dimensional seals on the side of the other sibling.

Vibes: Berserk, The Dark Tower, Dark Souls, Elden Ring. Chosen ones and cycles. Tarot?

At the center of the multiverse, there is a tree. It’s known by many names, from Yggdrasil to Aśvattha, but in sum, it is the “World Tree”, and its roots, leaves, and branches, support the multiverse.

This tree is dying. More than that, it is being killed. In every universe, a part of the tree can be found. It may not look like a part of a tree, but often, it is vegetative in some way. These parts are being killed, poisoned, and destroyed.

It is natural for parts of a tree to fall off. To get old, and wither away – but this is unnatural.

In one of the universes, The One Who Follows discovered the The One Who Destroys – and they have been following the Destroyer across the multiverse ever since, occasionally dying and being reborn in a world similar to theirs, and having their memories come back, bit by bit.

Occasionally, even killing the Destroyer – but they, too, continue to come back.

Only now it is the last cycle, heralded by a gift that the Follower was given, before all memory of this revelation was erased.

Now the Follower seeks the Destroyer, but they cannot do it alone, and they must bring in others they’ve known in times before to help them on this quest to stop the Destroyer, or the tree will die.

I have no preference for roles here, and what the Follower was given is something we can decide, as well as who they must bring to their side – and perhaps some “false allies”, as well, who may do more harm than good to bring on, even if they have this connection to the Follower. I would love giving them all Tarot Motifs and play on some fortune telling and symbols in this, where possible.

There will be world-hopping…but most (not all) of these worlds should be in states of decay or destruction because of the Tree. They would not know this as the reason in most cases, but it is.

Follow Your Heart
Vibes: Kingdom Hearts, Doctor Who, Disney in general. Friendships scattered across dimensions.

A group of friends (4-6) live in a paradise where nothing ever seems to happen. Oh yes, people get old, they die of illnesses, or the rare moment of violence, but overall, it's a peaceful, simple life. One or two of these friends, however, came from somewhere else at a young age, which stirred the imaginations of the others...even if they can't remember where they came from.

In this paradise, there is a grouping of structures. Perhaps it's a stone structure, perhaps it's some weird trees -- whatever the case, it's always been a kid's "secret, not secret" place, because of course, all the adults knew of it, too. And these kids pass into adulthood - how far into it, we can decide together (or if they do), and something changes in the secret places. All at once, the world is opened up to the other dimensions out there, and cast into chaos.

The friends are split across the dimensions, and more than that: it's revealed that they're chosen ones of some entity, some power, and they have to save the many worlds and dimensions. Only, some of them have been put into conflict by what they are chosen for, some of them given conflicting ideas of how to save the worlds.

What is the truth? How do they save everyone? And can they find ways to maintain their friendship?

Based off the idea of Kingdom Hearts with chosen heroes who grew up in innocence, being cast into the world(s). This will be more like dimensional travel than space travel, with gates and portals. We won't use Disney worlds or characters -- nor Final Fantasy ones -- but we will be creating original places to venture to, and aspects that each hero could be chosen for, as well as what the dividing force is that initially started breaking the dimensions open to each other. Lots of world building here!

The Guardian:
Vibes: Vampire Princess Miyu, Petshop of Horrors, Vampire Hunter D, Blood-C, Hell Girl. A lone protector of humanity has forgotten what humanity is worth.

For a long time, a single guardian has stood in the path of monsters that would destroy humanity. It is their sole duty, their sole reason for existence – so much so, they have forgotten to actually care about those they are protecting.

It is now the modern era.

Their job persists but the methods by which they must perform it must change and adapt. Cameras can capture the image of these monsters – and of the guardian themselves. Not to mention, the Entity with which they’ve been on the lookout for, to destroy once and for all, has entered the world. They do not know how, but they can sense it, and they have to find it.

The Guardian likely has a staunch ally at their side, and in the course of the RP, they should begin to reconnect with humanity, gain “normal” friends, and relearn why humanity is worth protecting – why it is more than just a duty – before finding out what the terrible Entity is.

Ideally, that revelation will be heartbreaking for at least the Guardian’s side, if not both sides.

Vibes: Petshop of Horrors, Chobits? Chobits, “Host Club” ideas. Faustian deals, Episodic.

This could be episodic, or it could be an ongoing story. The idea is simple: there is a store that sells exactly what you desire, but at a cost that is more than monetary and varies with each thing…or person.
For a mother wanting a daughter, it could be as simple as being told not to give the daughter any highly sugary treats…but how can you deny her sweet face when she asks for a cookie? There are consequences to breaking the rules, unfortunately.

Or perhaps you’re looking for your soul mate – but we all know, there’s compromise in relationships, so what if you can never kiss them? What if they must wear a blindfold?

Maybe what you want is political prestige, so you are given a living charm of sorts, but this charm can never be photographed? Of course, you start to love this little charm, and you want people to see it….

I don’t have a great idea for an overarching story here, but I could see one on the premise of “fake relationships” which is where the idea of Host Clubs comes into play, but I know just a straight ol’ relationship story will bore me to tears, so I’d love a way to expand on that with these kind of vibes, so if you’re feeling this, feel free to hit me up with these ideas!

Follow The Yellow Brick Road
Vibes: Wizard of Oz, Dystopic Future, Cyberpunk. Just follow the Yellow Brick Road….

OZMA and DOROTHY: Twins in an experimental project to save the world, deemed failures. DOROTHY is rumored destroyed.

OZMA is missing.

OZMA is seeking answers about her creation, her destruction orders, and what happened to DOROTHY from the Four Witches of the East, West, North, and South quadrants of Oz – the last bastion of humanity, where the center of these quadrants are a living wasteland of emerald destruction.

It is there a rumored Wizard lives who has the cure to what ails humanity, but most believe this to be a lie. Still, the phrase persists: “Seek the Wizard”.

Heavily inspired by an RP I did a long time ago that never went anywhere. The characters would be based off of ones from the Wizard of Oz. I intend to play Ozma, and will definitely pick up several others. I would love for someone else to pick up Dorothy, so we can play the two sides of these twins venturing out into Oz to learn what they were created for, why they need to be destroyed, and of course – to find The Wizard.

Vibes: Pokemon, Final Fantasy. Magical Girl/Boy things. Maybe Persona - never played but it seems like it would fit. Pandora Heart. Black Butler. Bonding with things has never been more fun!

In a modern world, or a fantasy/medieval one, a great evil is fast approaching. Most people are unaware of this, and that is because they are protected by others who are capable of calling forth powerful entities to help protect them.

Not all agree with these Bonded Pairs, though. Some are claiming they are the true evil, for bringing in demonic powers to the world...and they might have a point. So hunters of the Bonded have arisen to try and put a stop to them, just as they continue to try and stop greater evil from seeping into the world with their bonded partner.

But what is the nature of the Bond? What is it they are really bonding with? And why do they agree to be bonded? There are many mysteries relating to the bond, that not even the bonded fully understand, and with people hunting them down, it's time to start asking those tough questions. The fate of the world may depend on it.

Another World
Vibes: Silent Hill, Night Vale, Stephen King, Lovecraft/Cosmic Horror stuff, Midnight Mass.

There's an unassuming town in Maine, because where else would it be? For most people who visit, nothing happens. Sure, it's a little strange, but that's just the quaint allure of the town of Bright Pharos, named because the Lighthouse had been there even before the town itself, due to the rocky waters, common fog, and unpredictable currents around its port. Not that the port gets much use, except for local fishers; there are other towns that are better to dock in and have docks built for large import and export business.

Bright Pharos is an island just off the coast of Maine. The mainland is just barely out of sight, but the lights will travel to the island sometimes.

Bright Pharos has a long history, most of which the residents of the town don't know. There is a church there, and worshippers who call themselves a part of the Beacon of Truth. Good Christians, although their Christianity might seem a bit skewed to any other practitioner, few visitors ever stay long enough, or worship with them long enough to truly notice the differences.

But once every four years, on February 29th, the "Day That Isn't True", four people end up drawn to the island to be part of the ritual that appeases God and keeps God from beginning the End Times, granting sinners more time to repent. These four always fit into loose categories: The Virgin, The Nonbeliever, The Sinner, and The Twin. There is then a 5th that comes from within: the Martyr -- but this person is never made aware until the end.

It's almost February 29th again, and the four are arriving, drawn to the island for reasons they can't quite explain. Will they survive, or will they be sacrificed?

Fandom Worlds

Noblesse Oblige
Vibes: This is straight up Vampire Hunter D.

A Noble lives on the Frontier in a city known as Elysium. A paradise. A utopia. A heaven no one ever leaves. Amaranth, a Noble once Human long before the events of 1999 that all but destroyed the world, rules Elysium with a silken touch. She has mutants that protect it in the daylight, and at night, she is among the people, hearing their needs, and helping.

Those who enter the city drink of Lethe waters – not that they know this, for all the water is Lethe in Elysium, a creation of Amaranth to make them forget why they came. Troubles fade as if they were only dreams, identities staying, but motivations fading.

Marshall, the werewolf and oldest living mutant, acts as sheriff for the town and he knows Amaranth’s secret: she is hiding from her Sire who went to sleep. She does not know if he lives, she does not know if he is dead, but she knows if he were to step into Elysium, she would be under his thrall again, and she does not wish to relinquish herself to him once again.

Of course, her Sire lives.

And he has heard of Elysium and is seeking it out, to take it as his own. All that is Amaranth’s, is his, after all.

But others seek Elysium, as well – hunters hired by families of loved ones who went to Elysium and never came back.

The story would begin at Elysium with these various parties converging, dealing with Lethe water, their mission, the truths of the city and how it obtains mutants, the truth of Amaranth, and much else. Ideally, this story would continue beyond Elysium – but that is open to consideration.

Adding D is also an option, but he is not necessary to this story.


Not feeling any of these? Here are the fandoms I RP in more directly if you want to do fandom RPs:
  • Star Wars (Imperial Era or First Order Era)
  • The Dragon Prince
  • FFX
  • Devil May Cry
  • Doctor Who

As for Fandoms I don’t RP with, but Vibe With:
  • The Witcher (Netflix)
  • Junji Ito Horrors
  • Hellbound
  • Wicked+Divine
  • Evangelion
  • Pokemon
  • Madoka Magica
  • Sailor Moon

And a word list of things I like:
  • Vampires
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Lovers to Enemies
  • Bittersweet Things
  • Rivalries
  • Theocracies and Empires
  • Evil and/or Eldritch Gods/Horrors
  • Villains that are in the Right (but doing it all wrong)
  • Fantasy settings
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