Story Alive 01


Axolotl be back
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(This story will be continued via further posts. If it is enjoyed, i will keep writing it here, but if not, i may turn it into a book for my own personal benifit)

In recent history, a man has figured out how to create his own custom human, something nobody has done yet before.

His intentions were clear, ‘create a new kind of human.’ A species very similar looking to the current humans, but very different in design. He wanted to improve on the way we function, completely overhaul both our minds and structure, and add further mechanisms for purposes of defense.

Following the discovery of his creation, he was jailed and spent 8 years in prison. During the meantime, the government had to figure out what they were going to do with his creation. It was clear that it was alive and fully sentient. It was not in any pain, and if anything it was more healthy than most humans.
They couldnt kill it, because word had already gotten out that it existed, and luckily for ‘her’, she went viral.

It had become known that something like her could exist and many scientists wanted to be the next to create one of their own.

It was clear that creating her was illegal; but in her presence, she looked like and felt like an ordinary human, and the mass public could not tell the difference.

After multiple court hearings and 5 years of the legal spotlight, Alice was granted full citizenship and was recognized as a human with a special kind of ‘disability’. That would require a lifetime parole and assistance from the government, though she was exempt from certain laws and others were made more lenient in order to fully protect herself without further legal issues.

It was decided that until she reached the age of 18, she would remain in observation.

Now, she is nearing her 18th birthday. Soon both she and her ‘father’ will be released to the public.

And I was the one assigned to look after her...

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