All Around the World


underwater gem
You lived in an old, worn, dunky apartment. Not the worst, you thought. Not the best, either. You could afford what you needed, also some other small items. It was just a knock at your door that changed your life.

It's the year 2032. Government created a new, top-secret form of transportation known as "AATE (as some pronounce ATE, All Around The Earth). They fake your death, making it seemingly impossible for any investigation on it whatsoever, and take you, yes you, as their new experiment. After capturing you and many others, you were put aboard the AATE. The only reason is because no matter the pay, no one would be willing to step aboard something as dangerous as the AATE. Not only is there a slim chance it will stop, it moves at 200 MPH, making any kind of escape impossible and or very risky. There's several year supplies of food, much entertainment, a bed for each and every inhabitant, and you and the others have accepted your fate. No one knows why they are there, nor what they are on, yet most take it coolly. Most.


  1. No godmodding, being perfect, etc.
  2. If you read the rules, put in your personality whether or not your character likes pickles. I didn't put it in mine so that I revealed no hints.
  3. I like speedy posts. If you don't think you can reply to a post within 3 days, I don't recommend signing up.
  4. Like rule 3, if you don't post within 3 days, or give a reason why you can't post within the given time limit, your character will have been said by the conductor that you jumped out the window and committed suicide.
  5. PG 13, you may swear but nothing to intense. If it's starred out, too intense.
  6. Relationships allowed, just be sure to keep you know what as fades to black, please.
  7. Those who don't follow the rules and requirements in the skeleton will face the same fate as stated in rule number 4, unless given special permission by moi.
  8. Have fun!


Erase the things in the parentheses.

Name: (first, middle, last)

Nickname: (if your charrie has one)

Age: (13-30)


Appearance: (anime please)

History: (optional)

Relationship/Crush: (optional)



Name: Conductor (does not reveal real name)

Nickname: n/a

Age: (does not reveal)

Personality: Cocky, happy, flirtatious, yet deep down he's actually nice, loving, and very protective for those he comes to care for.

Appearance: View attachment 10921

History: n/a

Relationship/Crush: n/a

Other: Though the train is on an auto pilot, he considers himself like the tour guide and supervisor. He does not actually work for the government, he was actually the first person they kidnapped who caught on to what was happening secretly.

Name: Isabella Rose Carmella

Nickname: Bella

Age: 6

Personality: Shy, quiet, caring, emotional

Appearance: View attachment 10922

History: n/a

Relationship/Crush: not happening.

Other: She's the youngest girl on the train, who was taken by accident, yet it was far too risky to send her back, therefore they kept her.

Name: Amelia May Rose

Nickname: n/a

Age: 16

Personality: naive, shy, giddy, quiet, caring

Appearance: View attachment 11001

History: n/a

Relationship/Crush: None.

Other: n/a

Name: Aaron Robert Johnston

Nickname: n/a

Age: 17

Personality: quiet, friendly, kind, protective, funny

Appearance: View attachment 10923

History: n/a


Other: Wound up on the train with a good friend back in his hometown, Ash @CharChar45

Have questions? Well please ask me them! I made a mistake somewhere, or wasn't clear enough? Let me know! Anything I can do to make this role play more fun for us all!
Name: Jenna Rose Mason

Nickname: Jenn

Age: 16

Personality: Shy, polite, likes to keep to herself, does indeed enjoy pickles, kind

Appearance: View attachment 11002

History: Jenna had her heart broken more than once, so she is very hesitant to start any new relationships. She's always kind to everyone she meets, but cannot stand showoffs or anyone that everyone is typically attracted to. At a young age, Jenna's parents died of cancer, so she likes to keep to herself, and not talk to people. This has caused her to be relentlessly bullied at school and only be able to have a small amount of friends. Going through foster family after foster family has also scarred Jenna. Most of the families have been abusive to her, and some just couldn't handle taking care of her. This led to her running away, and finding a safe haven with her closest friend, Blair. The day Jenna was taken was possibly the worst, yet the best day for her. She now has a chance to make a new life for herself, new friends, then again, she was taken from the life she had established for herself. With Blair, her only real family. Filled with anxiety and angst from these horrific events that have taken place through her life, will she overcome this prison she must stay in until, feasibly, the end of her life?

Relationship/crush: None, too afraid to start one

Name: James Noah Miller

Nicname: N/A

Age: 17

Personality: Brave, strong, sarcastic, mischievous, fun to be around, slightly manipulative


History: N/A

Relationship/crush: N/A

Other: Had a girlfriend named Marie before being taken onto AATE, and isn't willing to have another one...yet

( @NebulaSkies Love you, girl. :laugh: )
Name: Ashley Louisa Rein

Nickname: Ash or Lou

Age: 16

Personality: not fond of pickles, shy, quiet, reserved, although quick to lose her temper

Appearance: (may I post a picture later? My computer is being stupid so I'm doing everything on my phone)

History: When she was only seven years old, her parents died in a car accident, leaving her an orphan with no other family to go to. So she ended up in an orphanage, and was never adopted, never taken to a foster home. She wasn't wanted, and was fine with that. At 15, she left the orphanage and got a job and an apartment. Ashley still went to school, got good grades. And just as she was getting her life together, it was taken away from her. When she turned sixteen, she was taken away and sent to the AATE.

Relationship/Crush: n/a

Other: Wound up with her close friend Aaron on the train.
Name: Nikkolorean(Nee-koh-loh-ree-in) Fari

Nickname: Nikko or Lori

Age: 16

Personality: bubbly, playful, a bit of a tomboy, she loves joking around and messing with people. She uses sarcasm a lot, but only in light-hearted playful ways. It takes a lot to bring down her mood.


View attachment 10968

History: I don't have much time at the moment, I'll fill this in later.

Relationship/Crush: no one at the moment, this may change once she get's to know everyone.

Other: like I said, I don't have much time now, I'll think of something later when i have more time.
Name: Sanz Vurrein

Nickname: none

Age: 17

Personality:Sanz generally avoids interaction based on principle, but still enjoys others company. He is often protective of those who cannot protect themselves, especially younger children, because they remind him of himself. He also likes animals, to the point where if he would rather fight another human being to the death than hurt something that walks on four legs. He also HATES pickles

Appearance: View attachment 10974

History: Sanz . . . did not have the most fortunate of upbringings. His sister, who is five years his senior, was the most well-known delinquent of the town. She would constantly get into fights and party until the wee hours of the morning. As he grew up and started to attend school, Sanz attempted to make friends and have a normal life. He rapidly found this simply could not occur, as members of gangs would constantly try to take out their revenge on him. All the people who could become his friends left out of fear that they would get involved. He didn't actually blame them for that, who he blamed was himself, for being unable to keep them out of the inevitable scuffles. So he put a stop to it. He asked his sister to put him through training from hell, and learned from every fight, quickly gaining a small name for himself as the "Devil's brother". He stopped trying to associate with others, because they would either be afraid of him, or they would get involved in his "darker" life as he took to calling it. Now partway through high school, he was living by himself, off of a monthly allowance from his parents, and all the teachers who could guide him having given up on him.

Relationship/Crush: He has purposely avoided these thus far

Other: Really likes spicy food, as well as video games, when he isn't fighting. He actually doesn't enjoy fighting others, it has simply become a natural thing for him.
Are you still accepting? I would like to throw my own Characters in here. :) Romance wise... are are accepting anything? If not for both, disregard this post haha.

Name: Rhea Addora

Nickname: None

Age: 17

Personality: Rhea is very shy and can’t bring herself to talk to people. Rhea is scared of people in general and has a hard time standing up for herself. She is very kind but looks down on herself and looks up to others people. Rhea is very smart and dis well in her classes, she always has a book with her. Outside her shyness Rhea is very kind and willing to help others, she has a large affirmity for her brother, Roen, to the point it seems a bit unnatural. But ever since she got kidnapped and her brother left behind, Rhea has shut down and not spoken to anyone.

History: Rhea graduated High school early and started working a part time job at a public library while going through college. Her family life was a bit stressful but she considered herself lucky. Willl be willing to tell others more.

Relationship/Crush: None

Other: After Rhea lost her brother; she lost all will to speak or take care of herself.


View attachment 10997

Name: Matthew Rogers

Nickname: Matt

Age: 18

Personality: Matt always feels like he has to compete with others, though he likes to do it because it is fun too. He loves making friends and is easy to get along with. He is chipper and happy, always trying to keep tension low and people happy. Matt will put himself out to protect others and make the hurt smile. He thinks cucumbers should never turn into pickles.

History: He will tell later.

Relationship/Crush: Had a girlfriend, but its been so long he does not think it matters.

Other: Nothing extra….


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: Sage Thime Ruusu

Nickname: None

Age: 21

Personality: Sage loves to cook, she actually sometimes only cooks with pickles. Not really, but she could make the best pickle dish you ever tasted. Sage is a complicated person, she loves to see people writhe from being uncomfortable or embarrassed. Sage also like to tell lies or jokes around, never taking a thing seriously. Or at least pretends not to. Sage is always smiling and seems to always be in a good mood, always saying things in backwards ways or sadistic and sarcastic tones. Sage presents herself as a Mystery man, always having a boyfriend or girlfriend to break the heart of for fun. When she is not having her sadistic way with someone, she can be rather kind and giving, sometimes looking out for the better good of the team. Never does she tell people about her good deeds and keeps many things to herself.

History: Will revile her history to someone close to her.

Relationship/Crush: Sage is afraid to love and regularly does mean things to people she loves.

Other: Sage looks like a boy and tells people that she is. Sage is a liar, Sage is a Jerk, and Sage is a sadist. Don’t take her personally when she picks on your character. She is not easy to romance. She is Bisexual, She will most likely flirt with your character to see them cry… Shes not that bad, but just a warning.


View attachment 10996
So Question, how long has everyone been on the train and does this mean we have all known each other for 'insert other answer' long?
@Ixidor92 We probably won't wait much longer. I'll let her know that we're probably going to start the thread soon, but that even if we start without her she can still join and hop in.

[MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] They've been on the train for a week now, it'll all be explained and laid out on the thread.
View attachment 11007

Name: Dadrian James Decale

Age: 26

Dadrian is a phenomenal leader, always calm, cool, and collected. He has a loud sarcastic side, always willing to bump up the humor whenever he can. Dadrian is a sweet, carefree man. He doesn't hold grudges, but remembers character for the future. Yet, in the flip of a switch, he can grow a thick skin in seconds. As a man of history, he's learned to do so in times of emotional stress and failure. He's too well-rounded to outsiders, but to the ones who know him, know of his stresses and faults, his interests and outlooks. He's "... open, but not as open as a book." as he says. He also has a temper not many have gotten to see, but those who have said it's not pretty.

Appearance: Dadrian has dark, shaggy hair he never gives any upkeep, has a six feet stance, stubble on his chin he never seems to shave, a well built body and what looks like brownish, yellowish, hazelish eyes.

History: Before being thrown in here, Dadrian lived a normal life with his wife of two years. And even before that, he was a high ranking soldier in the Navy, in the front lines. It was only the third year of their marriage that he was called back, because of a rebellion of a country across seas were in need of experienced soldiers. Dadrian, being extensively trained as a boxer as a child, Taekwondo as a teenager, and was soon trained under Navy seals in the shooting range. Though, he was never very good at Taekwondo, because he felt it was a bit too fancy for him. He understood the basics, but he liked the more to the point, blunt fighting styles. And with his archery, well, he only picked that up recently as a hobby.During the second time working with the navy his fleet was almost whipped out by a gorilla ambush. Surrounded by thick tropical brush, it left his troops with little to work with. He grabbed the men closest to him, hiding in the midst of the brush while waiting for the commotion to die down. It was the best these men could do, since at the time there was little ammo left over. Dadrian had to watch his brothers in combat die.

Though, to escape to the fort not far off, he and the last remaining men gathered once the ambush calmed and also grouped. Dadrian, along with surviors also getting their own numbers, took a dagger to ten throats that day.

But before he could regroup with the troops at the fort, he was taken away and put into the AATE.

As every man and woman who leave, a physical and emotional toll was taken on him. He and seven others survived, escaping and killing quite a few of the ambush. But kidnapped, he was declared MIA.

Relationship/Crush: Open, after he finds a way to cope with his lose.

(( I'll make another later, for now I'm visiting a friend ))

LOL. I will be getting my first post up in a moment haha.


So... Tell me about the train.. by the sounds of one of your posts they all share carts... i was thinking it was like a sleepers train where there is a small hall way with individual rooms. But I am not sure now... Thats how I wrote is in my post... so if you tell me different I can change it.
[MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] Its more like one huge room with small individual beds in each one :) You're post is fine though, it still makes sense.
Awesome. One more question, who is sleeping with who? Or do you want us to just pick for ourselves? I kind of assume that girls would sleep with girls and guys with guys instead of co-ed. But hey, if it is, it makes Sage staying hidden as a boy easier haha.

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