All about me!


Wandering Adventurer...
Hello RPNation community members! The names Netty and this is a bit about me !

I've done a small amount of role playing before and had just had the curious itch about trying to start it up again, before this i had dabbled role playing in certain online mmorpg's such as final fantasy xi which is were most of my rp experience had been before so im quite inexperienced in general rp and tried this before but never ran into the right partner to help me into the game so to speak.

Hoping to find a partner to ease me into and help me open up my mind and let it roam free!!I enjoy one on one role plays in many different genres so i am game for most things, I also do a little bit of drawing on a tablet so quite enjoy making characters visually after making them in my mind (although im learning this too and not the best! :P )

I hope to meet lots of you and have fun!
Welcome to RPN!

If you're looking for one-on-one RPs I recommend taking a look in the 'Looking for Partners' area in Recruitment. You'll be sure to find a partner.

Happy RPing :)

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