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Realistic or Modern All about Life


The Cat Snuggler
Both males and females accepted!

Character Sheet:

Name -

Age -

Gender -

Appearance (Only anime pictures) -

Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -

Sexual orientation -




Background optional -
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Name - Taro Matsuda

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Occupation - High-School Student. Also makes a living as a Waiter in the Sugar & Spice Cafe.

Sexual orientation - Heterosexual


  • Sweet Food
  • Being surprising\innovative
  • People with good ideas
  • Sweets
    Likes Chocolate the most


[*]"Bang" the Cat

[*]Playing the Piano

[*]Listening to Music

[*]Stalking people on Social Media (Will never admit to it, though)


  • People that can't take a joke, once in a while
  • Bullies
  • Spiders (Will never admit to it, though)

Personality- Taro is your average, high-school student. He is very determined, and devoted to getting good grades. He studies often and thus seems like a rather boring type to most people. He is cowardious, and hates getting in trouble. A good boy, but often gets bullied for it. Always sticks to the rules and behaves properly. Gets annoyed easily, but doesn't show it. He absolutely adores Bang, whom is his best friend and companion for all life. Bang is love, Bang is life.


Name - Bang

Age - 5

Gender - Male

Occupation - Taro's cat

Sexual orientation - Probably Heterosexual


  • Cat Food
  • Being Scratched
  • Sleeping
  • Anything that a cat would like


  • Toilets
  • Water
  • Anything that a cat would dislike

Personality- Bang is a lazy, black cat. Said to bring bad luck, but Taro does not believe in luck. Despite that, Taro and Bang share some sort of connection. They can perfectly understand each other, and what each other wants. Friends since Bang was born. Despite his lazy behaviour, Bang is a very friendly, care-free individual amongst his species. He loves to traverse the city, as well as accompany Taro on his adventures.

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Name - Hakase Hishimoru

Age - 17

Gender - Female

Appearance (Only anime pictures) -


Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -

Sexual orientation - Bisexual


  • Fries
  • Pizza
  • A certain guy


  • Bullies
  • People who bully that certain guy
  • School

Personality- She is a cocky but nice girl, who certainly doesn't love to study.

Background optional - TBR
Name -Mariah Chanell

Age - 24

Gender - female

Appearance (Only anime pictures) -

Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -

Owner of the sugar and spice cafe

Sexual orientation -













Black coffee


Sweet, kind loving and out going yet she is very fierce and firm. But she loves people and is very fair. She's also a hopeless romantic
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Name - Yui Sumiko

Age - 15

Gender - Female

Appearance (Only anime pictures) -


Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -
Student but helps out with a nursery.

Sexual orientation - heterosexual

Likes- W
riting, animals, gaming, horror movies, fights.

Dislikes- Being called short

Personality- Yui looks cute on the outside but is very quite straight forward and blunt. She can be nice but tends not to. She's never had that many friends but doesn't mind being alone. She's much easier to talk to over the internet. She gets along well with little kids even though she doesn't like them that much.

Background optional -
Yui was abandoned at a nursery when she was 1 year old. She was adopted by one of the workers there and she helps out with the nursery when she can. She can only remember a little about her real mother. Her adoptive mother was a retired wrestler but always wanted to be a girly girl, henceforth, that's the reason why Yui is quite a tomboy but always dressed like a kawaii doll. At the age of 5, Yui discovered the joy of books and when she was 13 she started her own writing blog which a lot of people read but no one knows because of her fake age and name.
Name - Hayashida Tomoaki

Age - 24

Gender - Male


Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -
Bar man

Sexual orientation - Homosexual

Likes- Alcohol, Romantic Comedies, Smoking, Talking to random people, being social, a good fight.

Dislikes- Dramatic people, Weaklings, Being alone, cooking

Personality- Hayashida is a sweet guy but has a big delinquent side which often gets him in trouble. The guy has a big heart and likes talking to people as much as he likes to fight them.

Background optional - To be seen
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb4180239_XSqaiOr4QNj41ev-VfaSaTVlfuPJJBrogUVRh460rTWfxDv3q9iYAcWc1hs0m5uFawh500.jpg.d430950d64ecef2da40692ee248e5669.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb4180239_XSqaiOr4QNj41ev-VfaSaTVlfuPJJBrogUVRh460rTWfxDv3q9iYAcWc1hs0m5uFawh500.jpg.d430950d64ecef2da40692ee248e5669.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name - Yuri Mishimoto

Age - 17

Gender - Female

Occupation - High-School Student, part time cheerleader and Waitress at the Cafe

Sexual orientation - Heterosexual


  • The spring time
  • Flower Crowns
  • Oversized Hoodies
  • Having A best friend
  • Being a Cheerleader
  • Listening to Music
  • Adventuring


  • People that walk slowly
  • Those who don't tip waiters/Waitresses
  • Bullies
  • Science

Personality- Although Yuri is quite popular in school, she does not have any real close friends. She is quite the little adventurer, sometimes Yuri will disappear for days without a trace and come back with something cool from a far off land. Yuri is a smart girl who does well in school without having to try very hard. Her hope for the future is to become a world traveler and write books on it. At the moment, she is saving up money to take her first real solo trip right after she graduates from high school.

History- Yuri has lived quite a spectacular life so far, she has both parents and a big brother who is 22 and goes to collage for Law enforcement. When she turned the Ripe old age of 8, Yuri took her first family vacation to New Zealand and after seeing all of the beauty she decided that there would be many more adventures in her future. Around the time Yuri was 13, her parents were fighting more then ever, she took this time to pour out her feelings onto paper. She quickly realized that writing was an amazing stress reliever and something that she enjoyed almost as much as traveling. Ever since then, Yuri has been writing about everything that has interested her, or anything that stresses her. Now that she has been employed for a year, she is hoping to get a promotion to save up more money for her Trip after school.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/692354389194727edb56c744433ef94c.jpg.d460294f44868599bf9d00875ebd070b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/692354389194727edb56c744433ef94c.jpg.d460294f44868599bf9d00875ebd070b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name - Masao Mishimoto

Age - 22

Gender - Male

Occupation - Law Enforcement Student at the University, Bouncer at the Sugar and Spice Cafe

Sexual orientation - Bisexual - Preferring Men mostly


  • The Winter
  • Swimming
  • Bonfires
  • Watching the Stars
  • Sitcoms


  • Those who don't tip waiters/Waitresses
  • People who are Cocky
  • Criminals
  • People that can't take NO as an answer

Personality- Masao has a burning passion to take down those that obey the law, and although he feels that everyone should get a second change criminals are still criminals. He is a very moral person, who has not ever committed a crime. Masao works hard and expects no praise for his hardworking personality and although he is a tough guy, he loves romance. Having someone to love and care about is always something that he has yearend for.

History- Just like his sister Yuri, his home and work life have been pretty great, understanding parents, and a loving sister. Although when Masao was around the age of 7 he started noticing that the way his friends felt about girls is what he felt about boys. Because he never heard his parents talking about homosexuals, he felt as though it was normal to like both girls and boys. When he turned 12, people at school began to bully him for talking about how cute one guy was. He quickly realized that it was't normal to be a boy and like boys, therefor, he kept it a secret. He went five year keeping the secret until he got a boyfriend at the age of 17. One day, he brought the boy home.....After that his parents started fighting. A couple months later his parents sat him down and told him that it was okay that he was gay, and that they respected his lifestyle. Masao rejoiced at the news and has been openly bisexual every since.

Also I hope its fine that I stole your coding @Birdsie



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Name -Oishi Isoshi

Age -20

Gender -male

Appearance (Only anime pictures) -

Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up - student at the university,


Sexual orientation -straight

Likes- drinking, doing jack shit, looking at the sky, bad B movies

Dislikes- monday's, hangovers, crowds, impatience, activities

Personality- A very lazy guy, who doesn't put a lot of effort in his tasks. But he is a very kind hearted guy that will listen to everyone's problems (but won't solve them)

Background optional -
@MariahChanell Im fine with your char being the owner of the cafe, but could you raise your age a little then? Would make it more realistic ^.^ Or an explanation in her background what so ever.

Everyone is accepted!
Hobbesisalive said:
@MariahChanell Im fine with your char being the owner of the cafe, but could you raise your age a little then? Would make it more realistic ^.^ Or an explanation in her background what so ever.
Everyone is accepted!
Sorry didn't even realize. I changed her age

Leopold Delafosse






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/20130507063605!TBW-Prussia.png.04f7dc25c4a89a151ee0f028495af119.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/20130507063605!TBW-Prussia.png.04f7dc25c4a89a151ee0f028495af119.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


University, Law

Sexual orientation:






Organization & Cleanliness





People who use him or anyone for money



Generally quiet and reserved. Likes socializing with familiar people, neutral when it comes to making new friends and talking with people he doesn't know. Can be quite talkative, loud, and energetic at times. He's an excellent actor and can put up a very convincing facade. Willing to bend the rules to get what he wants.


Born in Germany to German-French parents, his father being a former minister-president (incumbent at the time of his birth and much of his childhood) and his mother being an heiress to a vast oil fortune. His family is very well off and so is he. He lived in Germany until his fathers minister-presidency ended, after which he moved to France, then the United Kingdom, then the United States in order to finish high school. At age 16 he moved to Nishimoto to begin college and study law, though he hasn't really explored the city much. As a child he was very talkative and energetic, always wanting to be the center of attention. Though as the years went by he matured and that faded, though it still remains in some portions. Academically, he's been given the best education money can buy and does quite well. He has always wanted to be a politician just like his father and that's why he's been studying law, he'll be receiving his degree soon. He lives alone on a large property (which consists of a large home, a garage, a large garden, and grassy area with a small pond) that his father bought for him to live in , he keeps in touch with his family and international friends and they occasionally visit.



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Hobbesisalive said:
Character Sheet:
I'm kinda new to the whole rping thing so I hope I'm doing this right.

Name -Al

Age - 33

Gender -Male

Appearance (Only anime pictures) - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-28_17-16-58.png.cfe0acc63c39b7f2c5ed1427444b57b0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-28_17-16-58.png.cfe0acc63c39b7f2c5ed1427444b57b0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation (You can check the overview tab for open jobs, or just make one up -History teacher at the local university

Sexual orientation - Heterosexual

Likes-Classic music, history, Alcohol, smoking, Teaching, books, plays, cinema, gambling, and star gazing

Dislikes-Sore losers, tea, hot sauce, trouble makers, bullies, and promises

Personality-Helpful to his students and friends, friendly to strangers, alcoholic, he's protective to his friends and students, talkative, can be forgetful at times, not afraid to fight, can be a hypocrite, since his wife died he has trouble expressing his emotions and is a insomniac

Background optional - Al grew up in Nishomoto and had a pleasant childhood living with his parents until they got a divorce when he was 11. Al lived with his father after the divorce and attended the local high school. When Al was 17 he got a job as a clerk at a convenient store. while Al worked at the
convenient store he met a girl named Yuki and started dating. When he was 19 he attended Nishomoto university and took history courses and graduated at age23. At the age of 25 they got married and bought a house together. When he was 29 his wife died in a car accident with a drunk driver and has taken a alcohol addiction to numb the pain. When he was 31 he took a job at the high school as a teacher and has been ever since.


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" My Friends Call Me: Cinnamon Stick."

Name -

"My Name Is Zane Starr Angel."

Age -

"I Am Currently 22."

Gender -

"Last Time I Checked, Male."

Occupation -

Co-owner and Heir to "The Book Nook.", A small book shop/coffee bar that mostly popular with pet owners because of their pet-friendly treats and low prices. Despite having the opportunity to inherit the family business, Zane is pursuing a career as a private chef.

"There's A Sort Of Joy That Comes From Both Eating Or Making Great Food, My Favorite Part Is Seeing People Enjoy It."

Sexual orientation -

"I'm Bisexual. Do You Have A Problem With That?"

Likes/Dislikes -

? Cinnamon.

? Animals.

? Snowy Days.

? Curling up with a nice book.

? Cooking.

? Rude customers or cocky people.

? Making mistakes.

? His father.

Personality -

On the outside, Zane is known as quiet, shy, and humble beyond belief, but inside lies an incredible and intelligent person if you manage to crack his outer-shell.

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Abe Yagyū






Novelist and Waiter at Sugar and Spice Café

Sexual Orientation

Closet Homosexual



Trying Out New Things




Teasing People



Hot Weather

Loud People

Bright Lights


Invasion of Privacy



Abe has a very laid-back and almost indifferent personality, usually speaking in a slow style as if he were whining. He is a bit cynical as he does not trust and open up immediately, preferring to keep a certain distance between himself and them. He gives off an air of an lazy and careless person, using diminutives or nicknames to refer to others merely to tease them and only making an effort to find the option that does not require him to do much effort. He also seems to manage to stay calm during any situation. That is until he is pushed to limit. Abe can be just as hot-blooded as any other person you may come across if the situation calls for it, proving himself to not be completely apathetic to his surroundings. He is also described as a "man of surprises", as people tend to have trouble what will he say next, what will he do next. Be it by being a deadpan snarker, be it by being completely random, Abe knows his tricks. Surprisingly, he is actually quite perceptive and observant. But unfortunately his devilishness and his blunt nature make it hard for him to use this fact on his favor, preferring to either tease or accuse someone of being hypocrite or among those lines. Intelligent yet too lazy, strong yet insecure, Abe is quite the difficult individual to interact with, leaving him to be avoided by most of his peers. Little do they know what lies underneath all this "cruel" and irritable front...


Albeit his roots lie here, Abe never considered this city to be a place he was particularly fond of, most likely due to his trouble growing up as a kid here... It was not long before he would leave it, discovered by a prestigious publisher at the age of 18 to become, albeit under a pseudonym, one of the most successful erotica authors out there. His career, however, hit a slump once he was stroke by writer's block years later, forcing him to seek his muse by taking a break from writing. He has now come back to where he was born and raised in, hoping that will help him find the inspiration to write again....
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Name: Musume Eiko

Age: 21

Gender: Female


Occupation: med student, assist school nurse

Sexual orientation: Straight

Likes: hanging around the park, feeding birds, swimming, listening to stories, writing, poking people (with her fingers and needles alike)

Dislikes: rude, sight of blood (despite being a med student), big waves, loud people, pizza

Personality: caring, patient, sweet and gentle to her patients, can be quite troublesome at times

Background: Eiko just moved to Nishomoto earlier this year. Having come from a provincial area where fishing is the main industry, she developed love of the ocean and of swimming. She lived a simple life back in her old town; very simple that anything compared to it would be considered an adventure. However, on one fatal day when the waves decided to crush upon her hometown, Eiko witnessed the most terrifying event - the death of her parents. She tried to help rebuild her devastated hometown after that incident but decided to leave once things get back to normal. She came to Nishimoto's University as a transfer student. Despite her fear of blood, she aimed to pursue medicine so she could help as many people as she can. Will Nishimoto be that city that will challenge her and offer her adventure?

Please let me know if this is okay. Thanks ^^

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