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Fantasy Alimarea Academy





Powers if any:


(Optional) bio:

(Optional) Height:



six classes you want to attend :

Appearance (anime please):

please do not make your character op and if you have powers limit them to two if more are wanted please message me.
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Name: Lin Ray

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species:dark witch

Powers if any: able to control shadows she is able to turn invisible.

Personality:she is not vary good with people but she is nice when she wants to be anyway. she would rather be alone but she will talk to people who approach her. She has sky blue eyes that she hides with her hood and rarely shows.

(Optional) bio: he father had left when she was young and her mother was a light witch. who later abandoned her when she would not fallow in her footsteps, so she was left alone for most of her life until the academy sent her a letter to join the school.

(Optional)Height: 5'7






loud places



Classes you want to attend :art, music, math, free, magic and battle/fighting.

Appearance (anime please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/blue2.jpg.05f4d2ce4847696259e28fcb45245fbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/blue2.jpg.05f4d2ce4847696259e28fcb45245fbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Meredith Tang

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: Fae

Powers if any: can pull her wings into her body so they look like a tattoo on her back; can put people to sleep with her singing if she focuses

Personality: Meredith is very shy. She is kind and smart. Her wings embarrass her due to the fact that they are black and not the colors of her sisters

(Optional) bio: Her mother was a sidhe (a more human looking fae) her father was a different type of fae (which is the reason she has the butterfly wings) Her sisters wings are more traditional and bright colored. So when looking at her family, she stands out with her pale skin, dark eyes, light hair and dark wings.

(Optional) Height: 4'8

Likes: singing, flying, animals

Dislikes: cooking, cleaning, her wings

six classes you want to attend : math, english, flight, music, magic, history
Name:Kazuichi Senji



Species:Monster Tamer

Powers if any:Teloporting Yukari to his side

Boosting the power of anyone he's formed a contract with

Personality:Kazuchi is the kind of guy who doesn't speak his mind alot but when he does he's serious about it. He has a hard time keeping Yukari in check and can get scarred by her pretty easy. When he's serious he shows no mercy and doesn't take crap from anyone even Yukari.

(Optional) bio:Kazuichi has known Yukari since they were kids it's a simple ritual that all monster tamer kids go through. Monster clans everywhere gather to have their prodigys picked by the prodigys of the monster tamers. Kazuichi picked Yukari because before the selection he got his favorite ball stuck in a tree Yukari saw and came over. He expected her to get it for him but she refused saying if he was a man and liked the ball to get it himself. Kazuichi tried and of course fell but Yukari caught him every time until he finally got it. During selection he knew he had to pick her and ever since then they've been working together.

(Optional) Height:4,8




Watching Yukari fight


Yukari's attitude

When Yukari pushes herself


six classes you want to attend:Math,Science, English, Magic, Cooking, Free

Appearance (anime please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-11-25-08-10-04-1254542493.jpeg.c6977548856f7130b089868663216013.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-11-25-08-10-04-1254542493.jpeg.c6977548856f7130b089868663216013.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Yukari Tanaka




Powers if any:

Enhanced strength/speed

Enhanced senses

Personality:Yukari is a troublemaker getting into fights for whatever reason she can find. Always wanting to test her power and get stronger the tougher the enemy the more she wants to fight them. She hates anyone that tries to order her around the only exception for this is Kazuichi. She's quick to snap and attack anyone who tries to tell her what to do causing problems. Rules to her are things meant to be broken.

(Optional) bio:Yukari was a prodigy among her werewolf clan but she wanted to simply fight and have fun. One day while she was at a selection ritual she saw a kid trying to get his ball she was gonna get it for him until he turned and asked for help. She remembered how her father always told her that when someone has someone else do everything for them they become weak so Yukari forced him to get the ball himself. But caught him any time he fell just to be nice. After the boy got the ball she left suprised to find that same boy was the tamer they were holding the selection for.

(Optional) Height:7,2


Strong people


Breaking rules




Know it alls



Getting ordered around


six classes you want to attend :Fighting, English, Math, Art, Science, Music

Appearance (anime please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-03-18-20-55-1841393963.jpeg.f5f3aaa934821d4e559d3d1fd9cd9f93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/2015-12-03-18-20-55-1841393963.jpeg.f5f3aaa934821d4e559d3d1fd9cd9f93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Morris Harper

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species: shape shifter

Powers if any: Ability shape shift into a great-tailed grackle


Personality: He can be a little flighty at times, however Morris is quiet friendly and wants to include people in activities when able.

bio: Morris has lived fairly average life all things considered. The most notable of things perhaps is just how accepting he tends to be to others as he knows well enough how it can feel to be left behind.

Height: 5' 5



Pumpkin bread




Hard work


six classes you want to attend : English, Art, Music, Free hour, History, Potions


((Sorry It took me like 2 days ^^" do everything ok?
Name: Nikko Kobayashi




Powers if any: Nature manipulation: User is connected directly and can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature. Energy Conversion: The user can absorb and convert one form of energy into another form. Example being, one absorbing sound energy and converting it into light energy, or absorbing gravitational energy and converting it into heat energy.

Personality: timid at first, but outgoing once you get to know him.

(Optional) bio:lived in a village in an enchanted forest until it was recently destroyed, killing his whole family. has frequent nightmares about this.

(Optional) Height:5'1

Likes:the outdoors, nature, animals

Dislikes:fire, the dark

six classes you want to attend :english, magic, art, history, potions, battle/fighting class

Appearance (anime please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-3_21-38-7.jpeg.2c5d181654b7d95b0f69281709cece40.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-3_21-38-7.jpeg.2c5d181654b7d95b0f69281709cece40.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Srion Receno



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I have no wish to change the world. But nor can I stand by while men
suffer and die on the whim of some select few. Do you truly believe you can

change the world? Not even I am so naive as that.
Name: Ramza Aldeatt

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Gifted human (holy knight)

Powers: Ramza is able to channel holy magic into a assortment of different spells, though he has trouble doing this without a catalyst. He has also mastered swordplay.

one of the abilities that he can use. Condenses holy energy into crystals that rain on his enemies. Can only be used with a catalyst, and it weakens him physically.
holy sword Ignis, most commonly used by Holy knights. Ramza is severely weaker without this.

Personality: Initially Ramza's motivation to fight and protect others is mainly to uphold his family name. "he turned out worst of the four siblings and is aware of it", and wishes to prove himself worthy of the house name.

Ever since Ramza was a kid he always wanted to be a hero, but he still struggles about the actions a hero takes. He usually tries to talk his way out of situations, but if provoked he will fight. He usually acts well mannered and calm, but one thing that really pisses him off is using someone else for your own personal gain. When things get dangerous he would rather talk his way out of a situation rather then actually fighting.


- dueling

- loyalty

- hunting

- a good book

- music


- killing for sport

- barbaric ways

- anything unlawful

Bio: Ramza is the youngest son in the Aldeatt family. The Aldeatt family I'd a well known noble family that have produced great military and magical leaders. Ramza's father and two older brothers have already attended this school, and they have passed with flying colors. For most of his early life Ramza spent most of it at a church learning to hone his Holy powers. During his teenage years he was promoted to a "Holy knight", he was the youngest person ever to reach that status. His parents decided that he wasn't powerful enought, so they sent him to the same school that they went to.

Classes: History, health, fighting, science, free, math.


Ramza has long blond hair tied in a low ponytail and brown eyes. He has an olive Complexion, and he stands at around 5,9.

(On a side note I was wondering if he could be a high ranking student. I won't really use him for fighting, or the school could put a handicap on him).
Hmm well he could have a class he sucks in and in fighting he has to use a fake sword and can only spar with higher Ranking students.
Name: Max Farraday

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Demigod (Son of Poseidon)

Powers if any: Can control and breathe under water. Heals in water. Can speak to animals that live in the sea and horse like animals. Strength, speed and endurance boosted whilst in water/ just got wet.

Personality: Max is like the ocean. At one moment, calm, collected and inviting. The next, angry, violent and destructive. Max can get tipped over board easily and finds it hard to control his anger once he snaps.

(Optional) bio: Being a demigod, life was pretty hard on Max. He has dyselxia and ADHD, making him loose concentration at school. He always had a group of people to fall back to, but they weren't always safe. Monsters attacked them. More often then not, they would loose someone. But due to the many, many monster fights, he gained a good ability with a sword. But his fighting style was different to any one who got trained formerly. Max relied on rolls, quick strikes and catching his opponent off guard, rather then going in head first. His fighting style is meant to whittle down his opponent and make him easier to beat in the long run. His sword was a magic pair of golden scissors that, when squeezed together so the blades overlapped, formed a golden sword, capable of sending monsters to Tartarus. He was then instructed to go to school once more. However, this time, he wouldn't get kicked out. They thought Max too dangerous, due to his abilities and anger issues. Bitter, he agreed to go to the school.

(Optional) Height: 5'10



Sword play







Sitting still

six classes you want to attend : Fighting, Gym, English, Maths, Free, Cooking.

Appearance (anime please):

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Name: Caroline Reed

Gender: female

Age: 15

Species: Dark Child

Powers if any:

short range teleport, creating clones of herself, whichare not material, so they cannot fight. They act like a own person. After disbanding them, she gets their memories and feelings. She can create up to 2.


Caroline ruthlessly uses everyone around her for her own benefits. Unlike her sidekick Lina, she does not care for the effects, her actions have towards others. She is cold and calculating, though it is very easy to get her enraged and unfocussed. She has a very good memory, being able to memorize things in seconds and not forget them.

(Optional) bio:

Caroline has often been called "Child of darkness", or "evil", due to her dark appearance. At first she did not like to get called so, but as time passed, she got used to it and believed it herself, getting more and more selfish and ruthless.

(Optional) Height:(sorry, don't know what to say here)




+getting what she wants


-being made fun of

-getting shouted at

-getting sanctioned in any form

six classes you want to attend :

Math, history, art, music, fighting, English.

Appearance (anime please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alone.jpg.3010a4e123af79857968b47a754bee6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/alone.jpg.3010a4e123af79857968b47a754bee6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She has a steady comrade, a small being called Fina, which is her conscience, always trying to convince her to do good. That is in fact all Fina is able to do.

Fina's appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/zelda_race_meme___13___fairy_by_ideya_freak-d50nhtl.jpg.97d6b303c34bff3937a5a43aa56234b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/zelda_race_meme___13___fairy_by_ideya_freak-d50nhtl.jpg.97d6b303c34bff3937a5a43aa56234b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jonas Carmand



Half reaper, half human

Can appear out of any shadow, and flight.

Shy, smart, usually cheerful, but goes berserk when angry.

Likes doing peaceful things.

Dislikes people.

Wants art, music, english, history, science and free.


Also has a voice in his head.
Name: Red

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species: Human

Powers if any: Too Lazy to have one. His offensive ability is only his heterochromia eyes, which is awesome

Personality: Laid back and lazy person who likes to sleep and eat a lot. He doesn't care about anything and he wish he had died

(Optional) bio: MISTERY

(Optional) Height: 175


Dislikes: Everything

six classes you want to attend : Sport, Music, science, literature, art, history, sleeping class (if available)

Appearance (anime please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61bc3b9e_images(6).jpg.52be4874eb65bb14eca0d743cae3c796.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c61bc3b9e_images(6).jpg.52be4874eb65bb14eca0d743cae3c796.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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